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A Theoretic Analysis on Altruism in Prosocial Behavior Axis

Yıl 2009, Sayı: 8, 41 - 69, 01.09.2009


Auguste Comte (1875), who is one of the founder of French philosophy and sociology had introduced and defined altruism as "a tendency or a desire to live for others. The unique thing in Comte's contribution to the social science is not only the concept of altruism which Comte defined, but also the fact that he is a key person in developing a concept which is independent from religious suppositions. In this study, The scope of altruism concept, the historical development of altruism and, again in this scope, to show the information on altruistic behavior which is discussed as an element of prosocial behavior in literature, what the concept brings are discussed in prosocial behavior Axis


  • ARONFREED, J. “Altruistic Behavior”, R. D. MILO (Ed.), Egoism and Altruism (s.108-119), Belmont CA: Wadsworth. 1973.
  • BADHWAR, N. K. “Altruism versus self-interest: Sometimes False Dichotomy”, In E. F. PAUL, F. D. MILLER, & J. PAUL (Eds.), Altruism (sayfa 90-117), Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. 1993.
  • BAR-TAL, D. Prosocial Behavior: Theory and Research, NY: John Willey and Sons. 1976.
  • BATSON, C. D., & COKE, J. S. “Empathy: A Source of Altruistic Motivation for Helping?” In J. P. RUSHTON, & R. M. SORRENTINO (Eds.), Altruism and Helping Behavior: Social, Personality and Developmental Perspectives (sayfa 167-187), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • BATSON, C. D. The Altruism Question: Toward a Social-Psychological Answer, Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1991.
  • BATSON, C. D., & OLESON, K. C. “Current Status of the Empathy- Altruism Hypotesis”, In M. S. CLARK (Ed.), Prosocial Behavior (sayfa 62-85), Newbury Park CA: SAGE Publication. 1991.
  • BLAU, P. M. Exchange and Power in Social Life, NY: John Willey and Sons. 1964.
  • BLUM, L. A. Friendship, Altruism and Morality, Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1980.
  • BOORMAN, S. A., & LEVITT, P. R. The Genetics of Altruism, NY: Academic Press. 1980.
  • BUCK, R., & GINSBURG, B. “Spontaneous Communication and Altruism: The Communicative Gene Hypothesis”, In M. S. CLARK (Ed.), Prosocial Behavior (sayfa 149-175), Newbury Park CA: SAGE Publications. 1991.
  • BUDD, L. J. “Altruism Arrives in America”, American Quarterly, 8: (1), sayfa 40-52. 1956.
  • COMTE, A. System of Positive Polity, 1-4. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 1875-1877.
  • DUBESKI, N. “Durkheim’s Altruism as the Source of His Social Holism: A Discussion of the Viability of a Social Basis for Moral Principles”, Electronic Journal of Sociology, 5(3) http://www. web adresinden 25 Mayıs 2008 tarihinde edinilmiştir. 2001.
  • EISENBERG, N. “Prosocial Development in Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study”, Developmental Psychology 27: (5), sayfa 849-858. 1991.
  • EISENBERG, N. “The Development of Reasoning Regarding Prosocial Behavior”, In N. EISENBERG. (Ed.), The Development of Prosocial Behavior (sayfa 219-250), NY: Academic Press. 1982.
  • EISENBERG, N. Altruistic Emotion, Cognition and Behavior, Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates. 1986.
  • GRUSEC, J. E. “Socialization Processes and the Developmental of Altruism”, J. P. RUSHTON, & R.M. SORRENTINO (Eds.), Altruism and Helping Behavior (sayfa 65-90), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • HOBBES, T. “Self-love and Society”, R. D. MILO (Ed.), Egoism and Altruism (s. 17-25), Belmont CA: Wadsworth. 1662.
  • HOFFMAN, M. L. “Development of Empathy”, In J. P. RUSHTON, & R. M. SORRENTINO (Eds.), Altruism and Helping Behavior: Social, Personality and Developmental Perspectives (sayfa 41-63), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • HOFFMAN, M. L. “Development of Prosocial Motivation: Empathy and Quilt”, In N. EISENBERG (Ed.), The Development of Prosocial Behavior (sayfa 281-313), NY: Academic Press. 1982.
  • HUNT, M. The Compassionate Beast. NY: William Morrow and Co. 1990.
  • KANT, I. Morality and the Duty of Love toward another Men, In R.D. MILO (1973) (Ed.), Egoism and Altruism (sayfa 52-75), Belmont CA: Woodsworth. 1785.
  • KOHLBERG, L. “The Development of Children’s Orientations toward a Moral Order: I. Sequence in the Development of Moral Thought,” Vita Humana, 6: (1/2), sayfa 11-33. 1963.
  • KOHN, A. The Brighter Side of Human Nature: Altruism and Empathy in Everyday Life, NY: Basic Books, Inc. 1990.
  • KREBS, D. L. “Prosocial Behavior, Equity, and Justice”, In J. Greenberg & R.L. Cohen (Eds.). Equity and Justice in Social Behavior (sayfa 261-308), NY: Academic Press. 1982.
  • KREBS, D. L., & VAN HESTEREN, F. “The Development of Altruistic Personality”, In S.P. OLINER, L. BARON, L. A. BLUM, D. L. KREBS, & M. Z. SMOLENSKA (Eds.), Embracing the Other: Philosophical, Psychological and Historical Perspectives of Altruism (sayfa 142-169). NY: New York University Press. 1992.
  • LEEDS, R. “Altruism and the Norm of Giving”, Merril-Palmer Quarterly 9, sayfa 229-240. 1963.
  • MARGOLIS, H. Selfishness, Altruism and Rationality: A Theory of Social Choice, NY: Cambridge University Press. 1982.
  • MATEER, N. H. & WILLOVER, D. J. “Teacher Altruism: Implications for Administrators”, Pennsylvania Educational Leadership, 13:(2), sayfa 29-31. 1994.
  • MERTON, R. K., & GIERYN, T. F. “Institutionalized Altruism: The Case of the Professions”. In R. K. MERTON (Ed.), Social Research and the Practicing Professions (sayfa 109-134), Lanham MD: University Press of America. 1982.
  • MIDLARKSY, E. “Helping as Coping”, In. M. S. CLARK (Ed.), Review of Personality and Social Psychology: Prosocial Behavior (cilt 12, sayfa 238–264). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 1991.
  • MIDLARSKY, E. “Competence and Helping: Notes towards a Model”, In E. STAUB, D. BAR-TAL, J. KARYLOWSKI, & J. REYKOWSKY (Eds.), Development and Maintenance of Prosocial Behavior: International Perspectives on Positive Behavior (sayfa 291-309), NY: Plenum Press. 1984.
  • MIDLARSKY, E., & KAHANA, E. Altruism in Later Life, Thusand Oaks CA: SAGE Publications. 1994.
  • MONROE, K. R. The Heart of Altruism: Perceptions of Common Humanity, Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. 1996.
  • MOORMAN, R. H., & BLAKELY, G. L. “Individualism-Collectivism as an Individual Difference Predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 16, sayfa 127-142. 1995.
  • MOORMAN, R. H., BLAKELY, G. L. “Individualism-Collectivism as an Individual Difference Predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 16, sayfa 127-142. 1995.
  • MORRISON, E. W. “Role Definitions and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: The Importance of the Employees’ Perspective”, Academy of Management Journal, 37, sayfa 1543-1567. 1994.
  • NAGEL, T. The Possibility of Altruism, London: Oxford University, Clarendon Press. 1970.
  • NEUMAN, W. L. Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Toronto: Allyn & Bacon. 2006.
  • OLINER, P. M. Saving the Forsaken, London: Yale University Press. 2004.
  • OLINER, S. P. Do Onto Others: Extraordinary Acts of Ordinary People. Boulder CO: Westview Press. 2003.
  • OLINER, S. P., & OLINER, P. M. The Altruistic Personality: Rescuers of Jews in Nazi Europe, NY: Free Press. 1988.
  • ORGAN, D. W. Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Good Soldier Syndrome, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. 1988.
  • QUIGLEY, B., GAES, G. G., & TEDESCHI, T. T. “Does Asking Make A Difference? Effects of Initiator, Possible Gain and Risk on Attributed Altruism”, Journal of Social Psychology, 129: (2), sayfa 259-267. 1989.
  • REYKOWSKI, J. “Motivation of Prosocial Behavior”, In V.J. DERLEGA, & J. GRZELAK, (Eds.), Cooperation and Helping Behavior: Theories and Research (sayfa 355-375), NY: Academic Press. 1982.
  • ROSENHAN, D. L. “Toward Resolving the Altruism Paradox”, In L. WISPE (Ed.), Altruism, Sympathy and Helping: Psychological and Sociological Principles (sayfa 101-113), NY: Academic Press. 1978.
  • RUSHTON, J. P. “The Altruistic Personality: Evidence from Laboratory, Naturalistic and Self-Report Perspectives”, In E. STAUB, D. BAR- TAL, J. KARYLOWSKI, & J. REYKOWSKY, (Eds.), Development and Maintenance of Prosocial Behavior: International Perspectives on Positive Behavior (sayfa 271-290), NY: Plenum Press. 1984.
  • RUSHTON, J. P. “The Altruistic Personality”, In J.P. RUSHTON, & R.M. SORRENTINO (Eds.),Altruism and Helping Behavior: Social, Personality and Developmental Perspective (sayfa 251- 266), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • RUSHTON, J. P. Altruism, Socialization and Society, Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall. 1980.
  • RUSHTON, J. P., & SORRENTINO, R. M. “Altruism and Helping Behavior: A Historical Perspective”, In J. P. RUSHTON, & R. M. SORRENTINO (Eds.), Altruism and Helping Behavior: Social, Personality and Developmental Perspectives (sayfa 3-14), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • SCHWARTZ, B. ‘Why Altruism is Impossible . . . and Ubiquitous”, Social Service Review, 67, sayfa 314-343. 1993.
  • SCHWARTZ, S. H. & HOWARD, J. A. “Internalized Values as Motivators of Altruism”, In E. STAUB, BAR-TAL, D., KARYLOWSKI, J., & REYKOWSKY, J. (Eds.). Development and Maintenance of Prosocial Behavior: International Perspectives on Positive Behavior (sayfa 229-256), NY: Plenum Press. 1984.
  • SMITH, C. A., ORGAN, D. W., & NEAR, J. P. “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature and Antecedents”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 68, sayfa 653-63. 1983.
  • STARK, O. Altruism and Beyond: An Economic Analysis of Transfers and Exchanges within Families and Groups, NY: Cambridge University Pres. 1995.
  • STAUB, E. “Promoting Positive Behavior in Schools, in Other Educational Settings, and in the Home”, In J.P. RUSHTON, & R.M. SORRENTINO (Eds.). Altruism and Helping Behavior: Social, Personality and Developmental Perspectives (sayfa 109- 133), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • SUGDEN, R. Thinking as a Team: Towards an Explanation of non Selfish Behavior. In E. P. PAUL, F. D. MILLER, J. PAUL (Eds.), Altruism (sayfa 69-89), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1993.
  • THIBAUT, J. W., & KELLEY, H. H. The Social Psychology of Groups, New Brunswick NJ: Transaction Books. 1986.
  • TRADIS, H. C. Individualism and Collectivism, Boulder Colorado: Westview. 1995.
  • VAN DYNE, L., GRAHAM, J. W., & DIENESCH, R. M. “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Construct Redefinition, Measurement, and Validation”, Academy of Management Journal, 37: (4), sayfa 765-802. 1994.
  • WRIGHT, R. “The Evolution of Despair”, Time, 146: (9), sayfa 50-57. 1995.
  • WRIGHTSMAN, L., Jr. “Measurement of Philosophies of Human Nature”, Psychological Reports, 14, sayfa 743-751. 1964.
  • WUTHNOW, L. S. Acts of Compassion: Caring for Others and Helping Ourselves, Princeton NJ: Prince University Press. 1991.
  • ZAHN-WAXLER, C., RADKE-YARROW, M., & WAGNER, E. “Development of Concern for Others”, Developmental Psychology 28: (1), sayfa 126-136. 1992.


Yıl 2009, Sayı: 8, 41 - 69, 01.09.2009


gecilik kavramını ilk kez on dokuzuncu yüzyılda Fransız filozofisinin ve sosyolojinin kurucularından biri olan Auguste Comte (1875) ortaya atmış ve özgeciliği başkaları için yaşama eğilimi veya arzusu olarak tanımlamıştır. Comte’un sosyal bilimlere katkısında eşsiz olan şey, sadece onun tanımladığı özgecilik kavramı değil, aynı zamanda dini varsayımlardan bağımsız bir kavram geliştirmede anahtar kişi olmasıdır. Bu çalışmada, özgecilik kavramının kapsamı, tarihsel gelişimi ile yine bu kapsamda prososyal davranışın bir elementi olarak literatürde tartışılan özgeci davranış hakkında var olan bilgileri ortaya koymak; kavramın getirilerini prososyal davranış ekseninde tartışılmaktadır


  • ARONFREED, J. “Altruistic Behavior”, R. D. MILO (Ed.), Egoism and Altruism (s.108-119), Belmont CA: Wadsworth. 1973.
  • BADHWAR, N. K. “Altruism versus self-interest: Sometimes False Dichotomy”, In E. F. PAUL, F. D. MILLER, & J. PAUL (Eds.), Altruism (sayfa 90-117), Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press. 1993.
  • BAR-TAL, D. Prosocial Behavior: Theory and Research, NY: John Willey and Sons. 1976.
  • BATSON, C. D., & COKE, J. S. “Empathy: A Source of Altruistic Motivation for Helping?” In J. P. RUSHTON, & R. M. SORRENTINO (Eds.), Altruism and Helping Behavior: Social, Personality and Developmental Perspectives (sayfa 167-187), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • BATSON, C. D. The Altruism Question: Toward a Social-Psychological Answer, Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1991.
  • BATSON, C. D., & OLESON, K. C. “Current Status of the Empathy- Altruism Hypotesis”, In M. S. CLARK (Ed.), Prosocial Behavior (sayfa 62-85), Newbury Park CA: SAGE Publication. 1991.
  • BLAU, P. M. Exchange and Power in Social Life, NY: John Willey and Sons. 1964.
  • BLUM, L. A. Friendship, Altruism and Morality, Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1980.
  • BOORMAN, S. A., & LEVITT, P. R. The Genetics of Altruism, NY: Academic Press. 1980.
  • BUCK, R., & GINSBURG, B. “Spontaneous Communication and Altruism: The Communicative Gene Hypothesis”, In M. S. CLARK (Ed.), Prosocial Behavior (sayfa 149-175), Newbury Park CA: SAGE Publications. 1991.
  • BUDD, L. J. “Altruism Arrives in America”, American Quarterly, 8: (1), sayfa 40-52. 1956.
  • COMTE, A. System of Positive Polity, 1-4. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 1875-1877.
  • DUBESKI, N. “Durkheim’s Altruism as the Source of His Social Holism: A Discussion of the Viability of a Social Basis for Moral Principles”, Electronic Journal of Sociology, 5(3) http://www. web adresinden 25 Mayıs 2008 tarihinde edinilmiştir. 2001.
  • EISENBERG, N. “Prosocial Development in Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study”, Developmental Psychology 27: (5), sayfa 849-858. 1991.
  • EISENBERG, N. “The Development of Reasoning Regarding Prosocial Behavior”, In N. EISENBERG. (Ed.), The Development of Prosocial Behavior (sayfa 219-250), NY: Academic Press. 1982.
  • EISENBERG, N. Altruistic Emotion, Cognition and Behavior, Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Elbaum Associates. 1986.
  • GRUSEC, J. E. “Socialization Processes and the Developmental of Altruism”, J. P. RUSHTON, & R.M. SORRENTINO (Eds.), Altruism and Helping Behavior (sayfa 65-90), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • HOBBES, T. “Self-love and Society”, R. D. MILO (Ed.), Egoism and Altruism (s. 17-25), Belmont CA: Wadsworth. 1662.
  • HOFFMAN, M. L. “Development of Empathy”, In J. P. RUSHTON, & R. M. SORRENTINO (Eds.), Altruism and Helping Behavior: Social, Personality and Developmental Perspectives (sayfa 41-63), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • HOFFMAN, M. L. “Development of Prosocial Motivation: Empathy and Quilt”, In N. EISENBERG (Ed.), The Development of Prosocial Behavior (sayfa 281-313), NY: Academic Press. 1982.
  • HUNT, M. The Compassionate Beast. NY: William Morrow and Co. 1990.
  • KANT, I. Morality and the Duty of Love toward another Men, In R.D. MILO (1973) (Ed.), Egoism and Altruism (sayfa 52-75), Belmont CA: Woodsworth. 1785.
  • KOHLBERG, L. “The Development of Children’s Orientations toward a Moral Order: I. Sequence in the Development of Moral Thought,” Vita Humana, 6: (1/2), sayfa 11-33. 1963.
  • KOHN, A. The Brighter Side of Human Nature: Altruism and Empathy in Everyday Life, NY: Basic Books, Inc. 1990.
  • KREBS, D. L. “Prosocial Behavior, Equity, and Justice”, In J. Greenberg & R.L. Cohen (Eds.). Equity and Justice in Social Behavior (sayfa 261-308), NY: Academic Press. 1982.
  • KREBS, D. L., & VAN HESTEREN, F. “The Development of Altruistic Personality”, In S.P. OLINER, L. BARON, L. A. BLUM, D. L. KREBS, & M. Z. SMOLENSKA (Eds.), Embracing the Other: Philosophical, Psychological and Historical Perspectives of Altruism (sayfa 142-169). NY: New York University Press. 1992.
  • LEEDS, R. “Altruism and the Norm of Giving”, Merril-Palmer Quarterly 9, sayfa 229-240. 1963.
  • MARGOLIS, H. Selfishness, Altruism and Rationality: A Theory of Social Choice, NY: Cambridge University Press. 1982.
  • MATEER, N. H. & WILLOVER, D. J. “Teacher Altruism: Implications for Administrators”, Pennsylvania Educational Leadership, 13:(2), sayfa 29-31. 1994.
  • MERTON, R. K., & GIERYN, T. F. “Institutionalized Altruism: The Case of the Professions”. In R. K. MERTON (Ed.), Social Research and the Practicing Professions (sayfa 109-134), Lanham MD: University Press of America. 1982.
  • MIDLARKSY, E. “Helping as Coping”, In. M. S. CLARK (Ed.), Review of Personality and Social Psychology: Prosocial Behavior (cilt 12, sayfa 238–264). Newbury Park, CA: Sage. 1991.
  • MIDLARSKY, E. “Competence and Helping: Notes towards a Model”, In E. STAUB, D. BAR-TAL, J. KARYLOWSKI, & J. REYKOWSKY (Eds.), Development and Maintenance of Prosocial Behavior: International Perspectives on Positive Behavior (sayfa 291-309), NY: Plenum Press. 1984.
  • MIDLARSKY, E., & KAHANA, E. Altruism in Later Life, Thusand Oaks CA: SAGE Publications. 1994.
  • MONROE, K. R. The Heart of Altruism: Perceptions of Common Humanity, Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. 1996.
  • MOORMAN, R. H., & BLAKELY, G. L. “Individualism-Collectivism as an Individual Difference Predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 16, sayfa 127-142. 1995.
  • MOORMAN, R. H., BLAKELY, G. L. “Individualism-Collectivism as an Individual Difference Predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 16, sayfa 127-142. 1995.
  • MORRISON, E. W. “Role Definitions and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: The Importance of the Employees’ Perspective”, Academy of Management Journal, 37, sayfa 1543-1567. 1994.
  • NAGEL, T. The Possibility of Altruism, London: Oxford University, Clarendon Press. 1970.
  • NEUMAN, W. L. Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Toronto: Allyn & Bacon. 2006.
  • OLINER, P. M. Saving the Forsaken, London: Yale University Press. 2004.
  • OLINER, S. P. Do Onto Others: Extraordinary Acts of Ordinary People. Boulder CO: Westview Press. 2003.
  • OLINER, S. P., & OLINER, P. M. The Altruistic Personality: Rescuers of Jews in Nazi Europe, NY: Free Press. 1988.
  • ORGAN, D. W. Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Good Soldier Syndrome, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. 1988.
  • QUIGLEY, B., GAES, G. G., & TEDESCHI, T. T. “Does Asking Make A Difference? Effects of Initiator, Possible Gain and Risk on Attributed Altruism”, Journal of Social Psychology, 129: (2), sayfa 259-267. 1989.
  • REYKOWSKI, J. “Motivation of Prosocial Behavior”, In V.J. DERLEGA, & J. GRZELAK, (Eds.), Cooperation and Helping Behavior: Theories and Research (sayfa 355-375), NY: Academic Press. 1982.
  • ROSENHAN, D. L. “Toward Resolving the Altruism Paradox”, In L. WISPE (Ed.), Altruism, Sympathy and Helping: Psychological and Sociological Principles (sayfa 101-113), NY: Academic Press. 1978.
  • RUSHTON, J. P. “The Altruistic Personality: Evidence from Laboratory, Naturalistic and Self-Report Perspectives”, In E. STAUB, D. BAR- TAL, J. KARYLOWSKI, & J. REYKOWSKY, (Eds.), Development and Maintenance of Prosocial Behavior: International Perspectives on Positive Behavior (sayfa 271-290), NY: Plenum Press. 1984.
  • RUSHTON, J. P. “The Altruistic Personality”, In J.P. RUSHTON, & R.M. SORRENTINO (Eds.),Altruism and Helping Behavior: Social, Personality and Developmental Perspective (sayfa 251- 266), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • RUSHTON, J. P. Altruism, Socialization and Society, Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall. 1980.
  • RUSHTON, J. P., & SORRENTINO, R. M. “Altruism and Helping Behavior: A Historical Perspective”, In J. P. RUSHTON, & R. M. SORRENTINO (Eds.), Altruism and Helping Behavior: Social, Personality and Developmental Perspectives (sayfa 3-14), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • SCHWARTZ, B. ‘Why Altruism is Impossible . . . and Ubiquitous”, Social Service Review, 67, sayfa 314-343. 1993.
  • SCHWARTZ, S. H. & HOWARD, J. A. “Internalized Values as Motivators of Altruism”, In E. STAUB, BAR-TAL, D., KARYLOWSKI, J., & REYKOWSKY, J. (Eds.). Development and Maintenance of Prosocial Behavior: International Perspectives on Positive Behavior (sayfa 229-256), NY: Plenum Press. 1984.
  • SMITH, C. A., ORGAN, D. W., & NEAR, J. P. “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature and Antecedents”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 68, sayfa 653-63. 1983.
  • STARK, O. Altruism and Beyond: An Economic Analysis of Transfers and Exchanges within Families and Groups, NY: Cambridge University Pres. 1995.
  • STAUB, E. “Promoting Positive Behavior in Schools, in Other Educational Settings, and in the Home”, In J.P. RUSHTON, & R.M. SORRENTINO (Eds.). Altruism and Helping Behavior: Social, Personality and Developmental Perspectives (sayfa 109- 133), Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1981.
  • SUGDEN, R. Thinking as a Team: Towards an Explanation of non Selfish Behavior. In E. P. PAUL, F. D. MILLER, J. PAUL (Eds.), Altruism (sayfa 69-89), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1993.
  • THIBAUT, J. W., & KELLEY, H. H. The Social Psychology of Groups, New Brunswick NJ: Transaction Books. 1986.
  • TRADIS, H. C. Individualism and Collectivism, Boulder Colorado: Westview. 1995.
  • VAN DYNE, L., GRAHAM, J. W., & DIENESCH, R. M. “Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Construct Redefinition, Measurement, and Validation”, Academy of Management Journal, 37: (4), sayfa 765-802. 1994.
  • WRIGHT, R. “The Evolution of Despair”, Time, 146: (9), sayfa 50-57. 1995.
  • WRIGHTSMAN, L., Jr. “Measurement of Philosophies of Human Nature”, Psychological Reports, 14, sayfa 743-751. 1964.
  • WUTHNOW, L. S. Acts of Compassion: Caring for Others and Helping Ourselves, Princeton NJ: Prince University Press. 1991.
  • ZAHN-WAXLER, C., RADKE-YARROW, M., & WAGNER, E. “Development of Concern for Others”, Developmental Psychology 28: (1), sayfa 126-136. 1992.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Engin Karadağ

İşıl Mutafçılar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Sayı: 8

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Karadağ, Engin, ve İşıl Mutafçılar. “PROSOSYAL DAVRANIŞ EKSENİNDE ÖZGECİLİK ÜZERİNE TEORİK BİR ÇÖZÜMLEME”. FLSF Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, sy. 8 (Eylül 2009): 41-69.

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