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Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (TSWV)’nün Tarımsal Ürünlerde Meydana Getirdiği Ekonomik Kayıplar

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 35 - 42, 21.02.2014


Birçok bitki patojeni, tarımsal ürünlerde çeşitli hastalıklara neden olmaktadır. Bakteri, virüs, fungus gibi hastalık etmenleri hem arazi koşullarında hastalık oluşturarak, hem de hasat sonrası
enfeksiyon zararı devam ederek ekonomik kayıplara yol açabilmektedir. Hastalık etmenleri arasında bitki patojeni virüsler önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Virüsler birçok konukçu bitkide oldukça
tahripkâr zararlara neden olabilmektedir. En yaygın ve ekonomik öneme sahip olan virüslerden birisi Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (TSWV)’ dür. Bu derlemede, TSWV’ nin tarımsal ürünlerde oluşturduğu zararlar (kantitatif ve kalitatif) ve ekonomik kayıplar ele alınmıştır.


  • Adkins, S., 2000. Tomato spotted wilt viruspositive steps towards negative success. Molecular Plant Pathology, 1(3):151-157.
  • Agrios, G.N., 1988. Plant pathology. Academic press, Inc. California, USA. p: 695.
  • Agrios, G. N., 1997. Plant Pathology, Fourth Edition. Academic Press. USA.
  • Anonymous, 2002. Eppo Data Sheets on Quarantine Pests: Tomato spotted wilt virus.ıne/Data_sheets/tswv
  • Arli-Sokmen, M., Sevik M.A.2005.Viruses infecting field-grown tomatoes in Samsun province, Turkey. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (Basımda).
  • Arli-Sokmen, M., H, Mennan, M.A. Sevik and O. Ecevit, 2005. Occurrence of Viruses in Field-grown Pepper Crops and Some of Their Reservoir Weed Hosts in Samsun, Turkey. Phytoparasitica, 33 (4): 347-358.
  • Azeri, T., 1994. Detection of Tomato spotted wilt virus in Tobacco and Tomato cultuvars by ELISA. J. Turkish Phytopathology Vol: 23 (1), 37-46.
  • Barnett, O.W., Main C.E., 2004. Plant virus disease-economic aspects. Encyclopedia of Virology, 1318-1326.
  • Beuve M, Naibo B, Foulgocq L, Lapierre H. 1999. Irrigated hybridmaize crop yield losses due to Barley yellow dwarf virusPAV luteovirus. Crop Sci. 39: 1830–34.
  • Bos L., 1982. Crop losses caused by viruses, Crop Protection, 1(3): 263-282.
  • Cambra, M., Capote, N.,Myrta, A., Llacer, G., 2006. Plumpox virus and the estimated costs associated with sharka disease. OEPP/EPPO Bull. 36, 202–204.
  • Cho, J.J., Mau, R.F.L., Gonsalves, D., Mitchell, W.C., 1986. Reservoir weed hosts of Tomato spotted wilt virus. Plant Disease, 70: 1014-1017.
  • Cho, J.J., Mau, R.F.L., German, T.L., Hartmann, R.W., Yudin, L.S., Gonsalves, D., Provvidenti, R.1989. A Multidisciplinary approac to management of Tomato spotted wilt virus in Hawaii. Plant Disease, 73: 375-383.
  • De Borbon, C.M., Gracia, O., Piccolo, R., 2006. Relationships between Tospovirus incidence and thrips populations on tomato in Mendoza, Argentin. J. Phytopathology, 154: 93-99.
  • Hull R., Davies, J.W. 1992. Approaches to nonconventional control of plant virus diseases. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 11(1): 17-33.
  • Edwards MC, Fetch TG, Schwarz PB, Steffenson BJ. 2001. Effect of Barley yellow dwarf virus infection on yield and malting quality of barley. Plant Dis. 85: 202–207.
  • Fauquet, C.M., Mayo, M.A., Maniloff, J., Desselberger, U., Ball, L.A. (Eds.), 2005. Virus Taxonomy: VIIIth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, 1162 pp.
  • Fidan, Ü., 1993. Recent records on virus diseases of vegetables in Greenhouses. J.Turk. Phytopathology Vol: 22 (1):45-45.
  • Fidan, Ü., 1995, Virus disease of vegetables in Greenhouses in İzmir and Muğla. J.Turk. Phytopathology Vol: 24 (1): 7-14.
  • German, T.L., Ullman, D.E., Moyer, J.W. 1992. Tospoviruses: Diagnosis, Molecular Biology, Phylogeny and Vector Relationships. Ann. Rev. Phytopathology 30:315-348.
  • Gitaitis, R.D., Dowler, C.C., Chalfant, R.B. 1998. Epidemiology of Tomato spotted wilt virus in pepper and tomato in Southern Georgia. Plant Disease 82:752-756.
  • Goldbach, R., D. Peters, 1994. Possible causes of the emergence of tospovirus diseases. Sem. Virology. 5: 113-120.
  • Gracia, O., de Borbon, C.M., Granval de Millan N., Cuesta, G.V. 1999. Occurence of different Tospovirus in vegetable crops in Argentina. Journal of Phytopathology, 147: 223-227.
  • Griep, R.A., Prins, M., van Twisk C., Keller J,H,G., Kerschbaumer R.J., Kormelink, R., Golbach R.W., Schots, A. 2000. Application of Phage display in selecting Tomato spotted wilt virus Specific single -Chain antibodies (scFvs) for sensetive diagnosis in ELISA. Phytopathology 90: 183-190.
  • Groves, R.L., Walgenbach J.F., Moyer J.W., Kennedy, G.G. 2002. The role of weeds hosts and tobacco thrips, Frankliniella fusca, in the epidemiology of Tomato spotted wilt virus. Plant Disease, 86:573-582.
  • Güldür, M.E., Marchoux G., Yürtmen M., Yılmaz M.A., 1995. Mersin ve çevresinde yetiştirilen domateslerde zararlı yeni bir virüs: Tomato spotted wilt virus. Türkiye VII. Fitopatoloji Kongresi, 26-29 Eylül, Adana, s: 303-305.
  • Güldür, M.E., 1997. Şanlıurfa ili için yeni bir virüs: Domates lekeli sogunluk virüsü (TSWV). Harran Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi, 1 (3): 71-76.
  • Hoffmann, K., Geske, S.M., Moyer, J.W., 1998. Pathogenesis of Tomato spotted wilt virus in peanut plants dually infected with Peanut mottle virus. Plant Disease. 82: 610-614.
  • Jankowski F, Slawinski FA, Mazur M, Micinski B and Wegorek W. 1980. The economic importance of the TSWV in tobacco growing and the results of control of the vector of this disease the tobacco thrips Thrips tabaci Lind. Page 279, in: Proc. XIX Conf. Scient. Inst. Plant Protect., 1979: Materialy XIX Sesji Naukowej Instytutu Ochrony, Roslin.
  • Johnson, R.R., L.L. Black, H.A. Hobs, R.A. Valverde, R.N. Story, W.P. Bond, 1995. Association of Frankliniella fusca and three winter weeds with tomato spotted wilt virus in Louisiana. Plant Disease 79: 572-576.
  • Kamberoglu, M.A., Caliskan A.F., Alan, B., 2009. Fırst Report of Tomato spotted wilt virus on eggplant in Turkey. Journal of Plant Pathology, 91(1):231-231.
  • Kim, J.W., S.S.M. Sun, T.L. German, 1994. Disease resistance in tobacco and tomato plants transformed with the tomato spotted wilt virus nucleocapsid gene. Plant Disease, 78: 615-621.
  • Kim J.-H., Choi G.-S., Kim J.-S., Choi J.-K., 2004. Characterization of Tomato spotted wilt virus from Paprika in Korea. Plant Pathol. J. 20(4): 297-301
  • Krisha-Kumar, N.K., D.E. Ullman, J.J. Cho, 1993. Evaluation of lycopersicon germ plasm for Tomato sotted wilt tospovirus resistance by mechanical and Trips transmission. Plant Disease 77: 938-941.
  • Lavina, A.I., Garcia I., Moriones E., 1994. Incidence and distribution of TSWV and CMV in open field tomato crops and weeds in the Northeastern Spain. 9th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union- Kuşadası Aydın-Türkiye, p: 483-485.
  • Mandal, B., Mandal, S., Csinos, A. S., Martinez, N., Culbreath, A. K., Pappu, H.R. 2008. Biological and molecular analyses of the acibenzolar- S-methylinduced systemic acquired resistance in flue-cured tobacco against Tomato spotted wilt virus. Phytopathology 98:196-204.
  • Matthews, R.E.F., 1992. Fundamentals of plant virology. Academic press, Inc. California, USA. p: 403.
  • Momol, M.T., J.E. Funderburk, S. Olson, and, J. Stavisky, 2002. Management of TSWV on tomatoes with UVreflective mulch and acibenzolor-Smethyl.Thrips and Tospoviruses: Proceedings of the 7th. İnternational Symposium on Thysanoptera. p: 111-116.
  • Moriones E., Aramburu J., Riudavets J., Arno J., Laviña A. 1998. Effect of plant age at time of infection by tomato spotted wilt tospovirus on the yield of fieldgrown tomato. – Eu.J.Plant Pathol. 104: 295-300.
  • Murphy, J.F., Zehnder G.W., Schuster D.J., Sikora E.J., Polston J.E, Kloepper J.W., 2000. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial mediated protection in tomato against Tomato mottle virus. Plant Disease, 84: 779-784.
  • Nagata,T., A.K. Inoue-Nagata,M. Prins, R. Goldbach, D. Peters, 2000. Impeded trips transmission of defective Tomato spotted wilt virus isolates. Phytopathology 90: 454-459.
  • Ozdemir, S., Erilmez, S., Kaçan, K. 2009. Detectıon of Tomato spotted wılt vırus (TSWV)on tomato crops and some weeds in Denızli provınce of Turkey. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 808:171-174.
  • Quainoo, A.K., Wettena A.C., Allainguillaumea J. 2008. Transmission of Cocoa swollen shoot virus by seeds. Journal of Virological Methods 150: 45–49
  • Pappu, H.R., Jones R.A.C., Jain R.K., 2009. Global status of tospovirus epidemics in diverse cropping systems: Successes gained and challenges that lie ahead. Virus Research 141:219–236.
  • Parrella, G., Gognalons P., Gebre-Selassie K., Vovlas C., Marchoux G., 2003. An update of the host range of Tomato spotted wılt vırus. Journal of Plant Pathology, 85 (4): 227-264.
  • Pataky, N.R., 1991. Tomato spotted wilt virus. report on Plant Disease RPD No. 665, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign.
  • Porter IJ, Donald EC, Minchinton EJ., Wilson L., 2007. Pathogens of importance and their economic impact on the Australian vegetable industry. Biosciences Research Division, Department Of Prımary Industrıes, Knoxfield Centre, pp:1-2.
  • Riley, D., 2004. Thrips and Tomato spotted wilt management in tomato – a cost effective IPM program. Georgia IPM. On-line vegetable/thripstswv.html.
  • Rosello, S., Diez M.J., Nuez F., 1996. Viral diseases causing the greatest economic losses to the tomato crop. I. The Tomato spotted wilt virus -a review. Scienta Horticulturae, 67: 117-150.
  • Sherman, J.M., Moyer J.W., Daub M.E., 1998. Tomato spotted wilt virus resistance in Chrysanthemum expressing the viral nucleocapsid gene. Plant Disease. 82:407-414
  • Strange R.N., Scott, P.R., 2005. Plant Disease: A Threat to Global Food Security. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol., 43: 83-116.
  • Şevik, M.A., 2007. Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (TSWV)' nün Samsun ilinde domates üretim alanlarındaki yayılış durumunun ve bazı karakteristik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, s:128.
  • Tekinel,N., Dolar M.S., Sağsöz S., Salcan Y., 1969. Mersin Bölgesinde ekonomik bakımdan önemli bazı sebzelerin virüsleri üzerinde araştırmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni Cilt 9 No: 1, s: 37-49.
  • Tekinel, N., 1973. Adana, Antalya, Hatay ve İçel illerinde domates virüs hastalıklarının yayılış alanlarının ve oranlarının tespiti üzerinde araştırmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni Cilt 13 No: 3, s: 107-141.
  • Todd, J.W., Culbreath A.K., Gorbet D.W., Shokes F.M., Brown S.L., Pappu H.R., 2002.
  • Uhrig, J.F., Soellick T.R., Minke C.J., Philipp C., Kellmann J.W., Schreier P.H., 1999. Homotypic interaction and multimerization of nucleocapsid protein of Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus: Identification and characterization of two interacting domains. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 96: 55-60.
  • Walkey, 1991.Applied plant virology. Chapman and Hall, London, p: 338.
  • Wangai, A.W., Mandal B., Pappu H., Kilonzo S., 2001. Outbreak of Tomato spotted wilt virus in tomato in Kenya. Plant Disease, 85: 1123.
  • Wilson, C.R., 1998. İncidence of weed reservoirs and vectors of Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus on southern Tasmanian lettuce farms. Plant Pathology, 47: 171-176.
  • Wilson, C.R., Wilson A.J., Pethybridge S.J., 2000. First report of Tomato spotted wilt virus in common Agapanthus. Plant Disease 84: 491-941.
  • Wisler, G.C., Duffus J.E., 2000. A century of plant virus management in the Salinas Valley of California, East of Eden. Virus Research, 71: 161-169.
  • Yardımcı, N., Çulal-Kılıç H., 2009. Tomato spotted wilt virus in vegetable growing areas in the west mediterranean region of Turkey. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(18): 4539-4541
  • Yılmaz, M.A., 1991. Viroloji. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Ders Kitabı No: 39, s: 156.
  • Yılmaz, M.A., Baloğlu S., Özaslan M., Güldür M.E., 1995. GAP bölgesinde kültür bitkilerinde belirlenen virüsler. GAP Bölgesi Bitki Koruma Sorunları ve Çözüm Önerileri Sempozyumu. Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, s: 241-250.
  • Yürtmen, M., Güldür M.E., Yılmaz M.A., 1999. Tomato spotted wilt virus on peppers in İçel province of Turkey. Petria, 9(3): 243-344.
Yıl 2011, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1, 35 - 42, 21.02.2014


A vast number of plant pathogens cause diseases in agricultural crops. All are subject to disease both in the field and post-harvest, the major groups of pathogens (including bacteria, viruses, fungi). Plant viruses have an important place among them. Many of plant viruses cause devastating diseases and often have wide host ranges. TSWV is one of the most widespread and economicallyimportant plant viruses. This review considers the cascade of events that link injuries caused by TSWV on crop stands to possible (quantitative and qualitative) crop losses (damage), and to the resulting economic losses. 


  • Adkins, S., 2000. Tomato spotted wilt viruspositive steps towards negative success. Molecular Plant Pathology, 1(3):151-157.
  • Agrios, G.N., 1988. Plant pathology. Academic press, Inc. California, USA. p: 695.
  • Agrios, G. N., 1997. Plant Pathology, Fourth Edition. Academic Press. USA.
  • Anonymous, 2002. Eppo Data Sheets on Quarantine Pests: Tomato spotted wilt virus.ıne/Data_sheets/tswv
  • Arli-Sokmen, M., Sevik M.A.2005.Viruses infecting field-grown tomatoes in Samsun province, Turkey. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (Basımda).
  • Arli-Sokmen, M., H, Mennan, M.A. Sevik and O. Ecevit, 2005. Occurrence of Viruses in Field-grown Pepper Crops and Some of Their Reservoir Weed Hosts in Samsun, Turkey. Phytoparasitica, 33 (4): 347-358.
  • Azeri, T., 1994. Detection of Tomato spotted wilt virus in Tobacco and Tomato cultuvars by ELISA. J. Turkish Phytopathology Vol: 23 (1), 37-46.
  • Barnett, O.W., Main C.E., 2004. Plant virus disease-economic aspects. Encyclopedia of Virology, 1318-1326.
  • Beuve M, Naibo B, Foulgocq L, Lapierre H. 1999. Irrigated hybridmaize crop yield losses due to Barley yellow dwarf virusPAV luteovirus. Crop Sci. 39: 1830–34.
  • Bos L., 1982. Crop losses caused by viruses, Crop Protection, 1(3): 263-282.
  • Cambra, M., Capote, N.,Myrta, A., Llacer, G., 2006. Plumpox virus and the estimated costs associated with sharka disease. OEPP/EPPO Bull. 36, 202–204.
  • Cho, J.J., Mau, R.F.L., Gonsalves, D., Mitchell, W.C., 1986. Reservoir weed hosts of Tomato spotted wilt virus. Plant Disease, 70: 1014-1017.
  • Cho, J.J., Mau, R.F.L., German, T.L., Hartmann, R.W., Yudin, L.S., Gonsalves, D., Provvidenti, R.1989. A Multidisciplinary approac to management of Tomato spotted wilt virus in Hawaii. Plant Disease, 73: 375-383.
  • De Borbon, C.M., Gracia, O., Piccolo, R., 2006. Relationships between Tospovirus incidence and thrips populations on tomato in Mendoza, Argentin. J. Phytopathology, 154: 93-99.
  • Hull R., Davies, J.W. 1992. Approaches to nonconventional control of plant virus diseases. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 11(1): 17-33.
  • Edwards MC, Fetch TG, Schwarz PB, Steffenson BJ. 2001. Effect of Barley yellow dwarf virus infection on yield and malting quality of barley. Plant Dis. 85: 202–207.
  • Fauquet, C.M., Mayo, M.A., Maniloff, J., Desselberger, U., Ball, L.A. (Eds.), 2005. Virus Taxonomy: VIIIth Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, 1162 pp.
  • Fidan, Ü., 1993. Recent records on virus diseases of vegetables in Greenhouses. J.Turk. Phytopathology Vol: 22 (1):45-45.
  • Fidan, Ü., 1995, Virus disease of vegetables in Greenhouses in İzmir and Muğla. J.Turk. Phytopathology Vol: 24 (1): 7-14.
  • German, T.L., Ullman, D.E., Moyer, J.W. 1992. Tospoviruses: Diagnosis, Molecular Biology, Phylogeny and Vector Relationships. Ann. Rev. Phytopathology 30:315-348.
  • Gitaitis, R.D., Dowler, C.C., Chalfant, R.B. 1998. Epidemiology of Tomato spotted wilt virus in pepper and tomato in Southern Georgia. Plant Disease 82:752-756.
  • Goldbach, R., D. Peters, 1994. Possible causes of the emergence of tospovirus diseases. Sem. Virology. 5: 113-120.
  • Gracia, O., de Borbon, C.M., Granval de Millan N., Cuesta, G.V. 1999. Occurence of different Tospovirus in vegetable crops in Argentina. Journal of Phytopathology, 147: 223-227.
  • Griep, R.A., Prins, M., van Twisk C., Keller J,H,G., Kerschbaumer R.J., Kormelink, R., Golbach R.W., Schots, A. 2000. Application of Phage display in selecting Tomato spotted wilt virus Specific single -Chain antibodies (scFvs) for sensetive diagnosis in ELISA. Phytopathology 90: 183-190.
  • Groves, R.L., Walgenbach J.F., Moyer J.W., Kennedy, G.G. 2002. The role of weeds hosts and tobacco thrips, Frankliniella fusca, in the epidemiology of Tomato spotted wilt virus. Plant Disease, 86:573-582.
  • Güldür, M.E., Marchoux G., Yürtmen M., Yılmaz M.A., 1995. Mersin ve çevresinde yetiştirilen domateslerde zararlı yeni bir virüs: Tomato spotted wilt virus. Türkiye VII. Fitopatoloji Kongresi, 26-29 Eylül, Adana, s: 303-305.
  • Güldür, M.E., 1997. Şanlıurfa ili için yeni bir virüs: Domates lekeli sogunluk virüsü (TSWV). Harran Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi, 1 (3): 71-76.
  • Hoffmann, K., Geske, S.M., Moyer, J.W., 1998. Pathogenesis of Tomato spotted wilt virus in peanut plants dually infected with Peanut mottle virus. Plant Disease. 82: 610-614.
  • Jankowski F, Slawinski FA, Mazur M, Micinski B and Wegorek W. 1980. The economic importance of the TSWV in tobacco growing and the results of control of the vector of this disease the tobacco thrips Thrips tabaci Lind. Page 279, in: Proc. XIX Conf. Scient. Inst. Plant Protect., 1979: Materialy XIX Sesji Naukowej Instytutu Ochrony, Roslin.
  • Johnson, R.R., L.L. Black, H.A. Hobs, R.A. Valverde, R.N. Story, W.P. Bond, 1995. Association of Frankliniella fusca and three winter weeds with tomato spotted wilt virus in Louisiana. Plant Disease 79: 572-576.
  • Kamberoglu, M.A., Caliskan A.F., Alan, B., 2009. Fırst Report of Tomato spotted wilt virus on eggplant in Turkey. Journal of Plant Pathology, 91(1):231-231.
  • Kim, J.W., S.S.M. Sun, T.L. German, 1994. Disease resistance in tobacco and tomato plants transformed with the tomato spotted wilt virus nucleocapsid gene. Plant Disease, 78: 615-621.
  • Kim J.-H., Choi G.-S., Kim J.-S., Choi J.-K., 2004. Characterization of Tomato spotted wilt virus from Paprika in Korea. Plant Pathol. J. 20(4): 297-301
  • Krisha-Kumar, N.K., D.E. Ullman, J.J. Cho, 1993. Evaluation of lycopersicon germ plasm for Tomato sotted wilt tospovirus resistance by mechanical and Trips transmission. Plant Disease 77: 938-941.
  • Lavina, A.I., Garcia I., Moriones E., 1994. Incidence and distribution of TSWV and CMV in open field tomato crops and weeds in the Northeastern Spain. 9th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union- Kuşadası Aydın-Türkiye, p: 483-485.
  • Mandal, B., Mandal, S., Csinos, A. S., Martinez, N., Culbreath, A. K., Pappu, H.R. 2008. Biological and molecular analyses of the acibenzolar- S-methylinduced systemic acquired resistance in flue-cured tobacco against Tomato spotted wilt virus. Phytopathology 98:196-204.
  • Matthews, R.E.F., 1992. Fundamentals of plant virology. Academic press, Inc. California, USA. p: 403.
  • Momol, M.T., J.E. Funderburk, S. Olson, and, J. Stavisky, 2002. Management of TSWV on tomatoes with UVreflective mulch and acibenzolor-Smethyl.Thrips and Tospoviruses: Proceedings of the 7th. İnternational Symposium on Thysanoptera. p: 111-116.
  • Moriones E., Aramburu J., Riudavets J., Arno J., Laviña A. 1998. Effect of plant age at time of infection by tomato spotted wilt tospovirus on the yield of fieldgrown tomato. – Eu.J.Plant Pathol. 104: 295-300.
  • Murphy, J.F., Zehnder G.W., Schuster D.J., Sikora E.J., Polston J.E, Kloepper J.W., 2000. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacterial mediated protection in tomato against Tomato mottle virus. Plant Disease, 84: 779-784.
  • Nagata,T., A.K. Inoue-Nagata,M. Prins, R. Goldbach, D. Peters, 2000. Impeded trips transmission of defective Tomato spotted wilt virus isolates. Phytopathology 90: 454-459.
  • Ozdemir, S., Erilmez, S., Kaçan, K. 2009. Detectıon of Tomato spotted wılt vırus (TSWV)on tomato crops and some weeds in Denızli provınce of Turkey. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 808:171-174.
  • Quainoo, A.K., Wettena A.C., Allainguillaumea J. 2008. Transmission of Cocoa swollen shoot virus by seeds. Journal of Virological Methods 150: 45–49
  • Pappu, H.R., Jones R.A.C., Jain R.K., 2009. Global status of tospovirus epidemics in diverse cropping systems: Successes gained and challenges that lie ahead. Virus Research 141:219–236.
  • Parrella, G., Gognalons P., Gebre-Selassie K., Vovlas C., Marchoux G., 2003. An update of the host range of Tomato spotted wılt vırus. Journal of Plant Pathology, 85 (4): 227-264.
  • Pataky, N.R., 1991. Tomato spotted wilt virus. report on Plant Disease RPD No. 665, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign.
  • Porter IJ, Donald EC, Minchinton EJ., Wilson L., 2007. Pathogens of importance and their economic impact on the Australian vegetable industry. Biosciences Research Division, Department Of Prımary Industrıes, Knoxfield Centre, pp:1-2.
  • Riley, D., 2004. Thrips and Tomato spotted wilt management in tomato – a cost effective IPM program. Georgia IPM. On-line vegetable/thripstswv.html.
  • Rosello, S., Diez M.J., Nuez F., 1996. Viral diseases causing the greatest economic losses to the tomato crop. I. The Tomato spotted wilt virus -a review. Scienta Horticulturae, 67: 117-150.
  • Sherman, J.M., Moyer J.W., Daub M.E., 1998. Tomato spotted wilt virus resistance in Chrysanthemum expressing the viral nucleocapsid gene. Plant Disease. 82:407-414
  • Strange R.N., Scott, P.R., 2005. Plant Disease: A Threat to Global Food Security. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol., 43: 83-116.
  • Şevik, M.A., 2007. Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (TSWV)' nün Samsun ilinde domates üretim alanlarındaki yayılış durumunun ve bazı karakteristik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, s:128.
  • Tekinel,N., Dolar M.S., Sağsöz S., Salcan Y., 1969. Mersin Bölgesinde ekonomik bakımdan önemli bazı sebzelerin virüsleri üzerinde araştırmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni Cilt 9 No: 1, s: 37-49.
  • Tekinel, N., 1973. Adana, Antalya, Hatay ve İçel illerinde domates virüs hastalıklarının yayılış alanlarının ve oranlarının tespiti üzerinde araştırmalar. Bitki Koruma Bülteni Cilt 13 No: 3, s: 107-141.
  • Todd, J.W., Culbreath A.K., Gorbet D.W., Shokes F.M., Brown S.L., Pappu H.R., 2002.
  • Uhrig, J.F., Soellick T.R., Minke C.J., Philipp C., Kellmann J.W., Schreier P.H., 1999. Homotypic interaction and multimerization of nucleocapsid protein of Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus: Identification and characterization of two interacting domains. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 96: 55-60.
  • Walkey, 1991.Applied plant virology. Chapman and Hall, London, p: 338.
  • Wangai, A.W., Mandal B., Pappu H., Kilonzo S., 2001. Outbreak of Tomato spotted wilt virus in tomato in Kenya. Plant Disease, 85: 1123.
  • Wilson, C.R., 1998. İncidence of weed reservoirs and vectors of Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus on southern Tasmanian lettuce farms. Plant Pathology, 47: 171-176.
  • Wilson, C.R., Wilson A.J., Pethybridge S.J., 2000. First report of Tomato spotted wilt virus in common Agapanthus. Plant Disease 84: 491-941.
  • Wisler, G.C., Duffus J.E., 2000. A century of plant virus management in the Salinas Valley of California, East of Eden. Virus Research, 71: 161-169.
  • Yardımcı, N., Çulal-Kılıç H., 2009. Tomato spotted wilt virus in vegetable growing areas in the west mediterranean region of Turkey. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8(18): 4539-4541
  • Yılmaz, M.A., 1991. Viroloji. Çukurova Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Ders Kitabı No: 39, s: 156.
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Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mehmet Şevik

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Şubat 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Şubat 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Şevik, M. (2014). Domates lekeli solgunluk virüsü (TSWV)’nün Tarımsal Ürünlerde Meydana Getirdiği Ekonomik Kayıplar. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(1), 35-42.

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