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H3BO3/PP Kompozitlerinin Isı İletim Katsayılarının İncelenmesi

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3, 91 - 96, 30.09.2016


Bu çalışmada, özellikle yalıtım özelliğinin önemli olduğu alanlarında kullanılan polipropilenin ısıl iletkenlik değerlerini düşürerek yalıtım ve enerji tasarrufuna ilave katkı sağlanması amaçlanmıştır. Bu kapsamda polipropilen içerisine düşük ısıl iletkenlik değerine sahip parçacık şeklindeki borik asit katılarak kompozit malzemeler üretilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında 0.5 – 2.5% arasında değişen üç farklı orandaki borik asit parçacıkları polipropilen içerisine kütlece ilave edilmiştir. Çift vidalı ekstruder ile hazırlanan kompozit karışımlar daha sonra plastik enjeksiyon yöntemiyle kalıplanarak deney numuneleri üretilmiştir. Üretilen numunelerin ısıl iletkenlik değerleri deneysel olarak ölçülmüş ve elde edilen sonuçlar literatürdeki efektif ısıl iletkenlik modelleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, borik asidin polipropilenin ısı iletim katsayısını düşürücü bir etkiye sahip olduğu görülmüştür. 


  • S. Zhang, X. Y. Cao1, “The effects of particle size and content on the thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of Al2O3/high density polyethylene (HDPE) composites”, Express Polymer Letters Vol.5, No.7, 581–590, 2011.
  • Wenying Zhou, Shuhua Qi, Qunli An, Hongzhen Zhao, Nailiang Liu,” Thermal conductivity of boron nitride reinforced polyethylene composites”, Materials Research Bulletin, Volume 42, Issue 10, Pages 1863–1873, 2 October 2007.
  • W. Zhou, S. Qi, Q. An, H. Zhao, N. Liu, “Thermal conductivity of boron nitride reinforced polyethylene composites”, Materials Research Bulletin, 42(10), 1863–1873, 2007.
  • S. Li, S. Qi, N. Liu, P. Cao, “Study on thermal conductive BN/novolac resin composites”, Thermochimica Acta 523-1, 111-115, 2011.
  • Wenying Zhou, Shuhua Qi, Haidong Li, Shiyu Shao, “Study on insulating thermal conductive BN/HDPE composites”, Thermochimica Acta 452, 36-42, 2007.
  • S. Azeem, M. Zain-ul-abdein, “Investigation of thermal conductivity enhancement in bakelite–graphite particulate filled polymeric composite”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 52, 30–40, 2012.
  • Ji-Zhao Liang, Yu-Lin Qiu, “Thermal conductivity of graphite-filled LDPE composites”, Polymer Bulletin, 72, 1723–1734, 2015.
  • D. Kumlutas, I. H. Tavman, “A numerical and experimental study on thermal conductivity of particle filled polymer composites, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 19-4, 441-455, 2006.
  • K. A. Boudenne, L. Ibos, “Thermophysical properties of polyethylene filled with metal coated polyamide particles”, European Polymer Journal, 43, 2443–2452, 2007.
  • B. Weidenfeller, M. Hofer, F. R. Schilling, “Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat capacity of particle filled polypropylene”, Composites Part A 35, 423–429, 2004.
  • M. Wang, Q. Kang, N. Pan, “Thermal conductivity enhancement of carbon fiber composites”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 29, 418–421, 2009.
  • J.-Z. Liang, “Thermal conductivity of PP/Al(OH)3/Mg(OH)2 composites”, Composite Part B Engineering. 44, 248-252, 2013.
  • S.Y. Fu, Y.W. Mai, “Thermal conductivity of misaligned short-fiber-reinforced polymer composites”, Journal Applied Polymer Science 88(6), 1497–1505, 2003.
  • S. Naficy, H.Garmabi, “Study of the effective parameters on mechanical and electrical properties of carbon black filled PP/PA6 microfibrillar composites”, Composites Science and Technology 67, 3233–3241, 2007.
  • M. Lia, Y. Wan, Z. Gao, G. Xiong, X. Wang, C. Wan, H. Luo, “Preparation and properties of polyamide 6 thermal conductive composites reinforced with fibers”, Materials and Design, 51, 257–261, 2013.
  • H. S. Tekce, D. Kumlutas and I. H. Tavman, “Effect of Particle Shape on Thermal Conductivity of Copper Reinforced Polymer Composites,” Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 113-121, 2007.
  • W. Cheewawuttipong, D. Fuoka, S. Tanoue, H. Uematsu, Y. Iemoto, “Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Boron Nitride Composites”, Energy Procedia 34, 808-817, 2013.
  • P.M. Visakh, O. B. Nazarenko, Y. A. Amelkovich, T. V. Melnikova, “Thermal properties of epoxy composites filled with boric acid”, Materials Science and Engineering, 81, 2015.
  • ISO 8301, Thermal insulation - Determination of steady - State thermal resistance and related properties - Heat flow meter apparatus, Technical Committee ISO/TC 163 ( 1991)
  • A. Öchsner, G. E. Murch, M. J. S. de Lemos, Cellular and Porous Materials, Wiley-VCH, 2008.
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3, 91 - 96, 30.09.2016



  • S. Zhang, X. Y. Cao1, “The effects of particle size and content on the thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of Al2O3/high density polyethylene (HDPE) composites”, Express Polymer Letters Vol.5, No.7, 581–590, 2011.
  • Wenying Zhou, Shuhua Qi, Qunli An, Hongzhen Zhao, Nailiang Liu,” Thermal conductivity of boron nitride reinforced polyethylene composites”, Materials Research Bulletin, Volume 42, Issue 10, Pages 1863–1873, 2 October 2007.
  • W. Zhou, S. Qi, Q. An, H. Zhao, N. Liu, “Thermal conductivity of boron nitride reinforced polyethylene composites”, Materials Research Bulletin, 42(10), 1863–1873, 2007.
  • S. Li, S. Qi, N. Liu, P. Cao, “Study on thermal conductive BN/novolac resin composites”, Thermochimica Acta 523-1, 111-115, 2011.
  • Wenying Zhou, Shuhua Qi, Haidong Li, Shiyu Shao, “Study on insulating thermal conductive BN/HDPE composites”, Thermochimica Acta 452, 36-42, 2007.
  • S. Azeem, M. Zain-ul-abdein, “Investigation of thermal conductivity enhancement in bakelite–graphite particulate filled polymeric composite”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 52, 30–40, 2012.
  • Ji-Zhao Liang, Yu-Lin Qiu, “Thermal conductivity of graphite-filled LDPE composites”, Polymer Bulletin, 72, 1723–1734, 2015.
  • D. Kumlutas, I. H. Tavman, “A numerical and experimental study on thermal conductivity of particle filled polymer composites, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 19-4, 441-455, 2006.
  • K. A. Boudenne, L. Ibos, “Thermophysical properties of polyethylene filled with metal coated polyamide particles”, European Polymer Journal, 43, 2443–2452, 2007.
  • B. Weidenfeller, M. Hofer, F. R. Schilling, “Thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat capacity of particle filled polypropylene”, Composites Part A 35, 423–429, 2004.
  • M. Wang, Q. Kang, N. Pan, “Thermal conductivity enhancement of carbon fiber composites”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 29, 418–421, 2009.
  • J.-Z. Liang, “Thermal conductivity of PP/Al(OH)3/Mg(OH)2 composites”, Composite Part B Engineering. 44, 248-252, 2013.
  • S.Y. Fu, Y.W. Mai, “Thermal conductivity of misaligned short-fiber-reinforced polymer composites”, Journal Applied Polymer Science 88(6), 1497–1505, 2003.
  • S. Naficy, H.Garmabi, “Study of the effective parameters on mechanical and electrical properties of carbon black filled PP/PA6 microfibrillar composites”, Composites Science and Technology 67, 3233–3241, 2007.
  • M. Lia, Y. Wan, Z. Gao, G. Xiong, X. Wang, C. Wan, H. Luo, “Preparation and properties of polyamide 6 thermal conductive composites reinforced with fibers”, Materials and Design, 51, 257–261, 2013.
  • H. S. Tekce, D. Kumlutas and I. H. Tavman, “Effect of Particle Shape on Thermal Conductivity of Copper Reinforced Polymer Composites,” Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 113-121, 2007.
  • W. Cheewawuttipong, D. Fuoka, S. Tanoue, H. Uematsu, Y. Iemoto, “Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Boron Nitride Composites”, Energy Procedia 34, 808-817, 2013.
  • P.M. Visakh, O. B. Nazarenko, Y. A. Amelkovich, T. V. Melnikova, “Thermal properties of epoxy composites filled with boric acid”, Materials Science and Engineering, 81, 2015.
  • ISO 8301, Thermal insulation - Determination of steady - State thermal resistance and related properties - Heat flow meter apparatus, Technical Committee ISO/TC 163 ( 1991)
  • A. Öchsner, G. E. Murch, M. J. S. de Lemos, Cellular and Porous Materials, Wiley-VCH, 2008.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Architecture

Zühtü Onur Pehlivanlı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2016
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Pehlivanlı, Z. O. (2016). H3BO3/PP Kompozitlerinin Isı İletim Katsayılarının İncelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Part C: Tasarım Ve Teknoloji, 4(3), 91-96.

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