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In vitro Koşullarda Bazı Lokal Trichoderma harzianum İzolatları Kullanılarak Bakla Yaprak Lekesi Hastalığı Etmeni Alternaria alternata’ nın Biyolojik Kontrolü

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 169 - 178, 25.06.2018


Bakla,Türkiye’de taze
olarak tüketilen yaygın baklagiller arasında yer almaktadır. 
neden olduğu Bakla yaprak leke hastalığı, Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde görülen önemli bir fungal
hastalığıdır.  Bu çalışmada Yaprak leke hastalığına karşı uygun mücadele
stratejilerini belirlemek için 
in vitro koşullarda
Trichoderma harzianum ile denemeler
Trichoderma harzianum ile denemeler
yürütülmüştür. Deneme, Beşer adet  
A. alternata (A1, A2, A3, A4 ve A5) ve T. harzianum izolatları (T1, T2, T3, T4 ve Tc) ile kontrol parseli dahil,
tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre toplam 25 uygulama olarak kurulmuştur.
Petride, İkili kültür şeklinde yapılan testlerde, 
T. harzianum
izolatlarının A. alternata
’yı engelleme
oranın, % 53.85 ile 82.81 aralığında olduğu belirlenmiştir. 
A. alternata fungal patojenlere karşı T. harzianum’un T2 ve T3 izolatlarının en yüksek antagonistik etki
gösterdiği, yaprak lezyonlarının uzunluk ve genişlik çapının en az olması ile
Alternaria veTrichoderma türlerinin teşhisi, rDNA’sının ITS gen dizisinin NCBI Gen
Bankasında nükleotid karşılaştırma analizi (nBLAST) ile belirlenmiştir. Elde
edilen sonuçlara göre, 
T. harzianum’un, A. alternata’nın gelişiminin engelleyerek, bakla yaprak leke
hastalığının kontrolünde bir antagonistik potansiyel olarak kullanılabileceğini


  • Ambuse, M.G., Chatage, V.S., Bhale, U.N., 2012. Influence of Trichoderma spp. against Alternaria tenuissima inciting leaf spot of Rumex acetosa L. Bioscience Discovery, 3: 259-262.
  • Balkaya, A., Karaagaç, O., 2013. General status of leguminous vegetable genetic resources in Turkey. European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, 7: 1-6.
  • Barnett, H.L., Hunter, B.B., 1987. Illustrated Genera of Imperfect Fungi. 4th ed. New York, U.S.A: MacMillan Pub.
  • Batta, Y.A.M., 2000. Alternaria leaf spot disease on fig trees: Varietal susceptibility and effect of some fungicides and Trichoderma. The Islamic University of Gaza Journal, 8: 83-97.
  • Bigirimana, J., Meyer, G., De Poppe, J., Elad, Y., Hofte, M., 1997. Induction of systemic resistance on the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) by Trichoderma harzianum. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, 62: 1001-1007.
  • Bissett, J., 1991. A revision of the genus Trichoderma. II. Infrageneric classification. Canadian Journal of Botany, 69(11):2357-2372.
  • Brown, W., 1924. Two mycological methods: 11. A method of isolating single strains of fungi by cutting out a hyphal tip. Annals Botany, 38: 402-404.
  • Cenis, J.L., 1992. Rapid extraction of fungal DNA for PCR amplification. Nucleic Acids Research, 20(9): 2380.
  • El-Gali, Z.I., 2015. Antagonism capability in vitro of Trichoderma harzianum against Alternaria alternata on ceratonia siliquea. European Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, 2(2): 30-44.
  • Eriksson, O.E., Winka, W., 1997. Supraordinal taxa of Ascomycota. Myconet, 1: 116p
  • FAOSTAT, 2014. Food and Agriculture Organisation of The United Nations, Statistics Division. (Erişim tarihi: 04.05.2017)
  • Hansen, H.N., 1926) A simple method of obtaining single spore cultures. Science, 64: 384.
  • Hui, S., 2013. Morphological characterization and sequence analysis of 5.8S-ITS region of Trichoderma species. MSc. Thesis. Faculty of Science University Tunku Abdul Rahman, pp. 74
  • Jat, J.G., Agalave, H.R., 2013. Antagonistic properties of Trichoderma species against oilseed-borne fungi. Science Research Reporter, 3(2): 171-174.
  • Kubicek, C.P., Harman, G.E., 2002. Trichoderma and Gliocladium (vol. I). Basic biology, taxonomy, and genetics. In: W Gams & J Bissett (Eds.), Morphology and Identification of Trichoderma, Taylor & Francis, pp. 14-24
  • Leroux, P., Fritz, R., Debieu, D., Albertini, C., Lanen, C., Bach, J., Gredt, M. Chapeland, F., 2002. Mechanisms of resistance to fungicides in field strains of Botrytis cinerea. Pest Management Science, 58: 876-888.
  • Nasraoui, B., 2008. Main Fungal Diseases of Cereals and Legumes in Tunisia, Centre de Publication Universitaire, Tunisia.
  • Patale, S.S., Mukadam, D.S., 2011. Management of plant pathogenic fungi by using Trichoderma species. Bioscience Discovery, 2(1): 36-37.
  • Rahman, M.A., Begum, M.F., Alam, M.F., 2009. Screening of Trichoderma isolates as a biological control agent against Ceratocystis paradoxa causing pineapple disease of sugarcane. Microbiology, 37(4): 277-285.
  • Seaman, A., 2003. Efficacy of OMRI-approved products for tomato foliar disease control. New York State Integrated Pest Management Program publication, 129: 164-167.
  • Simmons, E.G., 2007. Alternaria: an identification manual. CBS Fungal Biodiversity Center Utrecht, Netherlands, pp. 775.
  • Skidmore, A.M., Dickinson, C.H., 1976. Colony interactions and hyphal interference between Septoria nodorum and phylloplane fungi. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 66(1): 57-64.
  • Soytong, K., 1988. Identification of species of Chaetomium in the Philippines and screening for their biocontrol properties against seed born fungi of rice. PhD Thesis, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines.
  • Suprapta, D.N., 2012. Potential of microbial antagonists as biocontrol agents against plant fungal pathogens. The International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences, 18(2): 1-8.
  • Surekha, C.H., Neelapu, N.R.R., Kamala, G., Prasad, B.S., Ganesh, P.S., 2013. Efficacy of Trichoderma viride to induce disease resistance and antioxidant responses in legume Vigna mungo infested by Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria alternata. International Journal of Agricultural Science & Research, 3(2): 285-294.
  • Tekalign, A., 2014. Genetic analysis and characterization of faba bean (Vicia faba) for resistance to chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae) disease and yield in the Ethiopian highlands. PhD Thesis, African Centre for Crop Improvement (ACCI), Republic of South Africa.
  • Torres, A.M., Roman, B., Avila, C., Moreno, M.T., 2006. Faba bean breeding for resistance against biotic stresses: Towards application of marker technology. Euphytica, 147(1): 67-80.
  • White, T.J., Bruns, T., Lee, S.B., Taylor, J., 1990. Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. In: M Innis D Gelfand J Sninsky & T White (Eds.). PCR Protocols: a Guide to Methods and Applications, Academic Press, Orlando, Florida, pp. 315-322.
  • Zhang, J., Wu, M.D., Li, G.Q., Yang, L., Yu, L., Jiang, D.H., Huang, H.C., Zhuang, W.Y., 2010. Botrytis fabiopsis, a new species causing a chocolate spot of broad bean in central China. Mycologia, 102(5): 1114-1126.

Biocontrol of Alternaria alternata Causing Leaf Spot Disease on Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Using Some Trichoderma harzianum Isolates Under In vitro Condition

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 169 - 178, 25.06.2018


Faba bean is among common legume crops used as a fresh
vegetable in Turkey. 
Alternaria alternata is
one of the main fungal diseases attacking faba bean in Turkey. Investigation of
leaf spot disease of faba bean was carried out to find out suitable management
strategies under laboratory condition. Five A. alternata (A1, A2, A3, A4, and
A5) and five Trichoderma harzianum isolates (T1, T2, T3, T4, and Tc) including control
were arranged in complete randomized design factorial, forming a total of 25
treatments. Dual culture plate test revealed that the percentage growth
inhibition of A. alternata by T. harzianum was in the
range of 53.85 to 82.81 %. In addition, Trichoderma isolates (T2 and T3) were found the most effective with the
highest antagonistic activity against A. alternata isolates fungal pathogen caused minimum length and
width diameter of leaves lesions. The species of Alternaria and Trichoderma isolates were
identified according to cultural characteristics and alignment analysis of ITS
sequences in GenBank of NCBI. The results point out that T. harzianum provides the
use of high potential antagonists capable of controlling the leaf spot disease
of faba bean plant.


  • Ambuse, M.G., Chatage, V.S., Bhale, U.N., 2012. Influence of Trichoderma spp. against Alternaria tenuissima inciting leaf spot of Rumex acetosa L. Bioscience Discovery, 3: 259-262.
  • Balkaya, A., Karaagaç, O., 2013. General status of leguminous vegetable genetic resources in Turkey. European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology, 7: 1-6.
  • Barnett, H.L., Hunter, B.B., 1987. Illustrated Genera of Imperfect Fungi. 4th ed. New York, U.S.A: MacMillan Pub.
  • Batta, Y.A.M., 2000. Alternaria leaf spot disease on fig trees: Varietal susceptibility and effect of some fungicides and Trichoderma. The Islamic University of Gaza Journal, 8: 83-97.
  • Bigirimana, J., Meyer, G., De Poppe, J., Elad, Y., Hofte, M., 1997. Induction of systemic resistance on the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) by Trichoderma harzianum. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University, 62: 1001-1007.
  • Bissett, J., 1991. A revision of the genus Trichoderma. II. Infrageneric classification. Canadian Journal of Botany, 69(11):2357-2372.
  • Brown, W., 1924. Two mycological methods: 11. A method of isolating single strains of fungi by cutting out a hyphal tip. Annals Botany, 38: 402-404.
  • Cenis, J.L., 1992. Rapid extraction of fungal DNA for PCR amplification. Nucleic Acids Research, 20(9): 2380.
  • El-Gali, Z.I., 2015. Antagonism capability in vitro of Trichoderma harzianum against Alternaria alternata on ceratonia siliquea. European Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research, 2(2): 30-44.
  • Eriksson, O.E., Winka, W., 1997. Supraordinal taxa of Ascomycota. Myconet, 1: 116p
  • FAOSTAT, 2014. Food and Agriculture Organisation of The United Nations, Statistics Division. (Erişim tarihi: 04.05.2017)
  • Hansen, H.N., 1926) A simple method of obtaining single spore cultures. Science, 64: 384.
  • Hui, S., 2013. Morphological characterization and sequence analysis of 5.8S-ITS region of Trichoderma species. MSc. Thesis. Faculty of Science University Tunku Abdul Rahman, pp. 74
  • Jat, J.G., Agalave, H.R., 2013. Antagonistic properties of Trichoderma species against oilseed-borne fungi. Science Research Reporter, 3(2): 171-174.
  • Kubicek, C.P., Harman, G.E., 2002. Trichoderma and Gliocladium (vol. I). Basic biology, taxonomy, and genetics. In: W Gams & J Bissett (Eds.), Morphology and Identification of Trichoderma, Taylor & Francis, pp. 14-24
  • Leroux, P., Fritz, R., Debieu, D., Albertini, C., Lanen, C., Bach, J., Gredt, M. Chapeland, F., 2002. Mechanisms of resistance to fungicides in field strains of Botrytis cinerea. Pest Management Science, 58: 876-888.
  • Nasraoui, B., 2008. Main Fungal Diseases of Cereals and Legumes in Tunisia, Centre de Publication Universitaire, Tunisia.
  • Patale, S.S., Mukadam, D.S., 2011. Management of plant pathogenic fungi by using Trichoderma species. Bioscience Discovery, 2(1): 36-37.
  • Rahman, M.A., Begum, M.F., Alam, M.F., 2009. Screening of Trichoderma isolates as a biological control agent against Ceratocystis paradoxa causing pineapple disease of sugarcane. Microbiology, 37(4): 277-285.
  • Seaman, A., 2003. Efficacy of OMRI-approved products for tomato foliar disease control. New York State Integrated Pest Management Program publication, 129: 164-167.
  • Simmons, E.G., 2007. Alternaria: an identification manual. CBS Fungal Biodiversity Center Utrecht, Netherlands, pp. 775.
  • Skidmore, A.M., Dickinson, C.H., 1976. Colony interactions and hyphal interference between Septoria nodorum and phylloplane fungi. Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 66(1): 57-64.
  • Soytong, K., 1988. Identification of species of Chaetomium in the Philippines and screening for their biocontrol properties against seed born fungi of rice. PhD Thesis, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines.
  • Suprapta, D.N., 2012. Potential of microbial antagonists as biocontrol agents against plant fungal pathogens. The International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences, 18(2): 1-8.
  • Surekha, C.H., Neelapu, N.R.R., Kamala, G., Prasad, B.S., Ganesh, P.S., 2013. Efficacy of Trichoderma viride to induce disease resistance and antioxidant responses in legume Vigna mungo infested by Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria alternata. International Journal of Agricultural Science & Research, 3(2): 285-294.
  • Tekalign, A., 2014. Genetic analysis and characterization of faba bean (Vicia faba) for resistance to chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae) disease and yield in the Ethiopian highlands. PhD Thesis, African Centre for Crop Improvement (ACCI), Republic of South Africa.
  • Torres, A.M., Roman, B., Avila, C., Moreno, M.T., 2006. Faba bean breeding for resistance against biotic stresses: Towards application of marker technology. Euphytica, 147(1): 67-80.
  • White, T.J., Bruns, T., Lee, S.B., Taylor, J., 1990. Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. In: M Innis D Gelfand J Sninsky & T White (Eds.). PCR Protocols: a Guide to Methods and Applications, Academic Press, Orlando, Florida, pp. 315-322.
  • Zhang, J., Wu, M.D., Li, G.Q., Yang, L., Yu, L., Jiang, D.H., Huang, H.C., Zhuang, W.Y., 2010. Botrytis fabiopsis, a new species causing a chocolate spot of broad bean in central China. Mycologia, 102(5): 1114-1126.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mukaddes Kayım

Amin Mohammed Yones

Ali Endes

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Haziran 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 20 Temmuz 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kayım, M., Yones, A. M., & Endes, A. (2018). Biocontrol of Alternaria alternata Causing Leaf Spot Disease on Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Using Some Trichoderma harzianum Isolates Under In vitro Condition. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(2), 169-178.

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