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Epistemik Adaletsizlik Çerçevesinde Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Politikalarının AB’ye Uyumu

Yıl 2024, , 157 - 189, 24.12.2024


Avrupa Birliği (AB), hem kendi sınırları içinde hem de küresel ölçekte toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğini teşvik etme ve ilerletme konusunda lider bir aktör olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Türkiye’nin yirmi yılı aşkın adaylık süreci boyunca, AB’nin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği alanındaki etkileri ele alınmış; bu süreçte Avrupalılaşmanın zamanla Avrupalılaşma karşıtlığına dönüştüğü savunulmuştur. Bu makale, AB’nin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği liderliğini feminist epistemik adalet ve kolonyal modernite kavramaları çerçevesinde sorunsallaştırarak, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği politikalarının hangi dinamiklerle şekillendiğini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma, Türkiye’deki sivil toplum örgütleriyle gerçekleştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlara ve birincil kaynak analizine dayanan bir vaka analizi içermektedir. Ayrıca, Türkiye’nin iç toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği gündeminin AB politikaları ve yönergelerinden nasıl etkilendiği ve bu bağlamda Avrupa karşıtı dinamiklerin ülkenin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği politikalarında ne tür değişikliklere yol açtığını değerlendirecektir. Epistemik adaletsizlik perspektifinde politika değişimlerini analiz eden bu araştırma, Türkiye’nin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği politikasındaki dönüşümü ve AB ile ilişkilerin bu süreçteki etkilerini kapsamlı bir şekilde anlamayı hedeflemektedir.


  • Arat, Yeşim. “Democratic Backsliding and the Instrumentalization of Women’s Rights in Turkey,” Politics & Gender 18(4) (2021): 911–41.
  • Avrupa Parlamentosu. Backlash in Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls’ Rights, Policy Department for Citizens” Rights and Constitutional Affairs. 2021. (Son erişim tarihi 29.09.2024)
  • Aybars, Ayşe İdil, Paul Copeland, ve Dimitris Tsarouhas. “Europeanization without Substance? EU Turkey Relations and Gender Equality in Employment,” Comparative European Politics, 17(5) (2019): 778–96.
  • Bego, Ingrid. Gender Equality Policy in the European Union (London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015).
  • Bet-El, Ilana, “Margot tries in vain to put women on top,” POLITICO, 4 Haziran 2008, (Son erişim tarihi 06.10.2024)
  • Bodur Ün, Marella. “From ‘Gender Equality’to ‘Gender Justice’: De-Europeanization of Gender Equality Policies in Turkey,” EU/Turkey Relations in the Shadows of Crisis ed A. Aslı Bilgin (Maryland: Lexington Books, Lanham (MD), USA, 2021), 133-153.
  • Bodur Ün, Marella, ve Harun Arıkan. “Europeanization and De‐Europeanization of Turkey’s Gender Equality Policy: The Case of the Istanbul Convention,” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 60(4) (2022): 945–62.
  • Clavero, Sara ve Yvonne Galligan. “Constituting and Reconstituting the Gender Order in Europe.” Perspectives on European Politics and Society 10 (1): (2009) 101–17. doi:10.1080/15705850802700058.
  • David, Maxine ve Roberta, Guerrina. “Gender and European External Relations: Dominant Discourses and Unintended Consequences of Gender Mainstreaming.” Women”s Studies International Forum 36 (2013): 55-64.
  • Dedeoğlu, Saniye. “Equality, Protection or Discrimination: Gender Equality Policies in Turkey.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 19, no. 2 (2012): 269-90.
  • Dotson, Kristie. “A Cautionary Tale: On Limiting Epistemic Oppression.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 33, no. 1 (2012): 24-47.
  • Elomaki, Anna. “The economic case for gender equality in the European Union: Selling gender equality to decision-makers and neoliberalism to women’s organizations,” European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (3): (2015), 288-302.
  • Exadaktylos, Theofanis and Paolo R. Graziano. “Europeanization.” In Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy, edited by Paolo R. Graziano and Jale Tosun, (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2022) 178-188.
  • Fougner, Tore ve Kurtoğlu, Ayça. “Gender Policy A Case of Instrumental Europeanization?” The Europeanization of Turkish Public Policies ed Aylin Güney ve Ali Tekin, The Europeanization of Turkish Public Policies (Taylor & Francis Group, 2015)ça-kurtoğlu, 143-163.
  • Fricker, Miranda. Epistemic injustice: Power and the ethics of knowing (Oxford University Press, 2007)
  • Graziano, Paolo R. “Europeanization and domestic employment policy change: Conceptual and methodological background,” Governance, 24(3) (2011): 583–605. . Güneş-Ayata, Ayşe ve Gökten Doğangün. “Gender Politics of the AKP: Restoration of a Religio-Conservative Gender Climate,” Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 19 (6) (2017): 610–27. doi:10.1080/19448953.2017.1328887.
  • Haastrup, Toni, Richard Milner ve Richard G. Whitman. (2022). “Who creates the “common market”? The gendered practices of knowledge production in a “European studies” journal,” European Political Science, 21(3) (2022): 417-429.
  • Jacquot, Sophie. Transformations in EU Gender Equality (London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015).
  • Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin. "Turkish Popular Presidential Elections: Deepening Legitimacy Issues and Looming Regime Change." In Turkey's Elections: A Historical and Comparative Perspective, edited by Sabri Sayarı and Eric L. McGlinchey, 89-106. London: Routledge, 2020.
  • Kandiyoti, Deniz. “Emancipated but Unliberated? Reflections on the Turkish Case,” Feminist Studies, Vol. 13, No. 2 (1987): 317-338
  • Kandiyoti, Deniz. “Locating the Politics of Gender: Patriarchy, Neo-Liberal Governance and Violence in Turkey,” Research and Policy on Turkey 1(2) (2016): 103–18.
  • Kantola, Johanna. “Shifting Institutional and Ideational Terrains: The Impact of Europeanisation and Neoliberalism on Women”s Policy Agencies,” Policy & Politics 38(3) (2010): 353–68.
  • Kunz, Rahel ve Julia Maisenbacher. “Women in the neighbourhood: Reinstating the European Union”s civilising mission on the back of gender equality promotion?” European Journal of International Relations, 23(1) (2017): 122–144.
  • KSGM. Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Ulusal Eylem Planı. 2008-2013. 2008.
  • Lombardo, Emanuela ve Maxime Forest. “The Europeanization of gender equality policies: A discursive– sociological approach,” Comparative European Politics, 13 (2015): 222–239. doi:10.1057/cep.2013.18 Lugones, Maria. “Heterosexualism and the colonial/modern gender system,” Hypatia, 22(1) (2007): 186-219. Medina, José. The Epistemology of Resistance: Gender and Racial Oppression, Epistemic Injustice, and Resistant Imaginations (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013).
  • McKinnon, Rachel. “Epistemic injustice,” Philosophy Compass, 11(8) (2016): 437–446.
  • Minto, Rachel ve Lut Mergaert. “Gender mainstreaming and evaluation in the EU: comparative perspectives from feminist institutionalism,” International Feminist Journal of Politics, 20(2) (2018), 204–220.
  • Özdemir, Burcu. “The Role of the EU in Turkey”s Legislative Reforms for Eliminating Violence against Women: A Bottom-Up Approach,” Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 16(1) (2014): 119–36.
  • Radaelli, Claudio. “The Europeanization of Public Policy,” The Politics of Europeanization ed Kevin Featherstone ve Claudio Radaelli (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003), 27-56.
  • Radaelli, Claudio. “Europeanisation: Solution or Problem?” European Integration online Papers (EIoP), vol. 8 (2004).
  • Radaelli, Claudio ve John-Paul Salter. “Europeanization in reverse gear?” Differentiated Integration and Disintegration in a Post-Brexit Era ed Stefan Gänzle, Benjamin Leruth ve Jarle Trondal (London, Routledge, 2019), 36–53.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank. “Europeanization beyon Europe,” ETH Zürich, Living Reviews in European Governance, Vol. 10, (2015), No. 1.
  • Sedelmeier, Ulrich. “Europeanization,” The Oxford Handbook of the European Union ed Erik Jones, Anand Menon ve Stephen Weatherill (Oxford University Press, 2012), 825-839.
  • Sol Tv, “Erdoğan’la Açılım Buraya Kadar: Kadın ve Erkek Eşit Olamaz,” 20 Temmuz 2010. (Son erişim tarihi 16.09.2024)
  • Somer, Murat. "Turkey: The Slippery Slope from Reformist to Revolutionary Polarization and Democratic Breakdown." The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 681, no. 1 (2019): 42-61.
  • Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime. Conditionality, the EU and Turkey (London: Routledge, 2018).
  • Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime. “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Nitel Yöntemlerle Makale Yazımı: Vaka Analizi ve İncelikleri,” Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi Sayı 42: Özel sayı 1, Denizli (2021): 149-168.
  • Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime ve F.Melis Cin. Feminist Framing of Europeanisation Gender Equality Policies in Turkey and the EU (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).
  • Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime ve Bahar Rumelili. “Diplomaside kadın ve egemen maskülenlik: Değişen normlar ve pratikler,” Uluslararasi Iliskiler, 15(57) (2018): 3-18.
  • Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime ve Bahar Rumelili. “From Female Masculinity to Hegemonic Femininity: Evolving Gender Performances of Turkish Women Diplomats,” The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 4(2) (2022).
  • Süleymanoğlu‐Kürüm, Rahime ve Ebru Turhan. (2024). “Capturing Women's Standpoint in EU–Turkey Studies: The Evolution of Gendered Publication and Citation Patterns,” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(3), 801-824.
  • Ioannides, Isabelle. “EU Gender Action Plan 2016-2020 at Year One: European Implementation Assessment,” SSRN Electronic Journal, (2017).
  • Uçan Çubukçu, Sevgi. “Contribution to the Europeanisation Process: Demands for Democracy of Second Wave Feminism in Turkey,” Turkey and European Union Processes of Europeanisation ed Çiğdem Nas ve Yonca Özer (Routledge, 2012), 41-160.
  • Uzgören, Elif. “Internationalism and Europeanisation in the Struggle Over Gender Equality: Women’s Rights/Feminist Movement in Turkey,” Feminist Framing of Europeanisation ed Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm ve F. Melis Cin (London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 109-130.
  • Van der Vleuten, Anna. “The Price of Gender Equality: Member States and Governance in the European Union,” (Abingdon: Routledge, 2007)
  • Van der Vleuten, Anna. “Gender and the European Union,” Global Power Europe – Vol. 2 ed Astrid Boening, Jan-Frederik Kremer ve Aukje van Loon (Springer, 2013), 305-320.
  • Velluti, Samantha. “Gender Regimes and Gender Equality Measures in Central Eastern European Countries Post-Accession: The Case of Hungary and Poland,” Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 30, no. 1 (2014): 79–91.
  • Vida, Bianka. “New waves of anti-sexual and reproductive health and rights strategies in the European Union: the anti-gender discourse in Hungary,” Sexual and reproductive health matters, 27(2) (2019).
  • Zihnioğlu, Özge. “Islamic Civil Society in Turkey,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, (2018):39-43.
  • Zihnioğlu, Özge. “European Union civil society support and the depoliticisation of Turkish civil society,” Third World Quarterly, 40(3) (2019): 503–520.

Türkiye’s Alignment with the EU’s Gender Equality Policies: An Epistemic Injustice Perspective

Yıl 2024, , 157 - 189, 24.12.2024


The European Union (EU) stands as a leading actor in promoting and advancing gender equality both within its borders and globally. Throughout Turkey’s candidacy period of over twenty years, the EU’s influence in the field of gender equality has been examined, with the argument that Europeanisation has gradually shifted towards de-Europeanisation. This article problematizes the EU’s leadership in gender equality through the perspectives of feminist epistemic justice and colonial modernity, aiming to understand the dynamics shaping gender equality policies and the exclusion of marginalized groups from knowledge production processes. This study is based on a case study analysis, incorporating semi-structured interviews with civil society organisations in Turkey and the analysis of primary sources. Additionally, it evaluates the extent to which Turkey’s domestic gender equality agenda has been influenced by EU policies and directives, as well as the potential impact of Eurosceptic forces that may have driven shifts in Turkey’s approach to gender equality. By analysing policy changes from an epistemic injustice perspective, this research seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of Turkey’s gender equality policy changes and the interactions within its relationship with the EU.


  • Arat, Yeşim. “Democratic Backsliding and the Instrumentalization of Women’s Rights in Turkey,” Politics & Gender 18(4) (2021): 911–41.
  • Avrupa Parlamentosu. Backlash in Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls’ Rights, Policy Department for Citizens” Rights and Constitutional Affairs. 2021. (Son erişim tarihi 29.09.2024)
  • Aybars, Ayşe İdil, Paul Copeland, ve Dimitris Tsarouhas. “Europeanization without Substance? EU Turkey Relations and Gender Equality in Employment,” Comparative European Politics, 17(5) (2019): 778–96.
  • Bego, Ingrid. Gender Equality Policy in the European Union (London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015).
  • Bet-El, Ilana, “Margot tries in vain to put women on top,” POLITICO, 4 Haziran 2008, (Son erişim tarihi 06.10.2024)
  • Bodur Ün, Marella. “From ‘Gender Equality’to ‘Gender Justice’: De-Europeanization of Gender Equality Policies in Turkey,” EU/Turkey Relations in the Shadows of Crisis ed A. Aslı Bilgin (Maryland: Lexington Books, Lanham (MD), USA, 2021), 133-153.
  • Bodur Ün, Marella, ve Harun Arıkan. “Europeanization and De‐Europeanization of Turkey’s Gender Equality Policy: The Case of the Istanbul Convention,” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 60(4) (2022): 945–62.
  • Clavero, Sara ve Yvonne Galligan. “Constituting and Reconstituting the Gender Order in Europe.” Perspectives on European Politics and Society 10 (1): (2009) 101–17. doi:10.1080/15705850802700058.
  • David, Maxine ve Roberta, Guerrina. “Gender and European External Relations: Dominant Discourses and Unintended Consequences of Gender Mainstreaming.” Women”s Studies International Forum 36 (2013): 55-64.
  • Dedeoğlu, Saniye. “Equality, Protection or Discrimination: Gender Equality Policies in Turkey.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 19, no. 2 (2012): 269-90.
  • Dotson, Kristie. “A Cautionary Tale: On Limiting Epistemic Oppression.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 33, no. 1 (2012): 24-47.
  • Elomaki, Anna. “The economic case for gender equality in the European Union: Selling gender equality to decision-makers and neoliberalism to women’s organizations,” European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (3): (2015), 288-302.
  • Exadaktylos, Theofanis and Paolo R. Graziano. “Europeanization.” In Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy, edited by Paolo R. Graziano and Jale Tosun, (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2022) 178-188.
  • Fougner, Tore ve Kurtoğlu, Ayça. “Gender Policy A Case of Instrumental Europeanization?” The Europeanization of Turkish Public Policies ed Aylin Güney ve Ali Tekin, The Europeanization of Turkish Public Policies (Taylor & Francis Group, 2015)ça-kurtoğlu, 143-163.
  • Fricker, Miranda. Epistemic injustice: Power and the ethics of knowing (Oxford University Press, 2007)
  • Graziano, Paolo R. “Europeanization and domestic employment policy change: Conceptual and methodological background,” Governance, 24(3) (2011): 583–605. . Güneş-Ayata, Ayşe ve Gökten Doğangün. “Gender Politics of the AKP: Restoration of a Religio-Conservative Gender Climate,” Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 19 (6) (2017): 610–27. doi:10.1080/19448953.2017.1328887.
  • Haastrup, Toni, Richard Milner ve Richard G. Whitman. (2022). “Who creates the “common market”? The gendered practices of knowledge production in a “European studies” journal,” European Political Science, 21(3) (2022): 417-429.
  • Jacquot, Sophie. Transformations in EU Gender Equality (London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015).
  • Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin. "Turkish Popular Presidential Elections: Deepening Legitimacy Issues and Looming Regime Change." In Turkey's Elections: A Historical and Comparative Perspective, edited by Sabri Sayarı and Eric L. McGlinchey, 89-106. London: Routledge, 2020.
  • Kandiyoti, Deniz. “Emancipated but Unliberated? Reflections on the Turkish Case,” Feminist Studies, Vol. 13, No. 2 (1987): 317-338
  • Kandiyoti, Deniz. “Locating the Politics of Gender: Patriarchy, Neo-Liberal Governance and Violence in Turkey,” Research and Policy on Turkey 1(2) (2016): 103–18.
  • Kantola, Johanna. “Shifting Institutional and Ideational Terrains: The Impact of Europeanisation and Neoliberalism on Women”s Policy Agencies,” Policy & Politics 38(3) (2010): 353–68.
  • Kunz, Rahel ve Julia Maisenbacher. “Women in the neighbourhood: Reinstating the European Union”s civilising mission on the back of gender equality promotion?” European Journal of International Relations, 23(1) (2017): 122–144.
  • KSGM. Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Ulusal Eylem Planı. 2008-2013. 2008.
  • Lombardo, Emanuela ve Maxime Forest. “The Europeanization of gender equality policies: A discursive– sociological approach,” Comparative European Politics, 13 (2015): 222–239. doi:10.1057/cep.2013.18 Lugones, Maria. “Heterosexualism and the colonial/modern gender system,” Hypatia, 22(1) (2007): 186-219. Medina, José. The Epistemology of Resistance: Gender and Racial Oppression, Epistemic Injustice, and Resistant Imaginations (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013).
  • McKinnon, Rachel. “Epistemic injustice,” Philosophy Compass, 11(8) (2016): 437–446.
  • Minto, Rachel ve Lut Mergaert. “Gender mainstreaming and evaluation in the EU: comparative perspectives from feminist institutionalism,” International Feminist Journal of Politics, 20(2) (2018), 204–220.
  • Özdemir, Burcu. “The Role of the EU in Turkey”s Legislative Reforms for Eliminating Violence against Women: A Bottom-Up Approach,” Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 16(1) (2014): 119–36.
  • Radaelli, Claudio. “The Europeanization of Public Policy,” The Politics of Europeanization ed Kevin Featherstone ve Claudio Radaelli (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003), 27-56.
  • Radaelli, Claudio. “Europeanisation: Solution or Problem?” European Integration online Papers (EIoP), vol. 8 (2004).
  • Radaelli, Claudio ve John-Paul Salter. “Europeanization in reverse gear?” Differentiated Integration and Disintegration in a Post-Brexit Era ed Stefan Gänzle, Benjamin Leruth ve Jarle Trondal (London, Routledge, 2019), 36–53.
  • Schimmelfennig, Frank. “Europeanization beyon Europe,” ETH Zürich, Living Reviews in European Governance, Vol. 10, (2015), No. 1.
  • Sedelmeier, Ulrich. “Europeanization,” The Oxford Handbook of the European Union ed Erik Jones, Anand Menon ve Stephen Weatherill (Oxford University Press, 2012), 825-839.
  • Sol Tv, “Erdoğan’la Açılım Buraya Kadar: Kadın ve Erkek Eşit Olamaz,” 20 Temmuz 2010. (Son erişim tarihi 16.09.2024)
  • Somer, Murat. "Turkey: The Slippery Slope from Reformist to Revolutionary Polarization and Democratic Breakdown." The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 681, no. 1 (2019): 42-61.
  • Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime. Conditionality, the EU and Turkey (London: Routledge, 2018).
  • Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime. “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Nitel Yöntemlerle Makale Yazımı: Vaka Analizi ve İncelikleri,” Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi Sayı 42: Özel sayı 1, Denizli (2021): 149-168.
  • Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime ve F.Melis Cin. Feminist Framing of Europeanisation Gender Equality Policies in Turkey and the EU (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).
  • Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime ve Bahar Rumelili. “Diplomaside kadın ve egemen maskülenlik: Değişen normlar ve pratikler,” Uluslararasi Iliskiler, 15(57) (2018): 3-18.
  • Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm, Rahime ve Bahar Rumelili. “From Female Masculinity to Hegemonic Femininity: Evolving Gender Performances of Turkish Women Diplomats,” The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 4(2) (2022).
  • Süleymanoğlu‐Kürüm, Rahime ve Ebru Turhan. (2024). “Capturing Women's Standpoint in EU–Turkey Studies: The Evolution of Gendered Publication and Citation Patterns,” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 62(3), 801-824.
  • Ioannides, Isabelle. “EU Gender Action Plan 2016-2020 at Year One: European Implementation Assessment,” SSRN Electronic Journal, (2017).
  • Uçan Çubukçu, Sevgi. “Contribution to the Europeanisation Process: Demands for Democracy of Second Wave Feminism in Turkey,” Turkey and European Union Processes of Europeanisation ed Çiğdem Nas ve Yonca Özer (Routledge, 2012), 41-160.
  • Uzgören, Elif. “Internationalism and Europeanisation in the Struggle Over Gender Equality: Women’s Rights/Feminist Movement in Turkey,” Feminist Framing of Europeanisation ed Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm ve F. Melis Cin (London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), 109-130.
  • Van der Vleuten, Anna. “The Price of Gender Equality: Member States and Governance in the European Union,” (Abingdon: Routledge, 2007)
  • Van der Vleuten, Anna. “Gender and the European Union,” Global Power Europe – Vol. 2 ed Astrid Boening, Jan-Frederik Kremer ve Aukje van Loon (Springer, 2013), 305-320.
  • Velluti, Samantha. “Gender Regimes and Gender Equality Measures in Central Eastern European Countries Post-Accession: The Case of Hungary and Poland,” Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 30, no. 1 (2014): 79–91.
  • Vida, Bianka. “New waves of anti-sexual and reproductive health and rights strategies in the European Union: the anti-gender discourse in Hungary,” Sexual and reproductive health matters, 27(2) (2019).
  • Zihnioğlu, Özge. “Islamic Civil Society in Turkey,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, (2018):39-43.
  • Zihnioğlu, Özge. “European Union civil society support and the depoliticisation of Turkish civil society,” Third World Quarterly, 40(3) (2019): 503–520.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kadın Araştırmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Deniz Bal 0009-0003-0240-5984

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 5 Kasım 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Bal, Deniz. “Epistemik Adaletsizlik Çerçevesinde Türkiye’nin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Politikalarının AB’ye Uyumu”. Fe Dergi, sy. 1 (Aralık 2024): 157-89.