7-DOF Seri Robotun Ters Kinematik Çözümünde Eğitme Amaçlı Kullanılan Çok Katmanlı Yapay Sinir Ağının Tasarlanması ve Sonuçların Analizi
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 60 - 71, 19.04.2017
Serkan Dereli
Raşit Köker
Sinir Ağı, insan beyninin çalışma ve düşünebilme yeteneğinden yola çıkılarak
oluşturulmuş bir bilgi işlem teknolojisidir. Bu yönüyle eğitilme ve öğrenebilme
kabiliyetine sahiptir. Bu sebeple, robotik alanında ters kinematik çözümü için
geniş bir araştırma konusu olmuş ve bu uygulamalarda sıklıkla kullanılmıştır.
Çünkü geometrik, iteratif ve cebirsel gibi yöntemler redundant robotların ters
kinematik çözümü için yetersiz kalmaktadır. Redundant robotlar yapısı
itibariyle karmaşık ve sonsuz sayıda çözüme sahip olan robotlardır. Bu
çalışmada, 7-Dönel eklemli redundant bir robot kolunun ters kinematik çözümü
için oluşturulmuş çok katmanlı bir sinir ağını eğitme konusu ele alınmıştır.
Bunu yaparken kübik yörünge planlama yöntemi kullanılarak robot koluna ait çok
fazla sayıda yörünge belirlenmiş ve bu yörüngeler robot koluna öğretilmiştir.
Bu sayede son konumu belli olan robot kolu, öğrenmiş olduğu yörüngelerden eklem
açılarını tahmin etmektedir.
- Atawnih, A., Papageorgiou, D., Zoe, D., 2016. Kinematic Control of Redundant Robots with Guaranteed Joint Limit Avoidance. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 79:122-131.
- Bingül, Z., Ertunç, H.M., Oysu, C., 2005. Comparison of Inverse Kinematics Solutions Using Neural Network for 6R Robot Manipulator with Offset, Computational Intelligence Methods and Applications.
- Chen, J., Lau, H.Y.K., 2016. Inverse Kinematics Learning for Redundant Robot Manipulators with Blending of Support Vector Regression Machines. IEEE Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts.
- Dash, K.K., Choudhury, B.B., Khuntia, A.K., Biswal, B.B., 2011. A Neural Network Based Inverse Kinematic Problem. Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems.
- Dash, K.K., Choudhury, B.B., Khuntia, A.K., Biswal, B.B., 2011. A Neural Network Based Inverse Kinematic Problem. Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems, 471-476.
- Duka, A.V., 2013. Neural Network based Inverse Kinematics Solution for Trajectory Tracking of a Robotic Arm. The 7th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering.
- Gan, J.Q., Oyama, E., Resales, E.M., Hu, H., 2005. A Complete Analytical Solution to the Inverse Kinematics of the Pioneer 2 Robotic Arm. Robotica, 23: 123-129.
- Hasan, A.T., İsmail, N., Hamouda, A.M.S., Aris, I., Marhaban, M.H., Al-Assadi, H.M.A., 2010. Artificial Neural Network Based Kinematics Jacobian Solution for Serial Manipulator Passing Through Singular Configurations. Advances in Engineering Software, 41: 359-367.
- Huang, H.C., Xu, S.D., Hsu, H., S., 2014. Hybrid Taguchi DNA Swarm Intelligence for Optimal Inverse Kinematics Redundancy Resolution of Six-DOF Humanoid Robot Arms. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1: 1-9.
- Huang, H.C., Chen, C.P., Wang, P.R., 2012. Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving the Inverse Kinematics of 7-DOF Robotic Manipulators. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
- Köker, R., Öz, C., Çakar, T., Ekiz, H., 2004. A study of neural network based inverse kinematics solution for a three-joint robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 49: 227-234.
- Küçük, S., Bingül, Z., 2005. The inverse kinematics solutions of fundamental robot manipulators with offset wrist, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics.
- Qiao, S.G., Liao, Q.Z., Wei, S.M., Su, H.J., 2010. Inverse kinematic analysis of the general 6R serial manipulators based on double quaternions. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45 (2): 193-199.
- Raj, D.R., Raglend, I.J., Anand, M.D., 2015. Inverse Kinematics Solution of a Five Joint Robot Using Feed Forward and Radial Basis Function Neural Network. Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC).
- Rokbani, N., Alimi, A.M., 2012. IK-PSO, PSO Inverse Kinematics Solver with Application to Biped Gait Generation. International Journal of Computer Applications, 58:33-39.
- Sciavicco, L., Siciliano, B., 2000. Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators. Springer-Verlag, London.
- Tejomurtula, S., Kak, S., 1999. Inverse Kinematics in Robotics Using Neural Networks. Information Sciences, 116: 147-164.
- Toshani, H, Farrokhi M. Real-Time Inverse Kinematics of Redundant Manipulators Using Neural Networks and Quadratic Programming: A Lyapunov-Based Approach. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2014; 62: 766-781.
- Wang, X.S., Hao, M.L., Cheng, Y.H., 2008. On the use of differential evolution for forward kinematics of parallel manipulators, Applied mathematics and computation, 205:760-796.
- Yuan, T., Feng, Y., 2014. A New Algorithm for Solving Inverse Kinematics of Robot Based on BP and RBF Neural Network. International Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control.
Yıl 2017,
Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 60 - 71, 19.04.2017
Serkan Dereli
Raşit Köker
- Atawnih, A., Papageorgiou, D., Zoe, D., 2016. Kinematic Control of Redundant Robots with Guaranteed Joint Limit Avoidance. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 79:122-131.
- Bingül, Z., Ertunç, H.M., Oysu, C., 2005. Comparison of Inverse Kinematics Solutions Using Neural Network for 6R Robot Manipulator with Offset, Computational Intelligence Methods and Applications.
- Chen, J., Lau, H.Y.K., 2016. Inverse Kinematics Learning for Redundant Robot Manipulators with Blending of Support Vector Regression Machines. IEEE Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts.
- Dash, K.K., Choudhury, B.B., Khuntia, A.K., Biswal, B.B., 2011. A Neural Network Based Inverse Kinematic Problem. Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems.
- Dash, K.K., Choudhury, B.B., Khuntia, A.K., Biswal, B.B., 2011. A Neural Network Based Inverse Kinematic Problem. Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems, 471-476.
- Duka, A.V., 2013. Neural Network based Inverse Kinematics Solution for Trajectory Tracking of a Robotic Arm. The 7th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering.
- Gan, J.Q., Oyama, E., Resales, E.M., Hu, H., 2005. A Complete Analytical Solution to the Inverse Kinematics of the Pioneer 2 Robotic Arm. Robotica, 23: 123-129.
- Hasan, A.T., İsmail, N., Hamouda, A.M.S., Aris, I., Marhaban, M.H., Al-Assadi, H.M.A., 2010. Artificial Neural Network Based Kinematics Jacobian Solution for Serial Manipulator Passing Through Singular Configurations. Advances in Engineering Software, 41: 359-367.
- Huang, H.C., Xu, S.D., Hsu, H., S., 2014. Hybrid Taguchi DNA Swarm Intelligence for Optimal Inverse Kinematics Redundancy Resolution of Six-DOF Humanoid Robot Arms. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1: 1-9.
- Huang, H.C., Chen, C.P., Wang, P.R., 2012. Particle Swarm Optimization for Solving the Inverse Kinematics of 7-DOF Robotic Manipulators. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.
- Köker, R., Öz, C., Çakar, T., Ekiz, H., 2004. A study of neural network based inverse kinematics solution for a three-joint robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 49: 227-234.
- Küçük, S., Bingül, Z., 2005. The inverse kinematics solutions of fundamental robot manipulators with offset wrist, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics.
- Qiao, S.G., Liao, Q.Z., Wei, S.M., Su, H.J., 2010. Inverse kinematic analysis of the general 6R serial manipulators based on double quaternions. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 45 (2): 193-199.
- Raj, D.R., Raglend, I.J., Anand, M.D., 2015. Inverse Kinematics Solution of a Five Joint Robot Using Feed Forward and Radial Basis Function Neural Network. Computation of Power, Energy Information and Commuincation (ICCPEIC).
- Rokbani, N., Alimi, A.M., 2012. IK-PSO, PSO Inverse Kinematics Solver with Application to Biped Gait Generation. International Journal of Computer Applications, 58:33-39.
- Sciavicco, L., Siciliano, B., 2000. Modeling and Control of Robot Manipulators. Springer-Verlag, London.
- Tejomurtula, S., Kak, S., 1999. Inverse Kinematics in Robotics Using Neural Networks. Information Sciences, 116: 147-164.
- Toshani, H, Farrokhi M. Real-Time Inverse Kinematics of Redundant Manipulators Using Neural Networks and Quadratic Programming: A Lyapunov-Based Approach. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 2014; 62: 766-781.
- Wang, X.S., Hao, M.L., Cheng, Y.H., 2008. On the use of differential evolution for forward kinematics of parallel manipulators, Applied mathematics and computation, 205:760-796.
- Yuan, T., Feng, Y., 2014. A New Algorithm for Solving Inverse Kinematics of Robot Based on BP and RBF Neural Network. International Conference on Instrumentation and Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control.