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Early Pregnancy Diagnosis in Dairy Cattle

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 60 Sayı: 2, 171 - 179, 30.12.2019


Early pregnancy diagnosis is an important criterion for better reproductive
management in dairy cattle. Early pregnancy diagnosis allows shortening the calving
interval through timely treatment and rebreeding of the non-pregnant animal.
Return to estrus from 18 to 24 days after artificial insemination is the easiest method
for determining nonpregnancy in dairy cattle. Rectal palpation and transrectal
ultrasonography are the most frequently used clinical methods for early pregnancy
diagnosis. Pregnancy tests based on the detection of progesterone or pregnancy
associated glycoproteins are also the most commonly used laboratory methods for
early pregnancy diagnosis. A novel approach to early pregnancy diagnosis in dairy
cattle is to follow-up of pregnancies and of embryo viability with pregnancy specific
substances secreted sufficient quantities in milk to be detected by an inline milksensing device during normal milking. This paper reviews early pregnancy diagnostic
methods used in dairy cattle and advances in pregnancy diagnosis


  • Adams CS, Jardon PW. 1999. Evaluation of the early conception factor tests in cows 3–7 days post-breeding. Bovine Practitioners, 32:240–241.
  • Alaçam E, Tekeli T, Türkarslan T. 1987. İneklerde erken gebeliğin enzim immunoassay kiti ile pratik tanısı. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 27(1-4):12-18.
  • Alaçam E. 2015. Gebelik tanısı. Editör: Alaçam E. Evcil hayvanlarda doğum ve infertilite. 8. Baskı, Medisan, Ankara, s. 115-126.
  • Ambrose DJ, Radke B, Pitney PA, Goonewardene LA. 2007. Evaluation of early conception factor lateral flow test to determine nonpregnancy in dairy cattle. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 48:831-835.
  • Balhara AK, Gupta M, Singh S, Mohanty AK, Singh I. 2013. Early pregnancy diagnosis in bovines: current status and future directions. The Scientific Worl Journal, 2013:1-10.
  • Baştan A, Özenç E, Macun HC, Acar DB, Güngör Ö. 2007. Use of early conception factor test for determining pregnancy and embryonic mortality status of dairy cows. Medycyna Weterynaryjna, 63(6):670-673.
  • Bekele N, Addis M, Abdela N, Ahmed WM. 2016. Pregnancy diagnosis in cattle for fertility management: a review. Global Veterinaria, 16(4):355-364.
  • Burns G, Brooks K, Wildung M, Navakanitworakul R, Christenson LK, Spencer TE. 2014. Extracellular vesicles in luminal fluid of the ovine uterus. PLoS One 9(3):1-11.
  • Cain AJ, Cristiansen D. 2015. Biochemical pregnancy diagnosis. Edtitor: Hopper RM. Bovine Reproduction. 1th ed. Wiley Blackwell, Pondicherry, India, p. 320-325.
  • Cameron A, da Silveira JC, Bouma G, Bruemmer JE. 2011. Evaluation of exosomes containing miRNA as an indicator of pregnancy status in the mare. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 31(5-6):314-315.
  • Colloton JD. 2011. Applications of ultrasonoraphy in dairy cattle reproductive management. Editors: Risco CA, Melendez P. Dairy production medicine, Wiley-Blackwell, UK, p. 99-116.
  • Cordoba MC, Sartori R, Fricke PM. 2001. Assessment of a commercially available early conception factor (ECF) test for determining pregnancy status of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 84(8):1884–1889.
  • Cruz YP, Selwood L, Morton H, Cavanagh AC. 2001. Significance of serum early pregnancy factor concentrations during pregnancy and embryonic development in Sminthopsis macroura (Spencer) (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). Reproduction, 121(6):933–939.
  • Curan S, Pierson RA, Ginther OJ. 1986. Ultrasonographic appearance of the bovine conceptus from days 10 through 60. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 189(10):1295-1302.
  • DesCôteaux L, Carrie`re PD, Bigras-Poulin M. 2000. Evaluation of the Early Conception Factor (ECF) dipstick test in dairy cows between days 11 and 15 post-breeding. Bovine Practitioner, 34:87–91.
  • DesCôteaux L, Colloton J, Gayrard V, Picard-Hagen N. 2010. Bovine pregnancy. Editors: DesCôteaux L, Colloton J, Gnemmi G. Ruminant and camelid reproductive ultrasonography. WilleyBlackwell, Hong Kong, pp.81-124.
  • Dinç DA. 2008. Ultrason fiziği ve ineklerde reprodüktif ultrasonografi. 1. Baskı, ATAVET, Konya.
  • Dionysius DA. 1991. Pregnancy diagnosis in dairy goats and cows using progesterone assay kits. Australian Veterinary Journal, 68(1):14-16.
  • Ducharme N, Gilbert R, Smith DF. 1990. Atresia coli: genetics or iatrogenics? Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Theriogenology, Toronto, ON, s.112.
  • Fiandanese N, Viglino A, Strozzi F, Stella A, Williams JL, Lonergan P, Forde N, Iamartin D. 2016. Circulating microRNAs as potential biomarkers of early pregnancy in high producing dairy cows. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 28(2):165.
  • Fricke PM, Ricci A, Carvalho PD, Amundson MC. 2015. Milk vs. Blood - which is best for PAG pregnancy prediction? Western Dairy Management Conference, 3-5 March 2015, Reno, NV.
  • Fricke PM, Ricci A, Giordano JO, Carvalho PD. 2016. Methods for and implementation of pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cows. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 32:165-180.
  • Fricke PM. 2002. Scanning the future –ultrasonography as a reproductive management tool for dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 85:1918-1926.
  • Fricke PM. 2011. Use of chemical tests for pregnancy diagnosis in a reproductive management program. Proceeding Dairy Cattle Reproduction Conference, Kansas City, MO, p.48-56.
  • Friedrich M, Holtz W. 2010. Establishment of an ELISA for measuring bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein in serum or milk and its application for early pregnancy detection. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45(1):142-146.
  • Gábor G, Tóth F, Ozsvári L, Abonyi-Tóth Z, Sasser RG. 2007. Early detection of pregnancy and embryonic loss in dairy cattle by ELISA tests. Re Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 42(6):633-636.
  • Gajewski Z, Petrajtis-Gołobów M, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Pawliński B, Wehrend A. 2014. Comparison of accuracy of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentration in blood and milk for early pregnancy diagnosis in cows. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd, 156(12):585-590.
  • Gandy B, Tucker W, Ryan P, Williams A, Tucker A, Moore A, Godfrey R, Willard S. 2001.Evaluation of the early conception factor (ECFtm) test for the detection of nonpregnancy in dairy cattle. Theriogenology, 56:637-647.
  • Gordon I. 2004. Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals. 1th ed, CABI Publishing, UK. p. 215-235.
  • Grewal AS, Wallace ALC, Pan YS. Rigby NW, Donnelly JB, Eagleson GK, Nancarrow CD. 1985. Evaluation of a rosette inhibition test for pregnancy diagnosis in pigs. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 7(2):129–138.
  • Güzeloğlu A. 2006. İneklerde gebeligin maternal kabulü sürecinde anti-luteolizisin moleküler mekanizması. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(1-2):83-88.
  • Hirako M, Takahashi T, Domeki I. 2002. Peripheral changes in estrone sulfate concentration during the first trimester of gestation in cattle: comparison with unconjugated estrogens and relationship to fetal number. Theriogenology, 57(7):1939-1947.
  • Hoffman B, Wagner WC, Hixon JE, Bahr J. 1979. Observations concerning the functional status of the corpus luteum and the placenta around parturition in the cow. Animal Reproduction Science, 2(3-4):253-266.
  • Ioannidis J, Donadeu FX. 2016. Circulating miRNA signatures of early pregnancy in cattle. BMC Genomics, 17(1):1-12.
  • İzgür H, Küplülü Ş, Vural R, Salmanoğlu R, Kılıçoğlu Ç, Özdemir İ, Çerçel Ü. 1995. Süt progesteron test kitlerinin erken gebelik ve östrusların saptanmasında ultrasonografi ile karşılaştırmalı olarak kullanılması. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 42:71-75.
  • Karen A, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Bajcsy AC, Tibold J, Madl I, Szenci O. 2015. Comparison of a commercial bovine pregnancy-associatedglycoprotein ELISA test and a pregnancy-associated glycoprotein radioimmunoassay test for early pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cattle. Animal Reproduction Science, 159:31-37.
  • Kaya MS, Köse M, Bozkaya F, Mutlu H, Uçar EH, Atlı MO. 2016. Early pregnancy diagnosis using a commercial ELISA test based on pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in Holstein-Friesian heifers and lactating cows. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 40:1-6.
  • Laleh VG, Laleh RG, Pirany N, Ahrabi MM. 2008. Measurement of EPF for detection of cow pregnancy using rosette inhibition test. Theriogenology, 70(1):105-107.
  • Lash GE, Legge M, Fisher M.1997. Synthesis of early pregnancy factor using red deer (Cervus elaphus) as a delayed implantation model. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 14(1):39–43.
  • Lawson BC, Shahzad AH, Dolecheck KA, Martel EL, Velek KA, Ray DL, Lawrence JC, Silvia WJ. 2014. A pregnancy detection assay using milk samples: evaluation and considerations. Journal of Dairy Science, 97:6316–6325.
  • LeBlanc SJ. 2013. Short communication: field evaluation of a pregnancy confirmation test using milk samples in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 96:2345–2348.
  • Lobago F, Bekana M, Gustafsson H, Beckers JF, Yohannes G, Aster Y, Kindahl H. 2008. Serum profiles of pregnancy‐associated glycoprotein, oestrone sulphate and progesterone during gestation and some factors influencing the profiles in Ethiopian Borana and crossbred cattle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44(4):685-692.
  • López-Gatius F, Garbayo JM, Santolaria P, Y´aniz J, Ayad A, deSousa NM, Beckers JF. 2007. Milk production correlates negatively with plasma levels of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) during the early fetal period in high producing dairy cows with live fetuses. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 32:29–42.
  • Lucy M, Poock S. 2012. Pregnancy determination by palpation and beyond. Proceedings Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, 3 - 4 December 2012; Sioux Falls, SD, p.309-318.
  • Mercadante PM, Ribeiro ES, Risco C, Ealy AD. 2016. Associations between pregnancy-associated glycoproteins and pregnancy outcomes, milk yield, parity, and clinical diseases in high-producing dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(4): 3031-3040.
  • Morton H, Clunie GJA, Shaw FD.1979. A test for early pregnancy in sheep. Research in Veterinary Science, 26(2):261–262.
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Sütçü Sığırlarda Erken Gebelik Tanısı

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 60 Sayı: 2, 171 - 179, 30.12.2019


Sütçü sığırlarda erken gebelik tanısı reprodüktif yönetim açısından oldukça
önemlidir. Erken gebelik tanısı, gebe olmayan hayvanların zamanında tedavi
edilmeleri ve yeniden tohumlanmaları yoluyla buzağılama aralığındaki uzamayı
engeller. Suni tohumlamadan sonraki 18 – 24 günler arasında östrusa gelme, gebe
olmayan hayvanların tespit edilmesindeki en kolay yöntemdir. Rektal palpasyon ve
transrektal ultrasonografi erken gebelik tanısı amacıyla en sık kullanılan klinik
yöntemlerdir. Progesteron veya gebelikle ilişkili glikoproteinlerin tespiti esasına
dayanan gebelik testleri de erken gebelik tanısı amacıyla sıklıkla kullanılan
laboratuvar yöntemleridir. Süt sığırlarında erken gebelik teşhisine yönelik yeni bir
yaklaşım sağım sırasında, sağım sistemine yerleştirilmiş bir cihaz tarafından sütte
bulunan gebeliğe özgü maddelerle gebeliklerin ve embriyo canlılığının izlenmesidir.
Bu yazıda sütçü sığırlarda kullanılan erken gebelik tanı yöntemleri ve gebelik tanısı
alanındaki gelişmeler hakkında bilgiler derlenmiştir.


  • Adams CS, Jardon PW. 1999. Evaluation of the early conception factor tests in cows 3–7 days post-breeding. Bovine Practitioners, 32:240–241.
  • Alaçam E, Tekeli T, Türkarslan T. 1987. İneklerde erken gebeliğin enzim immunoassay kiti ile pratik tanısı. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 27(1-4):12-18.
  • Alaçam E. 2015. Gebelik tanısı. Editör: Alaçam E. Evcil hayvanlarda doğum ve infertilite. 8. Baskı, Medisan, Ankara, s. 115-126.
  • Ambrose DJ, Radke B, Pitney PA, Goonewardene LA. 2007. Evaluation of early conception factor lateral flow test to determine nonpregnancy in dairy cattle. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 48:831-835.
  • Balhara AK, Gupta M, Singh S, Mohanty AK, Singh I. 2013. Early pregnancy diagnosis in bovines: current status and future directions. The Scientific Worl Journal, 2013:1-10.
  • Baştan A, Özenç E, Macun HC, Acar DB, Güngör Ö. 2007. Use of early conception factor test for determining pregnancy and embryonic mortality status of dairy cows. Medycyna Weterynaryjna, 63(6):670-673.
  • Bekele N, Addis M, Abdela N, Ahmed WM. 2016. Pregnancy diagnosis in cattle for fertility management: a review. Global Veterinaria, 16(4):355-364.
  • Burns G, Brooks K, Wildung M, Navakanitworakul R, Christenson LK, Spencer TE. 2014. Extracellular vesicles in luminal fluid of the ovine uterus. PLoS One 9(3):1-11.
  • Cain AJ, Cristiansen D. 2015. Biochemical pregnancy diagnosis. Edtitor: Hopper RM. Bovine Reproduction. 1th ed. Wiley Blackwell, Pondicherry, India, p. 320-325.
  • Cameron A, da Silveira JC, Bouma G, Bruemmer JE. 2011. Evaluation of exosomes containing miRNA as an indicator of pregnancy status in the mare. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 31(5-6):314-315.
  • Colloton JD. 2011. Applications of ultrasonoraphy in dairy cattle reproductive management. Editors: Risco CA, Melendez P. Dairy production medicine, Wiley-Blackwell, UK, p. 99-116.
  • Cordoba MC, Sartori R, Fricke PM. 2001. Assessment of a commercially available early conception factor (ECF) test for determining pregnancy status of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 84(8):1884–1889.
  • Cruz YP, Selwood L, Morton H, Cavanagh AC. 2001. Significance of serum early pregnancy factor concentrations during pregnancy and embryonic development in Sminthopsis macroura (Spencer) (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae). Reproduction, 121(6):933–939.
  • Curan S, Pierson RA, Ginther OJ. 1986. Ultrasonographic appearance of the bovine conceptus from days 10 through 60. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 189(10):1295-1302.
  • DesCôteaux L, Carrie`re PD, Bigras-Poulin M. 2000. Evaluation of the Early Conception Factor (ECF) dipstick test in dairy cows between days 11 and 15 post-breeding. Bovine Practitioner, 34:87–91.
  • DesCôteaux L, Colloton J, Gayrard V, Picard-Hagen N. 2010. Bovine pregnancy. Editors: DesCôteaux L, Colloton J, Gnemmi G. Ruminant and camelid reproductive ultrasonography. WilleyBlackwell, Hong Kong, pp.81-124.
  • Dinç DA. 2008. Ultrason fiziği ve ineklerde reprodüktif ultrasonografi. 1. Baskı, ATAVET, Konya.
  • Dionysius DA. 1991. Pregnancy diagnosis in dairy goats and cows using progesterone assay kits. Australian Veterinary Journal, 68(1):14-16.
  • Ducharme N, Gilbert R, Smith DF. 1990. Atresia coli: genetics or iatrogenics? Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Theriogenology, Toronto, ON, s.112.
  • Fiandanese N, Viglino A, Strozzi F, Stella A, Williams JL, Lonergan P, Forde N, Iamartin D. 2016. Circulating microRNAs as potential biomarkers of early pregnancy in high producing dairy cows. Reproduction Fertility and Development, 28(2):165.
  • Fricke PM, Ricci A, Carvalho PD, Amundson MC. 2015. Milk vs. Blood - which is best for PAG pregnancy prediction? Western Dairy Management Conference, 3-5 March 2015, Reno, NV.
  • Fricke PM, Ricci A, Giordano JO, Carvalho PD. 2016. Methods for and implementation of pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cows. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice, 32:165-180.
  • Fricke PM. 2002. Scanning the future –ultrasonography as a reproductive management tool for dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 85:1918-1926.
  • Fricke PM. 2011. Use of chemical tests for pregnancy diagnosis in a reproductive management program. Proceeding Dairy Cattle Reproduction Conference, Kansas City, MO, p.48-56.
  • Friedrich M, Holtz W. 2010. Establishment of an ELISA for measuring bovine pregnancy-associated glycoprotein in serum or milk and its application for early pregnancy detection. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45(1):142-146.
  • Gábor G, Tóth F, Ozsvári L, Abonyi-Tóth Z, Sasser RG. 2007. Early detection of pregnancy and embryonic loss in dairy cattle by ELISA tests. Re Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 42(6):633-636.
  • Gajewski Z, Petrajtis-Gołobów M, Melo de Sousa N, Beckers JF, Pawliński B, Wehrend A. 2014. Comparison of accuracy of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) concentration in blood and milk for early pregnancy diagnosis in cows. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd, 156(12):585-590.
  • Gandy B, Tucker W, Ryan P, Williams A, Tucker A, Moore A, Godfrey R, Willard S. 2001.Evaluation of the early conception factor (ECFtm) test for the detection of nonpregnancy in dairy cattle. Theriogenology, 56:637-647.
  • Gordon I. 2004. Reproductive Technologies in Farm Animals. 1th ed, CABI Publishing, UK. p. 215-235.
  • Grewal AS, Wallace ALC, Pan YS. Rigby NW, Donnelly JB, Eagleson GK, Nancarrow CD. 1985. Evaluation of a rosette inhibition test for pregnancy diagnosis in pigs. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 7(2):129–138.
  • Güzeloğlu A. 2006. İneklerde gebeligin maternal kabulü sürecinde anti-luteolizisin moleküler mekanizması. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(1-2):83-88.
  • Hirako M, Takahashi T, Domeki I. 2002. Peripheral changes in estrone sulfate concentration during the first trimester of gestation in cattle: comparison with unconjugated estrogens and relationship to fetal number. Theriogenology, 57(7):1939-1947.
  • Hoffman B, Wagner WC, Hixon JE, Bahr J. 1979. Observations concerning the functional status of the corpus luteum and the placenta around parturition in the cow. Animal Reproduction Science, 2(3-4):253-266.
  • Ioannidis J, Donadeu FX. 2016. Circulating miRNA signatures of early pregnancy in cattle. BMC Genomics, 17(1):1-12.
  • İzgür H, Küplülü Ş, Vural R, Salmanoğlu R, Kılıçoğlu Ç, Özdemir İ, Çerçel Ü. 1995. Süt progesteron test kitlerinin erken gebelik ve östrusların saptanmasında ultrasonografi ile karşılaştırmalı olarak kullanılması. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 42:71-75.
  • Karen A, de Sousa NM, Beckers JF, Bajcsy AC, Tibold J, Madl I, Szenci O. 2015. Comparison of a commercial bovine pregnancy-associatedglycoprotein ELISA test and a pregnancy-associated glycoprotein radioimmunoassay test for early pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cattle. Animal Reproduction Science, 159:31-37.
  • Kaya MS, Köse M, Bozkaya F, Mutlu H, Uçar EH, Atlı MO. 2016. Early pregnancy diagnosis using a commercial ELISA test based on pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in Holstein-Friesian heifers and lactating cows. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 40:1-6.
  • Laleh VG, Laleh RG, Pirany N, Ahrabi MM. 2008. Measurement of EPF for detection of cow pregnancy using rosette inhibition test. Theriogenology, 70(1):105-107.
  • Lash GE, Legge M, Fisher M.1997. Synthesis of early pregnancy factor using red deer (Cervus elaphus) as a delayed implantation model. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 14(1):39–43.
  • Lawson BC, Shahzad AH, Dolecheck KA, Martel EL, Velek KA, Ray DL, Lawrence JC, Silvia WJ. 2014. A pregnancy detection assay using milk samples: evaluation and considerations. Journal of Dairy Science, 97:6316–6325.
  • LeBlanc SJ. 2013. Short communication: field evaluation of a pregnancy confirmation test using milk samples in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 96:2345–2348.
  • Lobago F, Bekana M, Gustafsson H, Beckers JF, Yohannes G, Aster Y, Kindahl H. 2008. Serum profiles of pregnancy‐associated glycoprotein, oestrone sulphate and progesterone during gestation and some factors influencing the profiles in Ethiopian Borana and crossbred cattle. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 44(4):685-692.
  • López-Gatius F, Garbayo JM, Santolaria P, Y´aniz J, Ayad A, deSousa NM, Beckers JF. 2007. Milk production correlates negatively with plasma levels of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) during the early fetal period in high producing dairy cows with live fetuses. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 32:29–42.
  • Lucy M, Poock S. 2012. Pregnancy determination by palpation and beyond. Proceedings Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, 3 - 4 December 2012; Sioux Falls, SD, p.309-318.
  • Mercadante PM, Ribeiro ES, Risco C, Ealy AD. 2016. Associations between pregnancy-associated glycoproteins and pregnancy outcomes, milk yield, parity, and clinical diseases in high-producing dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(4): 3031-3040.
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Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Derlemeler

Mehmet Akköse 0000-0001-7517-4927

Çiğdem Çebi Şen

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Eylül 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 60 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Akköse, M., & Çebi Şen, Ç. (2019). Sütçü Sığırlarda Erken Gebelik Tanısı. Journal of Animal Production, 60(2), 171-179.


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