Rate of Weak Convergence of Random Walk with a Generalized Reflecting Barrier
Year 2025,
Volume: 38 Issue: 1, 474 - 490, 01.03.2025
Başak Gever
Tahir Khanıyev
In this study, a random walk process with generalized reflecting barrier is considered and an inequality for rate of weak convergence of the stationary distribution of the process of interest is propounded. Though the rate of convergence is not thoroughly examined, the literature does provide a weak convergence theorem under certain conditions for the stationary distribution of the process under consideration. Nonetheless, one of the most crucial issues in probability theory is the convergence rate in limit theorems, as it affects the precision and effectiveness of using these theorems in practice. Therefore, for the rate of convergence for the examined process, comparatively simple inequality is represented. The obtained inequality demonstrates that the rate of convergence is correlated with the tail of the distribution of ladder heights of the random walk.
Ethical Statement
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
Dedicated to the memory of Professor A. V. Skorohod.
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Year 2025,
Volume: 38 Issue: 1, 474 - 490, 01.03.2025
Başak Gever
Tahir Khanıyev
- [1] Feller, W. “An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications II”, New York: John Wiley, (1971).
- [2] Aliyev, R., Khaniyev, T., and Gever, B., “Weak convergence theorem for ergodic distribution of stochastic processes with discrete interference of chance and generalized reflecting barrier”, Theory of Probability and Application, 60(3): 246–258, (2016).
- [3] Hanalioglu, Z., Khaniyev, T., “Asymptotic Results for an Inventory Model of Type (s, S) with Asymmetric Triangular Distributed Interference of Chance and Delay”, Gazi University Journal of Science, 31(1): 174-187, (2018).
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