Bankaların Türev Ürün Kullanımını Etkileyen Faktörler: Mars Yöntemi ile Bir İnceleme
Yıl 2016,
Sayı: 620, 31 - 46, 01.10.2016
Suat Oktar
Serhat Yüksel
Bu çalışmanın amacı bankaların türev ürün kullanımını etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesidir. Bu kapsamda, ilgili çalışmada Türkiye’deki bankalara ait 2003:12015:3 dönem aralığındaki üç aylık veriler kullanılmıştır. Söz konusu amaca MARS yöntemi kullanılarak ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar istatistiki anlamda oldukça başarılıdır. Netice itibarıyla, bankaların müşterilerden tahsil edemeyeceğini düşündüğü alacakları için ayırdıkları özel karşılıkların türev ürün kullanımı ile ters yönde bir ilişkiye sahip olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Öte yandan, bankaların takipteki kredi oranının artması durumunda daha fazla türev ürün kullanarak söz konusu olumsuz durumu yönetmeye çalıştığı belirlenmiştir
- ALLAZ, Blaise; (1992), “Oligopoly, uncertainty and strategic forward transactions”, International Journal of Industrial Orga- nization,10(2), pp.297-308.
- ALLEN, Franklin and Anthony SANTOMERO; (1997), “The the- ory of financial intermediation”, Journal of Banking & Finance, (11), pp.1461-1485.
- ANBAR, Adem, ve Alper DEĞER; (2011), “Bankaların Türev
- Ürün Kullanım Yoğunluğunu Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenme- si”, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Nisan 50, ss.77-94. BLACK, Fischer and Myron SCHOLES; (1973), “The pricing of options and corporate liabilities”, The Journal of Political Economy, pp.637-654.
- BOLDER, David and Tiago RUBIN; (2007), “Optimization in a Simulation Setting: Use of Function Approximation in Debt
- Strategy Analysis”, Bank of Canada Working Paper, 13, pp.1- CHAMBERS, Nurgül; (2009), Türev Piyasalar, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul.
- CHARUMATHİ, Balakrishnan; (2009), “On the determinants of interest rate swap usage by Indian banks”, In Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, 2, pp.1-3.
- CUMMINS, David, Richard PHILLIPS and Stephen SMITH; (1997), “Corporate hedging in the insurance industry: the use of financial derivatives by US insurers”, North American Actu- arial Journal, 1(1), pp.13-40.
- FRIEDMAN, Jerome; (1991), “Multivariate Adaptive Regres- sion Splines”, The Annals of Statistics, pp.1-141.
- GREENAWALT, Mary Brady and Joseph SINKEY; (1988)
- “Bank loan-loss provisions and the income-smoothing hypoth- esis: an empirical analysis, 1976–1984”, Journal of Financial
- Services Research, 1(4), pp.301-318. HOYT, Robert; (1989), “Use of financial futures by life insurers”
- Journal of Risk and Insurance, pp.740-748. HUNDMAN, Katie; (1999), “An analysis of the determinants of financial derivative use by commercial banks”, The Part Place Economists, 7, pp.83-92.
- JAMSHIDIAN, Farshid; (1997), “LIBOR and swap market mod- els and measures”, Finance and Stochastics, 1(4), pp.293-330.
- KOPPENHAVER, Gary; (1990), “An empirical analysis of bank hedging in futures markets”, Journal of Futures Markets, 10(1), pp.1-12.
- LEUTHOLD, Raymond, Joan JUNKUS and Jean CORDIER; (1989), The Theory and Practice of Future Markets, Lextinon Books, USA.
- MOLES, Peter, Yung-Ming SHIU and Yi-Cheng SHIN; (2010)
- “What motivates banks to use derivatives: Evidence from Tai- wan”, Journal of Derivatives,17(4) , pp.67. MUZIR, Erol; (2011), “Basel II Düzenlemeleri Doğrultusunda
- Kredi Riski Analizi ve Ölçümü: Geleneksel Ekonometrik Model- lerin Yapay Sinir Ağları ve MARS Modelleriyle Karşılaştırılmasına Yönelik Ampirik Bir Çalışma”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, ss.355. OKTAR, Suat ve Serhat YÜKSEL; (2015), “Bankacılık Kri- zlerinin Erken Uyarı Sinyalleri: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Uygulama”
- İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (İlker Parasız Özel Eki), 14(28), ss.37-54. ORAKÇIOĞLU, İsmail ve Sezer KAHYAOĞLU; (2011), Türev
- Piyasalarda Teminatlandırma Yöntemleri, Efil Yayınları, An- kara. SANTOMERO, Anthony; (1997), “Commercial bank risk man- agement: an analysis of the process”, Journal of Financial Ser- vices Research, 12(2), pp.83.
- SEPHTON, Peter; (2001), “Forecasting Regressions: Can We
- Do Better on MARS?”, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Re- view, 83 (March/April), pp.39-49. SILL, Keith; (1997), “The economic benefits and risks of deriva- tive securities”, Business Review, January, pp.15-26.
- SIMONS, Katerina; (1995), “Interest rate derivatives and asset- liability management by commercial banks”, International Ad- vances in Economic Research, 1(1), pp.83-83.
- SINKEY, Joseph and David CARTER; (2001), “Evidence on the financial characteristics of banks that do and do not use deriva- tives”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 40(4), pp.431-449.
- SKINNER, Douglas; (1996), “Are disclosures about bank deriv- atives and employee stock options ‘value-relevant’?”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 22(1), pp.393-405.
- SRIVASTAVA, Shashi and Divya SRISTAVATA; (2010), “Inter- est rate derivatives in Indian banks”, Serbian Journal of Man- agement, 5(1), pp.111-125.
- TUNAY, K. Batu; (2011), “Türkiye’de Durgunlukların MARS Yöntemi ile Tahmini ve Kestirimi”, Marmara Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F Dergisi, 30(1), ss.71-91. TUNAY, K. Batu; (2007), “Türkiye’de Paranın Gelir Dolaşım
- Hızlarının MARS Yöntemiyle Tahmini”, METU Studies in De- velopment, 28(2), ss.431-454. WILLIAMS, Jeffrey; (1987), “Futures markets: A consequence of risk aversion or transactions costs?”, The Journal of Political Economy, pp.1000-1023.
- WONG, Kit Pong; (1997), “On the determinants of bank interest margins under credit and interest rate risks”, Journal of Bank- ing and Finance, 21(2), pp.251.
Determinants of the Use Derivatives in Banking: An Analysis with MARS Model
Yıl 2016,
Sayı: 620, 31 - 46, 01.10.2016
Suat Oktar
Serhat Yüksel
This study aims to define the determinants of the use of derivatives in banking. Within this scope, quarterly data for the period between 2003:1 and 2015:3 has been used in this study together with MARS method to achieve this objective. The re sults of this model are statistically significant. As a result, we have found that the provision that the banks make for doubtful receivables, was negatively related with the use of derivative. In addition to this, we have defined that there is a positive relationship between non-performing loans ratio and derivatives for Turkish banks
- ALLAZ, Blaise; (1992), “Oligopoly, uncertainty and strategic forward transactions”, International Journal of Industrial Orga- nization,10(2), pp.297-308.
- ALLEN, Franklin and Anthony SANTOMERO; (1997), “The the- ory of financial intermediation”, Journal of Banking & Finance, (11), pp.1461-1485.
- ANBAR, Adem, ve Alper DEĞER; (2011), “Bankaların Türev
- Ürün Kullanım Yoğunluğunu Etkileyen Faktörlerin Belirlenme- si”, Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi, Nisan 50, ss.77-94. BLACK, Fischer and Myron SCHOLES; (1973), “The pricing of options and corporate liabilities”, The Journal of Political Economy, pp.637-654.
- BOLDER, David and Tiago RUBIN; (2007), “Optimization in a Simulation Setting: Use of Function Approximation in Debt
- Strategy Analysis”, Bank of Canada Working Paper, 13, pp.1- CHAMBERS, Nurgül; (2009), Türev Piyasalar, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul.
- CHARUMATHİ, Balakrishnan; (2009), “On the determinants of interest rate swap usage by Indian banks”, In Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering, 2, pp.1-3.
- CUMMINS, David, Richard PHILLIPS and Stephen SMITH; (1997), “Corporate hedging in the insurance industry: the use of financial derivatives by US insurers”, North American Actu- arial Journal, 1(1), pp.13-40.
- FRIEDMAN, Jerome; (1991), “Multivariate Adaptive Regres- sion Splines”, The Annals of Statistics, pp.1-141.
- GREENAWALT, Mary Brady and Joseph SINKEY; (1988)
- “Bank loan-loss provisions and the income-smoothing hypoth- esis: an empirical analysis, 1976–1984”, Journal of Financial
- Services Research, 1(4), pp.301-318. HOYT, Robert; (1989), “Use of financial futures by life insurers”
- Journal of Risk and Insurance, pp.740-748. HUNDMAN, Katie; (1999), “An analysis of the determinants of financial derivative use by commercial banks”, The Part Place Economists, 7, pp.83-92.
- JAMSHIDIAN, Farshid; (1997), “LIBOR and swap market mod- els and measures”, Finance and Stochastics, 1(4), pp.293-330.
- KOPPENHAVER, Gary; (1990), “An empirical analysis of bank hedging in futures markets”, Journal of Futures Markets, 10(1), pp.1-12.
- LEUTHOLD, Raymond, Joan JUNKUS and Jean CORDIER; (1989), The Theory and Practice of Future Markets, Lextinon Books, USA.
- MOLES, Peter, Yung-Ming SHIU and Yi-Cheng SHIN; (2010)
- “What motivates banks to use derivatives: Evidence from Tai- wan”, Journal of Derivatives,17(4) , pp.67. MUZIR, Erol; (2011), “Basel II Düzenlemeleri Doğrultusunda
- Kredi Riski Analizi ve Ölçümü: Geleneksel Ekonometrik Model- lerin Yapay Sinir Ağları ve MARS Modelleriyle Karşılaştırılmasına Yönelik Ampirik Bir Çalışma”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, ss.355. OKTAR, Suat ve Serhat YÜKSEL; (2015), “Bankacılık Kri- zlerinin Erken Uyarı Sinyalleri: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Uygulama”
- İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (İlker Parasız Özel Eki), 14(28), ss.37-54. ORAKÇIOĞLU, İsmail ve Sezer KAHYAOĞLU; (2011), Türev
- Piyasalarda Teminatlandırma Yöntemleri, Efil Yayınları, An- kara. SANTOMERO, Anthony; (1997), “Commercial bank risk man- agement: an analysis of the process”, Journal of Financial Ser- vices Research, 12(2), pp.83.
- SEPHTON, Peter; (2001), “Forecasting Regressions: Can We
- Do Better on MARS?”, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Re- view, 83 (March/April), pp.39-49. SILL, Keith; (1997), “The economic benefits and risks of deriva- tive securities”, Business Review, January, pp.15-26.
- SIMONS, Katerina; (1995), “Interest rate derivatives and asset- liability management by commercial banks”, International Ad- vances in Economic Research, 1(1), pp.83-83.
- SINKEY, Joseph and David CARTER; (2001), “Evidence on the financial characteristics of banks that do and do not use deriva- tives”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 40(4), pp.431-449.
- SKINNER, Douglas; (1996), “Are disclosures about bank deriv- atives and employee stock options ‘value-relevant’?”, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 22(1), pp.393-405.
- SRIVASTAVA, Shashi and Divya SRISTAVATA; (2010), “Inter- est rate derivatives in Indian banks”, Serbian Journal of Man- agement, 5(1), pp.111-125.
- TUNAY, K. Batu; (2011), “Türkiye’de Durgunlukların MARS Yöntemi ile Tahmini ve Kestirimi”, Marmara Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F Dergisi, 30(1), ss.71-91. TUNAY, K. Batu; (2007), “Türkiye’de Paranın Gelir Dolaşım
- Hızlarının MARS Yöntemiyle Tahmini”, METU Studies in De- velopment, 28(2), ss.431-454. WILLIAMS, Jeffrey; (1987), “Futures markets: A consequence of risk aversion or transactions costs?”, The Journal of Political Economy, pp.1000-1023.
- WONG, Kit Pong; (1997), “On the determinants of bank interest margins under credit and interest rate risks”, Journal of Bank- ing and Finance, 21(2), pp.251.