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Yıl 2020, Sayı: 29, 33 - 52, 16.05.2020


Foucault’ya göre bir deneyim tarihin verili bir anında ekonomik veya politik nedenlerden ötürü sorunsallaştırılarak üzerinde düşünülen bir alana dâhil edilir. Bu deneyim hakkında bilimsel bilgi üretilir ve bunun sonucunda deneyim sınırları belirlenmiş bir kimliğe dönüştürülür. Bu deneyimle ilişkili normativiteler üretilir ve bir takım aparatlar tarafından bu normativite aralığı denetlenir. Böylece insan varlığı, olma biçimi egemen tarafından belirlenmiş dolayısıyla insan özneleştirilmiş olur. Foucault’ya göre modern toplumda özneleştirme yoğunluklu olarak dürtü-haz-arzu üçlüsünün kullanıma sokulmasıyla çalışır. Onun her türden özneleştirme stratejilerine karşı direnmek için önerisi ise Antik Yunandan ödünç aldığı kendilik teknolojileri ve kendilik kültivasyonudur.


  • Alcoff, L. M. (2013). “Foucault’s Normative Epistemology” (s.207-225) A Companion to Foucault Edited by Christopher Falzon, Timothy O’Leary, Jana Sawicki UK: Blackwell Publishing Limited.
  • Allen, Amy (2013). “Power and the Subject”. A Companion to Foucault. İçinde (S. 337-352) Der. Falzon, C., O’Leary, T., Sawicki, J. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Limited.
  • Faubion, J. D. (2013). “Foucault’s Ontology and Epistemology of Ethics”. A Companion to Foucault. İçinde (S. 493-509) Der. Falzon, C., O’LEary, T., Sawicki, J. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Limited.
  • Foucault, M. (1983). Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. Der. Dreyfus, H. L. ve Rabinow, P. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Foucault, M. (1984). The Foucault Reader. Rabinow, P. (Der.), New York: Pantheon Books.
  • Foucault, M. (1986) The History of Sexuality Volume 3 The Care of the Self. NewYork: Pantheon Books.
  • Foucault, M. (1990). The History of Sexuality Volume 2 The Use of Pleasure. USA: Vintage Books.
  • Foucault, M. (1997). The Essential Works Of Michel Foucault 1954-1984 ETHICS der. Rabinow, P. R. Hurley (Çev.). New York: The New Press.
  • Foucault, M. (2005). The Hermeneutics of the Subject Lectures At The College De France, 1981-82. Der. Frederic Gros. Çev. Graham Burchell. NewYork: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Foucault, M. (2014). Özne ve İktidar. I. Ergüden, O. Akınhay (Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı
  • Huijer, M. (1999). “The aesthetics of existence in the work of Michel Foucault”. Philosophy & Social Criticism. 25(2):61-85. London: Sage Publication.
  • Kelly, Mark, E. (2013). “Foucault, Subjectivity, and Technologies of the Self”. A Companion to Foucault. İçinde (S. 510-525) Der. Falzon, C., O’LEary, T., Sawicki, J. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Limited.
  • Keskin, F. (2002). PhD, Columbia University, New York, Graduate School of Arts and Science, Department of Philosophy Dissertation: “Problematization and Games of Truth: Michel Foucault’s Analytics of the Constitution of the Subject in Political Modernity” (Thomas Pogge Advisor). Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Mihaela Kelemen & Tuomo Peltonen (2005) Spirituality: A Way to an Alternative Subjectivity?, Organization Management Journal, 2:1, 52-63.
  • Keskin, F. (2014). “Özne ve İktidar”. Özne ve İktidar içinde (s. 7-24). I. Ergüden, O. Akınhay (Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı
  • Koopman, C. (2013). “The Formation and Self-Transformation of the Subject in Foucault’s Ethics”. A Companion to Foucault. İçinde (S. 526-543) Der. Falzon, C., O’LEary, T., Sawicki, J. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Limited.
  • Lyotard, J. F. (1984). The postmodern Condition. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Mansfield, N. (2000). “Subjectivity, Theories of the Self from Freud to Haraway”. Australia: Allen&Unwin.
  • Macmillan, A. (2011). Michel Foucault’s Techniques of the Self and the Christian Politics of Obedience. Theory, Culture & Society journal. Vol. 28(4): 3-25.
  • Mihaela Kelemen & Tuomo Peltonen (2005) “Spirituality: A Way to an Alternative Subjectivity?”, Organization Management Journal, 2:1, 52-63
  • McNay, L. (1994). Foucault: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Polity.
  • O’Leary, T. (2002). Foucault and the Art of Ethics. NewYork: Continuum.
  • Şeriati, A. (1997). İnsanın Dört Zindanı. Çev. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Hatemi İstanbul: İşaret Yayınları.
  • Taylor, Dianna. (2013). “Toward a Feminist Politics of Ourselves” A Companion to Foucault. İçinde (S. 403-418) Der. Falzon, C., O’LEary, T., Sawicki, J. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Limited.


Yıl 2020, Sayı: 29, 33 - 52, 16.05.2020


According to Foucault, an experience is problematized and included in the field of thought for economic or political reasons at a given moment in history. Scientific knowledge is produced about this experience and, as a result, the experience is transformed into a well defined identity. What is normal and abnormal way of being (normativities) related to this experience are produced and well defined range of normativities is controlled by a number of apparatuses. Thus, the human being, the manner of being is determined by the sovereign and thus human being becomes subject. According to Foucault, subjectivity in modern society works intensively with the use of the trio of impulse-pleasure-desire. His proposal to resist all kinds of subjectivation strategies is the technologies of the self and the cultivation of the self which he borrowed from Ancient Greece.    


  • Alcoff, L. M. (2013). “Foucault’s Normative Epistemology” (s.207-225) A Companion to Foucault Edited by Christopher Falzon, Timothy O’Leary, Jana Sawicki UK: Blackwell Publishing Limited.
  • Allen, Amy (2013). “Power and the Subject”. A Companion to Foucault. İçinde (S. 337-352) Der. Falzon, C., O’Leary, T., Sawicki, J. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Limited.
  • Faubion, J. D. (2013). “Foucault’s Ontology and Epistemology of Ethics”. A Companion to Foucault. İçinde (S. 493-509) Der. Falzon, C., O’LEary, T., Sawicki, J. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Limited.
  • Foucault, M. (1983). Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. Der. Dreyfus, H. L. ve Rabinow, P. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Foucault, M. (1984). The Foucault Reader. Rabinow, P. (Der.), New York: Pantheon Books.
  • Foucault, M. (1986) The History of Sexuality Volume 3 The Care of the Self. NewYork: Pantheon Books.
  • Foucault, M. (1990). The History of Sexuality Volume 2 The Use of Pleasure. USA: Vintage Books.
  • Foucault, M. (1997). The Essential Works Of Michel Foucault 1954-1984 ETHICS der. Rabinow, P. R. Hurley (Çev.). New York: The New Press.
  • Foucault, M. (2005). The Hermeneutics of the Subject Lectures At The College De France, 1981-82. Der. Frederic Gros. Çev. Graham Burchell. NewYork: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Foucault, M. (2014). Özne ve İktidar. I. Ergüden, O. Akınhay (Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı
  • Huijer, M. (1999). “The aesthetics of existence in the work of Michel Foucault”. Philosophy & Social Criticism. 25(2):61-85. London: Sage Publication.
  • Kelly, Mark, E. (2013). “Foucault, Subjectivity, and Technologies of the Self”. A Companion to Foucault. İçinde (S. 510-525) Der. Falzon, C., O’LEary, T., Sawicki, J. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Limited.
  • Keskin, F. (2002). PhD, Columbia University, New York, Graduate School of Arts and Science, Department of Philosophy Dissertation: “Problematization and Games of Truth: Michel Foucault’s Analytics of the Constitution of the Subject in Political Modernity” (Thomas Pogge Advisor). Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Mihaela Kelemen & Tuomo Peltonen (2005) Spirituality: A Way to an Alternative Subjectivity?, Organization Management Journal, 2:1, 52-63.
  • Keskin, F. (2014). “Özne ve İktidar”. Özne ve İktidar içinde (s. 7-24). I. Ergüden, O. Akınhay (Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı
  • Koopman, C. (2013). “The Formation and Self-Transformation of the Subject in Foucault’s Ethics”. A Companion to Foucault. İçinde (S. 526-543) Der. Falzon, C., O’LEary, T., Sawicki, J. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Limited.
  • Lyotard, J. F. (1984). The postmodern Condition. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Mansfield, N. (2000). “Subjectivity, Theories of the Self from Freud to Haraway”. Australia: Allen&Unwin.
  • Macmillan, A. (2011). Michel Foucault’s Techniques of the Self and the Christian Politics of Obedience. Theory, Culture & Society journal. Vol. 28(4): 3-25.
  • Mihaela Kelemen & Tuomo Peltonen (2005) “Spirituality: A Way to an Alternative Subjectivity?”, Organization Management Journal, 2:1, 52-63
  • McNay, L. (1994). Foucault: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Polity.
  • O’Leary, T. (2002). Foucault and the Art of Ethics. NewYork: Continuum.
  • Şeriati, A. (1997). İnsanın Dört Zindanı. Çev. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Hatemi İstanbul: İşaret Yayınları.
  • Taylor, Dianna. (2013). “Toward a Feminist Politics of Ourselves” A Companion to Foucault. İçinde (S. 403-418) Der. Falzon, C., O’LEary, T., Sawicki, J. West Sussex: Blackwell Publishing Limited.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 16 Mayıs 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Kasım 2019
Kabul Tarihi 29 Nisan 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Sayı: 29

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