Bu çalışmada farklı oranlardaki nanopartikül takviyesinin fiber, matris ve boşluk hacim oranlarına etkisi incelenmiştir. Karbon fiber/epoksi nanokompozit plakalar vakum infüzyon yöntemi (VİY) ile üretilmiştir. Üretim öncesinde matris elemanı olan epoksi içerisine farklı oranlarda nanopartikül katılmıştır. Üretilen nanokompozitler standartlarda verilen ölçülerde hazırlandıktan sonra yakma testine tabi tutulmuştur. Nanopartikül katkısı arttıkça hem epoksinin viskozitesi hem de epoksi içerisinde nanopartikül kümelenmeleri artmıştır. Bunun sonucunda üretim esnasında epoksinin basınç altında vakumlanması ve fiberleri ıslatması zorlaşmıştır. Yakma testi sonucunda %5 nanopartikül katkısının boşluk hacim oranını %221 arttırdığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Zhu, H., Wu, B., Li, D., Zhang, D. and Chen, Y., “Influence of voids on the tensile performance of carbon/epoxy fabric laminates”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Cilt 27, No 1, 69-73, 2011.
Esnaola, A., Tena, I., Aurrekoetxea, J., Gallego, I. and Ulacia, I., “Effect of fibre volume fraction on energy absorption capabilities of E-glass/polyester automotive crash structures”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Cilt 85, 1-7, 2016.
Bodaghi, M., Cristóvão, C., Gomes, R. and Correia, N.C., “Experimental characterization of voids in high fibre volume fraction composites processed by high injection pressure RTM”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Cilt 82, 88-99, 2016.
Karakuzu, R., Demirgoren, O., Icten, B.M., and Deniz, M.E., “Failure behavior of quasi-isotropic laminates with three-pin loaded holes”, Materials & Design, Cilt 31, No 6, 3029-3032, 2010.
Ozen, M., and Sayman, O., “Failure loads of mechanical fastened pinned and bolted composite joints with two serial holes”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Cilt 42, No 2, 264-274, 2011.
Bekyarova, E., Thostenson, E.T., Yu, A., Kim, H., Gao, J., Tang, J., ... and Haddon, R.C., “Multiscale carbon nanotube-carbon fiber reinforcement for advanced epoxy composites”, Langmuir, Cilt 23, No 7, 3970-3974 2007.
Zhu, J., Imam, A., Crane, R., Lozano, K., Khabashesku, V.N. and Barrera, E.V., “Processing a glass fiber reinforced vinyl ester composite with nanotube enhancement of interlaminar shear strength”, Composites Science and Technology, Cilt 67, No 7, 1509-1517, 2007.
Zhou, Y., Pervin, F., Lewis, L. and Jeelani, S., “Fabrication and characterization of carbon/epoxy composites mixed with multi-walled carbon nanotubes”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Cilt 475, No 1, 157-165, 2008.
Parnas, R.S. and Walsh, S.M., “Vacuum‐assisted resin transfer molding model”, Polymer composites, Cilt 26, No 4, 477-485, 2005.
Kuentzer, N., Simacek, P., Advani, S.G. and Walsh, S., “Correlation of void distribution to VARTM manufacturing techniques”, Composites Part A: applied science and manufacturing, Cilt 38, No 3, 802-813, 2007.
Fiedler, B., Gojny, F.H., Wichmann, M.H., Nolte, M.C. and Schulte, K., “Fundamental aspects of nano-reinforced composites”, Composites science and technology, Cilt 66, No 16, 3115-3125, 2006.
Maley, J.A., “An investigation into low-cost manufacturing of carbon epoxy composites and a novel “mouldless” technique using the Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Moulding (VARTM) method”, Phd.Thesis, Carleton University, 2008.
Cardarelli, F., “Materials handbook: a concise desktop reference”, Springer Science & Business Media, Arizona, 2008.
Kaw, A.K., “Mechanics of composite materials”, CRC press, Florida, 2005.
Yasmin, A., Abot, J.L. and Daniel, I.M., “Processing of clay/epoxy nanocomposites by shear mixing”, Scripta Materialia, Cilt 49, No 1, 81-86, 2003.
Liu, L., Zhang, B.M., Wang, D.F. and Wu, Z.J., “Effects of cure cycles on void content and mechanical properties of composite laminates”, Composite Structures, Cilt 73, No 3, 303-309, 2006.
Meier, R., Kahraman, I., Seyhan, A.T., Zaremba, S. and Drechsler, K., “Evaluating vibration assisted vacuum infusion processing of hexagonal boron nitride sheet modified carbon fabric/epoxy composites in terms of interlaminar shear strength and void content”, Composites Science and Technology, Cilt 128, 94-103, 2016.
Zhu, H., Wu, B., Li, D., Zhang, D. and Chen, Y., “Influence of voids on the tensile performance of carbon/epoxy fabric laminates”, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, Cilt 27, No 1, 69-73, 2011.
Esnaola, A., Tena, I., Aurrekoetxea, J., Gallego, I. and Ulacia, I., “Effect of fibre volume fraction on energy absorption capabilities of E-glass/polyester automotive crash structures”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Cilt 85, 1-7, 2016.
Bodaghi, M., Cristóvão, C., Gomes, R. and Correia, N.C., “Experimental characterization of voids in high fibre volume fraction composites processed by high injection pressure RTM”, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Cilt 82, 88-99, 2016.
Karakuzu, R., Demirgoren, O., Icten, B.M., and Deniz, M.E., “Failure behavior of quasi-isotropic laminates with three-pin loaded holes”, Materials & Design, Cilt 31, No 6, 3029-3032, 2010.
Ozen, M., and Sayman, O., “Failure loads of mechanical fastened pinned and bolted composite joints with two serial holes”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Cilt 42, No 2, 264-274, 2011.
Bekyarova, E., Thostenson, E.T., Yu, A., Kim, H., Gao, J., Tang, J., ... and Haddon, R.C., “Multiscale carbon nanotube-carbon fiber reinforcement for advanced epoxy composites”, Langmuir, Cilt 23, No 7, 3970-3974 2007.
Zhu, J., Imam, A., Crane, R., Lozano, K., Khabashesku, V.N. and Barrera, E.V., “Processing a glass fiber reinforced vinyl ester composite with nanotube enhancement of interlaminar shear strength”, Composites Science and Technology, Cilt 67, No 7, 1509-1517, 2007.
Zhou, Y., Pervin, F., Lewis, L. and Jeelani, S., “Fabrication and characterization of carbon/epoxy composites mixed with multi-walled carbon nanotubes”, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Cilt 475, No 1, 157-165, 2008.
Parnas, R.S. and Walsh, S.M., “Vacuum‐assisted resin transfer molding model”, Polymer composites, Cilt 26, No 4, 477-485, 2005.
Kuentzer, N., Simacek, P., Advani, S.G. and Walsh, S., “Correlation of void distribution to VARTM manufacturing techniques”, Composites Part A: applied science and manufacturing, Cilt 38, No 3, 802-813, 2007.
Fiedler, B., Gojny, F.H., Wichmann, M.H., Nolte, M.C. and Schulte, K., “Fundamental aspects of nano-reinforced composites”, Composites science and technology, Cilt 66, No 16, 3115-3125, 2006.
Maley, J.A., “An investigation into low-cost manufacturing of carbon epoxy composites and a novel “mouldless” technique using the Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Moulding (VARTM) method”, Phd.Thesis, Carleton University, 2008.
Cardarelli, F., “Materials handbook: a concise desktop reference”, Springer Science & Business Media, Arizona, 2008.
Kaw, A.K., “Mechanics of composite materials”, CRC press, Florida, 2005.
Yasmin, A., Abot, J.L. and Daniel, I.M., “Processing of clay/epoxy nanocomposites by shear mixing”, Scripta Materialia, Cilt 49, No 1, 81-86, 2003.
Liu, L., Zhang, B.M., Wang, D.F. and Wu, Z.J., “Effects of cure cycles on void content and mechanical properties of composite laminates”, Composite Structures, Cilt 73, No 3, 303-309, 2006.
Meier, R., Kahraman, I., Seyhan, A.T., Zaremba, S. and Drechsler, K., “Evaluating vibration assisted vacuum infusion processing of hexagonal boron nitride sheet modified carbon fabric/epoxy composites in terms of interlaminar shear strength and void content”, Composites Science and Technology, Cilt 128, 94-103, 2016.
Tüzemen, M. Ç., Salamcı, E., & Avcı, A. (2017). KARBON FİBER/EPOKSİ NANOKOMPOZİT PLAKALARDA NANOPARTİKÜL KATKISININ FİBER, MATRİS VE BOŞLUK HACİM ORANLARINA ETKİSİ. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi Part C: Tasarım Ve Teknoloji, 5(1), 11-19.