Kaos Tabanlı Sayısal Modülasyon Tekniklerinin Simulink Ortamında Modellenmesi ve Benzetimi
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 30 Sayı: 1, 45 - 50, 01.03.2018
Mustafa Türk
Hidayet Oğraş
Bu çalışma, kaos kavramının haberleşme sistemleri
içerisindeki uygulama alanını ve bu alanda sıkça kullanılan kaotik modülasyon
ve demodülasyon tekniklerini içermektedir. Ayrıca bu çalışmada, kaos
karmaşıklığının sayısal modülasyon teknikleri içerisinde kullanılmasına yönelik
genel bir bakış özetlenmekle beraber bu alanda özellikle üzerinde çalışılan
modülasyon tekniklerinden: Korelasyon gecikmeli kaydırmalı anahtarlama (KGKA),
frekans modülasyonlu farksal kaos kaydırmalı anahtarlama (FM-FKKA) ve kaotik
açma-kapama anahtarlama (KAKA) yapıları Simulink ortamında modellenmiş ve
benzetilmiştir. Modellere ait benzetim sonunda elde edilen teorik ve deneysel
sonuçlar tatmin edici seviyede olup bu sonuçlar ayrıca kaos tabanlı modülasyon
tekniklerinin sayısal haberleşme sistemlerinde pratik uygulamalarda kullanılabilirliğini
destekler niteliktedir. Kaos dinamiğinin sergilediği gürültü benzeri davranış
ve mevcut karmaşıklık düşünüldüğünde bu kavramın güvenli veri iletişimine
alternatif bir yaklaşım getirdiği, Simulink ortamında gerçekleştirilen benzetim
sonuçlarıyla da değerlendirilebilir.
- 1. Kis, G., Jako, Z., Kennedy, M., P., Kolumban, G., (1998). Chaotic communication without synchronization, 6th IEE Conference Telecommunications, 451,49-53.
2. Jako, Z., (2003), Performance Improvement of Differential Chaos Shift Keying Modulation Scheme, Phd Thesis, Department of Measurement and Information Systems Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.
3. Kennedy, M., P., & Kolumban, G., (1998). Digital communications using chaos, Signal Processing 80,1307-1320.
4. Riaz, A., and Ali, M., (2008). Chaotic Communications, their applications and advantages over traditional methods of communication, IEEE 6th International Symposium Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 21-24.
5. Farah, B., A., M., Kachouri, A., and Samet, M. (2006). Design of secure digital communication systems using DCSK chaotic modulation, IEEE International Conference on Design and Test of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Technology, DTIS, 200-204.
6. Corron, N., J., & Hahs, D., W., (1997). A new approach to communications using chaotic signals, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I, 44(5), 373-383.
7. Rodrigo T. F., and Marcio E., (2016). A digital bandlimited chaos-based communication system, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 37, 374-385.
8. Eisencraft, M., et. al. (2012). Chaos-based communication systems in non-ideal channels, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17, 4707-4718.
9. Ashraf A. Z., and A. Abu-Rezq, (2011). On the design of chaos-based secure communication systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16, 3721-3737.
10. Wang, B., Zhong, S.M., and Dong, X.C., (2016). On the novel chaotic secure communication scheme design, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 39, 108-117.
11. Larson, L., E., Liu, J., Tsimring, L., S., (2006). Digital communication using chaos and nonlinear dynamics, Springer.
12. Carroll, L., (2017). Chaos for low probability of detection communiations, Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 103, 238-245.
13. Oğraş, H., Türk M.,, (2016). A robust chaos-based image cryptosystem with an improved key generator and plain image sensitivity mechanism, Journal of Information Security, 8, 23-41.
14. Oğraş, H., Türk M., (2017). FPGA implementation of a chaotic quadratic map for cryptographic applications, 12(2), 113-119.
15. Oğraş, H., Türk M., (2011). Classification of chaos-based digital modulation techniques using wavelet neural networks and performance comparison of wavelet families, 38, 2557-2565.
16. Kolumban, G., Kennedy, M., P., Jako, Z., & Kis, G., (2002). Chaotic Communications with Correlator receivers: Theory and Performance limits, Proceedings of the IEEE, 90(5), 711-731
17. Lee, K., Kyeong, S., Kim, J., Kim, Y., and Park, H., (2006). The chaotic on-off keying with guard interval for ultra-wideband communication, IEEE Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium.
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 30 Sayı: 1, 45 - 50, 01.03.2018
Mustafa Türk
Hidayet Oğraş
- 1. Kis, G., Jako, Z., Kennedy, M., P., Kolumban, G., (1998). Chaotic communication without synchronization, 6th IEE Conference Telecommunications, 451,49-53.
2. Jako, Z., (2003), Performance Improvement of Differential Chaos Shift Keying Modulation Scheme, Phd Thesis, Department of Measurement and Information Systems Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.
3. Kennedy, M., P., & Kolumban, G., (1998). Digital communications using chaos, Signal Processing 80,1307-1320.
4. Riaz, A., and Ali, M., (2008). Chaotic Communications, their applications and advantages over traditional methods of communication, IEEE 6th International Symposium Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, 21-24.
5. Farah, B., A., M., Kachouri, A., and Samet, M. (2006). Design of secure digital communication systems using DCSK chaotic modulation, IEEE International Conference on Design and Test of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Technology, DTIS, 200-204.
6. Corron, N., J., & Hahs, D., W., (1997). A new approach to communications using chaotic signals, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I, 44(5), 373-383.
7. Rodrigo T. F., and Marcio E., (2016). A digital bandlimited chaos-based communication system, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 37, 374-385.
8. Eisencraft, M., et. al. (2012). Chaos-based communication systems in non-ideal channels, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17, 4707-4718.
9. Ashraf A. Z., and A. Abu-Rezq, (2011). On the design of chaos-based secure communication systems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16, 3721-3737.
10. Wang, B., Zhong, S.M., and Dong, X.C., (2016). On the novel chaotic secure communication scheme design, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 39, 108-117.
11. Larson, L., E., Liu, J., Tsimring, L., S., (2006). Digital communication using chaos and nonlinear dynamics, Springer.
12. Carroll, L., (2017). Chaos for low probability of detection communiations, Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 103, 238-245.
13. Oğraş, H., Türk M.,, (2016). A robust chaos-based image cryptosystem with an improved key generator and plain image sensitivity mechanism, Journal of Information Security, 8, 23-41.
14. Oğraş, H., Türk M., (2017). FPGA implementation of a chaotic quadratic map for cryptographic applications, 12(2), 113-119.
15. Oğraş, H., Türk M., (2011). Classification of chaos-based digital modulation techniques using wavelet neural networks and performance comparison of wavelet families, 38, 2557-2565.
16. Kolumban, G., Kennedy, M., P., Jako, Z., & Kis, G., (2002). Chaotic Communications with Correlator receivers: Theory and Performance limits, Proceedings of the IEEE, 90(5), 711-731
17. Lee, K., Kyeong, S., Kim, J., Kim, Y., and Park, H., (2006). The chaotic on-off keying with guard interval for ultra-wideband communication, IEEE Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium.