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Flört İlişkilerinde Zorlayıcı Kontrole İlişkin Son Yirmi Yıla Dair Bir İnceleme: Kadına Yönelik Şiddetle Mücadelede Uygulama Önerileri

Yıl 2024, , 317 - 354, 15.12.2024


Zorlayıcı kontrol tehdit, yalnızlaştırma ve kontrol unsurlarını içeren, partnerin özerkliğini, bağımsız karar alabilme alanını ve öznelliğini hedef alan bir ilişkisel örüntü olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu örüntüye fiziksel ve cinsel şiddet de eşlik edebilmektedir. Bu derleme, 18-30 yaş arasındaki gençlerin flört ilişkilerinde zorlayıcı kontrolün dinamiklerini ve ruh sağlığı üzerindeki etkilerini anlamayı hedeflemiştir. Araştırmalar flört ilişkilerinde zorlayıcı kontrolün şu temel özelliklerini ortaya koymuştur: a) sosyal ilişkiler ve karşı cinsle iletişimi sınırlama, b) giyim-dış görünüşü kontrol etme, c) dijital gözetim ve takip, d) cinsellikle ilgili kararlarda baskı ve e) aileye söyleme tehdidi. Heteroseksüel ilişkilerde genç kadınların zorlayıcı kontrole daha fazla maruz kaldığı, kontrolcü davranışların ataerkil ve namusa dayalı kültürel normlar nedeniyle normalleştirildiği görülmektedir. Bu deneyimin travma sonrası stres ve depresyon gibi belirtiler, özerkliğin kaybı, kimlik aşınması gibi olumsuz sonuçlarla ilişkili olduğu bildirilmiştir. Bulgular ışığında kadına yönelik şiddet alanında önleyici ve klinik uygulamalar için güçlendirme perspektifiyle öneriler geliştirilmiş, sonraki araştırmalar için öneriler paylaşılmıştır.


  • Alkan, Ömer, Bayhan Yağiz Can ve Abar Hayri. “Controlling Behaviors and Lifetime Economic, Emotional, Physical, and Sexual Violence in Türkiye” Journal of Public Health, (2023).
  • Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen. “Emerging Adulthood: What Is It, and What Is It Good For?” Child Development Perspectives 1, no. 2 (2007): 68-73.
  • Basting, Evan J., Munshi Ishita, Harangozo Jessica, Dongarra Marissa S. ve Goncy, Elizabeth A. “When Does Technology Use Within Dating Relationships Cross the Line? A Thematic Analysis of Semistructured Interviews with Young Adults” Psychology of Violence 13, no. 6 (2023): 488-496.
  • Başkan, Barış ve Alkan Ömer. “Determinants of Intimate Partner Controlling Behavior Targeting Women in Türkiye.” Frontiers in Psychology 14, no. 1174143 (2023): 1-14.
  • Brown, Cynthia, Sanci Lena ve Hegarty Kelsey. “Technology-Facilitated Abuse in Relationships: Victimisation Patterns and Impact in Young People.” Computers in Human Behavior 124, no. (November 2021): 106897-106908. Catallozzi, Marina, Simon Peter J., Davidson Leslie L., Breitbart Vicki ve Rickert Vaughn I. “Understanding Control in Adolescent and Young Adult Relationships.” Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 165, no. 4 (2011): 313-319.
  • Conroy, Nicole E. ve Crowley Claire G. “Extending Johnson’s Typology: Additional Manifestations of Dating Violence and Coercive Control.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37, no. 15-16 (2022): NP13315-NP13341.
  • Couture-Carron, Amanda. “One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Dating Abuse Against Women from the Perspective of South Asian Muslim Youth in Canada.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 32, no. 23 (2017): 3626-3647.
  • Cuomo, Dana ve Dolci Natalie. “New Tools, Old Abuse: Technology-Enabled Coercive Control.” Geoforum 126, no. (November 2021): 224-232.
  • Dardis, Christina M. ve Richards Elizabeth C. “Nonconsensual Distribution of Sexually Explicit Images Within a Context of Coercive Control: Frequency, Characteristics, and Associations with Other Forms of Victimization.” Violence Against Women 28, no. 15-16 (2022): 3933-3954.
  • DeSousa, Deziray De, Paradis Alison, Fernet Mylene, Couture Stephanie ve Fortin Andreanne. “I Felt Imprisoned: A Qualitative Exploration of Controlling Behaviors in Adolescent and Emerging Adult Dating Relationships.” Journal of Adolescence 95, no. 5 (2023): 907-921.
  • Dutton, Mary Ann ve Goodman Lisa A. “Coercion in Intimate Partner Violence: Toward a New Conceptualization.” Sex Roles 52, no. 11-12 (2005): 743-756.
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü. Violence Against Women Prevalence Estimates, 2018: Global, Regional, and National Prevalence Estimates for Intimate Partner Violence Against Women and Global and Regional Prevalence Estimates for Non-Partner Sexual Violence Against Women. Rapor, 2021. (Son erişim tarihi 01.09.2024)
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü, Web sitesi, (Son erişim tarihi 01.09.2024)
  • Esquivel-Santovena, Esteban Eugenio, Hernandez Rogelio Rodriguez, Viveros Nemesio Castillo, Orozco Francisco Lopez ve van Barneveld Hans Oudhof. “Physical Intimate Partner Violence and Controlling Behavior in Mexican University Students and Their Attitudes Toward Social Limits.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 35, no. 1-2 (2020): 403-425.
  • Hamberger, L Kevin, Larsen Sadie E. ve Lehrner Amy. “Coercive Control in Intimate Partner Violence.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 37, no. (November 2017): 1-11.
  • Holliday, Charvonne N., Miller Elizabeth, Decker Michele R., Burke Jessica G., Documet, Patricia I., Borrero Sonya B., Silverman Jay G., Tancredi Daniel J., Ricci Edmund ve McCauley Heather L. “Racial Differences in Pregnancy Intention, Reproductive Coercion, and Partner Violence Among Family Planning Clients: A Qualitative Exploration.” Women’s Health Issues 28, no. 3 (2018): 205-211.
  • Johnson, Michael P. “Patriarchal Terrorism and Common Couple Violence: Two Forms of Violence Against Women.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 57, no. 2 (1995): 283-294.
  • Johnson, Michael P. “Conflict and Control: Gender Symmetry and Asymmetry in Domestic Violence.” Violence Against Women 12, no. 11 (2006): 1003-1018.
  • Johnson, Michael P. “Gender and Types of Intimate Partner Violence: A Response to an Anti-Feminist Literature Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 16, no. 4 (2011): 289-296.
  • Kelly, Liz ve Westmarland Nicole. “Naming and Defining ‘Domestic Violence’: Lessons from Research with Violent Men.” Feminist Review 112, no. 1 (2016): 113-127.
  • Kennedy, Angie C., Bybee Deborah, McCauley Heather L. ve Prock Kristen A. “Young Women’s Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Patterns Across Multiple Relationships.” Psychology of Women Quarterly 42, no. 4 (2018): 430-444.
  • Kennedy, Angie C., Bybee Deborah, Moylan Carrie A., McCauley Heather L. ve Prock Kristen A. “Predictors of Sexual Violence Across Young Women’s Relationship Histories.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36, no. 11-12 (2021): NP5944-NP5964.
  • Kısa, Sezer ve Zeyneloğlu Simge. “Perceptions and Predictors of Dating Violence Among Nursing and Midwifery Students.” Journal of Advanced Nursing 75, no. 10 (2019): 2099-2109.
  • Lohmann, Susanne, Cowlishow Sean, Ney Luke, O’Donnell Meaghan ve Felmingham Kim. “The Trauma and Mental Health Impacts of Coercive Control: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 25, no. 1 (2024): 630-647.
  • Mayeda, David Tokiharu, Cho Sunmin Rachel ve Vijaykumar Raagini. “Honor-Based Violence and Coercive Control Among Asian Youth in Auckland, New Zealand.” Asian Journal of Women’s Studies 25, no. 2 (2019): 159-179.
  • Ouytsel, J. Van, Ponnet K., Walrave M. ve Temple J. R. “Adolescent Cyber Dating Abuse Victimization and Its Associations with Substance Use, and Sexual Behaviors.” Public Health 135, no. (June 2016): 147-151. Özkazanç, Alev ve Yetiş Erman Örsan. “Erkeklik ve Kadına Şiddet Sorunu: Eleştirel bir Literatür Değerlendirmesi.” Fe Dergi 8, no. 2 (2016): 13-26.
  • Prospero, Moises. “Sex-Symmetric Effects of Coercive Behaviors on Mental Health? Not Exactly.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 24, no. 1 (2009): 128-146.
  • Rahmatizadeh, Masoumeh. “Navigating Dating Violence: An Intersectional Analysis of Agency Among Young Iranian Immigrant Women,” Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work, (2024).
  • Sakallı, Nuray ve Türkoğlu Beril. “‘Erkek’ Olmak ya da Olmamak: Sosyal Psikolojik Açıdan Erkeksilik/Erkeklik Çalışmaları.” Türk Psikoloji Yazıları 22, no. 44 (2019): 52-76.
  • Sanchez-Hernandez, Maria Dolores, Herrera-Enriquez Maria Del Carmen ve Exposito-Jimenez Francisca. “Controlling Behaviors in Couple Relationships in The Digital Age: Acceptability of Gender Violence, Sexism and Myths About Romantic Love.” Psychosocial Intervention 29, no. 2 (2020): 67-81.
  • Sayılan, Gülden, Akyüz Selin, Ok Oğuz Can, Sünbüloğlu Nurseli Yeşim ve Günay-Erkol Çimen. “Şiddetsiz Erkeklik: Erkekleri Cinsiyet Eşitliği Projelerine Dahil Etmek Mümkün mü?” Şiddetsiz Birey, Aile ve Toplum: Ruh Sağlığı Alanında Şiddetsizlik Odaklı Yaklaşım ve Uygulamalar ed. Alev Çavdar, Anıl Özge Üstünel ve Zeynep Maçkalı (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2024), 196-221.
  • Siddaway, Andy P., Wood Alex M. ve Hedges Larry V. “How To Do a Systematic Review: A Best Practice Guide for Conducting and Reporting Narrative Reviews, Meta-Analyses, and Meta-Syntheses.” Annual Review of Psychology 70, (2019): 747-770.
  • Stark, Evan. Coercive Control: How Men Entrap Women in Personal Life (Oxford University Press, 2007). Stark, Evan. “Rethinking Coercive Control.” Violence Against Women 15, no. 12 (2009): 1509-1525.
  • Stark, Evan. “Coercive Control,” Violence Against Women: Current Theory and Practice in Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Exploitation ed. Nancy Lombard ve Lesley MacMillan (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012), 17-35.
  • Stark, Evan ve Hester Marianne. “Coercive Control: Update and Review.” Violence Against Women 25, no. 1 (2019): 81-104.
  • Sutherland, Melissa A., Fantasia Heidi Collins ve Fontenot Holly. “Reproductive Coercion and Partner Violence Among College Women.” Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing 44, no. 2 (2015): 218-227.
  • Taylor, Alice Y., Murphy-Graham Erin ve Lauro Giovanna. “Conceptualizing Controlling Behaviors in Adolescent and Youth Intimate Partner Relationships.” Partner Abuse 10, no. 2 (2019): 137-163.
  • Tekkas-Kerman, Kader ve Betrus Patricia. “What Makes a Man a ‘Real Man’?: Perspectives Regarding Masculinities and Gender Roles Among Young Men in Turkey.” Asian Journal of Women’s Studies 25, no. 4 (2019): 491-514.
  • Timmons Fritz, Patti A., Clark-Crumpton Jessica, Daskaluk Samantha ve Leyco Wilson. “Electronic Partner Aggression Victimization: Its Frequency and Relation to Offline Partner Aggression and Psychological Functioning.” Partner Abuse 9, no. 4 (2018): 421-438.
  • Towns, Alison J. ve Scott Hazel. “I Couldn’t Even Dress the Way I Wanted: Young Women Talk of “Ownership” by Boyfriends: An Opportunity for the Prevention of Domestic Violence.” Feminism & Psychology 23, no. 4 (2013): 536-555.
  • Uskul, Ayse K. ve Cross Susan E. “The Social and Cultural Psychology of Honour: What Have We Learned from Researching Honour in Turkey?” European Review of Social Psychology 30, no. 1 (2019): 39-73.
  • Üstünel, Anıl Özge. “Young People’s Views on Dating Violence Prevention in An Urban Turkish Context: Developing Effective Practices.” Journal of Family Violence 36, no. (2021): 773-785.
  • Üstünel, Anıl Özge. “Dating Violence in An Urban Turkish Context: Listening to Young People from an Intersectional Perspective.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37, no. 13-14 (2022): NP11652-NP11682.
  • Whitaker, M. Pippin. “Centrality of Control-Seeking in Men’s Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration.” Prevention Science 14, no. (2013): 513-523.
  • Whitaker, M. Pippin. “Community Context and Men’s Control-Seeking in Intimate Relationships.” Violence and Victims 30, no. 5 (2015): 884-901.
  • Yalçınöz-Uçan, Büşra ve Üstünel Anıl Özge. “Yakın İlişkide Şiddetle Mücadelede Psikolojik Çalışma: Feminist Yaklaşımlar,” Şiddetsiz Birey, Aile ve Toplum: Ruh Sağlığı Alanında Şiddetsizlik Odaklı Yaklaşım ve Uygulamalar ed. Alev Çavdar, Anıl Özge Üstünel ve Zeynep Maçkalı (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2024), 69-87.
  • Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, İlknur ve Çavlin Alanur. Kadına Yönelik Şiddet Yaygınlığı, Türkiye’de Kadına Yönelik Aile İçi Şiddet Araştırması. Rapor, 2015.ştırmalar%20-%20raporlar/Aile%20içi%20Şiddet%20Araştırmaları/2014_AiSA_Anarapor.pdf (Son erişim tarihi 16.11.2024)

A Review of Twenty Years of Research on Coercive Control in Dating Relationships: Practice Recommendations for Preventing Violence Against Women

Yıl 2024, , 317 - 354, 15.12.2024


Coercive control is defined as a relational pattern that involves threats, isolation, and control, targets a partner’s autonomy, independent decision-making, and subjectivity, and at times cooccurs with physical and sexual violence. The present review aims to understand the dynamics of coercive control in dating relations of emerging adults aged 18-30 and its effects on mental health. Studies show that coercive control in dating relations is exerted by a) restricting social relations and communication with the opposite sex, b) controlling outfits and appearance, c) digital surveillance and monitoring, d) pressuring on sexual decisions, and e) threats to tell one’s family. Young women are more likely to experience coercive control, normalized by patriarchal and honor-based cultural norms. This experience is associated with post-traumatic stress and depression symptoms, loss of autonomy, and identity erosion. Preventive and clinical practices based on an empowerment framework are shared along with future research suggestions.


  • Alkan, Ömer, Bayhan Yağiz Can ve Abar Hayri. “Controlling Behaviors and Lifetime Economic, Emotional, Physical, and Sexual Violence in Türkiye” Journal of Public Health, (2023).
  • Arnett, Jeffrey Jensen. “Emerging Adulthood: What Is It, and What Is It Good For?” Child Development Perspectives 1, no. 2 (2007): 68-73.
  • Basting, Evan J., Munshi Ishita, Harangozo Jessica, Dongarra Marissa S. ve Goncy, Elizabeth A. “When Does Technology Use Within Dating Relationships Cross the Line? A Thematic Analysis of Semistructured Interviews with Young Adults” Psychology of Violence 13, no. 6 (2023): 488-496.
  • Başkan, Barış ve Alkan Ömer. “Determinants of Intimate Partner Controlling Behavior Targeting Women in Türkiye.” Frontiers in Psychology 14, no. 1174143 (2023): 1-14.
  • Brown, Cynthia, Sanci Lena ve Hegarty Kelsey. “Technology-Facilitated Abuse in Relationships: Victimisation Patterns and Impact in Young People.” Computers in Human Behavior 124, no. (November 2021): 106897-106908. Catallozzi, Marina, Simon Peter J., Davidson Leslie L., Breitbart Vicki ve Rickert Vaughn I. “Understanding Control in Adolescent and Young Adult Relationships.” Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 165, no. 4 (2011): 313-319.
  • Conroy, Nicole E. ve Crowley Claire G. “Extending Johnson’s Typology: Additional Manifestations of Dating Violence and Coercive Control.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37, no. 15-16 (2022): NP13315-NP13341.
  • Couture-Carron, Amanda. “One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Dating Abuse Against Women from the Perspective of South Asian Muslim Youth in Canada.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 32, no. 23 (2017): 3626-3647.
  • Cuomo, Dana ve Dolci Natalie. “New Tools, Old Abuse: Technology-Enabled Coercive Control.” Geoforum 126, no. (November 2021): 224-232.
  • Dardis, Christina M. ve Richards Elizabeth C. “Nonconsensual Distribution of Sexually Explicit Images Within a Context of Coercive Control: Frequency, Characteristics, and Associations with Other Forms of Victimization.” Violence Against Women 28, no. 15-16 (2022): 3933-3954.
  • DeSousa, Deziray De, Paradis Alison, Fernet Mylene, Couture Stephanie ve Fortin Andreanne. “I Felt Imprisoned: A Qualitative Exploration of Controlling Behaviors in Adolescent and Emerging Adult Dating Relationships.” Journal of Adolescence 95, no. 5 (2023): 907-921.
  • Dutton, Mary Ann ve Goodman Lisa A. “Coercion in Intimate Partner Violence: Toward a New Conceptualization.” Sex Roles 52, no. 11-12 (2005): 743-756.
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü. Violence Against Women Prevalence Estimates, 2018: Global, Regional, and National Prevalence Estimates for Intimate Partner Violence Against Women and Global and Regional Prevalence Estimates for Non-Partner Sexual Violence Against Women. Rapor, 2021. (Son erişim tarihi 01.09.2024)
  • Dünya Sağlık Örgütü, Web sitesi, (Son erişim tarihi 01.09.2024)
  • Esquivel-Santovena, Esteban Eugenio, Hernandez Rogelio Rodriguez, Viveros Nemesio Castillo, Orozco Francisco Lopez ve van Barneveld Hans Oudhof. “Physical Intimate Partner Violence and Controlling Behavior in Mexican University Students and Their Attitudes Toward Social Limits.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 35, no. 1-2 (2020): 403-425.
  • Hamberger, L Kevin, Larsen Sadie E. ve Lehrner Amy. “Coercive Control in Intimate Partner Violence.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 37, no. (November 2017): 1-11.
  • Holliday, Charvonne N., Miller Elizabeth, Decker Michele R., Burke Jessica G., Documet, Patricia I., Borrero Sonya B., Silverman Jay G., Tancredi Daniel J., Ricci Edmund ve McCauley Heather L. “Racial Differences in Pregnancy Intention, Reproductive Coercion, and Partner Violence Among Family Planning Clients: A Qualitative Exploration.” Women’s Health Issues 28, no. 3 (2018): 205-211.
  • Johnson, Michael P. “Patriarchal Terrorism and Common Couple Violence: Two Forms of Violence Against Women.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 57, no. 2 (1995): 283-294.
  • Johnson, Michael P. “Conflict and Control: Gender Symmetry and Asymmetry in Domestic Violence.” Violence Against Women 12, no. 11 (2006): 1003-1018.
  • Johnson, Michael P. “Gender and Types of Intimate Partner Violence: A Response to an Anti-Feminist Literature Review.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 16, no. 4 (2011): 289-296.
  • Kelly, Liz ve Westmarland Nicole. “Naming and Defining ‘Domestic Violence’: Lessons from Research with Violent Men.” Feminist Review 112, no. 1 (2016): 113-127.
  • Kennedy, Angie C., Bybee Deborah, McCauley Heather L. ve Prock Kristen A. “Young Women’s Intimate Partner Violence Victimization Patterns Across Multiple Relationships.” Psychology of Women Quarterly 42, no. 4 (2018): 430-444.
  • Kennedy, Angie C., Bybee Deborah, Moylan Carrie A., McCauley Heather L. ve Prock Kristen A. “Predictors of Sexual Violence Across Young Women’s Relationship Histories.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 36, no. 11-12 (2021): NP5944-NP5964.
  • Kısa, Sezer ve Zeyneloğlu Simge. “Perceptions and Predictors of Dating Violence Among Nursing and Midwifery Students.” Journal of Advanced Nursing 75, no. 10 (2019): 2099-2109.
  • Lohmann, Susanne, Cowlishow Sean, Ney Luke, O’Donnell Meaghan ve Felmingham Kim. “The Trauma and Mental Health Impacts of Coercive Control: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 25, no. 1 (2024): 630-647.
  • Mayeda, David Tokiharu, Cho Sunmin Rachel ve Vijaykumar Raagini. “Honor-Based Violence and Coercive Control Among Asian Youth in Auckland, New Zealand.” Asian Journal of Women’s Studies 25, no. 2 (2019): 159-179.
  • Ouytsel, J. Van, Ponnet K., Walrave M. ve Temple J. R. “Adolescent Cyber Dating Abuse Victimization and Its Associations with Substance Use, and Sexual Behaviors.” Public Health 135, no. (June 2016): 147-151. Özkazanç, Alev ve Yetiş Erman Örsan. “Erkeklik ve Kadına Şiddet Sorunu: Eleştirel bir Literatür Değerlendirmesi.” Fe Dergi 8, no. 2 (2016): 13-26.
  • Prospero, Moises. “Sex-Symmetric Effects of Coercive Behaviors on Mental Health? Not Exactly.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 24, no. 1 (2009): 128-146.
  • Rahmatizadeh, Masoumeh. “Navigating Dating Violence: An Intersectional Analysis of Agency Among Young Iranian Immigrant Women,” Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work, (2024).
  • Sakallı, Nuray ve Türkoğlu Beril. “‘Erkek’ Olmak ya da Olmamak: Sosyal Psikolojik Açıdan Erkeksilik/Erkeklik Çalışmaları.” Türk Psikoloji Yazıları 22, no. 44 (2019): 52-76.
  • Sanchez-Hernandez, Maria Dolores, Herrera-Enriquez Maria Del Carmen ve Exposito-Jimenez Francisca. “Controlling Behaviors in Couple Relationships in The Digital Age: Acceptability of Gender Violence, Sexism and Myths About Romantic Love.” Psychosocial Intervention 29, no. 2 (2020): 67-81.
  • Sayılan, Gülden, Akyüz Selin, Ok Oğuz Can, Sünbüloğlu Nurseli Yeşim ve Günay-Erkol Çimen. “Şiddetsiz Erkeklik: Erkekleri Cinsiyet Eşitliği Projelerine Dahil Etmek Mümkün mü?” Şiddetsiz Birey, Aile ve Toplum: Ruh Sağlığı Alanında Şiddetsizlik Odaklı Yaklaşım ve Uygulamalar ed. Alev Çavdar, Anıl Özge Üstünel ve Zeynep Maçkalı (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2024), 196-221.
  • Siddaway, Andy P., Wood Alex M. ve Hedges Larry V. “How To Do a Systematic Review: A Best Practice Guide for Conducting and Reporting Narrative Reviews, Meta-Analyses, and Meta-Syntheses.” Annual Review of Psychology 70, (2019): 747-770.
  • Stark, Evan. Coercive Control: How Men Entrap Women in Personal Life (Oxford University Press, 2007). Stark, Evan. “Rethinking Coercive Control.” Violence Against Women 15, no. 12 (2009): 1509-1525.
  • Stark, Evan. “Coercive Control,” Violence Against Women: Current Theory and Practice in Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Exploitation ed. Nancy Lombard ve Lesley MacMillan (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012), 17-35.
  • Stark, Evan ve Hester Marianne. “Coercive Control: Update and Review.” Violence Against Women 25, no. 1 (2019): 81-104.
  • Sutherland, Melissa A., Fantasia Heidi Collins ve Fontenot Holly. “Reproductive Coercion and Partner Violence Among College Women.” Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing 44, no. 2 (2015): 218-227.
  • Taylor, Alice Y., Murphy-Graham Erin ve Lauro Giovanna. “Conceptualizing Controlling Behaviors in Adolescent and Youth Intimate Partner Relationships.” Partner Abuse 10, no. 2 (2019): 137-163.
  • Tekkas-Kerman, Kader ve Betrus Patricia. “What Makes a Man a ‘Real Man’?: Perspectives Regarding Masculinities and Gender Roles Among Young Men in Turkey.” Asian Journal of Women’s Studies 25, no. 4 (2019): 491-514.
  • Timmons Fritz, Patti A., Clark-Crumpton Jessica, Daskaluk Samantha ve Leyco Wilson. “Electronic Partner Aggression Victimization: Its Frequency and Relation to Offline Partner Aggression and Psychological Functioning.” Partner Abuse 9, no. 4 (2018): 421-438.
  • Towns, Alison J. ve Scott Hazel. “I Couldn’t Even Dress the Way I Wanted: Young Women Talk of “Ownership” by Boyfriends: An Opportunity for the Prevention of Domestic Violence.” Feminism & Psychology 23, no. 4 (2013): 536-555.
  • Uskul, Ayse K. ve Cross Susan E. “The Social and Cultural Psychology of Honour: What Have We Learned from Researching Honour in Turkey?” European Review of Social Psychology 30, no. 1 (2019): 39-73.
  • Üstünel, Anıl Özge. “Young People’s Views on Dating Violence Prevention in An Urban Turkish Context: Developing Effective Practices.” Journal of Family Violence 36, no. (2021): 773-785.
  • Üstünel, Anıl Özge. “Dating Violence in An Urban Turkish Context: Listening to Young People from an Intersectional Perspective.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 37, no. 13-14 (2022): NP11652-NP11682.
  • Whitaker, M. Pippin. “Centrality of Control-Seeking in Men’s Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration.” Prevention Science 14, no. (2013): 513-523.
  • Whitaker, M. Pippin. “Community Context and Men’s Control-Seeking in Intimate Relationships.” Violence and Victims 30, no. 5 (2015): 884-901.
  • Yalçınöz-Uçan, Büşra ve Üstünel Anıl Özge. “Yakın İlişkide Şiddetle Mücadelede Psikolojik Çalışma: Feminist Yaklaşımlar,” Şiddetsiz Birey, Aile ve Toplum: Ruh Sağlığı Alanında Şiddetsizlik Odaklı Yaklaşım ve Uygulamalar ed. Alev Çavdar, Anıl Özge Üstünel ve Zeynep Maçkalı (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2024), 69-87.
  • Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, İlknur ve Çavlin Alanur. Kadına Yönelik Şiddet Yaygınlığı, Türkiye’de Kadına Yönelik Aile İçi Şiddet Araştırması. Rapor, 2015.ştırmalar%20-%20raporlar/Aile%20içi%20Şiddet%20Araştırmaları/2014_AiSA_Anarapor.pdf (Son erişim tarihi 16.11.2024)
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kadın Araştırmaları
Bölüm Derleme Makalesi

Anıl Özge Üstünel 0000-0002-1983-6372

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 30 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Üstünel, Anıl Özge. “Flört İlişkilerinde Zorlayıcı Kontrole İlişkin Son Yirmi Yıla Dair Bir İnceleme: Kadına Yönelik Şiddetle Mücadelede Uygulama Önerileri”. Fe Dergi 16, sy. 2 (Aralık 2024): 317-54.