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The effect of potassium doses applied in different periods of growth on yield and yield components at cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 4, 545 - 560, 27.12.2023


This study was carried out in Şanlıurfa ecological conditions, in order to determine the effect of potassium (KCl) doses after planting time, on yield and yield components in 2020 and 2021. In the experiment, Fiona cotton variety was used as plant material. The experiment design was planned in randomized blocks according to the split plot experimental design, with 3 replications. potassium applications time were applied 30th, 40th and 50th days after sowing to the main plots, and potassium (KCl) doses of 0 kg/da, 10, 20 and 30 kg/da were applied to sub-plots. According to the results obtained from the research, the seed cotton yields varied between 396 kg/da and 520 kg/da. The highest seed cotton yield (520 kg/da) was obtained from the 50th day after sowing x 30 kg/da KCl interaction. Plant height values are 85.41 cm and 77.95 cm in 2020, 87.63 cm and 81.13 cm in 2021; boll weight values are between 6.49 g and 5.97 g in 2020, between 6.97 g and 5.92 g in 2021; In 2021, 6.97 g was obtained from the 50th day x 30 kg/da KCl application after sowing. The number of sympodial branches was observed between 9.02 and 11.3 units per/plant in 2020 and between 7.78 and 10.44 units per plant in 2021. From the study, it was concluded that the application of potassium fertilizers in cotton farming in the region can be recommended.


  • Adeli, A. & J. J. Varco 2014. Potassıum Management Effects On Cotton Yıeld, Nutrıtıon, and Soıl Potassıum Level* 1USDA-ARS, Waste Management and Forage Research Unit, 810 Highway 12 East, Mississippi State MS 39762-5367 2Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762.
  • Akhtar, ME., Sardar, A., Ashraf, M., Akhtar, M., & Khan, MZ. 2003. Effect of potash application on seed cotton yield and yield components of selected cotton varieties. Asian J Plant Sci. 2003; 2: 602–604.
  • Anonim, 2020. Tarım Ve Orman Bakanlığı Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Anonim, 2021. Tarım Ve Orman Bakanlığı Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü.ıllık iklim/2021 -iklim raporu
  • Anonim, 2022. TC Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Şanlıurfa İl Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü, Şanlıurfa Ulusal Pamuk Çalıştayı, (Erişim Tarihi Mayıs,2023).
  • Aslam, M., Ahmed, T., & Yaseen, L. (2020). Influence of soil and foliar application of potassium fertilization on the growth and yield component of cotton crop in ecological zone of Rahim Yar Khan. Int. J. of Res. in Agric. and Forestry, 7(3), 8-12.
  • Ardakani, A., Armin, M., & Filehkesh, E. (2016). The effect of rate and application method of potassium on yield and yield components of Cotton in saline condition. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research, 14(3), 514-525.
  • Aslam, M., Tanweer, A., & Yaseen, L. 2020. Influence of soil and foliar application of potassium fertilization on the growth and yield component of cotton crop in ecological zone of Rahim Yar Khan." Int. J. of Res. in Agric. and Forestry 7.3 (2020): 8-12.
  • Bennett, O.L., Rouse, R.D., Ashley, D.A., & Doss, B.D. 1965. Yield, fibre quality and potassium content of irrigated cotton plant as affected by rates of potassium. Agron. J., 57: 296–299. [Crossref], [Google Scholar].
  • Bumguardner, A. R. 2018. Soil potassium effects on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) growth, yield and quality in the texas high plains (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Çolakoğlu, H. 1978. Küçük Menderes Ovası Genç Allüviyal Topraklarının Bitkiye Yarayışlı Potasyum Kapsamları ve Potasyum Yönünden Toprak-Bitki İlişkileri. Bilgehan Matbaası pp. 137-145, İzmir.
  • Gadhiya, S. S., Patel, B. B., Jadav, N. J., Pavaya, R. P., Patel, M. V., & Patel, V. R. 2009. Effect of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on growth, yield and quality of Bt cotton. Asian Journal of Soil Science, 4(1), 37-42.
  • Deshish, E. D. E. D., Hamoda, S. A. F., & El-Hendawy, A. A. 2020. Effect of Planting Dates and Rates of Nitrogen and Potassıum Fertilizatıon on Growth and Productivity of Giza 96 Cotton Variety. Menoufia Journal of Plant Production, 5(9), 413-422.
  • Dinç, U., Şenol, S., Sarı, M., Yeşilsoy, M.Ş., Kaya, Z., & Özbek, H. 1986. Harran Ovası Toprakları. Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi Tarımsal Kalkınma Sempozyumu, 91-98, Ankara Turkey
  • Faircloth, J.C., Coco, A. & Clawson, E. 2004. Potassium requirements of cotton cultivars. News and Views. A regional newsletter published by the Potash & Phosphate Institute (PPI) and the Potash & Phosphate Institute of Canada (PPIC). July 2004.
  • Genç, N. (2007). Çukurova Bölgesinde Potasyum Gübrelemesinin Pamuk Çeşitlerinin Verim ve Kalitesine Etkileri. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adana.
  • Gerardeaux, E., Saur, E., Constantin, J., Porte, A., & Jordan-Meille, L. 2009. Effect of carbon assimilation on dry weight production and partitioning during vegetative growth of K-deficient cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants. Plant Soil 2009, 324, 329–343.
  • Gerik, T.J., Morrison, J.E., & Chichester, F.W. 1987. Effects of controlled-traffic on soil physical properties and crop rooting. Agron. J., 79: 434–438.
  • Gormus, Ö., & Kanat, A. D. 1998. Yield and quality properties of cotton as affected by potassium fertilization. In Proceedings of the world cotton research conference Vol. 2, (pp. 6-12).
  • Gwathmey, C.O., Mıchaud, C.E., & Bush, T.D. 2006. N and K effects on physiology and yield of contrasting cotton varieties. Annual report to the Potash and Phosphate Institute Foundation for Agronomic Research. PPI/FAR Project TN-19 F. 9p.
  • Harmony, Boyer CN., Lambert, DM., & Larson, JA. 2017. Temporal frequency of soil test information effects on returns to potassium fertilization in cotton production. Jr. Agricul Appl Econ. 49:251–272. doi:10.1017/aae.2016.41.
  • Hu, W., Lv, X.B., Yang, J.S., Chen, B.L., Zhao, W.Q., Meng, Y., Wang, Y.H., Zhou, Z.G., & Oosterhuis, D.M.2016. Effects of potassium deficiency on antioxidant metabolism related to leaf senescence in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Field Crop Res. 2016, 191, 139–149.
  • Hu, W., Coomer, T.D., Loka, D.A., Oosterhuis, D.M., & Zhou, Z. 2017. Potassium deficiency affects the carbon-nitrogen balance in cotton leaves. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 115, 408–417.
  • Hu, W., Jiang, N., Yang, J., Meng, Y., Wang, Y., Chen, B., & Zhou, Z. 2016. Potassium (K) supply affects K accumulation and photosynthetic physiology in two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars with different K sensitivities. Field Crops Research, 196, 51-63.
  • Hussain, S., Hakoomat, A., & Syed, T. R. G. 2021. "Soil applied potassium improves productivity and fiber quality of cotton cultivars grown on potassium deficient soils." Plos one 16.4 (2021): e0250713.
  • Kacar, B. 1977. Bitki Besleme A. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, 637, pp. 225-367, Ankara.
  • Khalifa, K., Al-Chammaa, M., & Al-Ain, F. 2012. Effect of potassium fertilizers on cotton yield and nitrogen uptake efficiency in an Aridisol. Communications in soil Science and plant analysis, 43(16), 2180-2189.
  • Oosterhuis, D.M., Loka, D.A., & Raper, T.B. 2013. Potassium and stress alleviation: Physiological functions and management of cotton. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2013, 176, 331–343.
  • Magare, P. N., Jadhao, S. D., Farkade, B. K., & Mali, D. V. 2018. Effect of levels of potassium on yield, nutrient uptake, fertility status and economics of cotton grown in vertisol. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. Appl. Sci, 7(04), 1292-1300.
  • Mahmood, N. 2011. Response of foliar application of KNO3 on yield, yield components and lint quality of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(24), 5457-5463.
  • Makhdum, M.L., Pervez, H., & Ashraf, M. 2007. Dry matter accumulation and partitioning in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) as influenced by potassium fertilization. Biol. Fert. Soils 2007, 43, 295–301.
  • Malik, M. W. I., Usman, K., Hamza, A., Saad, M., Ghulam, S., & Ullah, A. 2022. Cotton Response to Tillage and Soil and Foliar Applied Potassium Fertilization. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 38(3).
  • Mert, M., 2011. Pamuk Tarımının Temelleri. TMMOB Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası, Teknik yayınlar Dizisi No: 7, İkinci Baskı, s.s. 282, Ankara.
  • Miley, W.N., Hardy, G.W., Sturgis, M.B., & Sedberry, J.E. Jr. 1969. Influence of boron, nitrogen and potassium on yield, nutrient uptake and abnormalities of cotton. Agron. J., 61(1): 9–13. [Crossref], [Google Scholar]
  • Minton, E.B. & Ebelhar, M.W. 1991. Potassium and aldicarb disulfoton effects on verticillium wilt, yield and quality of cotton. Crop Sci., 31: 209–212. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar].
  • Mozaffarı, M. 2006. Cotton response to combinations of nitrogen and potassium.$webindex/article.
  • Mullins, G.L., Schwab, G.J. & Burmester, C.H. 1999. Cotton response to surface application of potassium fertilizer: A 10-year summary. J. Prod. Agric., 12(3): 434–440. [Crossref], [Google Scholar]
  • Pettigrew, W. T. 2003. Relationships between insufficient potassium and crop maturity in cotton. Agronomy Journal, 95(5), 1323-1329.
  • Read, J., Reddy, R., & Jenkins, N., 2006. Yield and fiber quality of upland cotton as influenced by nitrogen and potassium nutrution. J. Agron 24, 282-290.
  • Reddy, K.R.; Zhao, D. Interactive effects of elevated CO2 and potassium deficiency on photosynthesis, growth, and biomass partitioning of cotton. Field Crop Res. 2005, 94, 201–213.
  • Shahzade, A. N., Rizwan, M., Asghar, M.G., Qurehsi M. K., & Bukhari S.A.H. 2019 Early maturing Bt cotton requires more potassium fertilizer under water deficiency to augment seed-cotton yield. Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 7378.
  • Solaimalai, A., Kannan, R., & Murugan, E. 2019. Effect of soil and foliar fertilization of potassium on growth characters, yield attributes, yield and economics of summer irrigated cotton in Southern agroclimatic zone of Tamil Nadu. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(2S), 560-563.
  • Varco, J.J., Batson, W.E., & Bland, A. 2014. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference. Varying Soil Test K Level Effects on Cotton Yield and Nutrition, pp.1578 Memphis, TN: National Cotton Council of America. [Google Scholar]
  • Thu, ZW., Aung, KM., Kyaw, N., Soe, ST., & Tin TK. 2017. Effects of nitrogen and potassium application on plant growth, yield and fiber quality of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). J Agr Res. 4:47–55.
  • Tian, XF., Li, CL., Zhang, M., Lu, YY., Guo, YL., & Liu, LF. 2017. Effects of controlled-release potassium fertilizer on available potassium, photosynthetic performance, and yield of cotton. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci. 180:505–515. doi:10.1002/jpln.201700005.
  • Wang, H., Liu, X., Yang, P., Wu, R., Wang, S., He, S., & Zhou, Q. 2022. Potassium application promote cotton acclimation to soil waterlogging stress by regulating endogenous protective enzymes activities and hormones contents. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 2022, 185, 336–343.
  • Yang, XY., Li, CL., Zhang, Q., Liu, ZG., Geng, JB., & Zhang, M. 2017. Effects of polymer-coated potassium chloride on cotton yield, leaf senescence and soil potassium. Field Crops Res. 212:145–152. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2017.07.019.
  • Zahoor, R., Dong, H., Abid, M., Zhao, W., Wang, Y., & Zhou, Z. 2017. Potassium fertilizer improves drought stress alleviation potential in cotton by enhancing photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. Environ. Exp. Bot. 2017, 137, 73–83.
  • Zahoor, R., Zhao, W., Abid, M., Dong, H.,& Zhou, Z. 2017. Potassium application regulates nitrogen metabolism and osmotic adjustment in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) functional leaf under drought stress. J. Plant Physiol. 2017, 215, 30–38.
  • Zhao, D., Oosterhuis, D., & Bednarz, C. 2001. Influence of potassium deficiency on photosynthesis, chlorophyll content, and chloroplast ultra structure of cotton plants. Photosynthetica 2001, 39, 103–109.
  • Zia-ul-hassan, M. A., Basra, S. M. A., Rajpar, I., Shah, A. N., & Galani, S. 2014. Response of potassium-use-efficient cotton genotypes to soil applied potassium. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 16(4).

Farklı gelişme dönemlerinde uygulanan potasyum dozlarının pamukta (Gossypium hirsutum L.) verim ve verim ögelerine etkisi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 27 Sayı: 4, 545 - 560, 27.12.2023


Bu çalışma; Pamuğa potasyum klorür (KCl) uygulama zamanı ve dozlarının, verim ve verim ögelerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla, 2020 ve 2021 yıllarında Şanlıurfa ekolojik koşullarında planlanmış ve yürütülmüştür. Denemede, Fiona pamuk çeşidi bitki materyalini oluşturmuştur. Deneme, tesadüf bloklarında bölünmüş parseller deney desenine göre 3 tekrarlamalı olarak, her parsel 6 sıradan, oluşturulmuştur. Denemede ekimden sonra 30., 40. ve 50. Gün potasyum uygulamaları ana parsellere, 0 kg/da 10, 20 ve 30 kg/da potasyum klorür (KCl) dozları ise; alt parsellere uygulanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre kütlü pamuk verimleri 396 kg/da ile 520 kg/da arasında değişmiştir. En yüksek kütlü pamuk verimi (520 kg/da) ekimden sonraki 50. Gün x 30 kg/da KCl interaksiyonundan elde edilmiştir. Bitki boyu değerleri 2020 yılında 85.41 cm ile 77.95 cm, 2021 yılında 87.63 cm ile 81.13 cm; koza ağırlığı değerleri 2020 yılında 6.49 g ile 5.97 g, 2021 yılında 6.97 g ile 5.92 g arasında; 2021 yılında 6.97 g ile ekimden sonraki 50. gün x 30 kg/da KCl uygulamasından elde edilmiştir. Meyve dalı sayısı değerleri 2020 yılında 9.02 ile 11.3 adet/bitki ve 2021 yılında 7.78 ile 10.44 adet/bitki sayısı arasında gözlemlenmiştir. Koza sayısı 2020 yılında 16.24 ile 13.69 adet, 2021 yılında ise 15.75 ile 10.15 adet arasında olup en yüksek koza sayısı 40.gün x 20 kg/da uygulamasında tespit edilmiştir. Önceki çalışmalarda bölge topraklarının potasyum içeriği bakımından yeterli olduğu ifade edilse de toprakta bulunan potasyumun bir kısmının bağlı halde olduğu ve pamuk bitkilerinin bundan yeterince yararlanamadığı, bu nedenle Bölge tarımında potasyumlu gübreler önerilebilir.


  • Adeli, A. & J. J. Varco 2014. Potassıum Management Effects On Cotton Yıeld, Nutrıtıon, and Soıl Potassıum Level* 1USDA-ARS, Waste Management and Forage Research Unit, 810 Highway 12 East, Mississippi State MS 39762-5367 2Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762.
  • Akhtar, ME., Sardar, A., Ashraf, M., Akhtar, M., & Khan, MZ. 2003. Effect of potash application on seed cotton yield and yield components of selected cotton varieties. Asian J Plant Sci. 2003; 2: 602–604.
  • Anonim, 2020. Tarım Ve Orman Bakanlığı Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü.
  • Anonim, 2021. Tarım Ve Orman Bakanlığı Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü.ıllık iklim/2021 -iklim raporu
  • Anonim, 2022. TC Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Şanlıurfa İl Tarım ve Orman Müdürlüğü, Şanlıurfa Ulusal Pamuk Çalıştayı, (Erişim Tarihi Mayıs,2023).
  • Aslam, M., Ahmed, T., & Yaseen, L. (2020). Influence of soil and foliar application of potassium fertilization on the growth and yield component of cotton crop in ecological zone of Rahim Yar Khan. Int. J. of Res. in Agric. and Forestry, 7(3), 8-12.
  • Ardakani, A., Armin, M., & Filehkesh, E. (2016). The effect of rate and application method of potassium on yield and yield components of Cotton in saline condition. Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research, 14(3), 514-525.
  • Aslam, M., Tanweer, A., & Yaseen, L. 2020. Influence of soil and foliar application of potassium fertilization on the growth and yield component of cotton crop in ecological zone of Rahim Yar Khan." Int. J. of Res. in Agric. and Forestry 7.3 (2020): 8-12.
  • Bennett, O.L., Rouse, R.D., Ashley, D.A., & Doss, B.D. 1965. Yield, fibre quality and potassium content of irrigated cotton plant as affected by rates of potassium. Agron. J., 57: 296–299. [Crossref], [Google Scholar].
  • Bumguardner, A. R. 2018. Soil potassium effects on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) growth, yield and quality in the texas high plains (Doctoral dissertation).
  • Çolakoğlu, H. 1978. Küçük Menderes Ovası Genç Allüviyal Topraklarının Bitkiye Yarayışlı Potasyum Kapsamları ve Potasyum Yönünden Toprak-Bitki İlişkileri. Bilgehan Matbaası pp. 137-145, İzmir.
  • Gadhiya, S. S., Patel, B. B., Jadav, N. J., Pavaya, R. P., Patel, M. V., & Patel, V. R. 2009. Effect of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on growth, yield and quality of Bt cotton. Asian Journal of Soil Science, 4(1), 37-42.
  • Deshish, E. D. E. D., Hamoda, S. A. F., & El-Hendawy, A. A. 2020. Effect of Planting Dates and Rates of Nitrogen and Potassıum Fertilizatıon on Growth and Productivity of Giza 96 Cotton Variety. Menoufia Journal of Plant Production, 5(9), 413-422.
  • Dinç, U., Şenol, S., Sarı, M., Yeşilsoy, M.Ş., Kaya, Z., & Özbek, H. 1986. Harran Ovası Toprakları. Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi Tarımsal Kalkınma Sempozyumu, 91-98, Ankara Turkey
  • Faircloth, J.C., Coco, A. & Clawson, E. 2004. Potassium requirements of cotton cultivars. News and Views. A regional newsletter published by the Potash & Phosphate Institute (PPI) and the Potash & Phosphate Institute of Canada (PPIC). July 2004.
  • Genç, N. (2007). Çukurova Bölgesinde Potasyum Gübrelemesinin Pamuk Çeşitlerinin Verim ve Kalitesine Etkileri. Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adana.
  • Gerardeaux, E., Saur, E., Constantin, J., Porte, A., & Jordan-Meille, L. 2009. Effect of carbon assimilation on dry weight production and partitioning during vegetative growth of K-deficient cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants. Plant Soil 2009, 324, 329–343.
  • Gerik, T.J., Morrison, J.E., & Chichester, F.W. 1987. Effects of controlled-traffic on soil physical properties and crop rooting. Agron. J., 79: 434–438.
  • Gormus, Ö., & Kanat, A. D. 1998. Yield and quality properties of cotton as affected by potassium fertilization. In Proceedings of the world cotton research conference Vol. 2, (pp. 6-12).
  • Gwathmey, C.O., Mıchaud, C.E., & Bush, T.D. 2006. N and K effects on physiology and yield of contrasting cotton varieties. Annual report to the Potash and Phosphate Institute Foundation for Agronomic Research. PPI/FAR Project TN-19 F. 9p.
  • Harmony, Boyer CN., Lambert, DM., & Larson, JA. 2017. Temporal frequency of soil test information effects on returns to potassium fertilization in cotton production. Jr. Agricul Appl Econ. 49:251–272. doi:10.1017/aae.2016.41.
  • Hu, W., Lv, X.B., Yang, J.S., Chen, B.L., Zhao, W.Q., Meng, Y., Wang, Y.H., Zhou, Z.G., & Oosterhuis, D.M.2016. Effects of potassium deficiency on antioxidant metabolism related to leaf senescence in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Field Crop Res. 2016, 191, 139–149.
  • Hu, W., Coomer, T.D., Loka, D.A., Oosterhuis, D.M., & Zhou, Z. 2017. Potassium deficiency affects the carbon-nitrogen balance in cotton leaves. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 115, 408–417.
  • Hu, W., Jiang, N., Yang, J., Meng, Y., Wang, Y., Chen, B., & Zhou, Z. 2016. Potassium (K) supply affects K accumulation and photosynthetic physiology in two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars with different K sensitivities. Field Crops Research, 196, 51-63.
  • Hussain, S., Hakoomat, A., & Syed, T. R. G. 2021. "Soil applied potassium improves productivity and fiber quality of cotton cultivars grown on potassium deficient soils." Plos one 16.4 (2021): e0250713.
  • Kacar, B. 1977. Bitki Besleme A. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları, 637, pp. 225-367, Ankara.
  • Khalifa, K., Al-Chammaa, M., & Al-Ain, F. 2012. Effect of potassium fertilizers on cotton yield and nitrogen uptake efficiency in an Aridisol. Communications in soil Science and plant analysis, 43(16), 2180-2189.
  • Oosterhuis, D.M., Loka, D.A., & Raper, T.B. 2013. Potassium and stress alleviation: Physiological functions and management of cotton. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 2013, 176, 331–343.
  • Magare, P. N., Jadhao, S. D., Farkade, B. K., & Mali, D. V. 2018. Effect of levels of potassium on yield, nutrient uptake, fertility status and economics of cotton grown in vertisol. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. Appl. Sci, 7(04), 1292-1300.
  • Mahmood, N. 2011. Response of foliar application of KNO3 on yield, yield components and lint quality of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(24), 5457-5463.
  • Makhdum, M.L., Pervez, H., & Ashraf, M. 2007. Dry matter accumulation and partitioning in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) as influenced by potassium fertilization. Biol. Fert. Soils 2007, 43, 295–301.
  • Malik, M. W. I., Usman, K., Hamza, A., Saad, M., Ghulam, S., & Ullah, A. 2022. Cotton Response to Tillage and Soil and Foliar Applied Potassium Fertilization. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 38(3).
  • Mert, M., 2011. Pamuk Tarımının Temelleri. TMMOB Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası, Teknik yayınlar Dizisi No: 7, İkinci Baskı, s.s. 282, Ankara.
  • Miley, W.N., Hardy, G.W., Sturgis, M.B., & Sedberry, J.E. Jr. 1969. Influence of boron, nitrogen and potassium on yield, nutrient uptake and abnormalities of cotton. Agron. J., 61(1): 9–13. [Crossref], [Google Scholar]
  • Minton, E.B. & Ebelhar, M.W. 1991. Potassium and aldicarb disulfoton effects on verticillium wilt, yield and quality of cotton. Crop Sci., 31: 209–212. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®], [Google Scholar].
  • Mozaffarı, M. 2006. Cotton response to combinations of nitrogen and potassium.$webindex/article.
  • Mullins, G.L., Schwab, G.J. & Burmester, C.H. 1999. Cotton response to surface application of potassium fertilizer: A 10-year summary. J. Prod. Agric., 12(3): 434–440. [Crossref], [Google Scholar]
  • Pettigrew, W. T. 2003. Relationships between insufficient potassium and crop maturity in cotton. Agronomy Journal, 95(5), 1323-1329.
  • Read, J., Reddy, R., & Jenkins, N., 2006. Yield and fiber quality of upland cotton as influenced by nitrogen and potassium nutrution. J. Agron 24, 282-290.
  • Reddy, K.R.; Zhao, D. Interactive effects of elevated CO2 and potassium deficiency on photosynthesis, growth, and biomass partitioning of cotton. Field Crop Res. 2005, 94, 201–213.
  • Shahzade, A. N., Rizwan, M., Asghar, M.G., Qurehsi M. K., & Bukhari S.A.H. 2019 Early maturing Bt cotton requires more potassium fertilizer under water deficiency to augment seed-cotton yield. Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 7378.
  • Solaimalai, A., Kannan, R., & Murugan, E. 2019. Effect of soil and foliar fertilization of potassium on growth characters, yield attributes, yield and economics of summer irrigated cotton in Southern agroclimatic zone of Tamil Nadu. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 8(2S), 560-563.
  • Varco, J.J., Batson, W.E., & Bland, A. 2014. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conference. Varying Soil Test K Level Effects on Cotton Yield and Nutrition, pp.1578 Memphis, TN: National Cotton Council of America. [Google Scholar]
  • Thu, ZW., Aung, KM., Kyaw, N., Soe, ST., & Tin TK. 2017. Effects of nitrogen and potassium application on plant growth, yield and fiber quality of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). J Agr Res. 4:47–55.
  • Tian, XF., Li, CL., Zhang, M., Lu, YY., Guo, YL., & Liu, LF. 2017. Effects of controlled-release potassium fertilizer on available potassium, photosynthetic performance, and yield of cotton. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci. 180:505–515. doi:10.1002/jpln.201700005.
  • Wang, H., Liu, X., Yang, P., Wu, R., Wang, S., He, S., & Zhou, Q. 2022. Potassium application promote cotton acclimation to soil waterlogging stress by regulating endogenous protective enzymes activities and hormones contents. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 2022, 185, 336–343.
  • Yang, XY., Li, CL., Zhang, Q., Liu, ZG., Geng, JB., & Zhang, M. 2017. Effects of polymer-coated potassium chloride on cotton yield, leaf senescence and soil potassium. Field Crops Res. 212:145–152. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2017.07.019.
  • Zahoor, R., Dong, H., Abid, M., Zhao, W., Wang, Y., & Zhou, Z. 2017. Potassium fertilizer improves drought stress alleviation potential in cotton by enhancing photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. Environ. Exp. Bot. 2017, 137, 73–83.
  • Zahoor, R., Zhao, W., Abid, M., Dong, H.,& Zhou, Z. 2017. Potassium application regulates nitrogen metabolism and osmotic adjustment in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) functional leaf under drought stress. J. Plant Physiol. 2017, 215, 30–38.
  • Zhao, D., Oosterhuis, D., & Bednarz, C. 2001. Influence of potassium deficiency on photosynthesis, chlorophyll content, and chloroplast ultra structure of cotton plants. Photosynthetica 2001, 39, 103–109.
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Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Agronomi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri (HTGBD)

Ahmet Yılmaz 0000-0002-2350-1516

Ömer Hacıkamiloğlu 0000-0001-8663-2938

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 26 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 27 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, A., & Hacıkamiloğlu, Ö. (2023). Farklı gelişme dönemlerinde uygulanan potasyum dozlarının pamukta (Gossypium hirsutum L.) verim ve verim ögelerine etkisi. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(4), 545-560.

Derginin Tarandığı İndeksler

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