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Control of microorganism with sound waves

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 431 - 444, 24.09.2018


Sound wave,
loaded with energy, has a potential to increase the growth and development of
the organisms as well as it has reducing potential. 
Sound wave causes physiological, biochemical
and molecular changes in the structure of organisms.
  When applied at high power and frequency, it has
potential to result in thinning in cell membrane, increase in levels of defence
enzymes, increases in respiration and stres metabolites as well as it has
potential to cause in changes in genomic structure.
  In this review, effect of sound wave and its
mode of action on pathogen microorganisms, increases in maintaning postharvest
products along with the use of other methods were evaluated on the basis of
above parameters.


  • Aggio, R.B.M, Obolonkin, V., Villas-Boas, S.G., 2012. Sonic vibration affects the metabolism of yeast cells growing in liquid culture: A metabolomic study. Metabolomics, 8(4):670-678.
  • Al-hashimi, A. M., Mason, T. J., and Joyce, E., 2015. The combined effect of ultrasound and ozone on bacteria in water. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(19): 11697–11702.
  • Allende, A., Selma, M. V., López-Gálvez, F., Villaescusa, R., and Gil, M. I., 2008. Impact of wash water quality on sensory and microbial quality, including Escherichia coli cross-contamination, of fresh-cut escarole. Journal of Food Protection, 71(12): 2514-2518.
  • Alvaro, J. E., Moreno, S., Dianez, F., Santos, M., Carrasco, G., and Urrestarazu, M., 2009. Effects of peracetic acid disinfectant on the postharvest of some fresh vegetables. Journal of Food Engineering, 95(1): 11-15.
  • Ayan, İ., Aslan, G., Comelekoglu, U., Yılmaz, N., Colak, M., 2008. The effect of low-intensity pulsed sound waves delivered by the Exogen device on Staphylococcus aureus morphology and genetics. Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica,42(4): 272-277.
  • Ayyıldız, O., Sanık¸ , S., and İleri, B., 2011. Effect of ultrasonic pretreatment on chlorine dioxide disinfection efficiency. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 18(2): 683-688.
  • Awad, T., Moharram, H., Shaltout, O., Asker, D. and Youssef, M. 2012. Applications of ultrasound in analysis, processing and quality control of food: A review. Food Research International, 48 (2): 410-427.
  • Bilek, S.E. ve Turantaş, F. 2013. Decontamination efficiency of high power ultrasound in the fruit and vegetable industry, a review. International Journal of Food Microbiology 166, 155–162.
  • Braam, J., 2005. In touch: Plant responses to mechanical stimuli. New Phytologist, 165: 373–89.
  • Buck, J. W., Iersel, M. W., Oetting, R. D., and Hung, Y. (2002). In Vitro Fungicidal Activity of Acidic Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water. Plant Disease, 86(3): 278-281.
  • Chehab, E.W., Eich, E., and Braam, J., 2009. Thigmomorphogenesis: A complex plant response to mechano-stimulation. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60(1): 43–56.
  • Chen, X.Q., Liu, Y.K., Liu, J.C., Wang, Z.Q., Yan, F.T., 2013. Experimental study on feasibility of prevention of through resonating acoustic technique. Journal of China Agricultural University, 18: 159-164.
  • Cruz-Cansino, N., Reyes-Hernández, I., Delgado-Olivares, L., Jaramillo-Bustos, D., Ariza-Ortega, J. and Ramírez-Moreno, E., 2016. Effect of ultrasound on survival and growth of Escherichia coli in cactus pear juice during storage. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 47(2):431-437.
  • Collins, A.R., 2013. Measuring oxidative damage to DNA and its repair with the comet assay. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1840(2): 794-800.
  • Dehghani, M.H., Mahvi, A.H., Jahed, G.R., Sheikhi, R., 2007. Investigation and evaluation of ultrasound reactor for reduction of fungi from sewage. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B 8 (7): 493-497.
  • Dikilitas M., and Karakas S., 2012. Behaviour of Plant Pathogens for Crops Under Stress During the Determination of Physiological, Biochemical, and Molecular Approaches for Salt Stress Tolerance.”Alınmıştır: Crop production for agricultural improvement Chapter 16. (Ed) Ashaf M. Dordrecht, Springer, 417-441pp.
  • Dikilitas, M., Karakas, S., Hashem, A., Abd Allah, E.F. and Ahmad, P., 2016. Oxidative stress and plant responses to pathogens under drought conditions, “Alınmıştır: Water Stress and Crop Plants: A Sustainable Approach Vol:2 ch8 (ed) Ahmad, P., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. 102-123pp.
  • Dolatowski, Z.J., Stadnik, J., Stasiak, D., 2007. Applications of ultrasound in food technology. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria, 6 (3): 89-99.
  • Ermolaeva, M., Dakhovnik, A. and Schumacher, B., 2015. Quality control mechanisms in cellular and systemic DNA damage responses. Ageing Research Reviews, 23: 3-11.
  • Frenzilli, G., Lenzi, P., Scarcelli, V., Fornai, F., Pellegrini, A., Soldani, P., Nigro, M., 2004. Effects of Loud Noise Exposure on DNA Integrity in Rat Adrenal Gland. Environmental Health Perspectives, 112(17): 1671–1672.
  • Forghani, F., Oh, D. H., 2013. Hurdle enhancement of slightly acidic electrolyzed water antimicrobial efficacy on Chinese cabbage, lettuce, sesame leaf and spinach using ultrasonication and water wash. Food Microbiology, 36 (1): 40-49.
  • Gill, S. and Tuteja, N., 2010. Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant machinery in abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 48(12):909-930.
  • Herceg, Z., Jambrak A.R., Lelas, L. And Thagard S.M., 2012. The Effect of High Intensity Ultrasound Treatment on the Amount of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in Milk. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 50(1): 46–52.
  • Hongbo, S, Biao, L, Bochu, W, Kun, T, and Yilong, L., 2008. A study on differentially expressed gene screening of Chrysanthemum plants under sound stress. Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces 331: 329–333.
  • Huang, T., Xu, C., Walker, K., West, P., Zhang, S., Weese, J., 2006. Decontamination efficacy of combined chlorine dioxide with ultrasonication on apples and lettuce. Journal of Food Science 71(4): 134–139.
  • Jayasooriya, S.D., Bhandari, B.R., Torley, P., D’Arcy, B.R., 2004. Effect of high power ultrasound waves on properties of meat: a review. International Journal of Food Properties, 7(2): 301-319.
  • Jeong, M.J., Shim, C.K., Lee, J.O., Kwon, H.B., Kim, Y.H., Lee, S.K., 2008. Plant gene responses to frequency-specific sound signal. Molecular Breeding, 21: 217–26.
  • Jeong, M. J., Bae, D. W., Bae, H., Lee, S. I., Kim, J. A., Shin, S. C., Park, S. C. 2013. Inhibition of Botrytis cinerea spore germination and mycelia growth by frequency-specific sound. Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry, 56(4): 377–382.
  • Jin-lian, R., Yong, N., 1998. Experimental Study of Sterilizing Molds by Ultrasound. Chinese Physics Letters, 15(2): 115-116.
  • Jomdecha, C. and Prateepasen, A., 2010. Effects of pulse ultrasonic irradiation on the lag phase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae growth. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 52(1):62-69.
  • Joyce, E., Phull, S., Lorimer, J. and Mason, T., 2003. The development and evaluation of ultrasound for the treatment of bacterial suspensions. A study of frequency, power and sonication time on cultured Bacillus species. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 10(6): 315-318.
  • Khayankarn, S., Uthaibutra, J., Setha, S., Whangchai. K., 2013. Using electrolyzed oxidizing water combined with an ultrasonic wave on the postharvest diseases control of pineapple fruit cv. ‘Phu Lae’. Crop Protection 54: 43-47.
  • Khayankarn, S., Jarintorn, S., Srijumpa, N., Uthaibutra, J., and Whangchai, K., 2014. Control of Fusarium sp. on pineapple by megasonic cleaning with electrolysed oxidising water. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 8(03): 288-296.
  • Kim, H. J., Feng, H., Kushad, M. M., Fan, X., 2006. Effects of ultrasound, irradiation, and acidic electrolyzed water on germination of alfalfa and broccoli seeds and Escherichia coli O157:H7. Journal of Food Science J Food Science, 71(6): 168-173.
  • Kim, J., Lee, J., Kwon, T., Lee, S., Kim, J., Lee, G., Park, S. and Jeong, M., 2015. Sound waves delay tomato fruit ripening by negatively regulating ethylene biosynthesis and signaling genes. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 110: 43-50.
  • Kubota, R., Yamashita, Y., Kenmotsu, T., Yoshikawa, Y., Yoshida, K., Watanabe, Y.,Yoshikawa, K. 2017. Double‐Strand Breaks in Genome‐Sized DNA Caused by Ultrasound. Chemphyschem, 18(8): 959–964.
  • Lee, N. Y., Park, S. Y., Kang, I. S., and Ha, S. D., 2014. The evaluation of combined chemical and physical treatments on the reduction of resident microorganisms and Salmonella Typhimurium attached to chicken skin. Poultry Science, 93(1): 208-215.
  • Lestard, N.D., Valente, R.C., Lopes, A.G., Capella, M.A., 2013. Direct effects of music in non-auditory cells in culture. Noise Health 15: 307-14.
  • Liu, C., Plaçais, P., Yamagata, N., Pfeiffer, B., Aso, Y., Friedrich, A., Siwanowicz, I., Rubin, G., Preat, T. and Tanimoto, H., 2012. A subset of dopamine neurons signals reward for odour memory in Drosophila. Nature, 488(7412):512-516.
  • Liu, J., Wang, Q., Karagić, Đ., Liu, X., Cui, J., Gui, J., Gu, M. and Gao, W. 2016. Effects of ultrasonication on increased germination and improved seedling growth of aged grass seeds of tall fescue and Russian wildrye. Scientific Reports, 6(1): 22403.
  • Liu, Y. and He, C., 2016. Regulation of plant reactive oxygen species (ROS) in stress responses: learning from AtRBOHD. Plant Cell Reports, 35(5): 995-1007.
  • López-Ribera, I. and Vicient, C., 2017. Use of ultrasonication to increase germination rates of Arabidopsis seeds. Plant Methods, 13:31.
  • Miano, A., Forti, V., Abud, H., Gomes-Junior, F., Cicero, S. and Augusto, P., 2015. Effect of ultrasound technology on barley seed germination and vigour. Seed Science and Technology, 43(2): 297-302.
  • Milowska, K. and Gabryelak, T., 2007. Reactive oxygen species and DNA damage after ultrasound exposure. Biomolecular Engineering, 24(2): 263-267.
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Ses Dalgaları ile Mikroorganizmaların Kontrolü

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3, 431 - 444, 24.09.2018


Ses dalgası,
enerji yüklü bir madde olup, uygulama koşullarına göre organizmanın büyüme ve
gelişimini arttırıdığı gibi azaltma potansiyeline de sahiptir. 
Ses dalgası organizmalarda fizyolojik,
biyokimyasal ve moleküler yapıda değişikliklere neden olur.
  Yüksek güç ve frekanslarda uygulandığında,
hücre membranlarında incelmeye, savunma enzimlerinin seviyelerinde artışa, solunum
ve stres metabolitlerinin seviyesinde yükselişe ve genomik yapıda değişikliğe
yol açabilecek potansiyele sahiptir.
derlemede yukarıda bahsedilen özellikler incelenerek patojen mikroorganizmalar
üzerinde ses dalgasının etkisi ve mekanizması, ürünlerin mukavemetinin
arttırılması yanında diğer metotlar ile birlikte kullanımı konuları


  • Aggio, R.B.M, Obolonkin, V., Villas-Boas, S.G., 2012. Sonic vibration affects the metabolism of yeast cells growing in liquid culture: A metabolomic study. Metabolomics, 8(4):670-678.
  • Al-hashimi, A. M., Mason, T. J., and Joyce, E., 2015. The combined effect of ultrasound and ozone on bacteria in water. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(19): 11697–11702.
  • Allende, A., Selma, M. V., López-Gálvez, F., Villaescusa, R., and Gil, M. I., 2008. Impact of wash water quality on sensory and microbial quality, including Escherichia coli cross-contamination, of fresh-cut escarole. Journal of Food Protection, 71(12): 2514-2518.
  • Alvaro, J. E., Moreno, S., Dianez, F., Santos, M., Carrasco, G., and Urrestarazu, M., 2009. Effects of peracetic acid disinfectant on the postharvest of some fresh vegetables. Journal of Food Engineering, 95(1): 11-15.
  • Ayan, İ., Aslan, G., Comelekoglu, U., Yılmaz, N., Colak, M., 2008. The effect of low-intensity pulsed sound waves delivered by the Exogen device on Staphylococcus aureus morphology and genetics. Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica Turcica,42(4): 272-277.
  • Ayyıldız, O., Sanık¸ , S., and İleri, B., 2011. Effect of ultrasonic pretreatment on chlorine dioxide disinfection efficiency. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 18(2): 683-688.
  • Awad, T., Moharram, H., Shaltout, O., Asker, D. and Youssef, M. 2012. Applications of ultrasound in analysis, processing and quality control of food: A review. Food Research International, 48 (2): 410-427.
  • Bilek, S.E. ve Turantaş, F. 2013. Decontamination efficiency of high power ultrasound in the fruit and vegetable industry, a review. International Journal of Food Microbiology 166, 155–162.
  • Braam, J., 2005. In touch: Plant responses to mechanical stimuli. New Phytologist, 165: 373–89.
  • Buck, J. W., Iersel, M. W., Oetting, R. D., and Hung, Y. (2002). In Vitro Fungicidal Activity of Acidic Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water. Plant Disease, 86(3): 278-281.
  • Chehab, E.W., Eich, E., and Braam, J., 2009. Thigmomorphogenesis: A complex plant response to mechano-stimulation. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60(1): 43–56.
  • Chen, X.Q., Liu, Y.K., Liu, J.C., Wang, Z.Q., Yan, F.T., 2013. Experimental study on feasibility of prevention of through resonating acoustic technique. Journal of China Agricultural University, 18: 159-164.
  • Cruz-Cansino, N., Reyes-Hernández, I., Delgado-Olivares, L., Jaramillo-Bustos, D., Ariza-Ortega, J. and Ramírez-Moreno, E., 2016. Effect of ultrasound on survival and growth of Escherichia coli in cactus pear juice during storage. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 47(2):431-437.
  • Collins, A.R., 2013. Measuring oxidative damage to DNA and its repair with the comet assay. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1840(2): 794-800.
  • Dehghani, M.H., Mahvi, A.H., Jahed, G.R., Sheikhi, R., 2007. Investigation and evaluation of ultrasound reactor for reduction of fungi from sewage. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B 8 (7): 493-497.
  • Dikilitas M., and Karakas S., 2012. Behaviour of Plant Pathogens for Crops Under Stress During the Determination of Physiological, Biochemical, and Molecular Approaches for Salt Stress Tolerance.”Alınmıştır: Crop production for agricultural improvement Chapter 16. (Ed) Ashaf M. Dordrecht, Springer, 417-441pp.
  • Dikilitas, M., Karakas, S., Hashem, A., Abd Allah, E.F. and Ahmad, P., 2016. Oxidative stress and plant responses to pathogens under drought conditions, “Alınmıştır: Water Stress and Crop Plants: A Sustainable Approach Vol:2 ch8 (ed) Ahmad, P., John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. 102-123pp.
  • Dolatowski, Z.J., Stadnik, J., Stasiak, D., 2007. Applications of ultrasound in food technology. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria, 6 (3): 89-99.
  • Ermolaeva, M., Dakhovnik, A. and Schumacher, B., 2015. Quality control mechanisms in cellular and systemic DNA damage responses. Ageing Research Reviews, 23: 3-11.
  • Frenzilli, G., Lenzi, P., Scarcelli, V., Fornai, F., Pellegrini, A., Soldani, P., Nigro, M., 2004. Effects of Loud Noise Exposure on DNA Integrity in Rat Adrenal Gland. Environmental Health Perspectives, 112(17): 1671–1672.
  • Forghani, F., Oh, D. H., 2013. Hurdle enhancement of slightly acidic electrolyzed water antimicrobial efficacy on Chinese cabbage, lettuce, sesame leaf and spinach using ultrasonication and water wash. Food Microbiology, 36 (1): 40-49.
  • Gill, S. and Tuteja, N., 2010. Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant machinery in abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 48(12):909-930.
  • Herceg, Z., Jambrak A.R., Lelas, L. And Thagard S.M., 2012. The Effect of High Intensity Ultrasound Treatment on the Amount of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in Milk. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 50(1): 46–52.
  • Hongbo, S, Biao, L, Bochu, W, Kun, T, and Yilong, L., 2008. A study on differentially expressed gene screening of Chrysanthemum plants under sound stress. Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces 331: 329–333.
  • Huang, T., Xu, C., Walker, K., West, P., Zhang, S., Weese, J., 2006. Decontamination efficacy of combined chlorine dioxide with ultrasonication on apples and lettuce. Journal of Food Science 71(4): 134–139.
  • Jayasooriya, S.D., Bhandari, B.R., Torley, P., D’Arcy, B.R., 2004. Effect of high power ultrasound waves on properties of meat: a review. International Journal of Food Properties, 7(2): 301-319.
  • Jeong, M.J., Shim, C.K., Lee, J.O., Kwon, H.B., Kim, Y.H., Lee, S.K., 2008. Plant gene responses to frequency-specific sound signal. Molecular Breeding, 21: 217–26.
  • Jeong, M. J., Bae, D. W., Bae, H., Lee, S. I., Kim, J. A., Shin, S. C., Park, S. C. 2013. Inhibition of Botrytis cinerea spore germination and mycelia growth by frequency-specific sound. Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry, 56(4): 377–382.
  • Jin-lian, R., Yong, N., 1998. Experimental Study of Sterilizing Molds by Ultrasound. Chinese Physics Letters, 15(2): 115-116.
  • Jomdecha, C. and Prateepasen, A., 2010. Effects of pulse ultrasonic irradiation on the lag phase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae growth. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 52(1):62-69.
  • Joyce, E., Phull, S., Lorimer, J. and Mason, T., 2003. The development and evaluation of ultrasound for the treatment of bacterial suspensions. A study of frequency, power and sonication time on cultured Bacillus species. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 10(6): 315-318.
  • Khayankarn, S., Uthaibutra, J., Setha, S., Whangchai. K., 2013. Using electrolyzed oxidizing water combined with an ultrasonic wave on the postharvest diseases control of pineapple fruit cv. ‘Phu Lae’. Crop Protection 54: 43-47.
  • Khayankarn, S., Jarintorn, S., Srijumpa, N., Uthaibutra, J., and Whangchai, K., 2014. Control of Fusarium sp. on pineapple by megasonic cleaning with electrolysed oxidising water. Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 8(03): 288-296.
  • Kim, H. J., Feng, H., Kushad, M. M., Fan, X., 2006. Effects of ultrasound, irradiation, and acidic electrolyzed water on germination of alfalfa and broccoli seeds and Escherichia coli O157:H7. Journal of Food Science J Food Science, 71(6): 168-173.
  • Kim, J., Lee, J., Kwon, T., Lee, S., Kim, J., Lee, G., Park, S. and Jeong, M., 2015. Sound waves delay tomato fruit ripening by negatively regulating ethylene biosynthesis and signaling genes. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 110: 43-50.
  • Kubota, R., Yamashita, Y., Kenmotsu, T., Yoshikawa, Y., Yoshida, K., Watanabe, Y.,Yoshikawa, K. 2017. Double‐Strand Breaks in Genome‐Sized DNA Caused by Ultrasound. Chemphyschem, 18(8): 959–964.
  • Lee, N. Y., Park, S. Y., Kang, I. S., and Ha, S. D., 2014. The evaluation of combined chemical and physical treatments on the reduction of resident microorganisms and Salmonella Typhimurium attached to chicken skin. Poultry Science, 93(1): 208-215.
  • Lestard, N.D., Valente, R.C., Lopes, A.G., Capella, M.A., 2013. Direct effects of music in non-auditory cells in culture. Noise Health 15: 307-14.
  • Liu, C., Plaçais, P., Yamagata, N., Pfeiffer, B., Aso, Y., Friedrich, A., Siwanowicz, I., Rubin, G., Preat, T. and Tanimoto, H., 2012. A subset of dopamine neurons signals reward for odour memory in Drosophila. Nature, 488(7412):512-516.
  • Liu, J., Wang, Q., Karagić, Đ., Liu, X., Cui, J., Gui, J., Gu, M. and Gao, W. 2016. Effects of ultrasonication on increased germination and improved seedling growth of aged grass seeds of tall fescue and Russian wildrye. Scientific Reports, 6(1): 22403.
  • Liu, Y. and He, C., 2016. Regulation of plant reactive oxygen species (ROS) in stress responses: learning from AtRBOHD. Plant Cell Reports, 35(5): 995-1007.
  • López-Ribera, I. and Vicient, C., 2017. Use of ultrasonication to increase germination rates of Arabidopsis seeds. Plant Methods, 13:31.
  • Miano, A., Forti, V., Abud, H., Gomes-Junior, F., Cicero, S. and Augusto, P., 2015. Effect of ultrasound technology on barley seed germination and vigour. Seed Science and Technology, 43(2): 297-302.
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Toplam 69 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Ziraat Mühendisliği
Bölüm Derleme Makaleleri

Murat Dikilitaş

Vehbi Balak

Eray Şimşek

Sema Karakaş

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Eylül 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Ekim 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Dikilitaş, M., Balak, V., Şimşek, E., Karakaş, S. (2018). Ses Dalgaları ile Mikroorganizmaların Kontrolü. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(3), 431-444.

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