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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 68, 1570 - 1584, 24.10.2018


Enerji dönüşümleri, insan hayatına
ve medeniyetlerin oluşumuna büyük etkiler yapagelmiştir. Bugün bu anlamda yeni
tarihi bir dönüm noktasında bulunuyoruz: İklim değişikliği kaygılarının
ışığında nasıl bir sürdürülebilir enerji politikası oluşturulacağı konusu ana
sorunsal olarak insanlığın önünde duruyor. Uzun dönemli karbonsuzlaşma hedefi
enerji sistemleri ve ekonomide yeni bir dönüşümü gerektirmektedir. Bu
çalışmada, bu bağlamda öne çıkan bir örnek olarak Almanya’nın enerji
politikalarının (yenilenebilir kapasitesinin hızlı şekilde ve tabana yayılarak
artırılması gibi) başarıları ve (karbon emisyonlarındaki artış ve artan
maliyetler gibi) sorunlu sonuçları da dikkate alınarak sürdürülebilirlik
açısından bir değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • AB Konseyi (2014), 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework, October 24 (Brüksel).
  • Agora Energiewende (2013), "12 Insights on Germany’s Energiewende : A Discussion Paper exploring Key Challenges for Power Sector",, erişim tarihi: 12.07.2016.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2007), An energy policy for Europe, communication from the commission to the European Council and the European Parliament, January 10 (Brüksel).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2011), Energy Roadmap 2050, COM (2011) 885 final.
  • BP (2017), BP Energy Outlook: 2017 Edition.
  • BSW- German Solar Industry Association (2015),, erişim tarihi:15.07.2016.
  • Chazan G. (2016), "Legal shake-up threatens germany’s energy revolution", Financial Times –Energy, 10.06.2016.
  • Chazan G., Buck Tobias. (2018), "Carbon targets on the table in german coalition talks", Financial Times –Energy, 08.01.2018.
  • Clean Energy Wire CLEW, Renewables’ share gross power consumtion in Germany (2017),, erişim tarihi:15.12.2017.
  • Çağlar, N. (2016), "Almanlar 21. Yüzyılı Değiştirebilecekler mi ? ", Enerji Günlüğü,, erişim tarihi: 30.05.2016.
  • Dewald, U., Truffer, B. (2011), "Market Formation in Technological Innovation Systems: Diffusion of Photo-voltaic applications in Germany", Industrial Innovation, 18(3): 285-300.
  • Dörnfelder A., Hussla, G., Koenen, J., Underhill, W. (2016), "Up in Smoke" Handelsblatt, Summer 2016, No: 02/16: 76- 77.
  • European Environment Agency (EEA) Eurostat (2017),, erişim tarihi: 12.12.2017.
  • European Trade Union Syndicat Confederation (2016), "ETUC Position on the Structural Reform of the EU Emissions Trading System",, erişim tarihi: February 2017.
  • Eurostat (2017), Energy statistics - supply, transformation and consumption nrg_10, erişim tarihi: February 2017.
  • Federal Ministry for the Environment, Development of Renewable Energy Sources in Germany. (2017),, erişim tarihi:15.12.2017.
  • Fischer W, Hake JF, Kuckshinrichs W, Markewitz P, Schröder T. (2016), "Reflections on the German Energiewende", Institute of Energy and Climate Research, 23. Dünya Enerji Kongresi, Istanbul.
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE (2017),, erişim tarihi:15.12.2017.
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE (2017),, erişim tarihi:13.12.2017.
  • Friedman,T.L. (2015), "Germany, the Green Superpower", op-ed column, New York Times, May 6.
  • Geels, F.W., Kern, F., Fuchs, G., Hinderer, N., Kungl, G., Mylan, J., Neukirch, M.,Wassermann, S. (2016), "The enactment of socio-technical transition pathways: A reformulated typology and a comparative multi-level analysis of the German and UK low-carbon electricity transitions (1990–2014) ", Research Policy 45: 896-913.
  • Gerbert, P., Rubner, H., Herhold, P., Steffen, B. (2014), "Germany’s Energiewende: The End ofMarketLiberalization",, erişim tarihi: 05.05.2016.
  • Hake, J.F., Fischer, W., Venghaus, S., Weckenbrock, Christoph. (2015), "The German Energiewende – History and Status quo", Energy 92, Elsevier: 532-546.
  • Handelsblatt (2016), Electricity Prices in Free Fall, erişim tarihi: Şubat 2017.
  • Handelsblatt (2015), Die grüne rechnung, erişim tarihi: 25.08.2015.
  • Heinrich Böll Stiftung (2012), "Energy Transition 7-Key Findings",, erişim tarihi: 20.08.2016.
  • Krause, F. Bossel, H., Müller-Reissmann, K-F. (1980), "Energiewende Wachstum und Wohlstand ohne Erdöl und Uran", Frankfurt am Main, Fischer Verlag, ISBN 3-10-007705-9.
  • Lehr U, Nieters A. (2015), "The German Energiewende-Additional Risk or Opportunity for Energy Security", 38th IAEE International Conference, Energy Security, Technology and Sustainability Challenges Across the Globe, Mayıs, Antalya, Türkiye; 2015.
  • Lütkenhorst W. and Pegels A. (2014), "Germany’s Green Industrial Policy Stable Policies – Turbulent Markets: The costs and benefits of promoting solar PV and Wind Energy", Research report, The International Institute for Sustainable Development: 55.
  • Maatsch, H-W. (2014), "Energiewende: Energy Transition in Germany", The Guardian,, internet, erişim tarihi 25.08.2014.
  • Michel, M. (2016), " The Energiewende is running up against its limits", Energy Post, internet, erişim tarihi 25.10.2016.
  • Morris,C. (2016), "Germany hands power sector back to energy corporations", internet, erişim tarihi 28.06.2016.
  • Nicola, S. (2015), "Four Lessons Obama Should Learn from Merkel’s Energy Revolution", Bloomberg Business,, internet, erişim tarihi 15.08.2015.
  • Pegels, A., Lüttenkorst, W. (2014), "Is Germany’s energy transition a case of successful green industrial policy ? Contrasting wind and Solar PV", Energy Policy, Kasım,2014, Vol. 74 : P 522-534.
  • REMap 2030 Analysis (2015), 47. , erişim tarihi:14.07.2016.
  • Rintamäki T, Siddiqui AS, Salo A. (2017), "Does renewable energy generation decrease the volatility of electricity prices? An Analysis of Denmark and Germany".
  • Spiegel (2016), "Deutschland investiert weniger in erneuerbare Energien", Energie Quelle, Spiegel internet, erişim tarihi: 27.03.2016.
  • Strum, C. (2016), "Germany’s Energiewende: The intermittency problem remains", remains9469, internet, erişim tarihi:21.06.2016.
  • Süddeutsche online (2016), "Energie Quelle: Strategie der Verzweiflung" internet, erişim tarihi 08.06.2016.
  • Sühlsen, K., Hisschemöller, M. (2014), "Lobbying the Energiewende. Assessing the effectivenes of strategies to promote renewable energy business in Germany", Energy Policy, 69, 316-325.
  • The Economist (2016), "It is not easy being green", August 13-20.
  • The Economist (2017), "Clean Energy-Dirty Secret", February 25-March 3.
  • The Independent (2016), "Renewable Energy just provided Germany with almost all of its power", 19 Mayıs,, erişim tarihi:30.08.2016.
  • Vasagar J. (2014), "Germany’s green energy transformation", Financial Times-Energy, 23.06.2014.


Yıl 2018, Cilt: 17 Sayı: 68, 1570 - 1584, 24.10.2018


Energy revolutions have had
enormous effects on human life and actually have shaped civilizations in the
past. Today, we are at one of the crossroads of the history again: The main
challenge is now how to achieve a sustainable energy policy in the light of the
climate concerns. Therefore, a long-term aim of decarbonization is the new
transformation in the energy systems and economies throughout the world. A
leading example in this context is Germany. The country’s zealous drive towards
renewable energy systems has been full of successes (like rapid installation of
renewable capacity with its democratizing effects in socioeconomic structure)
and the pitfalls (like paradoxical increase in emissions, possibility of
negative impact on grid stability and increased social cost). This study aims
to give a full account of German Energy policy of the last 15 years policy with
an emphasis on its sustainability.


  • AB Konseyi (2014), 2030 Climate and Energy Policy Framework, October 24 (Brüksel).
  • Agora Energiewende (2013), "12 Insights on Germany’s Energiewende : A Discussion Paper exploring Key Challenges for Power Sector",, erişim tarihi: 12.07.2016.
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2007), An energy policy for Europe, communication from the commission to the European Council and the European Parliament, January 10 (Brüksel).
  • Avrupa Komisyonu (2011), Energy Roadmap 2050, COM (2011) 885 final.
  • BP (2017), BP Energy Outlook: 2017 Edition.
  • BSW- German Solar Industry Association (2015),, erişim tarihi:15.07.2016.
  • Chazan G. (2016), "Legal shake-up threatens germany’s energy revolution", Financial Times –Energy, 10.06.2016.
  • Chazan G., Buck Tobias. (2018), "Carbon targets on the table in german coalition talks", Financial Times –Energy, 08.01.2018.
  • Clean Energy Wire CLEW, Renewables’ share gross power consumtion in Germany (2017),, erişim tarihi:15.12.2017.
  • Çağlar, N. (2016), "Almanlar 21. Yüzyılı Değiştirebilecekler mi ? ", Enerji Günlüğü,, erişim tarihi: 30.05.2016.
  • Dewald, U., Truffer, B. (2011), "Market Formation in Technological Innovation Systems: Diffusion of Photo-voltaic applications in Germany", Industrial Innovation, 18(3): 285-300.
  • Dörnfelder A., Hussla, G., Koenen, J., Underhill, W. (2016), "Up in Smoke" Handelsblatt, Summer 2016, No: 02/16: 76- 77.
  • European Environment Agency (EEA) Eurostat (2017),, erişim tarihi: 12.12.2017.
  • European Trade Union Syndicat Confederation (2016), "ETUC Position on the Structural Reform of the EU Emissions Trading System",, erişim tarihi: February 2017.
  • Eurostat (2017), Energy statistics - supply, transformation and consumption nrg_10, erişim tarihi: February 2017.
  • Federal Ministry for the Environment, Development of Renewable Energy Sources in Germany. (2017),, erişim tarihi:15.12.2017.
  • Fischer W, Hake JF, Kuckshinrichs W, Markewitz P, Schröder T. (2016), "Reflections on the German Energiewende", Institute of Energy and Climate Research, 23. Dünya Enerji Kongresi, Istanbul.
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE (2017),, erişim tarihi:15.12.2017.
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE (2017),, erişim tarihi:13.12.2017.
  • Friedman,T.L. (2015), "Germany, the Green Superpower", op-ed column, New York Times, May 6.
  • Geels, F.W., Kern, F., Fuchs, G., Hinderer, N., Kungl, G., Mylan, J., Neukirch, M.,Wassermann, S. (2016), "The enactment of socio-technical transition pathways: A reformulated typology and a comparative multi-level analysis of the German and UK low-carbon electricity transitions (1990–2014) ", Research Policy 45: 896-913.
  • Gerbert, P., Rubner, H., Herhold, P., Steffen, B. (2014), "Germany’s Energiewende: The End ofMarketLiberalization",, erişim tarihi: 05.05.2016.
  • Hake, J.F., Fischer, W., Venghaus, S., Weckenbrock, Christoph. (2015), "The German Energiewende – History and Status quo", Energy 92, Elsevier: 532-546.
  • Handelsblatt (2016), Electricity Prices in Free Fall, erişim tarihi: Şubat 2017.
  • Handelsblatt (2015), Die grüne rechnung, erişim tarihi: 25.08.2015.
  • Heinrich Böll Stiftung (2012), "Energy Transition 7-Key Findings",, erişim tarihi: 20.08.2016.
  • Krause, F. Bossel, H., Müller-Reissmann, K-F. (1980), "Energiewende Wachstum und Wohlstand ohne Erdöl und Uran", Frankfurt am Main, Fischer Verlag, ISBN 3-10-007705-9.
  • Lehr U, Nieters A. (2015), "The German Energiewende-Additional Risk or Opportunity for Energy Security", 38th IAEE International Conference, Energy Security, Technology and Sustainability Challenges Across the Globe, Mayıs, Antalya, Türkiye; 2015.
  • Lütkenhorst W. and Pegels A. (2014), "Germany’s Green Industrial Policy Stable Policies – Turbulent Markets: The costs and benefits of promoting solar PV and Wind Energy", Research report, The International Institute for Sustainable Development: 55.
  • Maatsch, H-W. (2014), "Energiewende: Energy Transition in Germany", The Guardian,, internet, erişim tarihi 25.08.2014.
  • Michel, M. (2016), " The Energiewende is running up against its limits", Energy Post, internet, erişim tarihi 25.10.2016.
  • Morris,C. (2016), "Germany hands power sector back to energy corporations", internet, erişim tarihi 28.06.2016.
  • Nicola, S. (2015), "Four Lessons Obama Should Learn from Merkel’s Energy Revolution", Bloomberg Business,, internet, erişim tarihi 15.08.2015.
  • Pegels, A., Lüttenkorst, W. (2014), "Is Germany’s energy transition a case of successful green industrial policy ? Contrasting wind and Solar PV", Energy Policy, Kasım,2014, Vol. 74 : P 522-534.
  • REMap 2030 Analysis (2015), 47. , erişim tarihi:14.07.2016.
  • Rintamäki T, Siddiqui AS, Salo A. (2017), "Does renewable energy generation decrease the volatility of electricity prices? An Analysis of Denmark and Germany".
  • Spiegel (2016), "Deutschland investiert weniger in erneuerbare Energien", Energie Quelle, Spiegel internet, erişim tarihi: 27.03.2016.
  • Strum, C. (2016), "Germany’s Energiewende: The intermittency problem remains", remains9469, internet, erişim tarihi:21.06.2016.
  • Süddeutsche online (2016), "Energie Quelle: Strategie der Verzweiflung" internet, erişim tarihi 08.06.2016.
  • Sühlsen, K., Hisschemöller, M. (2014), "Lobbying the Energiewende. Assessing the effectivenes of strategies to promote renewable energy business in Germany", Energy Policy, 69, 316-325.
  • The Economist (2016), "It is not easy being green", August 13-20.
  • The Economist (2017), "Clean Energy-Dirty Secret", February 25-March 3.
  • The Independent (2016), "Renewable Energy just provided Germany with almost all of its power", 19 Mayıs,, erişim tarihi:30.08.2016.
  • Vasagar J. (2014), "Germany’s green energy transformation", Financial Times-Energy, 23.06.2014.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Sırrı Uyanık 0000-0002-9455-2986

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Ekim 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Şubat 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 17 Sayı: 68

Kaynak Göster



Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.

ESBD Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Electronic Journal of Social Sciences), Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu tarafından tescil edilmiştir. Marka No:2011/119849.