Both Zerkeshî’s (794/1392) el-Burhân fi Ulûmi'l-Kur'ân and Suyûtî’s (911/1505) el-İtkân fi Ulûmi’l-Kur’an have a significant influence on the creation of the shape and context of the books which entitled “Qur’anic Sciences”. At the same time, because they were penned in order to create the method of tafsir (exegesis), they are the leader in the understanding of the books entitled ulumu’l-Kur’an (Qur’anic Sciences) as usûlu’t-tefsîr (the methodology of tafsir). From this point, some researchers examined whether Qur’anic sciences are usûl (methodology), if not, to what extent they contributed on the understanding of Qur’an. In this respect, Qur’anic researchers criticized the aforementioned books. It is put forth that these books collected the information related with Qur’an but they are not sufficient for the method of tafsir.