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The Analysis of Public Service Announcements Prepared Against Child Sexual Abuse Based on Communication Functions

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 187 - 208, 30.01.2025


This study analyzes the capacity of public service announcements (PSAs) to raise awareness about preventing child sexual abuse and their role in child protection efforts. Child sexual abuse is a grave human rights violation that continues globally despite severe legal penalties, leaving long-term physical and psychological impacts on victims. The often-hidden nature of abuse cases makes it challenging to understand the full extent of the problem; thus, PSAs are used as a powerful tool to increase public awareness and reinforce individual commitment to child protection.
Within the framework of Roman Jakobson's Communication Functions, this study uses semiotic analysis to evaluate the communication strategies employed in PSAs. Findings indicate that PSAs encourage greater vigilance and awareness, emphasizing the harmful effects of child sexual abuse. The study underscores the role of PSAs in promoting social awareness and recommends developing strategies with more encouraging messages that appeal to diverse demographic groups. Additionally, PSAs have the potential to foster long-term sensitization and proactive behaviors. Collaboration in disseminating PSAs—across media, educational institutions, and non-governmental organizations—could contribute significantly to structural changes that enhance child safety, moving beyond mere individual awareness.


  • Adsoftheworld. (2008). Endonezya’nın Birinci Kamu Spotu,. https://www
  • Adsoftheworld. (2011). Avusturya’nın Kamu Spotu. /campaigns/physical-abuse
  • Adsoftheworld. (2014). Fransa’nın Birinci Kamu Spotu. https://www.adsoftheworld. com/campaigns/child-not-sexual-object
  • Adsoftheworld. (2016). Nijerya’nın Kamu Spotu. /campaigns/child-not-sexual-object
  • Adsoftheworld. (2021). Guatemala’nın Kamu Spotu. /campaigns/unexpected-hands
  • Adsoftheworld. (2022). Kolombiya’nın Kamu Spotu. /campaigns/abuse-signals
  • Adsoftheworld. (2019a). Endonezya’nın İkinci Kamu Spotu. https://www.
  • Adsoftheworld. (2017a). Fransa’nın İkinci Kamu Spotu. https://www.adsoftheworld. com/campaigns/family-friend
  • Adsoftheworld. (2017b). Paraguay’ın Kamu Spotu. https://www.adsoftheworld. com/campaigns/rocket
  • Adsoftheworld. (2019b). Porto Riko’nun Kamu Spotu. https://www.adsoftheworld. com/campaigns/hard-tattoos
  • Beitchman, J. H., Zucker, K. J., Hood, J. E., DaCosta, G. A., Akman, D., & Cassavia, E. (1992). A review of the long-term effects of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 16(1), 101-118.
  • Bleakley, P., Martellozzo, E., Spence, R., & DeMarco, J. (2024). Moderating online child sexual abuse material (CSAM): Does self-regulation work, or is greater state regulation needed? European Journal of Criminology, 21(2), 231-250.
  • Chen, L. P., Murad, M. H., Paras, M. L., Colbenson, K. M., Sattler, A. L., Goranson, E. N., Elamin, M. B., Seime, R. J., Shinozaki, G., Prokop, L. J., & Zirakzadeh, A. (2010). Sexual Abuse and Lifetime Diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 85(7), 618-629.
  • Collin-Vézina, D., De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M., Palmer, A. M., & Milne, L. (2015). A preliminary mapping of individual, relational, and social factors that impede disclosure of childhood sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 43, 123-134.
  • Conte, J. R., & Schuerman, J. R. (1987). Factors associated with an increased impact of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 11(2), 201-211.
  • Cromer, L. D., & Goldsmith, R. E. (2010). Child Sexual Abuse Myths: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Individual Differences. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 19(6), 618-647.
  • Dube, S. R., Anda, R. F., Whitfield, C. L., Brown, D. W., Felitti, V. J., Dong, M., & Giles, W. H. (2005). Long-Term Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Gender of Victim. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 28(5), 430-438.
  • Fergusson, D. M., McLeod, G. F. H., & Horwood, L. J. (2013). Childhood sexual abuse and adult developmental outcomes: Findings from a 30-year longitudinal study in New Zealand. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(9), 664-674. /j.chiabu.2013.03.013
  • Finkelhor, D. (1987). The Trauma of Child Sexual Abuse: Two Models. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2(4), 348-366. 088626058700200402
  • Finkelhor, D. (1994). Current Information on the Scope and Nature of Child Sexual Abuse. The Future of Children, 4(2), 31-53.
  • Finkelhor, D. (2009). The Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse. The Future of Children, 19(2), 169-194.
  • Gazi, M. A., & Çakı, C. (2019). Şili Ulusal İnsan Hakları Örgütü’nün Göçmen Ayrımcılığına Karşı Hazırlanan Kamu Spotu Reklamları Üzerine İnceleme. Göç Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), Article 1.
  • Gustafson, T. B., & Sarwer, D. B. (2004). Childhood sexual abuse and obesity. Obesity Reviews, 5(3), 129-135.
  • Kenny, M. C., & Wurtele, S. K. (2012). Preventing Childhood Sexual Abuse: An Ecological Approach. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 21(4), 361-367. 10.1080/10538712.2012.675567
  • Kisanga, F., Mbwambo, J., Hogan, N., Nystrom, L., Emmelin, M., & Lindmark, G. (2010). Perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse—A Qualitative Interview Study with Representatives of the Socio-Legal System in Urban Tanzania. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 19(3), 290-309.
  • Lindsay, D. S., & Read, J. D. (1994). Psychotherapy and memories of childhood sexual abuse: A cognitive perspective. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 8(4), 281-338.
  • Maniglio, R. (2009). The impact of child sexual abuse on health: A systematic review of reviews. Clinical Psychology Review, 29(7), 647-657. j.cpr.2009.08.003
  • Messman-Moore, T. L., & Long, P. J. (2003). The role of childhood sexual abuse sequelae in the sexual revictimization of women: An empirical review and theoretical reformulation. Clinical Psychology Review, 23(4), 537-571.
  • Newman, E. F., Efthymiadou, E., Quayle, E., Squire, T., Denis, D., Wortley, R., Beier, K. M., & Koukopoulos, N. (2023). The Impact of a Public Health Campaign to Deter Viewing of Child Sexual Abuse Images Online: A Case Study of the UK Stop It Now! Campaign. Sexual Abuse, 36(6), 635-661.
  • Nguma, L. S., & Isango, E. S. (2022). Cultural Factors Influencing Child Sexual Abuse in the Society: A Case of Arusha City. The Accountancy and Business Review, 14(2), Article 2.
  • Papalia, N., Mann, E., & Ogloff, J. R. P. (2021). Child Sexual Abuse and Risk of Revictimization: Impact of Child Demographics, Sexual Abuse Characteristics, and Psychiatric Disorders. Child Maltreatment, 26(1), 74-86.
  • Pereda, N., Guilera, G., Forns, M., & Gómez-Benito, J. (2009). The prevalence of child sexual abuse in community and student samples: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 29(4), 328-338.
  • Rudolph, J., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2018). Reviewing the Focus: A Summary and Critique of Child-Focused Sexual Abuse Prevention. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 19(5), 543-554.
  • Sanders, M. R., Ralph, A., Sofronoff, K., Gardiner, P., Thompson, R., Dwyer, S., & Bidwell, K. (2008). Every Family: A Population Approach to Reducing Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Children Making the Transition to School. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 29(3), 197-222.
  • Spataro, J., Mullen, P. E., Burgess, P. M., Wells, D. L., & Moss, S. A. (2004). Impact of child sexual abuse on mental health: Prospective study in males and females. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 184(5), 416-421. /bjp.184.5.416
  • Vogeltanz, N. D., Wilsnack, S. C., Harris, T. R., Wilsnack, R. W., Wonderlich, S. A., & Kristjanson, A. F. (1999). Prevalence and risk factors for childhood sexual abuse in women: National survey findings. Child Abuse & Neglect, 23(6), 579-592.
  • Walsh, K., Zwi, K., Woolfenden, S., & Shlonsky, A. (2015). School-based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015(4). CD004380.pub3
  • Walsh, K., Zwi, K., Woolfenden, S., & Shlonsky, A. (2018). School-Based Education Programs for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse: A Cochrane Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Research on Social Work Practice, 28(1), 33-55.
  • Wilsnack, S. C., Vogeltanz, N. D., Klassen, A. D., & Harris, T. R. (1997). Childhood sexual abuse and women’s substance abuse: National survey findings. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 58(3), 264-271.
  • Zhang, H., Shi, R., Li, Y., & Wang, Y. (2021). Effectiveness of School-Based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs in China: A Meta-Analysis. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(7), 693-705.

Çocuk Cinsel İstismarına Karşı Hazırlanan Kamu Spotlarının İletişim İşlevleri Üzerinden Analizi

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 187 - 208, 30.01.2025


Bu çalışma, çocuk cinsel istismarını önlemeye yönelik kamu spotlarının toplumda farkındalık yaratma kapasitelerini ve çocuk koruma sürecindeki rollerini analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çocuk cinsel istismarı, dünya genelinde ağır cezai yaptırımlara rağmen devam eden ve mağdurlar üzerinde kalıcı fiziksel ve psikolojik etkiler bırakan ciddi bir insan hakları ihlalidir. İstismar vakalarının çoğunlukla gizli kalması, bu suçun gerçek boyutlarının anlaşılmasını zorlaştırmakta ve bu bağlamda, kamu spotları toplumda farkındalık yaratmak ve bireylerin çocuk koruma konusundaki tutumlarını güçlendirmek amacıyla etkili bir araç olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Roman Jakobson'un İletişim İşlevleri çerçevesinde kamu spotlarının iletişim stratejileri göstergebilimsel analiz yöntemiyle değerlendirilmiştir.
Elde edilen bulgular, kamu spotlarının çocuk cinsel istismarının olumsuz etkilerini vurgularken bireyleri daha dikkatli ve bilinçli olmaya teşvik ettiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışma, kamu spotlarının çocuk istismarına karşı toplumsal bilinç oluşturmadaki rolüne dikkat çekmekte; daha cesaret verici mesajlar içeren ve farklı demografik gruplara hitap eden stratejilerin geliştirilmesi gerektiğini önermektedir. Ayrıca, bu spotların uzun vadeli bir duyarlılık ve proaktif tutum geliştirme potansiyeli sunduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Kamu spotlarının medya, eğitim kurumları ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarıyla iş birliği içinde yaygınlaştırılması, bireysel farkındalığın ötesine geçerek çocuk güvenliğine yönelik yapısal bir dönüşüm sağlamada önemli bir katkı sunabilecektir.


  • Adsoftheworld. (2008). Endonezya’nın Birinci Kamu Spotu,. https://www
  • Adsoftheworld. (2011). Avusturya’nın Kamu Spotu. /campaigns/physical-abuse
  • Adsoftheworld. (2014). Fransa’nın Birinci Kamu Spotu. https://www.adsoftheworld. com/campaigns/child-not-sexual-object
  • Adsoftheworld. (2016). Nijerya’nın Kamu Spotu. /campaigns/child-not-sexual-object
  • Adsoftheworld. (2021). Guatemala’nın Kamu Spotu. /campaigns/unexpected-hands
  • Adsoftheworld. (2022). Kolombiya’nın Kamu Spotu. /campaigns/abuse-signals
  • Adsoftheworld. (2019a). Endonezya’nın İkinci Kamu Spotu. https://www.
  • Adsoftheworld. (2017a). Fransa’nın İkinci Kamu Spotu. https://www.adsoftheworld. com/campaigns/family-friend
  • Adsoftheworld. (2017b). Paraguay’ın Kamu Spotu. https://www.adsoftheworld. com/campaigns/rocket
  • Adsoftheworld. (2019b). Porto Riko’nun Kamu Spotu. https://www.adsoftheworld. com/campaigns/hard-tattoos
  • Beitchman, J. H., Zucker, K. J., Hood, J. E., DaCosta, G. A., Akman, D., & Cassavia, E. (1992). A review of the long-term effects of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 16(1), 101-118.
  • Bleakley, P., Martellozzo, E., Spence, R., & DeMarco, J. (2024). Moderating online child sexual abuse material (CSAM): Does self-regulation work, or is greater state regulation needed? European Journal of Criminology, 21(2), 231-250.
  • Chen, L. P., Murad, M. H., Paras, M. L., Colbenson, K. M., Sattler, A. L., Goranson, E. N., Elamin, M. B., Seime, R. J., Shinozaki, G., Prokop, L. J., & Zirakzadeh, A. (2010). Sexual Abuse and Lifetime Diagnosis of Psychiatric Disorders: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 85(7), 618-629.
  • Collin-Vézina, D., De La Sablonnière-Griffin, M., Palmer, A. M., & Milne, L. (2015). A preliminary mapping of individual, relational, and social factors that impede disclosure of childhood sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 43, 123-134.
  • Conte, J. R., & Schuerman, J. R. (1987). Factors associated with an increased impact of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 11(2), 201-211.
  • Cromer, L. D., & Goldsmith, R. E. (2010). Child Sexual Abuse Myths: Attitudes, Beliefs, and Individual Differences. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 19(6), 618-647.
  • Dube, S. R., Anda, R. F., Whitfield, C. L., Brown, D. W., Felitti, V. J., Dong, M., & Giles, W. H. (2005). Long-Term Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Gender of Victim. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 28(5), 430-438.
  • Fergusson, D. M., McLeod, G. F. H., & Horwood, L. J. (2013). Childhood sexual abuse and adult developmental outcomes: Findings from a 30-year longitudinal study in New Zealand. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(9), 664-674. /j.chiabu.2013.03.013
  • Finkelhor, D. (1987). The Trauma of Child Sexual Abuse: Two Models. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2(4), 348-366. 088626058700200402
  • Finkelhor, D. (1994). Current Information on the Scope and Nature of Child Sexual Abuse. The Future of Children, 4(2), 31-53.
  • Finkelhor, D. (2009). The Prevention of Childhood Sexual Abuse. The Future of Children, 19(2), 169-194.
  • Gazi, M. A., & Çakı, C. (2019). Şili Ulusal İnsan Hakları Örgütü’nün Göçmen Ayrımcılığına Karşı Hazırlanan Kamu Spotu Reklamları Üzerine İnceleme. Göç Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), Article 1.
  • Gustafson, T. B., & Sarwer, D. B. (2004). Childhood sexual abuse and obesity. Obesity Reviews, 5(3), 129-135.
  • Kenny, M. C., & Wurtele, S. K. (2012). Preventing Childhood Sexual Abuse: An Ecological Approach. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 21(4), 361-367. 10.1080/10538712.2012.675567
  • Kisanga, F., Mbwambo, J., Hogan, N., Nystrom, L., Emmelin, M., & Lindmark, G. (2010). Perceptions of Child Sexual Abuse—A Qualitative Interview Study with Representatives of the Socio-Legal System in Urban Tanzania. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 19(3), 290-309.
  • Lindsay, D. S., & Read, J. D. (1994). Psychotherapy and memories of childhood sexual abuse: A cognitive perspective. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 8(4), 281-338.
  • Maniglio, R. (2009). The impact of child sexual abuse on health: A systematic review of reviews. Clinical Psychology Review, 29(7), 647-657. j.cpr.2009.08.003
  • Messman-Moore, T. L., & Long, P. J. (2003). The role of childhood sexual abuse sequelae in the sexual revictimization of women: An empirical review and theoretical reformulation. Clinical Psychology Review, 23(4), 537-571.
  • Newman, E. F., Efthymiadou, E., Quayle, E., Squire, T., Denis, D., Wortley, R., Beier, K. M., & Koukopoulos, N. (2023). The Impact of a Public Health Campaign to Deter Viewing of Child Sexual Abuse Images Online: A Case Study of the UK Stop It Now! Campaign. Sexual Abuse, 36(6), 635-661.
  • Nguma, L. S., & Isango, E. S. (2022). Cultural Factors Influencing Child Sexual Abuse in the Society: A Case of Arusha City. The Accountancy and Business Review, 14(2), Article 2.
  • Papalia, N., Mann, E., & Ogloff, J. R. P. (2021). Child Sexual Abuse and Risk of Revictimization: Impact of Child Demographics, Sexual Abuse Characteristics, and Psychiatric Disorders. Child Maltreatment, 26(1), 74-86.
  • Pereda, N., Guilera, G., Forns, M., & Gómez-Benito, J. (2009). The prevalence of child sexual abuse in community and student samples: A meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 29(4), 328-338.
  • Rudolph, J., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2018). Reviewing the Focus: A Summary and Critique of Child-Focused Sexual Abuse Prevention. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 19(5), 543-554.
  • Sanders, M. R., Ralph, A., Sofronoff, K., Gardiner, P., Thompson, R., Dwyer, S., & Bidwell, K. (2008). Every Family: A Population Approach to Reducing Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Children Making the Transition to School. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 29(3), 197-222.
  • Spataro, J., Mullen, P. E., Burgess, P. M., Wells, D. L., & Moss, S. A. (2004). Impact of child sexual abuse on mental health: Prospective study in males and females. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 184(5), 416-421. /bjp.184.5.416
  • Vogeltanz, N. D., Wilsnack, S. C., Harris, T. R., Wilsnack, R. W., Wonderlich, S. A., & Kristjanson, A. F. (1999). Prevalence and risk factors for childhood sexual abuse in women: National survey findings. Child Abuse & Neglect, 23(6), 579-592.
  • Walsh, K., Zwi, K., Woolfenden, S., & Shlonsky, A. (2015). School-based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015(4). CD004380.pub3
  • Walsh, K., Zwi, K., Woolfenden, S., & Shlonsky, A. (2018). School-Based Education Programs for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse: A Cochrane Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Research on Social Work Practice, 28(1), 33-55.
  • Wilsnack, S. C., Vogeltanz, N. D., Klassen, A. D., & Harris, T. R. (1997). Childhood sexual abuse and women’s substance abuse: National survey findings. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 58(3), 264-271.
  • Zhang, H., Shi, R., Li, Y., & Wang, Y. (2021). Effectiveness of School-Based Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs in China: A Meta-Analysis. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(7), 693-705.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim Çalışmaları
Bölüm Türkçe Araştırma Makaleleri

Mehmet Ali Gazi 0000-0002-9239-4187

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Gazi, M. A. (2025). Çocuk Cinsel İstismarına Karşı Hazırlanan Kamu Spotlarının İletişim İşlevleri Üzerinden Analizi. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 12(1), 187-208.