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An Overview of Vulnerability Criteria for Pure Loss of Stability

Yıl 2022, Sayı: 22, 17 - 36, 18.10.2022


This paper presents the current state of development of the second generation of intact stability criteria based on pure loss of stability. The concept of a multi-tiered evaluation process is based on the physics of the stability failures addressing the interaction between hull and waves in a seaway condition. After having a brief review of the recent history of related IMO development, the paper describes the framework of the new criteria in which they are complementary to the existing IMO criteria. The new criteria can be applied only to those designs that may be susceptible to one of the modes of stability failure using a set of formalized procedures of vulnerability checks. The ideas, proposals and justifications of these procedures represent the novel contents of the paper. Finally, the paper reviews pure loss of stability as a failure mode for performance-based criteria including restoring arm variation and critical stability related problems in waves.


  • ABS (2004) Guide for the Assessment of Parametric Roll Resonance in the Design of Container Carriers, American Bureau of Shipping, Houston, TX, 70 p.
  • BASSLER, C. C., V. Belenky, G. Bulian, A. Francescutto, K. Spyrou, N. Umeda (2009) A Review of Available Methods for Application to Second Level Vulnerability Criteria. Proc. 10th Int’l Conf. Stability of Ships & Ocean Vehicles (STAB ’09), St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 111–128.
  • BASSLER, C. C., R. Miller, A. M. Reed & A. Brown (2011) Considerations for Bilge Keel Force Models in Potential Flow Simulations of Ship Maneuvering in Waves. Proc. 12th Int’l Ship Stability Workshop, Washington, DC, pp. 291–307.
  • BECK, R. F. & A. M. Reed (2001). Modern computational methods for ships in seaway. Trans. SNAME, 109:1–48. V. Belenky, C.C. Bassler, and K.J. Spyrou. Development of second generation intact stability criteria. Hydromechanics Department Report, Naval Warfare Center Carderock Division, Carderock, USA, 2011.
  • BELENKY, V. L., ed. (2011) Proc. 12th Int’l Ship Stability Workshop, Washington, DC, viii+420 p.
  • BELENKY, V. & C. Bassler (2010) Procedures for Early-Stage Naval Ship Design Evaluation of Dynamic Stability: Influence of the Wave Crest. Naval Engineers J., 122(2):93–106.
  • BELENKY, V., J. O. de Kat & N. Umeda (2008) Towards Performance-Based Criteria for Intact Stability. Marine Tech., 45(2):101–123.
  • BELENKY, V. L. & N. B. Sevastianov (2007) Stability and Safety of Ships: Risk of Capsizing (2nd ed.). SNAME, Jersey City, NJ, xx+435 p.
  • BISHOP, R. E. D. & Price, W. G. (1978) On the truncation of spectra. Int’l Shipbuilding Prog., 25:3–6.
  • BRUNSWIG, J. & R. Pereira (2006) Validation of Parametric Roll Motion Predictions for a Modern Containership Design. Proc. 9th Int’l Conf. Stability Ships & Ocean Vehicles (‘06), Vol. 1, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 157–168.
  • BSU (2009) Fatal accident on board the CMV Chicago Express during Typhoon “Hagupit” on 24 September 2008 off the coast of Hong Kong, German Federal Bureau of Maritime Casualty Investigation, Hamburg, Germany, 64 p. (in German) (available on
  • DEGTYAREV, A., ed. (2009) Proc. 10th Int’l Conf. Stability of Ships & Ocean Vehicles (STAB ’09). St. Petersburg, Russia, 754 p.
  • FRANCE, W. M, M. Levadou, T. W. Treakle, J. R. Paulling, K. Michel & C. Moore (2003). An Investigation of Head-Sea Parametric Rolling and its Influence on Container Lashing Systems. Marine Tech.¸ 40(1):1–19.
  • FRANCESCUTTO, A. (2004) Intact Ship Stability—The Way Ahead. Marine Tech., 41:31–37.
  • FRANCESCUTTO, A. (2007) Intact Stability of Ships-Recent Developments and Trends. Proc.PRADS ’07, Houston, TX.
  • HASHIMOTO, H. (2009) Pure Loss of Stability of a Tumblehome Hull in Following Seas. Proc. 19th Int’l Offshore and Polar Engin. Conf., Vol. 3, Osaka, Japan, pp. 717-721.
  • HASHIMOTO, H., N. Umeda & A. Matsuda (2011) Broaching prediction of a wave-piercing tumblehome vessel with twin screws and twin rudders. J. Marine Sci. & Tech. 14 p. (DOI 10.1007/s00773-011-0134-1)
  • IACS (2001) Standard Wave Data. International Association of Classification Societies, Ltd., Recommendation No. 34, Rev. 1, London, UK, 4 p.
  • IKEDA, Y., M. Kashiwagi & N. Umeda, eds. (2008) Proc. 6th Osaka Colloquium on Seakeeping and Stability of Ships, Osaka, Japan.
  • IMO (2009) International Code on Intact Stability, 2008, IMO, London, UK, v+160 p.
  • IMO MSC.1/Circ.1200 (2006) Interim Guidelines for Alternative Assessment of the Weather Criterion, London, UK, 17 p.
  • IMO MSC.1/Circ.1227 (2007) Explanatory Notes to the Interim Guidelines for Alternative Assessment of the Weather Criterion, London, UK, 23 p.
  • IMO MSC.1/Circ.1228 (2007) Revised Guidance for Avoiding Dangerous Situations in Adverse Weather and Sea Conditions, London, UK, 8 p.
  • IMO MSC.1/Circ.1281 (2008) Explanatory Notes to the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008, London, 30 p.
  • IMO MSC.707 (1995) Guidance to the Master for Avoiding Dangerous Situations in Following and Quartering Seas. London, UK. 14 p.
  • IMO Res. A.167(ES.IV) (1968) Recommendation On Intact Stability for Passenger and Cargo Ships Under 100 metres in Length, London, UK, 15 p.
  • IMO Res. A.562(14) (1985) Recommendation on a severe wind and rolling criterion (weather criterion) for the intact stability of passenger and cargo ships of 24 metres in length and over, London, UK, 5 p.
  • IMO Res. A.749(18) (1993) Code on Intact Stability for all Types of Ships Covered by IMO Instruments, London, UK, 77 p.
  • IMO Res. MSC.269(85) (2008) Adoption of Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life At Sea, 1974, as amended, London, UK, 11 p.
  • IMO Res. MSC.270(85) (2008) Adoption of Amendments to the Protocol of 1988 Relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as amended, London, UK, 2 p.
  • IMO SLF 48/4/12 (2005) On the Development of PerformanceBased Criteria for Ship Stability in Longitudinal Waves, Submitted by Italy, IMO, London, UK, 6 p.
  • IMO SLF 48/21 (2005) Report to Maritime Safety Committee, London, UK, 65 p.
  • IMO SLF 50/4/4 (2007) Framework for the Development of New Generation Criteria for Intact Stability, submitted by Japan, the Netherlands and the United States, London, UK, 6 p.
  • IMO SLF 51/4/1 (2008) Report of the Intercessional Correspondence Group on Intact Stability, Submitted by Germany, London, UK, 25 p.
  • IMO SLF 51/INF.4 (2008) Development of Performance-Based Intact Stability Criteria, Submitted by the United States, London, UK, 2 p.
  • IMO SLF 51/INF.6 (2008) Research outcomes for new generation intact stability criteria. Submitted by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), London, UK, 4 p.
  • IMO SLF 52/3/1 (2009) Report of the Intercessional Correspondence Group on Intact Stability, Submitted by Japan, London, UK, 19 p.
  • IMO SLF 52/INF.2 (2009) Information Collected by the Intercessional Correspondence Group on Intact Stability, Submitted by Japan, London, UK, 138 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/3/1 (2010) Report of the Intercessional Correspondence Group on Intact Stability, Submitted by Japan, London, UK, 7 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/3/3 (2010) Activities of the Dynamic Stability Task Group of the Society of Naval Architects and marine Engineers, Submitted by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), London, UK, 2 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/3/7 (2010) Comments on Level 1 Vulnerability Criteria for Parametric Rolling, Submitted by the United States, London, UK, 5 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/3/8 (2010) Comments on Proposed Criteria for Surf-riding and Broaching, Submitted by Japan and the United States, London, UK, 6 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/3/9 (2010) Comments on documents SLF 53/3/1 and SLF 53/INF.10. Submitted by Italy, London, 4p.
  • IMO SLF 53/19 (2011) Report to Maritime Safety Committee, London, UK, 43 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/INF.8 (2010) Sample Calculations on the Level 2 Vulnerability Criteria for Parametric Roll, Submitted by Sweden, London, UK, 18 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/INF.10 (2010) Information Collected by the Correspondence Group on Intact Stability, Submitted by Japan, London, UK, 151 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/WP.4 (2011) Report of the Working Group (Part 1), London, UK, 20 p.
  • KOBYLINSKI, L. K., ed. (2009) Proc. Int’l Workshop on Dynamic Stability Consideration in Ship Design, Foundation for Safety of Navigation and Environment Protection, Ilawa, Poland. ( workshop2009/workshop2009.htm)
  • KOBYLINSKI, L. K. & S. Kastner (2003) Stability and Safety of Ships: Regulation and Operation. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 454 p. LIN. W. M. & D. K. P. Yue (1990) Numerical Solutions for Large Amplitude Ship Motions in the Time-Domain. Proc. 18th Symp. of Naval Hydro., Ann Arbor, MI, pp. 41–66.
  • LONGUET-HIGGINS, M. S. (1957) The Statistical Analysis of a Random, Moving Surface. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, A, 249(962):321–387.
  • LONGUET-HIGGINS, M. S. (1976) On the Nonlinear Transfer of Energy in the Peak of a Gravity-Wave Spectrum: A Simplified Model. Proc. Royal Soc. London A, 347:311–328.
  • LONGUET-HIGGINS, M. S. (1983) On the Joint Distribution of Wave Periods and Amplitudes in a Random Wave Field. Proc. Royal Soc. London A, 389:241–258.
  • LONGUET-HIGGINS, M. S. (1984) Statistical Properties of Wave Groups in a Random Sea State. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, A, 312(1521):219–250.
  • MARITIME New Zealand (2007) Incident Report Heavy Weather/Cargo Shift Aratere 3 March 2006. Maritime New Zealand Investigation Report 06-201, vi+57 p.
  • PAULLING, J. R. (1961) The Transverse Stability of a Ship in a Longitudinal Seaway. J. Ship Res., 4(4):37–49.
  • PAULLING, J. R., S. Kastner & S. Schaffran (1972) Experimental studies of capsizing of intact ships in heavy seas. US Coast Guard, Technical Report, 58 p. (Also IMO Doc. STAB/7, 1973)
  • PAULLING, J. R., O. H. Oakley & P. D. Wood (1974) Ship motions and capsizing in astern seas. Proc. 10th Symp. Naval Hydro., Boston, MA, pp. 532–549.
  • PAULLING, J. R., O. H. Oakley & P. D. Wood (1975) Ship capsizing in heavy seas: the correlation of theory and experiments. Paper 4.3, Proc.1st Int’l Conf. Stability of Ships & Ocean Vehicles (STAB ’75), Glasgow, 19 p.
  • PAULLING J. R. & R. M. Rosenberg (1959) On Unstable Ship Motions Resulting from Nonlinear Coupling. J. Ship Res., 3(1):36–46.
  • PEREIRA, R. (1988) Simulation nichtlinearer Seegangslasten. Schiffstechnik, 35:173-193.
  • RAHOLA, J. (1939) The Judging of the Stability of Ships and the Determination of the Minimum Amount of Stability Especially Considering the Vessel Navigating Finnish Waters. PhD Thesis, Technical University of Finland, Helsinki, viii+232 p. RICE, S. O. (1944/45) Mathematical Analysis of Random Noise. Bell System Techn J., 23(3):282–332, 24(1):46–156.
  • SHIGUNOV, V. (2009) Operational Guidance for Prevention of Container Loss. Proc. 10th Int’l Conf. Stability of Ships & Ocean Vehicles (STAB ‘09), St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 473–482.
  • SHIGUNOV, V. & R. Pereira (2009) Direct Assessment Procedure and Operational Guidance for Avoidance of Cargo Loss and Damage on Container Ships in Heavy Weather, International Workshop on Dynamic Stability Considerations in Ship Design (DSCSD), 11 p. (www.ilawashiphandling.
  • SHIGUNOV, V., H. Rathje, O. El Moctar & B. Altmayer (2011) On the Consideration of Lateral Accelerations in Ship Design Rules. Proc. 12th Int’l Ship Stability Workshop, Washington, DC, pp. 27–36.
  • ST. DENIS, M. (1980) Some Comments on Certain Idealized Variance Spectra of the Seaway Currently in Fashion. J. Ship Res., 24(4):271–278.
  • WALREE, F. van, ed. (2010) Proc. 11th Int’l Ship Stability Workshop, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Yıl 2022, Sayı: 22, 17 - 36, 18.10.2022



  • ABS (2004) Guide for the Assessment of Parametric Roll Resonance in the Design of Container Carriers, American Bureau of Shipping, Houston, TX, 70 p.
  • BASSLER, C. C., V. Belenky, G. Bulian, A. Francescutto, K. Spyrou, N. Umeda (2009) A Review of Available Methods for Application to Second Level Vulnerability Criteria. Proc. 10th Int’l Conf. Stability of Ships & Ocean Vehicles (STAB ’09), St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 111–128.
  • BASSLER, C. C., R. Miller, A. M. Reed & A. Brown (2011) Considerations for Bilge Keel Force Models in Potential Flow Simulations of Ship Maneuvering in Waves. Proc. 12th Int’l Ship Stability Workshop, Washington, DC, pp. 291–307.
  • BECK, R. F. & A. M. Reed (2001). Modern computational methods for ships in seaway. Trans. SNAME, 109:1–48. V. Belenky, C.C. Bassler, and K.J. Spyrou. Development of second generation intact stability criteria. Hydromechanics Department Report, Naval Warfare Center Carderock Division, Carderock, USA, 2011.
  • BELENKY, V. L., ed. (2011) Proc. 12th Int’l Ship Stability Workshop, Washington, DC, viii+420 p.
  • BELENKY, V. & C. Bassler (2010) Procedures for Early-Stage Naval Ship Design Evaluation of Dynamic Stability: Influence of the Wave Crest. Naval Engineers J., 122(2):93–106.
  • BELENKY, V., J. O. de Kat & N. Umeda (2008) Towards Performance-Based Criteria for Intact Stability. Marine Tech., 45(2):101–123.
  • BELENKY, V. L. & N. B. Sevastianov (2007) Stability and Safety of Ships: Risk of Capsizing (2nd ed.). SNAME, Jersey City, NJ, xx+435 p.
  • BISHOP, R. E. D. & Price, W. G. (1978) On the truncation of spectra. Int’l Shipbuilding Prog., 25:3–6.
  • BRUNSWIG, J. & R. Pereira (2006) Validation of Parametric Roll Motion Predictions for a Modern Containership Design. Proc. 9th Int’l Conf. Stability Ships & Ocean Vehicles (‘06), Vol. 1, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 157–168.
  • BSU (2009) Fatal accident on board the CMV Chicago Express during Typhoon “Hagupit” on 24 September 2008 off the coast of Hong Kong, German Federal Bureau of Maritime Casualty Investigation, Hamburg, Germany, 64 p. (in German) (available on
  • DEGTYAREV, A., ed. (2009) Proc. 10th Int’l Conf. Stability of Ships & Ocean Vehicles (STAB ’09). St. Petersburg, Russia, 754 p.
  • FRANCE, W. M, M. Levadou, T. W. Treakle, J. R. Paulling, K. Michel & C. Moore (2003). An Investigation of Head-Sea Parametric Rolling and its Influence on Container Lashing Systems. Marine Tech.¸ 40(1):1–19.
  • FRANCESCUTTO, A. (2004) Intact Ship Stability—The Way Ahead. Marine Tech., 41:31–37.
  • FRANCESCUTTO, A. (2007) Intact Stability of Ships-Recent Developments and Trends. Proc.PRADS ’07, Houston, TX.
  • HASHIMOTO, H. (2009) Pure Loss of Stability of a Tumblehome Hull in Following Seas. Proc. 19th Int’l Offshore and Polar Engin. Conf., Vol. 3, Osaka, Japan, pp. 717-721.
  • HASHIMOTO, H., N. Umeda & A. Matsuda (2011) Broaching prediction of a wave-piercing tumblehome vessel with twin screws and twin rudders. J. Marine Sci. & Tech. 14 p. (DOI 10.1007/s00773-011-0134-1)
  • IACS (2001) Standard Wave Data. International Association of Classification Societies, Ltd., Recommendation No. 34, Rev. 1, London, UK, 4 p.
  • IKEDA, Y., M. Kashiwagi & N. Umeda, eds. (2008) Proc. 6th Osaka Colloquium on Seakeeping and Stability of Ships, Osaka, Japan.
  • IMO (2009) International Code on Intact Stability, 2008, IMO, London, UK, v+160 p.
  • IMO MSC.1/Circ.1200 (2006) Interim Guidelines for Alternative Assessment of the Weather Criterion, London, UK, 17 p.
  • IMO MSC.1/Circ.1227 (2007) Explanatory Notes to the Interim Guidelines for Alternative Assessment of the Weather Criterion, London, UK, 23 p.
  • IMO MSC.1/Circ.1228 (2007) Revised Guidance for Avoiding Dangerous Situations in Adverse Weather and Sea Conditions, London, UK, 8 p.
  • IMO MSC.1/Circ.1281 (2008) Explanatory Notes to the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008, London, 30 p.
  • IMO MSC.707 (1995) Guidance to the Master for Avoiding Dangerous Situations in Following and Quartering Seas. London, UK. 14 p.
  • IMO Res. A.167(ES.IV) (1968) Recommendation On Intact Stability for Passenger and Cargo Ships Under 100 metres in Length, London, UK, 15 p.
  • IMO Res. A.562(14) (1985) Recommendation on a severe wind and rolling criterion (weather criterion) for the intact stability of passenger and cargo ships of 24 metres in length and over, London, UK, 5 p.
  • IMO Res. A.749(18) (1993) Code on Intact Stability for all Types of Ships Covered by IMO Instruments, London, UK, 77 p.
  • IMO Res. MSC.269(85) (2008) Adoption of Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life At Sea, 1974, as amended, London, UK, 11 p.
  • IMO Res. MSC.270(85) (2008) Adoption of Amendments to the Protocol of 1988 Relating to the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, as amended, London, UK, 2 p.
  • IMO SLF 48/4/12 (2005) On the Development of PerformanceBased Criteria for Ship Stability in Longitudinal Waves, Submitted by Italy, IMO, London, UK, 6 p.
  • IMO SLF 48/21 (2005) Report to Maritime Safety Committee, London, UK, 65 p.
  • IMO SLF 50/4/4 (2007) Framework for the Development of New Generation Criteria for Intact Stability, submitted by Japan, the Netherlands and the United States, London, UK, 6 p.
  • IMO SLF 51/4/1 (2008) Report of the Intercessional Correspondence Group on Intact Stability, Submitted by Germany, London, UK, 25 p.
  • IMO SLF 51/INF.4 (2008) Development of Performance-Based Intact Stability Criteria, Submitted by the United States, London, UK, 2 p.
  • IMO SLF 51/INF.6 (2008) Research outcomes for new generation intact stability criteria. Submitted by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), London, UK, 4 p.
  • IMO SLF 52/3/1 (2009) Report of the Intercessional Correspondence Group on Intact Stability, Submitted by Japan, London, UK, 19 p.
  • IMO SLF 52/INF.2 (2009) Information Collected by the Intercessional Correspondence Group on Intact Stability, Submitted by Japan, London, UK, 138 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/3/1 (2010) Report of the Intercessional Correspondence Group on Intact Stability, Submitted by Japan, London, UK, 7 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/3/3 (2010) Activities of the Dynamic Stability Task Group of the Society of Naval Architects and marine Engineers, Submitted by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), London, UK, 2 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/3/7 (2010) Comments on Level 1 Vulnerability Criteria for Parametric Rolling, Submitted by the United States, London, UK, 5 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/3/8 (2010) Comments on Proposed Criteria for Surf-riding and Broaching, Submitted by Japan and the United States, London, UK, 6 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/3/9 (2010) Comments on documents SLF 53/3/1 and SLF 53/INF.10. Submitted by Italy, London, 4p.
  • IMO SLF 53/19 (2011) Report to Maritime Safety Committee, London, UK, 43 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/INF.8 (2010) Sample Calculations on the Level 2 Vulnerability Criteria for Parametric Roll, Submitted by Sweden, London, UK, 18 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/INF.10 (2010) Information Collected by the Correspondence Group on Intact Stability, Submitted by Japan, London, UK, 151 p.
  • IMO SLF 53/WP.4 (2011) Report of the Working Group (Part 1), London, UK, 20 p.
  • KOBYLINSKI, L. K., ed. (2009) Proc. Int’l Workshop on Dynamic Stability Consideration in Ship Design, Foundation for Safety of Navigation and Environment Protection, Ilawa, Poland. ( workshop2009/workshop2009.htm)
  • KOBYLINSKI, L. K. & S. Kastner (2003) Stability and Safety of Ships: Regulation and Operation. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 454 p. LIN. W. M. & D. K. P. Yue (1990) Numerical Solutions for Large Amplitude Ship Motions in the Time-Domain. Proc. 18th Symp. of Naval Hydro., Ann Arbor, MI, pp. 41–66.
  • LONGUET-HIGGINS, M. S. (1957) The Statistical Analysis of a Random, Moving Surface. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, A, 249(962):321–387.
  • LONGUET-HIGGINS, M. S. (1976) On the Nonlinear Transfer of Energy in the Peak of a Gravity-Wave Spectrum: A Simplified Model. Proc. Royal Soc. London A, 347:311–328.
  • LONGUET-HIGGINS, M. S. (1983) On the Joint Distribution of Wave Periods and Amplitudes in a Random Wave Field. Proc. Royal Soc. London A, 389:241–258.
  • LONGUET-HIGGINS, M. S. (1984) Statistical Properties of Wave Groups in a Random Sea State. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. London, A, 312(1521):219–250.
  • MARITIME New Zealand (2007) Incident Report Heavy Weather/Cargo Shift Aratere 3 March 2006. Maritime New Zealand Investigation Report 06-201, vi+57 p.
  • PAULLING, J. R. (1961) The Transverse Stability of a Ship in a Longitudinal Seaway. J. Ship Res., 4(4):37–49.
  • PAULLING, J. R., S. Kastner & S. Schaffran (1972) Experimental studies of capsizing of intact ships in heavy seas. US Coast Guard, Technical Report, 58 p. (Also IMO Doc. STAB/7, 1973)
  • PAULLING, J. R., O. H. Oakley & P. D. Wood (1974) Ship motions and capsizing in astern seas. Proc. 10th Symp. Naval Hydro., Boston, MA, pp. 532–549.
  • PAULLING, J. R., O. H. Oakley & P. D. Wood (1975) Ship capsizing in heavy seas: the correlation of theory and experiments. Paper 4.3, Proc.1st Int’l Conf. Stability of Ships & Ocean Vehicles (STAB ’75), Glasgow, 19 p.
  • PAULLING J. R. & R. M. Rosenberg (1959) On Unstable Ship Motions Resulting from Nonlinear Coupling. J. Ship Res., 3(1):36–46.
  • PEREIRA, R. (1988) Simulation nichtlinearer Seegangslasten. Schiffstechnik, 35:173-193.
  • RAHOLA, J. (1939) The Judging of the Stability of Ships and the Determination of the Minimum Amount of Stability Especially Considering the Vessel Navigating Finnish Waters. PhD Thesis, Technical University of Finland, Helsinki, viii+232 p. RICE, S. O. (1944/45) Mathematical Analysis of Random Noise. Bell System Techn J., 23(3):282–332, 24(1):46–156.
  • SHIGUNOV, V. (2009) Operational Guidance for Prevention of Container Loss. Proc. 10th Int’l Conf. Stability of Ships & Ocean Vehicles (STAB ‘09), St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 473–482.
  • SHIGUNOV, V. & R. Pereira (2009) Direct Assessment Procedure and Operational Guidance for Avoidance of Cargo Loss and Damage on Container Ships in Heavy Weather, International Workshop on Dynamic Stability Considerations in Ship Design (DSCSD), 11 p. (www.ilawashiphandling.
  • SHIGUNOV, V., H. Rathje, O. El Moctar & B. Altmayer (2011) On the Consideration of Lateral Accelerations in Ship Design Rules. Proc. 12th Int’l Ship Stability Workshop, Washington, DC, pp. 27–36.
  • ST. DENIS, M. (1980) Some Comments on Certain Idealized Variance Spectra of the Seaway Currently in Fashion. J. Ship Res., 24(4):271–278.
  • WALREE, F. van, ed. (2010) Proc. 11th Int’l Ship Stability Workshop, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Deniz Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hakan Akyıldız 0000-0002-8554-2559

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Ekim 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Sayı: 22

Kaynak Göster

APA Akyıldız, H. (2022). An Overview of Vulnerability Criteria for Pure Loss of Stability. GİDB Dergi(22), 17-36.


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