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Retrospective Analysis of Applications to Ankara AMATEM Unit: An Evaluation of the Pandemic Years

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 5, 485 - 490, 25.10.2023


Aim: In this study, it was aimed to determine the risk groups, diagnoses and co-diagnoses of addictive disorders and to determine the demographic and clinical variables that might affect addiction by examining all applications to the Ankara AMATEM unit during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Materials and Method: The sample of this retrospective and cross-sectional study consisted of individuals aged 14-83 years who applied to the AMATEM Clinic of Ankara Training and Research Hospital between 11.03.2020-11.03.2022 for forensic or individual reasons. Data were obtained by retrospective examination of the archive records of the hospital data processing system and subjected to statistical analysis.
Results: Of the 10508 participants, 10.2% (n=1071) were female and 89.8% (n= 9437) were male. The mean age was 32.13±9.92 years. Of those diagnosed with an addiction-related disorder, 9.9% (n=696) were female and 90.1% (n=6316) were male. The most common diagnosis was opiate use disorder (40.5%), the second most common was multiple drug and substance use disorder (15.5%), and the third most common was alcohol use disorder (8%). The most common psychiatric comorbidity was anxiety disorder (1%), followed by depression (0.3%).
Conclusion: During the pandemic period, the prevalence of addictive disorders was higher in the male gender and young adults. Opiate users were the most frequent users in children and adults. The pandemic period, which constitutes multifaceted stress, may contribute to vulnerability to addictive disorders. Prospective follow-up studies are needed to understand the effects of the pandemic on addictive disorders.


  • World Helath Organizatin. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Report 2020; 44.
  • Muruganandam P, Neelamegam S, Menon V, Alexander J, Chaturverdi SK. COVID-19 and severe mental illness: impact on patients and its relation with their awareness about COVID-19. Psychiatry Res 2020;291:113265.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
  • Mota P. Avoiding a new epidemic during a pandemic: the importance of assessing the risk of substance use disorders in the COVID-19 era. Psychiatry research 2020;290:113142.
  • Asan Ö, Tıkır B, Okay İT, Göka E. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients with alcohol and substance use disorders admitted to an AMATEM unit. Bağımlılık Dergisi 2015;16(1):1-8.
  • Merz F. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: World Drug Report 2017. 2017. SIRIUS-Zeitschrift für Strategische Analysen 2018; 2(1):85-86.
  • Ögel K, Tamar D, Çakmak D, Madde kullanımı sorununda Türkiye’nin yerine bir bakış. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 1998; 9:301-307.
  • Gökçeöz F, Usta E. Supply Dimension of Substance (Substance Market). In: EMCDDA 2012 National Report (2011 Data) Turkey New Developments, Trends, Selected Topics 2012; 1:144-54. TUBİM.
  • Turkey drug and drug addiction monitoring center (TUBİM) 2019 national report.
  • Demir B, Şahin ŞK, Elboga G, Altindag A,Unal A. Substance use characteristics, treatment completion rates and related factors of patients in Gaziantep AMATEM in 2019; a retrospective study. Journal of Substance Use 2022;27(2):128-134.
  • Eğilmez OB, Örüm MH, Kara MZ. Retrospective analysis of AMATEM patients treated in psychiatry inpatient unit of Adiyaman Training and Research Hospital: Data for 2018. Bezmialem Science 2022; 8(2):106.
  • Palmer EJ, Jinks M, Hatcher RM. Substance use, mental health, and relationships: A comparison of male and female offenders serving community sentences. International journal of law and psychiatry 2010;33(2): 89-93.
  • Mutlu EA, Sarıkaya ÖÖ. Investigation of sociodemographic data of patients treated in AMATEM clinic. Turkish Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2019; 22(3):276-285.
  • Karaağaç H, Usta ZE, Usta A, Yarmalı MG, Godekmerdan A. Retrospective analysis of socio-demographic characteristics of inpatients in Kayseri Training and Research Hospital AMATEM Clinic. Dusunen Adam 2017; 30(3):251-257.
  • Abuse S. Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: results from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2020; 1-114.
  • Connor J, Madhavan S, Mokashi M, Amanuel H, Johnson NR, Pace LE, Bartz D. Health risks and outcomes that disproportionately affect women during the Covid-19 pandemic: A review. Social science & medicine 2020; 266:113364.
  • Layman HM, Thorisdottir IE, Halldorsdottir T, Sigfusdottir ID, Allegrante JP, Kristjansson A L. Substance use among youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review. Current psychiatry reports2022; 24(6):307-324.
  • Panchal N, Kamal R, Orgera K, Cox C, Garfield R, Hamel L, Chidambaram P. The implications of COVID-19 for mental health and substance use. Kaiser family foundation 2020; 21.
  • Benschop A, Van Bakkum F, Noijen J. Changing patterns of substance use during the coronavirus pandemic: self-reported use of tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs. Frontiers in psychiatry 2021; 12:633551.
  • Brook JS, Lettieri D, Brook DW, Stimmel B, editors. Alcohol and substance abuse in adolescents. New York: Haworth Press; 1985. p. 65-86
  • Catterello AM, Clayton RR, Leukefild CG. Adolescent alcohol and drug use. Oldham JM, editor. American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press; 1995. p. 151-169
  • Dilbaz N. Opiat bağımlılığı. Madde Bağımlılığı Tanı ve Tedavi Kılavuzu El Kitabı. Ankara: T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Yayını; 2012.
  • Bulut M, Savaş HA, Cansel N, Selek S, Kap Ö, Yumru M, Vırıt O. Sociodemographic characteristics of patients admitted to Gaziantep University alcohol and substance use disorders unit. Bağımlılık Dergisi 2006; 7:65-70.
  • Connor JP, Gullo MJ, Chan G, et al. Polysubstance use in cannabis users referred for treatment: drug use profiles, psychiatric comorbidity and cannabis-related beliefs. Frontiers in psychiatry 2013; 4:79.
  • Şirin H, Uzun ME. Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Adolescent Patients Treated at ÇEMATEM with the Diagnosis of Substance Use Disorder: Bursa Sample. Turk J Child Adolesc Ment Health 2021; 28(2):151-158.
  • M Gainsbury S, Hing N, Delfabbro PH, King DL. A taxonomy of gambling and casino games via social media and online technologies. International Gambling Studies 2014; 14(2):196-213.
  • Hodgins DC, Stevens RM. The impact of COVID-19 on gambling and gambling disorder: emerging data. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2021; 34(4):332.
  • WHO. Global Health Estimates. Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders. (2017). (Erişim tarihi: 15.05.2019)
  • Volkow ND, Gordon JA, Koob GF. Choosing appropriate language to reduce the stigma around mental illness and substance use disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology 2021; 46(13):2230-2232.
  • Kuria MW, Khasakhala L, Pizzo M, Mutiso M, Maru HM. Substance abuse and psychiatric co-morbidities. 2008.
  • Watkins KE, Hunter SB, Wenzel SL, Tu W, Paddock SM, Griffin A. Prevalence and characteristics of clients with co-occurring disorders in outpatient substance abuse treatment, Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2004; 30:749-64.
  • Kelly TM, Daley DC, Douaihy AB. Treatment of substance abusing patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders. Addictive behaviors 2012;37(1):11-24.
  • Goldstein BI, Levitt AJ. A gender-focused perspective on health service utilization in comorbid bipolar I disorder and alcohol use disorders: results from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions, J Clin Psychiatry 2006; 67: 925–32.

Ankara AMATEM Birimi Başvurularının Geriye Dönük Analizi: Pandemi Yıllarına Ait Bir Değerlendirme

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 33 Sayı: 5, 485 - 490, 25.10.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışmada COVID-19 pandemisi süresince Ankara AMATEM birimine yapılan tüm başvuruların incelenerek bağımlılık bozukluklarının risk gruplarının, tanı ve eş tanılarının belirlenmesi ve bağımlılığı etkileyebilecek demografik ve klinik değişkenlerin saptanması amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu retrospektif ve kesitsel çalışmanın örneklemini 11.03.2020-11.03.2022 tarihleri arasında Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi AMATEM Kliniğine adli/bireysel nedenlerle başvuran 14-83 yaş arası tüm bireyler oluşturmuştur. Veriler hastane bilgi işlem sistemi arşiv kayıtlarının geriye dönük olarak incelenmesi ile elde edilmiş ve istatistiksel analize tabi tutulmuştur.
Bulgular: 10508 katılımcının %10,2’si (n=1071) kadın ve %89,8’i (n=9437) erkekti. Yaş ortalaması 32,13±9,92 yıldı. Bağımlılıkla ilişkili bir bozukluk tanısı alanların %9,9’u (n=696) kadın ve %90,1’i (n=6316) erkekti. En sık opiyat kullanım bozukluğu (%40,5), ikinci sıklıkta çoklu ilaç ve madde kullanım bozukluğu (%15,5) ve üçüncü sıklıkta alkol kullanım bozukluğu (%8) saptandı. En sık görülen psikiyatrik komorbidite ise anksiyete bozukluğu (%1) ve ikinci sıklıkta depresyon(%0.3) idi.
Sonuç: Pandemi döneminde, bağımlılık bozukluklarının yaygınlığı erkek cinsiyette ve genç yetişkinlerde daha yüksekti. Opiyat kullanıcıları çocuklarda ve yetişkinlerde en sık görülen madde kullanım bozukluğuydu. Çok yönlü stres oluşturan pandemi dönemi, bağımlılık bozukluklarına karşı savunmasızlığa katkıda bulunabilir. Pandeminin bağımlılık bozuklukları üzerindeki etkilerini anlamak için ileriye dönük takip çalışmalarına ihtiyaç vardır.


  • World Helath Organizatin. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Report 2020; 44.
  • Muruganandam P, Neelamegam S, Menon V, Alexander J, Chaturverdi SK. COVID-19 and severe mental illness: impact on patients and its relation with their awareness about COVID-19. Psychiatry Res 2020;291:113265.
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
  • Mota P. Avoiding a new epidemic during a pandemic: the importance of assessing the risk of substance use disorders in the COVID-19 era. Psychiatry research 2020;290:113142.
  • Asan Ö, Tıkır B, Okay İT, Göka E. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients with alcohol and substance use disorders admitted to an AMATEM unit. Bağımlılık Dergisi 2015;16(1):1-8.
  • Merz F. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime: World Drug Report 2017. 2017. SIRIUS-Zeitschrift für Strategische Analysen 2018; 2(1):85-86.
  • Ögel K, Tamar D, Çakmak D, Madde kullanımı sorununda Türkiye’nin yerine bir bakış. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 1998; 9:301-307.
  • Gökçeöz F, Usta E. Supply Dimension of Substance (Substance Market). In: EMCDDA 2012 National Report (2011 Data) Turkey New Developments, Trends, Selected Topics 2012; 1:144-54. TUBİM.
  • Turkey drug and drug addiction monitoring center (TUBİM) 2019 national report.
  • Demir B, Şahin ŞK, Elboga G, Altindag A,Unal A. Substance use characteristics, treatment completion rates and related factors of patients in Gaziantep AMATEM in 2019; a retrospective study. Journal of Substance Use 2022;27(2):128-134.
  • Eğilmez OB, Örüm MH, Kara MZ. Retrospective analysis of AMATEM patients treated in psychiatry inpatient unit of Adiyaman Training and Research Hospital: Data for 2018. Bezmialem Science 2022; 8(2):106.
  • Palmer EJ, Jinks M, Hatcher RM. Substance use, mental health, and relationships: A comparison of male and female offenders serving community sentences. International journal of law and psychiatry 2010;33(2): 89-93.
  • Mutlu EA, Sarıkaya ÖÖ. Investigation of sociodemographic data of patients treated in AMATEM clinic. Turkish Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2019; 22(3):276-285.
  • Karaağaç H, Usta ZE, Usta A, Yarmalı MG, Godekmerdan A. Retrospective analysis of socio-demographic characteristics of inpatients in Kayseri Training and Research Hospital AMATEM Clinic. Dusunen Adam 2017; 30(3):251-257.
  • Abuse S. Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: results from the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2020; 1-114.
  • Connor J, Madhavan S, Mokashi M, Amanuel H, Johnson NR, Pace LE, Bartz D. Health risks and outcomes that disproportionately affect women during the Covid-19 pandemic: A review. Social science & medicine 2020; 266:113364.
  • Layman HM, Thorisdottir IE, Halldorsdottir T, Sigfusdottir ID, Allegrante JP, Kristjansson A L. Substance use among youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review. Current psychiatry reports2022; 24(6):307-324.
  • Panchal N, Kamal R, Orgera K, Cox C, Garfield R, Hamel L, Chidambaram P. The implications of COVID-19 for mental health and substance use. Kaiser family foundation 2020; 21.
  • Benschop A, Van Bakkum F, Noijen J. Changing patterns of substance use during the coronavirus pandemic: self-reported use of tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs. Frontiers in psychiatry 2021; 12:633551.
  • Brook JS, Lettieri D, Brook DW, Stimmel B, editors. Alcohol and substance abuse in adolescents. New York: Haworth Press; 1985. p. 65-86
  • Catterello AM, Clayton RR, Leukefild CG. Adolescent alcohol and drug use. Oldham JM, editor. American Psychiatric Press Review of Psychiatry. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press; 1995. p. 151-169
  • Dilbaz N. Opiat bağımlılığı. Madde Bağımlılığı Tanı ve Tedavi Kılavuzu El Kitabı. Ankara: T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü Yayını; 2012.
  • Bulut M, Savaş HA, Cansel N, Selek S, Kap Ö, Yumru M, Vırıt O. Sociodemographic characteristics of patients admitted to Gaziantep University alcohol and substance use disorders unit. Bağımlılık Dergisi 2006; 7:65-70.
  • Connor JP, Gullo MJ, Chan G, et al. Polysubstance use in cannabis users referred for treatment: drug use profiles, psychiatric comorbidity and cannabis-related beliefs. Frontiers in psychiatry 2013; 4:79.
  • Şirin H, Uzun ME. Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Adolescent Patients Treated at ÇEMATEM with the Diagnosis of Substance Use Disorder: Bursa Sample. Turk J Child Adolesc Ment Health 2021; 28(2):151-158.
  • M Gainsbury S, Hing N, Delfabbro PH, King DL. A taxonomy of gambling and casino games via social media and online technologies. International Gambling Studies 2014; 14(2):196-213.
  • Hodgins DC, Stevens RM. The impact of COVID-19 on gambling and gambling disorder: emerging data. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2021; 34(4):332.
  • WHO. Global Health Estimates. Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders. (2017). (Erişim tarihi: 15.05.2019)
  • Volkow ND, Gordon JA, Koob GF. Choosing appropriate language to reduce the stigma around mental illness and substance use disorders. Neuropsychopharmacology 2021; 46(13):2230-2232.
  • Kuria MW, Khasakhala L, Pizzo M, Mutiso M, Maru HM. Substance abuse and psychiatric co-morbidities. 2008.
  • Watkins KE, Hunter SB, Wenzel SL, Tu W, Paddock SM, Griffin A. Prevalence and characteristics of clients with co-occurring disorders in outpatient substance abuse treatment, Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2004; 30:749-64.
  • Kelly TM, Daley DC, Douaihy AB. Treatment of substance abusing patients with comorbid psychiatric disorders. Addictive behaviors 2012;37(1):11-24.
  • Goldstein BI, Levitt AJ. A gender-focused perspective on health service utilization in comorbid bipolar I disorder and alcohol use disorders: results from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions, J Clin Psychiatry 2006; 67: 925–32.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Klinik Tıp Bilimleri
Bölüm Original Article

Bahar Yeşil Örnek 0000-0003-0873-4589

Sevinç Ulusoy 0000-0003-4300-2631

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 23 Ekim 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ekim 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 30 Kasım 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 33 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Yeşil Örnek B, Ulusoy S. Retrospective Analysis of Applications to Ankara AMATEM Unit: An Evaluation of the Pandemic Years. Genel Tıp Derg. 2023;33(5):485-90.