With this research it is aimed to reveal the literature view on the sustainability of hospitals by examining the thesis studies conducted in Turkey on green/sustainable hospitals and to be a guide for researchers who want to research the subject. In addition, in line with the thesis studies carried out, it is aimed to reveal the views on the sustainability of hospitals in Turkey. The research included bibliographic and descriptive content analysis of master's and doctoral theses related to sustainable hospitals. The research was carried out using the database provided by the National Thesis Center. Although the theses on sustainable hospitals in the National Thesis Center are carried out in many different departments, it has been determined that they are mainly carried out in architecture and business. It has been determined that the most researched content in theses is to evaluate hospitals' compliance with sustainability criteria. In line with the results obtained from the studies carried out, it has been determined that the criteria for the sustainability of the hospitals differ. Although the green hospital evaluation form is primarily used in the thesis studies on sustainable hospitals, it has been determined that different evaluation tools are used in general, and a standard evaluation tool is not used. In addition, it was determined that a total of 161 hospitals (the same hospital may have been evaluated more than once) were examined in the studies, and the majority of these hospitals were state hospitals. Researchers have observed that researchers focus on different issues in evaluating the sustainability of hospitals. It has been understood that compliance with legal criteria is considered important in terms of being a green hospital in the examined hospitals. It has been concluded that there are various obstacles related to the sustainability of hospitals. According to the results obtained from the research findings, various suggestions were developed for the researchers.