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Capitalism and Ecological Disasters: An Eco-Socialist Reading of Caryl Churchill’s Escaped Alone

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 120, 1123 - 1140, 01.11.2024


This study aims to analyse Escaped Alone by Caryl Churchill from an eco-socialist
perspective. The devastating consequences of the impairment of ecological balance
are considerably felt in the contemporary world, and several literary works are not
indifferent to current ecological predicaments that constitute an existential threat to
humanity. Escaped Alone is no exception, and the play presents potential ecological
and social risks awaiting humanity unless eco-indifferent capitalist practices are
halted. Accordingly, this essay examines the eco-catastrophic incidents such as
rockfalls, aridity, chemical leaks, pandemics, and unstoppable fires that ravage
both humans and nonhumans in Escaped Alone to discuss the role of the capitalist
system in ecological crises. After demonstrating the basic tenets of eco-socialism
by referring to noteworthy critics, the study displays how capitalism exacerbates
social inequality and devastates planetary resources by scrutinising the systematic
overexploitation of nature, the unlimited desire for profit, eco-indifferent mass
production and consumption processes, and humans’ lost bond with nature in the
play. It seeks to argue that ecological crises are not independent of socioeconomic
problems triggered by the capitalist system. Most importantly, it highlights that the
eco-catastrophic narration prevalent in the play not only enables the playwright to
demonstrate the source of ecological problems but also prompts the eco-indifferent
audience to gain eco-consciousness.

Etik Beyan

Research and publication ethics statement: This paper is based on the corresponding author’s PhD dissertation titled Eco-Apocalyptic Harbingers: An Ecocritical Approach to Selected Plays by Thomas Eccleshare, Stef Smith, Caryl Churchill, and Lucy Kirkwood (2023). Author contribution: The author independently composed the entirety of the article. Contribution Rates of Authors to the Article: First author %60, second author %40. Ethics committee approval: This study does not require approval from an ethics committee. Financial support: This study received no financially support whatsoever. Conflict of interest: There are no known conflicts of interest in this study.


  • Albritton, R. (2019). Conclusion: “Time and tides wait for no one”. Eco-socialism for now and the future. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Retrieved from chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-05183-9_9
  • Carson, R. (1964). Silent spring. Fawcett Publications. (Originally published 1962).
  • Churchill, C. (2016). Escaped alone. Nick Hern Books Limited.
  • Crutzen, P. J. (2006). Albedo enhancement by stratospheric sulfur injections: a contribution to resolve a policy dilemma? Climate Change, 77, 211–219. https://doi:10.1007/s10584-006-9101-y
  • FAO. (2017). The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
  • Foster, J. B. (1999). The vulnerable planet: A short economic history of the environment. Monthly Review Press.
  • Foster, J. B. (2000). Marx’s ecology: Materialism and nature. Monthly Review Press.
  • Foster, J. B. (2002). Ecology against capitalism. Monthly Review Press.
  • Foster, J. B., Clark, B., & York, R. (2010). The ecological rift: Capitalism’s war on the earth. Monthly Review Press.
  • Fraser, N. (2009). Feminism, capitalism, and the cunning of history. New Left Review, 56, 97-117.
  • Glotfelty, C. (1996). Introduction: Literary studies in an age of environmental crisis. In C. Glotfelty & H. Fromm (Eds.) The ecocriticism reader: Landmarks in literary ecology (pp. xv- 2). University of Georgia Press.
  • Harvey, D. (1997). The condition of postmodernity: An enquiry into the origins of cultural change. Blackwell.
  • Kovel, J., & Löwry, M. (2001, September). An ecosocialist manifesto. Environment and ecology. Retrieved from
  • Kovel, J. (2007). The enemy of nature: The end of capitalism or the end of the world. Zed Books.
  • Löwry, M. (2018, October). Why ecosocialism: For a red-green future. Great Transition Initiative. Retrieved from
  • Marx, K. (1976). Capital (Vol. 1). Vintage. (Original work published in 1867).
  • O’Connor, J. (1988). Capitalism, nature, socialism a theoretical introduction. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 1(1), 11-38, 10.1080/10455758809358356
  • Oppermann, S. (1999). Ecocriticism: Natural world in the literary viewfinder. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 29-46.
  • Pepper, D. (1993). Eco-socialism: From deep ecology to social justice. Routledge.
  • Pepper, D. (2010). On contemporary eco-socialism. In Q. Huan (Ed.), Eco-socialism as politics: Rebuilding the basis of our modern civilisation (pp. 33-44). Springer.
  • Romero, A. M. (2015). The alchemy of capital: Industrial waste and the chemicalization of United States agriculture. UC Berkeley. Retrieved from
  • Wall, D. (2010). The rise of the green left: Inside the worldwide ecosocialist movement. Pluto Press.
  • Wehner, M.F., Arnold, J.R., Knutson, T., Kunkel, K.E., & LeGrande, A.N. (2017) Droughts, floods, and wildfires. In Wuebbles, D.J., D.W. Fahey, K.A. Hibbard, D.J. Dokken, B.C. Stewart, & T.K. Maycock (Eds.) Climate Science Special Report: Fourth National Climate Assessment. Retrieved from
  • WHO, UNICEF, World Bank. (2022). State of the world’s drinking water: an urgent call to action to accelerate progress on ensuring safe drinking water for all. World Health Organization. Retrieved from

Kapitalizm ve Ekolojik Felaketler: Caryl Churchill’in Escaped Alone Adlı Oyununun Ekososyalist Okuması

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 120, 1123 - 1140, 01.11.2024


Bu çalışma Caryl Churchill’in Escaped Alone adlı oyununu eko-sosyalist bir perspektiften
incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Günümüz dünyasında ekolojik dengenin bozulmasının
yıkıcı sonuçları ciddi manada hissedilmekte ve insanlık için varoluşsal bir
tehdit oluşturan çeşitli ekolojik çıkmazlara birçok edebi eser yer vermektedir. Escaped
Alone isimli tiyatro eseri de bir istisna değildir. Bu eser ekolojiyi dikkate almayan
kapitalist uygulamalar durdurulmadığı ve ekolojik bilince sahip olunmadığı takdirde
insanlığı bekleyen olası ekolojik ve sosyal riskleri gözler önüne sermektedir. Bu
bağlamda bu çalışma kapitalizmin ekolojik krizlerin oluşmasındaki rolünü tartışmak
adına kayaların kayması, kuraklık, kimyasal sızıntı, pandemi ve söndürülemeyen
yangınlar gibi hem insanları hem de insandışı varlıkları tahrip eden ekolojik felaketleri
incelemektedir. Bu makale eko-sosyalizmin temel özelliklerini ifade ettikten sonra
tiyatro eserindeki doğal kaynakların sistematik sömürüsünü, sınırları olmayan kâr
arzusunu, ekolojiyi dikkate almayan kitlesel üretim ve tüketim süreçlerini ve insanların
kapitalist sistemle birlikte yitirdikleri doğayla olan bağlarını mercek altına alarak
kapitalizmin sosyal eşitsizliği nasıl daha da derinleştirdiğini ve gezegene ait kaynakları
harap ettiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışma ekolojik krizlerin kapitalist sistem
tarafından tetiklenen sosyoekonomik problemlerden bağımsız olmadığını vurgulamaya
çalışmaktadır. En önemlisi de bu çalışma tiyatro eserindeki ekolojik felaketlerle dolu
anlatımın ekolojik sorunların kaynağını ortaya koymaya ve çevre bilinci olmayan
seyircinin bilinçlenmesine önemli bir katkı sunduğunu vurgulamaktadır.

Etik Beyan

Araştırma ve yayın etiği beyanı: Bu makale, yazarın Eko-Kıyamet Habercileri başlıklı doktora tezinden üretilmiştir. Thomas Eccleshare, Stef Smith, Caryl Churchill ve Lucy Kirkwood’un Seçilmiş Oyunlarına Ekoeleştirel Bir Yaklaşım (2023) başlıklı doktora tezine dayanmaktadır. Yazarların makaleye katkı oranları: Birinci yazar %60, ikinci yazar %40. Etik komite onayı: Çalışmada etik kurul iznine gerek yoktur. Finansal destek: Çalışmada finansal destek alınmamıştır. Çıkar çatışması: Çalışmada çıkar çatışması bulunmamaktadır.


  • Albritton, R. (2019). Conclusion: “Time and tides wait for no one”. Eco-socialism for now and the future. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Retrieved from chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-05183-9_9
  • Carson, R. (1964). Silent spring. Fawcett Publications. (Originally published 1962).
  • Churchill, C. (2016). Escaped alone. Nick Hern Books Limited.
  • Crutzen, P. J. (2006). Albedo enhancement by stratospheric sulfur injections: a contribution to resolve a policy dilemma? Climate Change, 77, 211–219. https://doi:10.1007/s10584-006-9101-y
  • FAO. (2017). The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
  • Foster, J. B. (1999). The vulnerable planet: A short economic history of the environment. Monthly Review Press.
  • Foster, J. B. (2000). Marx’s ecology: Materialism and nature. Monthly Review Press.
  • Foster, J. B. (2002). Ecology against capitalism. Monthly Review Press.
  • Foster, J. B., Clark, B., & York, R. (2010). The ecological rift: Capitalism’s war on the earth. Monthly Review Press.
  • Fraser, N. (2009). Feminism, capitalism, and the cunning of history. New Left Review, 56, 97-117.
  • Glotfelty, C. (1996). Introduction: Literary studies in an age of environmental crisis. In C. Glotfelty & H. Fromm (Eds.) The ecocriticism reader: Landmarks in literary ecology (pp. xv- 2). University of Georgia Press.
  • Harvey, D. (1997). The condition of postmodernity: An enquiry into the origins of cultural change. Blackwell.
  • Kovel, J., & Löwry, M. (2001, September). An ecosocialist manifesto. Environment and ecology. Retrieved from
  • Kovel, J. (2007). The enemy of nature: The end of capitalism or the end of the world. Zed Books.
  • Löwry, M. (2018, October). Why ecosocialism: For a red-green future. Great Transition Initiative. Retrieved from
  • Marx, K. (1976). Capital (Vol. 1). Vintage. (Original work published in 1867).
  • O’Connor, J. (1988). Capitalism, nature, socialism a theoretical introduction. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 1(1), 11-38, 10.1080/10455758809358356
  • Oppermann, S. (1999). Ecocriticism: Natural world in the literary viewfinder. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 29-46.
  • Pepper, D. (1993). Eco-socialism: From deep ecology to social justice. Routledge.
  • Pepper, D. (2010). On contemporary eco-socialism. In Q. Huan (Ed.), Eco-socialism as politics: Rebuilding the basis of our modern civilisation (pp. 33-44). Springer.
  • Romero, A. M. (2015). The alchemy of capital: Industrial waste and the chemicalization of United States agriculture. UC Berkeley. Retrieved from
  • Wall, D. (2010). The rise of the green left: Inside the worldwide ecosocialist movement. Pluto Press.
  • Wehner, M.F., Arnold, J.R., Knutson, T., Kunkel, K.E., & LeGrande, A.N. (2017) Droughts, floods, and wildfires. In Wuebbles, D.J., D.W. Fahey, K.A. Hibbard, D.J. Dokken, B.C. Stewart, & T.K. Maycock (Eds.) Climate Science Special Report: Fourth National Climate Assessment. Retrieved from
  • WHO, UNICEF, World Bank. (2022). State of the world’s drinking water: an urgent call to action to accelerate progress on ensuring safe drinking water for all. World Health Organization. Retrieved from
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Türk Halk Bilimi (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri - Research Articles

Yalçın Erden 0000-0002-6790-6486

Abdul Serdar Ozturk 0000-0002-7780-7107

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Kasım 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 10 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 120

Kaynak Göster

APA Erden, Y., & Ozturk, A. S. (2024). Capitalism and Ecological Disasters: An Eco-Socialist Reading of Caryl Churchill’s Escaped Alone. Folklor/Edebiyat, 30(120), 1123-1140.

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Alan Editörleri/ Field Editörs

Prof.Dr. Hande Birkalan-Gedik (JohannWolfgang-Goethe İ
Prof.Dr. Ali Yakıcı (Gazi Ü
Prof.Dr. Aynur Koçak (Yıldız Teknik Ü
Prof.Dr. Işıl Altun (Regensburg Üniversitesi/Kocaeli Üniversitesi-İ

Doç.Dr. Ahmet Keskin (Samsun Ü

Prof.Dr. Abdullah Uçman (Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi -emekli-29 MayısÜ
Prof. Dr. Ramazan Korkmaz (Ardahan Üniversitesi-emekli-Kafkasya Üniversiteler Birliği -KÜNİ
Prof.Dr. Emel Kefeli (Marmara Üniversitesi-emekli-İstanbul 29 Mayıs Üniversitesi-ayseemelkefeli

Prof.Dr. Zekiye Antakyalıoğlu ( İstanbul Aydın Ü
Prof.Dr. Hanife Aliefendioğlu (Doğu Akdeniz Ü
Prof. Dr. Şebnem Pala Güzel (Başkent Ü
Prof.Dr. Derya Atamtürk Duyar (İstanbul Ü
Prof.Dr. Meryem Bulut (Ankara Ü
Prof.Dr. Nurettin Demir (Hacettepe Ü
Prof. Dr. Aysu Erden (Maltepe Ü
Prof.Dr. Sema Aslan Demir (Hacettepe Ü