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The effect of organic fertilizers on the yield components of corn plant, protein and starch content of grain

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2, 133 - 142, 23.06.2022


The importance of organic fertilizers for sustainable agricultural production is an undeniable fact. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of different organic fertilizers on the growth and quality properties of maize plants. Three different types of organic fertilizers; cattle manure, vermicompost and leonardite, and their doses of 2.500, 5.000, 7.500 and 10.000 kgha-1 were used in the experiment. In addition, conventional production and non-fertilized production were used as control applications. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The experiments were repeated to assess the residual effects of the treatments. Fertilizers were applied in 2018 to determine the residual effects of organic fertilizer applications in the second year. In the research; plant height, ear diameter, ear grain weight, 1000 grain weight, grain yield, protein ratio, oil ratio and starch ration were examined. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of different organic fertilizers on the yield components and grain content of the corn plant. These features varied between 180.72-157.87 cm, 39.38-33.59 mm, 117.1-62.2 g, 261.2-237.1 g, 4416.8-1712.9 kg ha-1, 7.8-5.9%, 2.5-2.1% and 74.7-73.8%, respectively. According to the results, the 2500 kgha-1 and 5000 kgha-1 doses of vermicompost had the highest values for the oil ratio and protein ratio, on the other hand the leonardite application of 10.000 kgha-1 for the starch ration had the highest value. Generally, conventional fertilizer application had the highest values for yield components.

Destekleyen Kurum

Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Scientific research projects unit

Proje Numarası

2018/2-53 M


Special Thanks to Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Scientific research projects unit


  • Adediran, J.A., & Banjoko, V.A., (1995). Response of Maize to Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers in the Savanna Zone of Nigeria. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 26:593-606. DOI:
  • Anonymous, (2018). Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, USKIM (Centre for University and Industry Collaboration) Soil Analysis Results.
  • Atasever, M., Yilmaz, S., & Ertekin, I., (2020). Effects of sowing dates on forage yield and quality of cultivated some maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars under Amik Lowland conditions. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25 (3):326-340. DOI:10.37908/mkutbd.694216
  • Ayeni, L., Adeleye, E., & Adejumo, J., (2012). Comparative effect of organic, organomineral and mineral fertilizers on soil properties, nutrient uptake, growth and yield of maize (Zea mays). Int. Resear. J. Agric. Sci. Soil Sci. 2(11): 493-497.
  • BeMiller, J.N., (2010). Food Analysis Fourth Edition, Chapter 10: Carbohydrate Analysis 147-178p, edited by S. Suzanne Nielsen, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4419-1477-4.
  • Berenguer, P., Santiveri, F., Boixadera, J., & Lloveras, J., (2009). Nitrogen Fertilization of Irrigated Maize Under Mediterranean conditions. European Journal of Agronomy, 30:163-171. DOI:
  • Beyene, Y., Botha, A.M., & Myburg, A.A., (2005). A Comparative Study Of Molecular And Morphological Methods Of Describin Genetic Relationships In Traditional Ethiopian Higland Maize. African Journal Biotechnology, 4(7):586-595. DOI: 10.5897/AJB2005.000-3107
  • Brown, J.E., Gilliam, C.H., Schumack, R.L., Porch, D.W., & Donald, J.O., (1995). Comparison of broiler litter and fertiliser on production of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum. Journal of Vegetable Crop Production 1(1): 53-62.
  • Chang, S.K.C., (2010). Chapter 9: Protein Analysis, Suzanne Nielsen (Ed.). Food Analysis Fourth Edition: 133-146p, Springer, USA.
  • Demir, E., & Konuskan, O., (2016). Determination of Performances of Some Dent Corn Genotypes in Cukurova Conditions. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 11 (2):11-20.
  • Dogan, Y., Togay, N., & Togay, Y., (2019). Determining Irrigation Scheduling and Different Manure Sources Of Yield And Nutrition Content On Maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(2), 1559-1570, doi:10.24180/ijaws.775195
  • Dogan, R., & Yurur, N., (1992). Yield and yield Components of Wheat Varieties Grown in Bursa. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Bursa Uludag University, 9(1): 37-46.
  • Dogan, S., Acibuca, V., & Dogan, Y., (2020). The Effect and Economic Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Fertiliser Applications on Yield and Quality of the 2nd Product Corn Varieties. International Journal of Agricultural and Wildlife Sciences, 6(3): 592-604. Doi:10.24180/ijaws.775195
  • Dudenhoeffer, C.J., Nelson, K.A., Motavalli, P.P., Burdick, B., Dunn, D., & Goyn, K.W., (2013). Utility of phosphorus enhancers and striptillage for corn production. Journal of Agricultural Science, 5(2): 37-46.
  • Elmali, H., (2007). The Effects of Different Fertilizer Kinds on Yield, Yield Components and Quality of Hybrid Dent Corn. Selcuk University, Graduate School of Naturel and Applied Science, Department of Agronomy, 62p.
  • FAO, (2019). The Food and Agriculture Organization Statistical Database, (access date: 25.04.2021)
  • Gonulal, E., Soylu, S., & Sahin, M., (2021). Effects Of Irrigation Termination Dates on Grain Yield, Kernel Moisture at Harvest and Some Agronomic Traits of Maize. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 25(1): 100-108. DOI: 10.29050/harranziraat.822395
  • Getmantes, AYA., Telyatnikow, N.Y.A., Chernyaws, K.A., & Evstafev, D.K., (1981). Effect of Nitrogen Nutrition Level on Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Nutritive Value of Maize Grain Grown Under Irrigated Conditions. Agrokhimiya 11:3-9.
  • Haynes, R.J., & Naidu, R., (1998). Influence Of Lime, Fertilizer, And Manure Applications and Soil Organic Matter Content and Soil Physical Conditions -A review- Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosys 51: 123-137. DOI: 10.1023/a:1009738307837
  • Idikut, L., & Kara, S., (2011). The Effects of Previous Plants and Nitrogen Rates on Second Crop Corn. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 16(2): 239-244.
  • Idikut, L., & Senol, Y., (2018). Investigation of the Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses Application on Grain Yield and Some Yield Components for First Product Corn in Kahramanmaras Conditions. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 5(2): 211-221. DOI:
  • Kara, B., & Kırtok, Y., (2006). Determination Of the Yield and Yield Component, Nitrogen Uptake and Use Efficiency of Corn on The Different Plant Density and Nitrogen Doses in The Cukurova Conditions. C.U. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 21(2): 23-32.
  • Kmetova, M., & Kovacik, P., (2014). The impact of vermicompost application on the yield parameters of maize (Zea mays L.) observed in selected phenological growth stages (BBCH-SCALE). Acta Fytotechn. Zootechn., 17(4): 100-108.
  • Kocak, N., (1987). The Importance of Corn as a Human Food and Its Place in Food Industry. Symposium on Improving Corn Production in Turkey, Problems and Solutions. Field Crops Central Research Institute, (pp. 10-29) 23-26 March Ankara/Turkey.
  • Kovacik, P., (2014). Principles and methods of plant nutrition. Nitra: SPU in Nitra, 278p. ISBN 978-80-552-1193-0.
  • Kusaksiz, T., & Kusaksiz, E.K., (2018). The Performances of Some New Dent Maize (Zea mays L.) Cultivars Grown as Main Crop in A Mediterranean Environment. Turk. J. Field Crops, 23(2), 187-194. DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.489616
  • MGM, (2021). Turkish State, Meteorological Service Database, (access date: 30.03.2021)
  • Min, D.B., & Ellefson, W.C., (2010). Chapter 8: Food Analysis Fourth Edition, Suzanne Nielsen (Ed.). Fat Analysis: 117-132p, Springer, USA.
  • Nasab, V.M., Mobasser, H.R., & Ganjali, H.R., (2015). Effect of Different Levels of Vermicompost on Yield and Quality of Maize Varieties. Biological Forum – An International Journal, 7(1): 856-860.
  • Oktem, A., & Toprak, A., (2013). Determination Of Yield and Some Morphological Characteristics of Some Dent Corn Genotypes (Zea mays L. indentata) Under Cukurova Conditions. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 17(4): 15-24.
  • Onasanya, R.O., Aiyelari, O.P., Onasanya, A., Oikeh, S., Nwilene, F.E., & Oyelakin, O.O., (2009). Growth and Yield Response of Maize (Zea mays L.) to Different Rates of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers in Southern Nigeria. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(4): 400-407.
  • Palm, A.C., Gachengo, C.N., Delve, R.J., Cadisch, G., & Giller, K.E., (2001). Organic Inputs for Soil Fertility Management in Tropical Agroecosystems: Application of An Organic Resource Database. Agric Ecosys Environ., 83: 27-42.
  • Palta, C., Karadavut, U., Tezel, M., Aksoyak, S., (2011). Agronomic Performance of Some Corn Cultivars (Zea mays L.) in Middle Anatolia. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10 (14): 1901-1905.
  • Parija, B., & Kumar, M., (2013). Dry Matter Partitioning and Grain Yield Potential of Maize (Zea mays L.) Under Different Levels of Farmyard Manure and Nitrogen. J. Plant Sci. Res. 29, 177-180.
  • Pimentel, D., (1996). Green Revolution and chemical hazards. Science of The Total Environment, 188(1): 86-98. DOI:
  • Saglam, M.T., Ozel, E.Z, & Belliturk, K. (2012). The Effect of Two Type Textured Soil with The Leonardit Organic Material on The Nitrogen Uptaking of Corn Plant. Sakarya University Journal of Science and Literature. 14(1):383-391.
  • Sarıyerli, S., & Soylu, S., (2016). Determination of Yield and Yield Components in Different Plant Densities of Silage Maize Cultivars under Sivas Ecological Conditions. Journal of Bahri Dagdas Crop Research, 5(2): 77-88.
  • SAS, (2004). SAS/STAT 9.1. User’s guide: Statistics. SAS institute Inc., SAS Publishing.
  • Sayed, M.S.H.Z., & Sadni, M.M., (1984). The Effect of Annual Weed Density and Nitrogen Fertilization on the Yield Maize (Zea mays var. Bakti-I). Pertanika, 7(1):61-65.
  • Schmid, A.R., Goodrich, R.D., Jordan, R.M., Marten, G.C., & Meiske, J.C., (1976). Relationships Among Agronomic Charecteristic of Corn and Sorghum Cultivars and Silage Quality. Agron. J., 68, 403-405.
  • Takil, E., Kayan, N., & Altay, Y., (2020). The Effects of Different Sowing Patterns and Of Corn-Beans Intercropping Systems on Yield and Yield Components. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 24(1): 111-125, DOI: 10.29050/harranziraat.623989
  • Tavali, İ.E., Uz, İ., & Orman, S., (2014). The effect of vermicompost and chicken manure on yield and quality of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Sakiz) and some soil chemical properties. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 27(2): 119-124.
  • Taye, G,, Tesfaye, K., & Debele, T., (2015). Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers on the Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) at Nedjo, West Wollega, Ethiopia. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 5(13): 197-202.
  • Tepecik, M., Barlas, N.T., & Ilker, E., (2014). Effect of Application Time and Different Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat. Soil Water Journal, 3(1):24-30.
  • Timon, D., Zakawa, N.N., Yusuf, C.S., & Richard. G., (2020). Effect Of Fertilizer Application Periods on The Growth and Yield of Two Hybrid Maize (Zea mays L.) Varieties in Mubi Adamawa State Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch, 5(1):234-243, DOI:
  • Waniyo, U.U., Sauwa, M.M., Ngala, A.L., Abubakar G.A., & Anelo E.C., (2013). Influence of sources and rates of manure on yield and nutrient uptake of maize (Zea mays L.) in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science. 21(4): 259-265.
  • Warman, P.R., & Havard, K.A., (1998). Yield Vitamin and Mineral Contents of Organically and Conventionally Grown Potatoes and Sweet Corn. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 68, 207-216. DOI:

Organik gübrelerin mısır bitkisinin verim bileşenleri ile tanenin protein ve nişasta içeriğine etkisi

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2, 133 - 142, 23.06.2022


Organik gübrelerin sürdürülebilir tarımsal üretim için önemi yadsınamaz bir gerçektir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı organik gübrelerin mısır bitkilerinin büyüme ve kalite özellikleri üzerine etkilerini belirlemektir. Çalışmada üç farklı organik gübre (sığır gübresi, vermikompost ve leonardit) ve bunların dozları (2.500, 5.000, 7.500 ve 10.000 kgha-1) kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca kontrol uygulamaları olarak konvansiyonel uygulama ve gübresiz uygulama yapılmıştır. Deneme tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Organik gübre uygulamalarının ikinci yıldaki etkisini belirlemek için 2018 yılında gübrelemeler tamamlanmış olup, 2019 yılında gübreleme yapılmamıştır. Araştırmada; bitki boyu, koçan çapı, koçanda tane ağırlığı, 1000 tane ağırlığı, tane verimi, protein oranı, yağ oranı ve karbonhidrat oranı özellikleri incelenmiştir. Bu özellikler sırasıyla 180.72-157.87 cm, 39.38-33.59 mm, 117.1-62.2 gr, 261.2-237.1 gr, 4416.8-1712.9 kgha-1, %7.8-5.9, %2.5-2.1 ve %74.7-73.8 arasında değişim göstermiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre yağ oranı ve protein oranı açısından vermikompostun 2.500 kg ha-1 ve 5.000 kg ha-1 dozları en yüksek değerlere sahip olurken, karbonhidrat oranı için 10.000 kg ha-1 leonardit uygulaması en yüksek değere sahip olmuştur. Genel olarak bitkisel özellikler açısından en yüksek değerler ise konvansiyonel gübreleme uygulamasından elde edilmiştir.

Proje Numarası

2018/2-53 M


  • Adediran, J.A., & Banjoko, V.A., (1995). Response of Maize to Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers in the Savanna Zone of Nigeria. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 26:593-606. DOI:
  • Anonymous, (2018). Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, USKIM (Centre for University and Industry Collaboration) Soil Analysis Results.
  • Atasever, M., Yilmaz, S., & Ertekin, I., (2020). Effects of sowing dates on forage yield and quality of cultivated some maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars under Amik Lowland conditions. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25 (3):326-340. DOI:10.37908/mkutbd.694216
  • Ayeni, L., Adeleye, E., & Adejumo, J., (2012). Comparative effect of organic, organomineral and mineral fertilizers on soil properties, nutrient uptake, growth and yield of maize (Zea mays). Int. Resear. J. Agric. Sci. Soil Sci. 2(11): 493-497.
  • BeMiller, J.N., (2010). Food Analysis Fourth Edition, Chapter 10: Carbohydrate Analysis 147-178p, edited by S. Suzanne Nielsen, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4419-1477-4.
  • Berenguer, P., Santiveri, F., Boixadera, J., & Lloveras, J., (2009). Nitrogen Fertilization of Irrigated Maize Under Mediterranean conditions. European Journal of Agronomy, 30:163-171. DOI:
  • Beyene, Y., Botha, A.M., & Myburg, A.A., (2005). A Comparative Study Of Molecular And Morphological Methods Of Describin Genetic Relationships In Traditional Ethiopian Higland Maize. African Journal Biotechnology, 4(7):586-595. DOI: 10.5897/AJB2005.000-3107
  • Brown, J.E., Gilliam, C.H., Schumack, R.L., Porch, D.W., & Donald, J.O., (1995). Comparison of broiler litter and fertiliser on production of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum. Journal of Vegetable Crop Production 1(1): 53-62.
  • Chang, S.K.C., (2010). Chapter 9: Protein Analysis, Suzanne Nielsen (Ed.). Food Analysis Fourth Edition: 133-146p, Springer, USA.
  • Demir, E., & Konuskan, O., (2016). Determination of Performances of Some Dent Corn Genotypes in Cukurova Conditions. Suleyman Demirel University Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 11 (2):11-20.
  • Dogan, Y., Togay, N., & Togay, Y., (2019). Determining Irrigation Scheduling and Different Manure Sources Of Yield And Nutrition Content On Maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(2), 1559-1570, doi:10.24180/ijaws.775195
  • Dogan, R., & Yurur, N., (1992). Yield and yield Components of Wheat Varieties Grown in Bursa. Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Bursa Uludag University, 9(1): 37-46.
  • Dogan, S., Acibuca, V., & Dogan, Y., (2020). The Effect and Economic Analysis of Organic and Inorganic Fertiliser Applications on Yield and Quality of the 2nd Product Corn Varieties. International Journal of Agricultural and Wildlife Sciences, 6(3): 592-604. Doi:10.24180/ijaws.775195
  • Dudenhoeffer, C.J., Nelson, K.A., Motavalli, P.P., Burdick, B., Dunn, D., & Goyn, K.W., (2013). Utility of phosphorus enhancers and striptillage for corn production. Journal of Agricultural Science, 5(2): 37-46.
  • Elmali, H., (2007). The Effects of Different Fertilizer Kinds on Yield, Yield Components and Quality of Hybrid Dent Corn. Selcuk University, Graduate School of Naturel and Applied Science, Department of Agronomy, 62p.
  • FAO, (2019). The Food and Agriculture Organization Statistical Database, (access date: 25.04.2021)
  • Gonulal, E., Soylu, S., & Sahin, M., (2021). Effects Of Irrigation Termination Dates on Grain Yield, Kernel Moisture at Harvest and Some Agronomic Traits of Maize. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 25(1): 100-108. DOI: 10.29050/harranziraat.822395
  • Getmantes, AYA., Telyatnikow, N.Y.A., Chernyaws, K.A., & Evstafev, D.K., (1981). Effect of Nitrogen Nutrition Level on Yield, Nutrient Uptake and Nutritive Value of Maize Grain Grown Under Irrigated Conditions. Agrokhimiya 11:3-9.
  • Haynes, R.J., & Naidu, R., (1998). Influence Of Lime, Fertilizer, And Manure Applications and Soil Organic Matter Content and Soil Physical Conditions -A review- Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosys 51: 123-137. DOI: 10.1023/a:1009738307837
  • Idikut, L., & Kara, S., (2011). The Effects of Previous Plants and Nitrogen Rates on Second Crop Corn. Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 16(2): 239-244.
  • Idikut, L., & Senol, Y., (2018). Investigation of the Effect of Different Phosphorus Doses Application on Grain Yield and Some Yield Components for First Product Corn in Kahramanmaras Conditions. Turkish Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 5(2): 211-221. DOI:
  • Kara, B., & Kırtok, Y., (2006). Determination Of the Yield and Yield Component, Nitrogen Uptake and Use Efficiency of Corn on The Different Plant Density and Nitrogen Doses in The Cukurova Conditions. C.U. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, 21(2): 23-32.
  • Kmetova, M., & Kovacik, P., (2014). The impact of vermicompost application on the yield parameters of maize (Zea mays L.) observed in selected phenological growth stages (BBCH-SCALE). Acta Fytotechn. Zootechn., 17(4): 100-108.
  • Kocak, N., (1987). The Importance of Corn as a Human Food and Its Place in Food Industry. Symposium on Improving Corn Production in Turkey, Problems and Solutions. Field Crops Central Research Institute, (pp. 10-29) 23-26 March Ankara/Turkey.
  • Kovacik, P., (2014). Principles and methods of plant nutrition. Nitra: SPU in Nitra, 278p. ISBN 978-80-552-1193-0.
  • Kusaksiz, T., & Kusaksiz, E.K., (2018). The Performances of Some New Dent Maize (Zea mays L.) Cultivars Grown as Main Crop in A Mediterranean Environment. Turk. J. Field Crops, 23(2), 187-194. DOI: 10.17557/tjfc.489616
  • MGM, (2021). Turkish State, Meteorological Service Database, (access date: 30.03.2021)
  • Min, D.B., & Ellefson, W.C., (2010). Chapter 8: Food Analysis Fourth Edition, Suzanne Nielsen (Ed.). Fat Analysis: 117-132p, Springer, USA.
  • Nasab, V.M., Mobasser, H.R., & Ganjali, H.R., (2015). Effect of Different Levels of Vermicompost on Yield and Quality of Maize Varieties. Biological Forum – An International Journal, 7(1): 856-860.
  • Oktem, A., & Toprak, A., (2013). Determination Of Yield and Some Morphological Characteristics of Some Dent Corn Genotypes (Zea mays L. indentata) Under Cukurova Conditions. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 17(4): 15-24.
  • Onasanya, R.O., Aiyelari, O.P., Onasanya, A., Oikeh, S., Nwilene, F.E., & Oyelakin, O.O., (2009). Growth and Yield Response of Maize (Zea mays L.) to Different Rates of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers in Southern Nigeria. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(4): 400-407.
  • Palm, A.C., Gachengo, C.N., Delve, R.J., Cadisch, G., & Giller, K.E., (2001). Organic Inputs for Soil Fertility Management in Tropical Agroecosystems: Application of An Organic Resource Database. Agric Ecosys Environ., 83: 27-42.
  • Palta, C., Karadavut, U., Tezel, M., Aksoyak, S., (2011). Agronomic Performance of Some Corn Cultivars (Zea mays L.) in Middle Anatolia. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 10 (14): 1901-1905.
  • Parija, B., & Kumar, M., (2013). Dry Matter Partitioning and Grain Yield Potential of Maize (Zea mays L.) Under Different Levels of Farmyard Manure and Nitrogen. J. Plant Sci. Res. 29, 177-180.
  • Pimentel, D., (1996). Green Revolution and chemical hazards. Science of The Total Environment, 188(1): 86-98. DOI:
  • Saglam, M.T., Ozel, E.Z, & Belliturk, K. (2012). The Effect of Two Type Textured Soil with The Leonardit Organic Material on The Nitrogen Uptaking of Corn Plant. Sakarya University Journal of Science and Literature. 14(1):383-391.
  • Sarıyerli, S., & Soylu, S., (2016). Determination of Yield and Yield Components in Different Plant Densities of Silage Maize Cultivars under Sivas Ecological Conditions. Journal of Bahri Dagdas Crop Research, 5(2): 77-88.
  • SAS, (2004). SAS/STAT 9.1. User’s guide: Statistics. SAS institute Inc., SAS Publishing.
  • Sayed, M.S.H.Z., & Sadni, M.M., (1984). The Effect of Annual Weed Density and Nitrogen Fertilization on the Yield Maize (Zea mays var. Bakti-I). Pertanika, 7(1):61-65.
  • Schmid, A.R., Goodrich, R.D., Jordan, R.M., Marten, G.C., & Meiske, J.C., (1976). Relationships Among Agronomic Charecteristic of Corn and Sorghum Cultivars and Silage Quality. Agron. J., 68, 403-405.
  • Takil, E., Kayan, N., & Altay, Y., (2020). The Effects of Different Sowing Patterns and Of Corn-Beans Intercropping Systems on Yield and Yield Components. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Science, 24(1): 111-125, DOI: 10.29050/harranziraat.623989
  • Tavali, İ.E., Uz, İ., & Orman, S., (2014). The effect of vermicompost and chicken manure on yield and quality of summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Sakiz) and some soil chemical properties. Mediterranean Agricultural Sciences, 27(2): 119-124.
  • Taye, G,, Tesfaye, K., & Debele, T., (2015). Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers on the Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) at Nedjo, West Wollega, Ethiopia. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 5(13): 197-202.
  • Tepecik, M., Barlas, N.T., & Ilker, E., (2014). Effect of Application Time and Different Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Wheat. Soil Water Journal, 3(1):24-30.
  • Timon, D., Zakawa, N.N., Yusuf, C.S., & Richard. G., (2020). Effect Of Fertilizer Application Periods on The Growth and Yield of Two Hybrid Maize (Zea mays L.) Varieties in Mubi Adamawa State Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch, 5(1):234-243, DOI:
  • Waniyo, U.U., Sauwa, M.M., Ngala, A.L., Abubakar G.A., & Anelo E.C., (2013). Influence of sources and rates of manure on yield and nutrient uptake of maize (Zea mays L.) in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Science. 21(4): 259-265.
  • Warman, P.R., & Havard, K.A., (1998). Yield Vitamin and Mineral Contents of Organically and Conventionally Grown Potatoes and Sweet Corn. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 68, 207-216. DOI:
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Agronomi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Alihan Çokkızgın 0000-0001-5066-0531

Ümit Girgel 0000-0001-5304-0231

Zekeriya Kara 0000-0001-7855-4968

Mustafa Çölkesen 0000-0002-3283-5550

Kadir Saltalı 0000-0001-5301-1350

Cengiz Yürürdurmaz 0000-0002-3407-0184

Proje Numarası 2018/2-53 M
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 20 Haziran 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Haziran 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Eylül 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Çokkızgın, A., Girgel, Ü., Kara, Z., Çölkesen, M., vd. (2022). The effect of organic fertilizers on the yield components of corn plant, protein and starch content of grain. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 26(2), 133-142.

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