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Kurumsal İletişim Yöneticileri Üzerine Bir Mikro Çalışma

Yıl 2016, , 100 - 109, 01.12.2016


Bu çalışma halkla ilişkilerin çağdaş versiyonu olan kurumsal iletişim yönetimi alanında çalışanların profil analizi üzerinden, eleştirel bir çerçevede Türkiye’de toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı ayrımcılığı ele almaktadır. Halkla ilişkiler uygulayıcılığı ve kurumsal iletişim yöneticiliği bir örgütün kamuları arasındaki iletişim süreçlerini izleme ve yürütme işlevini gören mesleklerdir. Halkla ilişkiler, 20.yy başlarında ortaya çıkmış ve 1970’lerde kadınlaştığı fark edilmiştir. Bir mesleğin kadınlaşması, alanda çalışan kadınların sayısının erkeklere göre belirgin biçimde daha fazla olmasıdır. Kadınlaşma, mesleğin özcü bir biçimde kadına atfedilen ve toplumsal cinsiyet ideolojisi ile yüklü nitelikleri gerektirdiğine yönelik kanaatlerin yaygınlaşmasıdır. Halkla ilişkilerin devamı olan kurumsal iletişim yöneticiliği de halkla ilişkilerin izinden gitmekte ve kadınlaşmaktadır. BIST10 şirketleri ve Linkedln üzerinden, yalnızca kurumsal iletişim yöneticisi ünvanını taşıyan kişilerle gerçekleştirilen bir mikro araştırmada, Türkiye’de de bu meslekte çalışanların % 69’unun kadın olduğu ortaya konmuştur


  • Aldoory, Linda. “The Empowerment of Feminist Scholarship in Public Relations and the Building of a Feminist Paradigm,” Communication Yearbook 27, (2003): 221-255.
  • Aldoory, Linda ve Elizabeth L. Toth. “Gender Discrepancies in a Gendered Profession: A Developing Theory for Public Relations,” Journal of Public Relations Research 14, no 2 (2002): 103-126.
  • Axinn, William G.; Thomas E. Fricke, ve Arland Thornton. “The Microdemographic Community-Study Approach,” Sociological Methods and Research 20, (1991): 187–217.
  • BBC News. “Why did some French women walk out of work early?”; 07.11.2016
  • BİST. Pay Endeksleri Temel Kuralları. Borsa İstanbul Kasım 2016. source/endeksler/bist-pay-endeksleri-temel-kurallari.pdf?sfvrsn=6; 06.12.2016.
  • Broom, Glen M. “A Comparison of Sex Roles in Public Relations,” Public Relations Review 8, (1982): 17-22.
  • Broom, Glen M. ve George D. Smith. “Testing the Practitioner’s Impact on Clients,” Public Relations Review 5, no 3 (1979): 47-59.
  • Cline, CarolynG.; Elizabeth L. Toth; J.V. Turk; L.M. Walters; N. Johnson ve H. Smith. The Velvet Ghetto: The Impact of the Increasing Percentage of Women in Public Relations and Business Communication (San Francisco: International Association of Business Communication, 1986).
  • Cornelissen, Joep; Tibor van Bekkum ve Betteke van Ruler. “Corporate Communications: A Practice-Based Theoretical Conceptualization,” Corporate Reputation Review 9, no 2 (2006): 114-133.
  • Dozier, David M. “Breaking Public Relations' Glass Ceiling,” Public Relations Review 14, no 3 (1988): 6-14.
  • Dozier, David M. “Program Evaluation and Roles of Practitioners,” Public Relations Review 10, no 2 (1984): 13
  • Ewen, Stuart. PR A Social History of Spin (New York: Basic Books, 1996).
  • Fitch, Kate. “Feminism and Public Relations,” The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations ed. Jacquie L’Etang, David McKie, Nancy Snow, Jordi Xifra (Oxon, NewYork: Rotledge, 2016), 54-64.
  • Grunig, James E. ve Todd Hunt. Managing Public Relations (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1984).
  • Grunig, Larissa A.; Elizabeth L. Toth ve Linda Childers Hon. “Feminist Values in Public Relations,” Journal of Public Relations Research 12, no 1 (2000): 49–68.
  • Hon, Linda Childers. “Toward a Feminist Theory of Public Relations,” Journal of Public Relations Research 7, no 1 (1995): 27-88.; 29.10.2016.; 11.2016
  • Özsoy, Aydan. “Televizyon Metinlerinde Halkla İlişkiler Mesleğinin Temsili Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Bakış: 'Yağmur Zamanı' ve 'Ihlamurlar Altında' Dizi-Metinlerinde Halkla İlişkilerin Nesnesi Olarak Kadın,” II. Ulusal Halkla İlişkiler Sempozyumu. 21. Yüzyılda Halkla İlişkilerde Yeni Yönelimler, Sorunlar ve Çözümler (27-28 Nisan ), 13-24. Papinchak, Kelly M. “Feminization Theory,” Encyclopedia of Public Relations ed. Robert Heath Vol.1 (California: Sage, 2005), 323-326.
  • PRCA. The demographics of the PR Industry. industry; 03.11.2016
  • Salzman, Marian. “Why Are There So Many Women In PR?” many-women-in-pr/; (September 23, 2014).
  • Steyn, Benita. “From ‘Strategy’ to ‘Corporate Communication Strategy’: A Conceptualisation,” 9th International Public Relations Research Symposium, Lake Bled (4-7 Temmuz, 2002).
  • Tanyıldızı, Nural İmik. “Türkiye’de Halkla İlişkiler Mesleğinde Kadın,” KMÜ Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi 13, no 20: (2011): 75-81.
  • Toth, Elizabeth L. ve Carolyn G. Cline. Beyond the Velvet Ghetto (San Francisco: International Association of Bsiness Communicators, 1989).
  • Toth, Elizabeth L. “How Feminist Theory Advanced the Practice of Public Relations” Handbook of Public Relations ed. Robert L. Heath ve Gabriel Vasquez, (London: Sage Publications, Inc., 2001), 237-246.
  • TÜİK. Toplumsal Cinsiyet 2013. metod=KitapDetay&KT_ID=11&KITAP_ID=294; 05.07.2016 van Zoonen, Lisbet. Feminist Media Studies (London: Sage, 1994).
  • Weedon, Chris. Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist Theory (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1997).

Pink Ghetto: Corporate Communications Managers in Turkey

Yıl 2016, , 100 - 109, 01.12.2016


This study aims to analyse gender-based discrimination in the field of corporate communications management by means of a critical analysis on the profiles of the professionals in Turkey. The practice of both public relations and corporate communications monitor and maintain an organization’s communication processes with its publics. Public relations as a profession emerged in early 20th century and the feminization in the field attracted attention by 1970s. Feminization of a profession occurs when the number of women workers rises disproportionately with respect to men. Along with feminization, the profession is perceived to require essentially feminine qualities which are loaded with gender ideology. Corporate communications management seems to follow its precedent public relations practice in becoming a feminized profession. A micro analysis of corporate communications manager’ profiles based on BIST100 firms and LınkedIn profiles confirmed that %69 of the professionals in the field are actually women in Turkey


  • Aldoory, Linda. “The Empowerment of Feminist Scholarship in Public Relations and the Building of a Feminist Paradigm,” Communication Yearbook 27, (2003): 221-255.
  • Aldoory, Linda ve Elizabeth L. Toth. “Gender Discrepancies in a Gendered Profession: A Developing Theory for Public Relations,” Journal of Public Relations Research 14, no 2 (2002): 103-126.
  • Axinn, William G.; Thomas E. Fricke, ve Arland Thornton. “The Microdemographic Community-Study Approach,” Sociological Methods and Research 20, (1991): 187–217.
  • BBC News. “Why did some French women walk out of work early?”; 07.11.2016
  • BİST. Pay Endeksleri Temel Kuralları. Borsa İstanbul Kasım 2016. source/endeksler/bist-pay-endeksleri-temel-kurallari.pdf?sfvrsn=6; 06.12.2016.
  • Broom, Glen M. “A Comparison of Sex Roles in Public Relations,” Public Relations Review 8, (1982): 17-22.
  • Broom, Glen M. ve George D. Smith. “Testing the Practitioner’s Impact on Clients,” Public Relations Review 5, no 3 (1979): 47-59.
  • Cline, CarolynG.; Elizabeth L. Toth; J.V. Turk; L.M. Walters; N. Johnson ve H. Smith. The Velvet Ghetto: The Impact of the Increasing Percentage of Women in Public Relations and Business Communication (San Francisco: International Association of Business Communication, 1986).
  • Cornelissen, Joep; Tibor van Bekkum ve Betteke van Ruler. “Corporate Communications: A Practice-Based Theoretical Conceptualization,” Corporate Reputation Review 9, no 2 (2006): 114-133.
  • Dozier, David M. “Breaking Public Relations' Glass Ceiling,” Public Relations Review 14, no 3 (1988): 6-14.
  • Dozier, David M. “Program Evaluation and Roles of Practitioners,” Public Relations Review 10, no 2 (1984): 13
  • Ewen, Stuart. PR A Social History of Spin (New York: Basic Books, 1996).
  • Fitch, Kate. “Feminism and Public Relations,” The Routledge Handbook of Critical Public Relations ed. Jacquie L’Etang, David McKie, Nancy Snow, Jordi Xifra (Oxon, NewYork: Rotledge, 2016), 54-64.
  • Grunig, James E. ve Todd Hunt. Managing Public Relations (New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1984).
  • Grunig, Larissa A.; Elizabeth L. Toth ve Linda Childers Hon. “Feminist Values in Public Relations,” Journal of Public Relations Research 12, no 1 (2000): 49–68.
  • Hon, Linda Childers. “Toward a Feminist Theory of Public Relations,” Journal of Public Relations Research 7, no 1 (1995): 27-88.; 29.10.2016.; 11.2016
  • Özsoy, Aydan. “Televizyon Metinlerinde Halkla İlişkiler Mesleğinin Temsili Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Bakış: 'Yağmur Zamanı' ve 'Ihlamurlar Altında' Dizi-Metinlerinde Halkla İlişkilerin Nesnesi Olarak Kadın,” II. Ulusal Halkla İlişkiler Sempozyumu. 21. Yüzyılda Halkla İlişkilerde Yeni Yönelimler, Sorunlar ve Çözümler (27-28 Nisan ), 13-24. Papinchak, Kelly M. “Feminization Theory,” Encyclopedia of Public Relations ed. Robert Heath Vol.1 (California: Sage, 2005), 323-326.
  • PRCA. The demographics of the PR Industry. industry; 03.11.2016
  • Salzman, Marian. “Why Are There So Many Women In PR?” many-women-in-pr/; (September 23, 2014).
  • Steyn, Benita. “From ‘Strategy’ to ‘Corporate Communication Strategy’: A Conceptualisation,” 9th International Public Relations Research Symposium, Lake Bled (4-7 Temmuz, 2002).
  • Tanyıldızı, Nural İmik. “Türkiye’de Halkla İlişkiler Mesleğinde Kadın,” KMÜ Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi 13, no 20: (2011): 75-81.
  • Toth, Elizabeth L. ve Carolyn G. Cline. Beyond the Velvet Ghetto (San Francisco: International Association of Bsiness Communicators, 1989).
  • Toth, Elizabeth L. “How Feminist Theory Advanced the Practice of Public Relations” Handbook of Public Relations ed. Robert L. Heath ve Gabriel Vasquez, (London: Sage Publications, Inc., 2001), 237-246.
  • TÜİK. Toplumsal Cinsiyet 2013. metod=KitapDetay&KT_ID=11&KITAP_ID=294; 05.07.2016 van Zoonen, Lisbet. Feminist Media Studies (London: Sage, 1994).
  • Weedon, Chris. Feminist Practice and Poststructuralist Theory (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 1997).
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
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Bölüm Research Article

Seçil Deren

Sibel Hoştut Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Deren, Seçil, ve Sibel Hoştut. “Kurumsal İletişim Yöneticileri Üzerine Bir Mikro Çalışma”. Fe Dergi 8, sy. 2 (Aralık 2016): 100-109.