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Global Women’s Movements and Feminist Interventions to Alternative Globalisation Discourses

Yıl 2012, , 111 - 122, 01.01.2012


This article aims to review the developing literature, which is rarely translated into Turkish, on feminist involvement in alternative globalisation movements. It also reflects the author’s personal analysis based on observations during participation to various social movement activism platforms in Europe. The article discusses the historical aspect of international women’s movement; origins of alternative globalisation movements; the obstacles that are faced by women’s movements during the attempts to actively take part in shaping the discourses of alternative globalisation as well as the resistance strategies developed by feminists to overcome these obstacles and; the oppression systems identified as the enemy by feminists. Following the literature review on these listed issues the article will focus on NextGENDERation Network as the case study of struggles to integrate feminist discourses to the alternative globalisation movements.


  • Alldred, Pam. ‘‘Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Women Activists’ Accounts’’, Feminist Review 77 (2002).
  • Andrijasevic, Rutvica, Sarah Bracke and Christina Gamberi. ‘‘NextGENDERation Network at the European Social Forum: A Feminist Intervention’’ NextGENDERation Website (2002)
  • Beucher, Seteven M. Social Movements in Advanced Capitalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).
  • Conway, Janet. ‘‘Geographies of Transnational Feminisms’’, Social Politics 15 no.2 (2008).
  • Eschle, Catherine. “Feminist Studies of Globalisation: Beyond Gender, Beyond Economism”, Global Society 18, no.2 (2004).
  • Eschle, Catherine and Bice Maiguashca. Making Feminist Sense of the Global Justice Movement (Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010).
  • Harvie, David et. al. (eds.) Shut Them Down The G8, Gleneagles 2005 and the Movement of Movements, (Leeds: Dissent , 2005).
  • Hercus, Cheryl. Stepping Out Of Line, (New York: Routledge, 2005).
  • İnceoglu, İrem. Coalition Through the Internet: Networking of the New Antisystemic Movements as a Contemporary Case of Radikal Democracy, PhD Thesis (Londra: University of Surrey Roehampton 2009).
  • Marchand, Marianne and Anne. S. Runyan (eds.) Gender and Global Restructuring: Sightings, Sites and Resistances (London: Routledge, 2000).
  • Massey, Doreen. “Politics and Space/Time” New Left Review 196 (1992).
  • Massey, Doreen. ‘‘A Global Sense of Place’’ in Time Space and Gender (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994).
  • Mertes, Tom (ed.) A Movements of Movements: Is Another World Really Possible? (London: Verso, 2004).
  • NextGENDERation Network. ‘‘Refusing to be the ‘Women’s Question’... Embodied Practices of a Feminist Intervention at the ESF 2003’’, Feminist Review77 (2004).
  • della Porta, Donatella and Mario Diani. Social Movements: An Introduction 2nd Edition (Oxford: Blackwell, 2006).
  • Rose, Gillian. Feminism and Geography: The Limits of Geographical Knowledge (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1993).
  • Rupp, Leila J. Worlds of Women: The Making of an International Women’s Movement (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1997).
  • Rupp, Leila J. and Verta Taylor. “Forging Feminist Identity in an International Movement”, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 24, no. 2 (1999).
  • Starr, Amory. Global Revolt (London: Zed Books, 2005).
  • Stienstra, Deborah. ‘‘Making Global Connections Among Women, 1970-1999’’, Global Social Movements ed. Robin Cohen (Londra: Continuum 2004).
  • Tinker, Irene and Jane, Jaquette. ‘‘UN Decade for Women: Its Impact and Legacy’’, World Development 15, no. 3 (1987).
  • Vega, Cristina. ‘‘Firenze, Feminism, Global Resistance’’, NextGENDERation website (2002),

Küresel Kadın Hareketleri ve Alternatif Küreselleşme Söylemlerine Feminist Müdahaleler

Yıl 2012, , 111 - 122, 01.01.2012


Bu makalenin amacı feminist söylemlerin kurelsellesme hareketleri kapsaminda ele alınışına yönelik gelişmekte olan ve Türkçe’ye çevirisi sınırlı olan literatürü tanıtmanın yanısıra Avrupa’da çeşitli platformlardaki sosyal hareketliliklere kişisel katılımım sırasındaki gözlemlerime dayalı analizlerin paylaşılmasıdır. Makalede değinilecek konular sırasıyla küresel boyutta kadın hareketlerinin tarihselliği; alternatif küresel hareketlerin çıkış noktası ve gelişme süreci; kadın/feminist hareketlerin alternatif küresel hareketlere katılımında karşılaşılan engeller; kadın hareketlerinin bu engeller karşısında geliştirdikleri direniş stratejileri; feminist aktivistlerin tanımladıkları ‘düşman baskı sistemleri.’ Bu konulardaki literatür analizini takiben de alternatif küreselleşme hareketlerine feminist söylemi dahil etme çabalarının bir örneği olarak NextGENDERation Ağı ve sadece bir kadın meselesi olmayı reddetme çabaları tartışılacaktır


  • Alldred, Pam. ‘‘Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Women Activists’ Accounts’’, Feminist Review 77 (2002).
  • Andrijasevic, Rutvica, Sarah Bracke and Christina Gamberi. ‘‘NextGENDERation Network at the European Social Forum: A Feminist Intervention’’ NextGENDERation Website (2002)
  • Beucher, Seteven M. Social Movements in Advanced Capitalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000).
  • Conway, Janet. ‘‘Geographies of Transnational Feminisms’’, Social Politics 15 no.2 (2008).
  • Eschle, Catherine. “Feminist Studies of Globalisation: Beyond Gender, Beyond Economism”, Global Society 18, no.2 (2004).
  • Eschle, Catherine and Bice Maiguashca. Making Feminist Sense of the Global Justice Movement (Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010).
  • Harvie, David et. al. (eds.) Shut Them Down The G8, Gleneagles 2005 and the Movement of Movements, (Leeds: Dissent , 2005).
  • Hercus, Cheryl. Stepping Out Of Line, (New York: Routledge, 2005).
  • İnceoglu, İrem. Coalition Through the Internet: Networking of the New Antisystemic Movements as a Contemporary Case of Radikal Democracy, PhD Thesis (Londra: University of Surrey Roehampton 2009).
  • Marchand, Marianne and Anne. S. Runyan (eds.) Gender and Global Restructuring: Sightings, Sites and Resistances (London: Routledge, 2000).
  • Massey, Doreen. “Politics and Space/Time” New Left Review 196 (1992).
  • Massey, Doreen. ‘‘A Global Sense of Place’’ in Time Space and Gender (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994).
  • Mertes, Tom (ed.) A Movements of Movements: Is Another World Really Possible? (London: Verso, 2004).
  • NextGENDERation Network. ‘‘Refusing to be the ‘Women’s Question’... Embodied Practices of a Feminist Intervention at the ESF 2003’’, Feminist Review77 (2004).
  • della Porta, Donatella and Mario Diani. Social Movements: An Introduction 2nd Edition (Oxford: Blackwell, 2006).
  • Rose, Gillian. Feminism and Geography: The Limits of Geographical Knowledge (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1993).
  • Rupp, Leila J. Worlds of Women: The Making of an International Women’s Movement (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1997).
  • Rupp, Leila J. and Verta Taylor. “Forging Feminist Identity in an International Movement”, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 24, no. 2 (1999).
  • Starr, Amory. Global Revolt (London: Zed Books, 2005).
  • Stienstra, Deborah. ‘‘Making Global Connections Among Women, 1970-1999’’, Global Social Movements ed. Robin Cohen (Londra: Continuum 2004).
  • Tinker, Irene and Jane, Jaquette. ‘‘UN Decade for Women: Its Impact and Legacy’’, World Development 15, no. 3 (1987).
  • Vega, Cristina. ‘‘Firenze, Feminism, Global Resistance’’, NextGENDERation website (2002),
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kadın Araştırmaları
Bölüm Research Article

İrem İnceoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012

Kaynak Göster

Chicago İnceoğlu, İrem. “Küresel Kadın Hareketleri Ve Alternatif Küreselleşme Söylemlerine Feminist Müdahaleler”. Fe Dergi 4, sy. 1 (Ocak 2012): 111-22.