The Role of Intelligence Organizations in Countering Radicalization: The Danish Security and Intelligence Service (Politiets Efterretningstjeneste- PET) Case
Yıl 2023,
, 421 - 453, 22.08.2023
Kaan Kılıç
Zeynep Selçuk
The role and working area of intelligence agencies in countering radicalization is a contentious issue. Especially, emphasizing the concepts of radicalization and terrorism for political reasons will lead to the perception that intelligence is used as a device to suppress the opposition. However, preventing radicalization and rehabilitating radicals is not seen as possible without utilizing the possibilities and capabilities of intelligence. Intelligence has an effective function in tools of prevention, repression, and intervention covered by the programs implemented in the fight against radicalization. The article will examine the participation of intelligence agencies in the Danish Model, considered a relatively successful practice by the authorities, and its function in these programs.
- “A common and safe future– Proposal for an action plan to prevent extremist views and radicalisation among young people” (2008). The Danish Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs, Copenhagen.
- “Assessment of the terrorist threat to Denmark” (2022). CTA. Copenhagen.
- “Et stærkt værn mod terror 12 nye tiltag mod terror” (2015). Justitsministeriet. København.
- “Preventing and Countering Extremism and Radicalization National Action Plan-2016” (2016). Danish Ministry of Immigration, Integration and Housing, Copenhagen.
- “Prevention of Radicalization and Extremism Action Plan- 2014” (2014). Ministry of Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Affairs, Copenhagen.
- AGERSCHOU Toke (2015). “Preventing Radicalization and Discrimination in Aarhus”, Journal for Deradicalization. 1,5.
- ANDERSEN Sune J., HANSEN Martin Ejnar and DAVIES Philip H. J. (2022). “Oversight and Governance of the Danish Intelligence Community.” Intelligence and National Security, 37:2, 241-261.
- BERTELSEN Preben (2015). “Danish Preventive Measures and De-radicalization Strategies: The Aarhus Model”.Panorama, 241-253.
- (2018). “Mentoring in Anti-radicalisation LGT: A Systematic Assessment, Intervention and Supervision Tool in Mentoring”. Ed. Gwynyth Overland, Arnfinn J. Andersen, Kristin Engh Førde, Kjetil Grødum, Joseph Salomonsen.
Violent Extremism in the 21st Century : International Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle.
- BORUM, Randy (2011). “Radicalization into Violent Extremism II: A Review of Conceptual Models and Empirical Research”. Journal of Strategic Security. 4:4, 35-62.
- BRETT Julian, ERIKSEN Kristina Bro, SØRENSEN Anne Kirstine Rønn ve APS Tana Copenhagen (2015). “Lessons learned from Danish and other international efforts on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) in development contexts”.Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Copenhagen.
- COOLSAET Rick (2016). “All Radicalization is Local”. Egmont Institute.
- DALGAARD-NIELSEN, Anja (2010). “Violent Radicalization in Europe: What We Know and What We Do Not Know”. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 9:33,797- 814.
- DOOSJE Bertjan, MOGHADDAM Fathali M, KRUGLANSKİ Arie W, WOLF Arjan de, MANN Liesbeth, and FEDDES Allard R (2016). “Terrorism, Radicalization and de-Radicalization”. Current Opinion in Psychology. 11, 79-84.
- FINK Naureen Chowdhury and HEARNE Ellie (2008). “Beyond Terrorism: Deradicalization and Disengagement from Violent Extremism”. International Peace Institute, New York.
- HAMM Mark and SPAAJ Ramon (2015). “Lone Wolf Terrorism in America: Using Knowledge of Radicalization Pathways to Forge Prevention Strategies”. The U.S. Department of Justice, Washington.
- HEMMINGSEN Ann-Sophie (2015). “An Introduction to The Danish Approach to Countering and Preventing Extremism and Radicalization”. DIIS, Copenhagen.
- HERVIK Peter (2018). “Ten Years after the Danish Muhammad Cartoon News Stories: Terror and Radicalization as Predictable Media Events”. Television & New Media, 19:2 (2018):146-154.
- KOEHLER, Daniel (2017). Understanding Deradicalization- Methods, Tools and Programs for Countering Violent Extremism, Routledge, New York.
- KRUGLANSKI Arie W. ve BERTELSEN Preben. “Life psychology and significance quest: a complementary approach to violent extremism and counter-radicalisation”. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism. 15:1,1-22.
- KUDLACEK Dominic, v.d. (2017). “Prevention of radicalisation in selected European countries A comprehensive report of the state of the art in counter-radicalisation”. Kriminolo- gisches Forschungsinstitut Niedersachsen, Hannover.
- KÜHLE Lene ve Lasse Lindekilde (2010). “Radicalization Among Young Muslims in Aarhus”. Research Report, Centre for Studies in Islamism and Radicalisation, Aarhus.
- LINDEKILDE Lasse (2010). “Soft Repression And Mobilization: The Case Of Transnational Activism Of Danish Muslims During The Cartoons Controversy”. International Journal of Middle East Studies. 42:3, 451-469.
- (2014). “Refocusing Danish counter-radicalisation efforts: an analysis of the (problematic) logic and practice of individual de-radicalisation interventions”. Ed. Christopher Baker-Beall, Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Lee Jarvis. Counter-Radicalisation: Critical perspectives. Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- (2015).“Dansk forebyggelse af ekstremisme og radikalisering 2009-2014: udviklingstendenser og fremtidige udfordringer”. Politica. 47:3,424-444.
- MALKKI Leena, FRIDLUND Mats ve SALLAMAA Daniel Sallamaa (2018). “Terrorism and Political Violence in the Nordic Countries”. Terrorism and Political Violence. 30: 5, 761-771.
- MCNEIL-WILLSON Richard (2017). “Between Trust and Oppression: Contemporary Counter-Terror Policies in Denmark”. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Counterterrorism Policy. Ed. Scott Nicholas Romaniuk, Francis Grice, Daniela Irrera, and Stewart Webb. Palgrave Macmillan UK, London.
- PEDERSEN Jørgen ve STOTHARD Blaine (2015). “The Danish SSP model – prevention through support and co-operation”. Drugs and Alcohol Today. 15:4, 231 – 242.
- PORTA Donatella Della, LAFREE Gary (2012). “Guest Editorial: Processes of Radicalization and De-Radicalization”. International Journal of Conflict and Violence. 6, 4-10.
- POPP George, Cana Sarah, DAY Jeff (2020). “Common Characteristicts of ‘Successful’ Deradicalization Programs of the Past”. NSI.
- SILBER Mitchell D. and BHATT Arvin (2007). “Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat”. NYPD, New York.
- VERGANI Matteo, IQBAL Muhammad, ILBAHAR Ekin and BARTON Greg (2020). “The Three Ps of Radicalization: Push, Pull and Personal. A Systematic Scoping Review of the Scientific Evidence about Radicalization Into Violent Extremism”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 43:10,1-33.
- “About TET”. The Danish Intelligence Oversight Board (TET) Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Annual report 2021Danish Defence Intelligence Service (DDIS)” (2021). Danish Intelligence Oversight Board. Copenhagen. Erişim 13.04.2023.
- “CFCS”. The Danish Intelligence Oversight Board (TET) Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Centre for Cyber Security” Centre for Cyber Security Resmi İnternet Sitesi, Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Country Reports on Terrorism 2020: Denmark”(2020). US Department of the State, Bureau of Counterterrorism. Washington. Erişim 04.04.2023.
- “Danish mosque openly backs Islamic State's campaign of terror”, RT, 02.09.2014, Erişim 06.04.2023.
- “Duties”. The Danish Intelligence Oversight Board (TET) Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Efterretningskredsløbet”. FE Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Homegrown Terrorism Causes and Dimensions” 2014. Ankara: COE-DAT, Erişim 13.04.2023.
- “Intelligence Look 2022” (2022). FE. Copenhagen. Erişim 13.04.2023.
“Intelligence work”. PET Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Interview With the Mayor of Aarhus Jacob Bundsgaard”. Freedom Fear Magazine. Erişim 29.03.2023.
- “Investigation of criminal cases”. PET Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Kernefortælling”. FE Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
“'Kopenhag saldırganı' vuruldu”. BBC Türkçe. 15.02.2015, Erişim 04.04.2023.
- “Organization”. FE Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Organization”. PET Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Prevention of radicalization and terrorism”. PET Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “The Preventive Security Department”.The Real Jijad. Erişim 05.04.2023.
- “Radicalisation, Recruitment and the EU Counter-radicalisation Strategy” (2008). Transnational Terrorism, Security and the Rule of Law. 7 Erişim 13.04.2023.
- “Security”. PET Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2022.
- “Setting up an Exit Intervention” (2017). RAN Exit. Berlin. Erişim 29.03.2023.
- “Standards for Danish intelligence oversight activities” (2022). The Danish Intelligence Oversight Board. Copenhagen. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- BERTELSEN Preben (2016). “Violent radicalization and extremism A review of risk factors and a theoretical model of radicalization”. Erişim 06.04.2023.
- JENSEN Natascha M., AGERSCHOU Toke, AARSLEV Allan, JOHANSEN Helle (2017). “The Aarhus Model: Prevention of Radicalization and Discrimination in Aarhus”. Erişim 24.03.2023.
- KECK Janus. “Dealing with de-radicalisation: The Aarhus Model”. Europe & Me. 01.01.2016, Erişim 27.03.2023.
Radikalleşme ile Mücadelede İstihbarat Örgütlerinin Rolü: Danimarka Güvenlik ve İstihbarat Servisi (Politiets Efterretningstjeneste- PET) Örneği
Yıl 2023,
, 421 - 453, 22.08.2023
Kaan Kılıç
Zeynep Selçuk
Radikalleşme ile mücadelede istihbarat örgütlerinin rolü ve çalışma alanı tartışmalı bir konudur. Özellikle siyasal gerekçelerle radikalleşme ve terör kavramlarına vurgu yapılması, toplum içerisinde istihbaratın muhalifleri bastırmaya yönelik bir aygıt olarak kullanıldığı algısına neden olacaktır. Öte yandan istihbaratın imkân ve kabiliyetlerine başvurulmadan radikalleşme ile mücadele edilmesinin mümkün olamayacağı değerlendirilmektedir. İstihbarat, radikalleşme ile mücadelede uygulanan programların kapsadığı önleme, baskı ve müdahale araçlarının her birinde etkin bir fonksiyona sahip olmalıdır. Çalışma, otoriteler tarafından nispeten başarılı bir uygulama olarak değerlendirilen Danimarka Modeline istihbarat örgütlerinin iştirakini ve bu programlardaki işlevini inceleyecektir.
- “A common and safe future– Proposal for an action plan to prevent extremist views and radicalisation among young people” (2008). The Danish Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs, Copenhagen.
- “Assessment of the terrorist threat to Denmark” (2022). CTA. Copenhagen.
- “Et stærkt værn mod terror 12 nye tiltag mod terror” (2015). Justitsministeriet. København.
- “Preventing and Countering Extremism and Radicalization National Action Plan-2016” (2016). Danish Ministry of Immigration, Integration and Housing, Copenhagen.
- “Prevention of Radicalization and Extremism Action Plan- 2014” (2014). Ministry of Children, Gender Equality, Integration and Social Affairs, Copenhagen.
- AGERSCHOU Toke (2015). “Preventing Radicalization and Discrimination in Aarhus”, Journal for Deradicalization. 1,5.
- ANDERSEN Sune J., HANSEN Martin Ejnar and DAVIES Philip H. J. (2022). “Oversight and Governance of the Danish Intelligence Community.” Intelligence and National Security, 37:2, 241-261.
- BERTELSEN Preben (2015). “Danish Preventive Measures and De-radicalization Strategies: The Aarhus Model”.Panorama, 241-253.
- (2018). “Mentoring in Anti-radicalisation LGT: A Systematic Assessment, Intervention and Supervision Tool in Mentoring”. Ed. Gwynyth Overland, Arnfinn J. Andersen, Kristin Engh Førde, Kjetil Grødum, Joseph Salomonsen.
Violent Extremism in the 21st Century : International Perspectives. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle.
- BORUM, Randy (2011). “Radicalization into Violent Extremism II: A Review of Conceptual Models and Empirical Research”. Journal of Strategic Security. 4:4, 35-62.
- BRETT Julian, ERIKSEN Kristina Bro, SØRENSEN Anne Kirstine Rønn ve APS Tana Copenhagen (2015). “Lessons learned from Danish and other international efforts on Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) in development contexts”.Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Copenhagen.
- COOLSAET Rick (2016). “All Radicalization is Local”. Egmont Institute.
- DALGAARD-NIELSEN, Anja (2010). “Violent Radicalization in Europe: What We Know and What We Do Not Know”. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 9:33,797- 814.
- DOOSJE Bertjan, MOGHADDAM Fathali M, KRUGLANSKİ Arie W, WOLF Arjan de, MANN Liesbeth, and FEDDES Allard R (2016). “Terrorism, Radicalization and de-Radicalization”. Current Opinion in Psychology. 11, 79-84.
- FINK Naureen Chowdhury and HEARNE Ellie (2008). “Beyond Terrorism: Deradicalization and Disengagement from Violent Extremism”. International Peace Institute, New York.
- HAMM Mark and SPAAJ Ramon (2015). “Lone Wolf Terrorism in America: Using Knowledge of Radicalization Pathways to Forge Prevention Strategies”. The U.S. Department of Justice, Washington.
- HEMMINGSEN Ann-Sophie (2015). “An Introduction to The Danish Approach to Countering and Preventing Extremism and Radicalization”. DIIS, Copenhagen.
- HERVIK Peter (2018). “Ten Years after the Danish Muhammad Cartoon News Stories: Terror and Radicalization as Predictable Media Events”. Television & New Media, 19:2 (2018):146-154.
- KOEHLER, Daniel (2017). Understanding Deradicalization- Methods, Tools and Programs for Countering Violent Extremism, Routledge, New York.
- KRUGLANSKI Arie W. ve BERTELSEN Preben. “Life psychology and significance quest: a complementary approach to violent extremism and counter-radicalisation”. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism. 15:1,1-22.
- KUDLACEK Dominic, v.d. (2017). “Prevention of radicalisation in selected European countries A comprehensive report of the state of the art in counter-radicalisation”. Kriminolo- gisches Forschungsinstitut Niedersachsen, Hannover.
- KÜHLE Lene ve Lasse Lindekilde (2010). “Radicalization Among Young Muslims in Aarhus”. Research Report, Centre for Studies in Islamism and Radicalisation, Aarhus.
- LINDEKILDE Lasse (2010). “Soft Repression And Mobilization: The Case Of Transnational Activism Of Danish Muslims During The Cartoons Controversy”. International Journal of Middle East Studies. 42:3, 451-469.
- (2014). “Refocusing Danish counter-radicalisation efforts: an analysis of the (problematic) logic and practice of individual de-radicalisation interventions”. Ed. Christopher Baker-Beall, Charlotte Heath-Kelly, Lee Jarvis. Counter-Radicalisation: Critical perspectives. Routledge, Oxfordshire.
- (2015).“Dansk forebyggelse af ekstremisme og radikalisering 2009-2014: udviklingstendenser og fremtidige udfordringer”. Politica. 47:3,424-444.
- MALKKI Leena, FRIDLUND Mats ve SALLAMAA Daniel Sallamaa (2018). “Terrorism and Political Violence in the Nordic Countries”. Terrorism and Political Violence. 30: 5, 761-771.
- MCNEIL-WILLSON Richard (2017). “Between Trust and Oppression: Contemporary Counter-Terror Policies in Denmark”. The Palgrave Handbook of Global Counterterrorism Policy. Ed. Scott Nicholas Romaniuk, Francis Grice, Daniela Irrera, and Stewart Webb. Palgrave Macmillan UK, London.
- PEDERSEN Jørgen ve STOTHARD Blaine (2015). “The Danish SSP model – prevention through support and co-operation”. Drugs and Alcohol Today. 15:4, 231 – 242.
- PORTA Donatella Della, LAFREE Gary (2012). “Guest Editorial: Processes of Radicalization and De-Radicalization”. International Journal of Conflict and Violence. 6, 4-10.
- POPP George, Cana Sarah, DAY Jeff (2020). “Common Characteristicts of ‘Successful’ Deradicalization Programs of the Past”. NSI.
- SILBER Mitchell D. and BHATT Arvin (2007). “Radicalization in the West: The Homegrown Threat”. NYPD, New York.
- VERGANI Matteo, IQBAL Muhammad, ILBAHAR Ekin and BARTON Greg (2020). “The Three Ps of Radicalization: Push, Pull and Personal. A Systematic Scoping Review of the Scientific Evidence about Radicalization Into Violent Extremism”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 43:10,1-33.
- “About TET”. The Danish Intelligence Oversight Board (TET) Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Annual report 2021Danish Defence Intelligence Service (DDIS)” (2021). Danish Intelligence Oversight Board. Copenhagen. Erişim 13.04.2023.
- “CFCS”. The Danish Intelligence Oversight Board (TET) Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Centre for Cyber Security” Centre for Cyber Security Resmi İnternet Sitesi, Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Country Reports on Terrorism 2020: Denmark”(2020). US Department of the State, Bureau of Counterterrorism. Washington. Erişim 04.04.2023.
- “Danish mosque openly backs Islamic State's campaign of terror”, RT, 02.09.2014, Erişim 06.04.2023.
- “Duties”. The Danish Intelligence Oversight Board (TET) Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Efterretningskredsløbet”. FE Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Homegrown Terrorism Causes and Dimensions” 2014. Ankara: COE-DAT, Erişim 13.04.2023.
- “Intelligence Look 2022” (2022). FE. Copenhagen. Erişim 13.04.2023.
“Intelligence work”. PET Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Interview With the Mayor of Aarhus Jacob Bundsgaard”. Freedom Fear Magazine. Erişim 29.03.2023.
- “Investigation of criminal cases”. PET Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Kernefortælling”. FE Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
“'Kopenhag saldırganı' vuruldu”. BBC Türkçe. 15.02.2015, Erişim 04.04.2023.
- “Organization”. FE Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Organization”. PET Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “Prevention of radicalization and terrorism”. PET Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- “The Preventive Security Department”.The Real Jijad. Erişim 05.04.2023.
- “Radicalisation, Recruitment and the EU Counter-radicalisation Strategy” (2008). Transnational Terrorism, Security and the Rule of Law. 7 Erişim 13.04.2023.
- “Security”. PET Resmi İnternet Sitesi. Erişim 03.04.2022.
- “Setting up an Exit Intervention” (2017). RAN Exit. Berlin. Erişim 29.03.2023.
- “Standards for Danish intelligence oversight activities” (2022). The Danish Intelligence Oversight Board. Copenhagen. Erişim 03.04.2023.
- BERTELSEN Preben (2016). “Violent radicalization and extremism A review of risk factors and a theoretical model of radicalization”. Erişim 06.04.2023.
- JENSEN Natascha M., AGERSCHOU Toke, AARSLEV Allan, JOHANSEN Helle (2017). “The Aarhus Model: Prevention of Radicalization and Discrimination in Aarhus”. Erişim 24.03.2023.
- KECK Janus. “Dealing with de-radicalisation: The Aarhus Model”. Europe & Me. 01.01.2016, Erişim 27.03.2023.