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Çevresel Tutumların ve Çevresel Davranışların, Çevresel Duyarlılık ve Algılanan Çevresel Riskler ile İlişkisi

Yıl 2020, , 231 - 251, 20.10.2020


Bu çalışmada öğrencilerin çevresel tutum ve davranışları ile çevresel duyarlılıkları ve algılanan çevresel riskler arasındaki ilişkinin belirlemesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma, 2018-19 akademik yılında 361 Sağlık Yüksekokulu öğrencisi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Veriler Çevresel Tutum Ölçeği (ÇTÖ), Çevresel Davranış Ölçeği (ÇDÖ), Çevresel Duyarlılık Ölçeği (ÇDUÖ) ve Çevresel Risk Algısı Ölçeği (ÇRAÖ) ile toplanmıştır. Çok Değişkenli Doğrusal Regresyon Analizine göre: ÇTÖ ile ÇRAÖ 'nün Kimyasal Atık Riski alt ölçeği arasında (p <0,01) ve ÇDUÖ ve ÇDÖ alt ölçekleri arasında pozitif bir ilişki saptandı (p <0,001). ÇDÖ 'nün Geri Dönüşüm Çabaları alt ölçeği ile ÇRAÖ ’nün Kimyasal Atık Riski alt ölçeği arasında ve ÇRAÖ 'nün Kaynakların Tükenmesi alt ölçeği ve ÇDÖ alt ölçeği arasında pozitif ilişki bulundu (p <0,05). Çevresel duyarlılık çevresel davranışları olumlu yönde etkilemiştir, ancak çevresel tutumların belirleyicisi değildir. Algılanan bazı çevresel riskler, çevresel davranışlar ve çevresel tutumlarda önemli bir rol oynamıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • Akcay, S. & Pekel, F.O. (2017). Investigation of Prospective Teachers’ Environmental Awareness and Sensitivity in terms of Different Variables. Elementary Education Online, 16, 1174-1184.
  • Alaydin, E., Demirel, G., Altin, S. & Altin, A. (2014). Environmental Knowledge of Primary School Students: Zonguldak (Turkey) Example. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 141, 1150-1155.
  • Altunoglu, B.D. & Atav, E. (2009). Secondary Scchool Students’ Environmental Risk Perception. HUJE, 36, 1-11.
  • Azak, A. (2018). Determining Mindfulness Levels in Nursing Students. HEAD, 15, 170-176.
  • Aznar-Díaz, I., Hinojo-Lucena, F.J., Cáceres-Reche, M.P., Trujillo-Torres, J.M. & Romero-Rodríguez, J.M. (2019). Environmental Attitudes in Trainee Teachers in Primary Education. The Future of Biodiversity Preservation and Environmental Pollution. IJERPH, 16, 362: 1-11.
  • Bamberg, S. & Rees, J. (2015). Environmental Attitudes and Behavior: Measurement. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd ed.; Editor James D. Wright, Elsevier: Oxford, 7, 699–705.
  • Bilgin, A., Radziemska, M. & Fronczyk, J. (2016). Determination of Risk Perceptions of University Students and Evaluating Their Environmental Awareness in Poland. CSJ, 37, 418-425.
  • Bostancioglu, D., Saracoglu, G.V. & Ozturk, M. (2017). Environmental Awareness and Attitude Levels of Students, and the Investigation of the Factors Affecting Them. Journal of Academic Sight, 60, 266-278.
  • Byrka, K., Hartig, T. & Kaiser, F.G. (2010). Environmental attitude as a mediator of the relationship between psychological restoration in nature and self-reported ecological behavior. Psychol Rep, 107, 847-859.
  • Cabuk, B. & Karacaoglu, C. (2003). Examination of Sensitivity of University Students. AU JFES, 36, 189-198.
  • Casalo, L.V. & Escario, J.J. (2018). Heterogeneity in the association between environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behavior: A multilevel regression approach. J Clean Prod, 175, 155-163.
  • Celik, S., Basaran, T., Gokalp, M.T., Yesildal, M. & Han, O. (2016). Nursing Department and Medical Faculty Students’ Attitudes towards Environmental Problems. HSP, 3, 91-98.
  • Crumpei, I., Boncu, S. & Crumpei, G. (2014). Environmental Attitudes and Ecological Moral Reasoning in Romanian Students. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 114, 461-465.
  • Doguc, E. & Arikan, G. (2018). Investigation of Enviromental Attitudes and Behaviors of Health Management Students (Gazi University Sample). IJEAS, 17, 293-306.
  • Eilam, E. & Trop, T. (2012). Environmental Attitudes and Environmental Behavior—Which Is the Horse and Which Is the Cart? Sustainability, 4, 2210-2246.
  • Erdal, H., Erdal, G. & Yucel, M. (2013). Environmental Awareness Research for University Students: Case of Gaziosmanpasa University. Gaziosmanpasa J Sci Res, 4, 57-65.
  • Guven, E. & Aydogdu, M. (2012). Development of an Awareness Scale and Determination of Teacher Candidates’ Awareness Levels Regarding Environmental Problems. JTEE, 1, 185-202.
  • Halkos, G. & Matsiori, S. (2017). Environmental attitude, motivations and values for marine biodiversity protection. Journal of Socio-Economics, 69, 61–70.
  • Hamarat, B., Guler, O., Duran, E., Gumus, M. & Tufan, E. (2014). Does Environmental Threat, Environmental Consciousnes, and Environmental Attitude Affect Environment Based Behaviour? The Case of Ngo’s in Çanakkale. Usak Uni J Soc Sci, 18, 26-56.
  • Kaiser, F.G., Wölfing, S. & Fuhrer, U. (1999). Environmental Attitude and Ecological Behavior. J Environ Psychol, 19, 1-19.
  • Karahan-Okuroglu, G. (2012). The Impact of Nursing Education on Students’ Attitudes Towards The Environment. J Res Dev Nurs, 14, 27-38.
  • Latif, S.A., Omara, M.S., Bidina, Y.H. & Awangb, Z. (2013). Role of Environmental Knowledge in Creating Pro-Environmental Residents. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 105, 866-874.
  • Lingqiong, W. (2018). The relationships between environmental sensitivity, ecological worldview, personal norms and pro-environmental behaviors in Chinese children: Testing the value-belief-norm model with environmental sensitivity as an emotional basis. PsyCh Journal, 1-11. doi:10.1002/pchj.217.
  • Maleki, A. & Karimzadeh, S. (2011). A survey of relationship between the environmental attitudes and environmental knowledge and energy consumption behavior among citizens of Urmia, West Azerbaijan, Iran. IJ-SSHS, 3, 27-37.
  • Marquart-Pyatt, S.T. (2007). Concern for the Environment among General Publics: A Cross-National Study. Society & Natural Resources, 20, 883-898.
  • McIlroy, R.C. & Stanton, N.A. (2016). What do people know about eco-driving? Ergonomics, 60, 754–769.
  • Milfont, T.L., Wilson, J. & Diniz, P. (2012). Time perspective and environmental engagement: A meta-analysis. Int J Psychol, 47, 325-334.
  • Okur-Berberoglu, E. & Uygun, S. (2012). Checking Over Relationship Between Environmental Awareness and Environmental Attitudes by Structural Equation Modelling. J Uludag Univ Faculty of Education, 25, 459-473.
  • Ozcan, S., Soysal, M., Ek, H.N. & Kilinc, N. (2018). Opinion And Attitudes towards Environmental Problems of Environmental Health Pre-License Program’s Students in Turkey. Kastamonu Educ J, 26, 975-983.
  • Paço, A. & Lavrador, T. (2017). Environmental knowledge and attitudes and behaviours towards energy consumption. J Environ Manage,197, 384-392.
  • Pavalanche-Ilie, M. & Cazan, A.M. (2018). Personality correlates of pro-environmental attitudes. Int J Environ Heal R, 28, 71-78.
  • Sadik, F. & Sadik, S. (2014). A study on environmental knowledge and attitudes of teacher candidates. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 116, 2379 – 2385.
  • Sama, E. (2003). Teacher Candidates’ Attitudes toward Environmental Problems. GUJGEF, 23, 99-110.
  • Sapci, O. & Considine, T. (2014). The link between environmental attitudes and energy consumption behavior. Journal of Socio-Economics, 52, 29-34.
  • Sayan, B. & Kaya, H. (2016). Assessment of the environmental risk perceptions and environmental attitudes of nursing students. Contemp Nurse, 52, 771-781.
  • Schmitt, M.T., Aknin, L.B., Axsen, J. & Shwom, R.L. (2018). Unpacking the Relationships between Pro-environmental Behavior, Life Satisfaction, and Perceived Ecological Threat. Ecological Economics, 143, 130–140.
  • Senyurt, A., Temel, A.B. & Ozkahraman, S. (2011). Investigation of Attitude for Environmental Issues of University Students. SDU J Health Sci, 2, 8-15.
  • Tamam, I., Yurekli, M.V., Basaran, O., Uskun, E. (2017). Awareness towards Environmental Problems and Environmental Attitudes of Medical Students. Smyrna Med J, 8-17.
  • Tari Selcuk, K., Mercan, Y. & Cevik, C. (2016). Environmental Risk Perception of Nursing Students and Related Factors. Int Refereed J Nurs Res (UHD), 7, 116-135.
  • Tastepe, T. & Aral, N. (2014). Investigation of University Students’ Environmental Knowledge & Attitude. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 3, 142-153.
  • Timur, S. & Yilmaz, M. (2013). Adaptation of Environmental Behavior Scale to Turkish. GUJGEF, 33, 317-333.
  • Turkmen, M., Sarikaya, M. & Saygili, N. (2013). A Study on the Effect of Students’ Environmental Sensitivity on Buying Behavior: The Case of Sakarya University. J Soc Sci Humanit 5, 238-249.
  • Unuvar, S., Kilinc, C., Sari Gök, H. & Salvarcı, S. (2018). The Impact of Tourism Students’ Green Product Preferences on Purchase Intention. JOTAGS, 6, 20-40.
  • Unver, S., Avcibası, I.M. & Ozkan, Z.K. (2015). Determination of environmental attitudes and awareness of nurses working in university hospital. J Anatolia Nurse Health Sci, 18, 282-286.
  • Uyanık, G. (2017). Investigation of the Attitudes towards Environmental Issues and Knowledge Levels of Prospective Teachers. OMU J Fac Educ, 36, 133-145.
  • Uyanik, G. (2016). Effect of the Environmental Education Based on Transformational Learning Theory to Sensitivity and Attitudes towards Environmental Problems. YYU Journal of Education Faculty, 13, 760-784.
  • Yalmancı, S.G. & Gözüm, A.I.C. (2019). The Study of Whether Receiving A Pre-School Education Is A Predictive Factor in The Attitudes of High School Students Toward The Environment According to Their Environmental Ethics Approach. IEJEE, 9, 18-32.
  • Yapici, G., Ogenler, O., Kurt, A.O., Koçaş, F. & Şaşmaz, T. (2017). Assessment of Environmental Attitudes and Risk Perceptions among University Students in Mersin, Turkey. J Environ Public Health, 1-8. ID: 5650926.
  • Zhang, L., He, G., Mol, A.P.J. & Lu, Y. (2013). Public perceptions of environmental risk in China. J Risk Res, 16, 195–209.
  • Zayimoglu Ozturk, F., Ozturk, T. & Sahin, A. (2015). The Investigation of Primary School Teacher Candidates’ Efficacy Perception of Environmental Education. Amasya Educ J, 4, 293-311.

The Relationship between ‘Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors’, and ‘Environmental Sensitivity and Perceived Environmental Risks’

Yıl 2020, , 231 - 251, 20.10.2020


The study aims to determine the relationship between students’ environmental attitudes and behaviors, and their environmental sensitivity and perceived environmental risks. The study was conducted with 361 Health School students in the 2018-19 academic years. Data were collected by the Environmental Attitude Scale (EAS), Environmental Behavior Scale (EBS), Environmental Sensitivity Scale (ESS), and Environmental Risk Perception Scale (ERPS). According to Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis: There was a positive association between EAS and the Chemical Waste Risk subscale of the ERPS (p<0.01); and also, between the ESS and subscales of the EBS (p<0.001). Another positive association was found between the Recycling Efforts subscale of the EBS and Chemical Waste Risk subscale of the ERPS and between Resource Depletion subscale of the ERPS and subscales of the EBS (p<0.05). Environmental sensitivity affected environmental behaviors positively but it was not a determinant of environmental attitudes. Some of the perceived environmental risks played an important role in existing environmental behaviors and environmental attitudes.

Proje Numarası



  • Akcay, S. & Pekel, F.O. (2017). Investigation of Prospective Teachers’ Environmental Awareness and Sensitivity in terms of Different Variables. Elementary Education Online, 16, 1174-1184.
  • Alaydin, E., Demirel, G., Altin, S. & Altin, A. (2014). Environmental Knowledge of Primary School Students: Zonguldak (Turkey) Example. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 141, 1150-1155.
  • Altunoglu, B.D. & Atav, E. (2009). Secondary Scchool Students’ Environmental Risk Perception. HUJE, 36, 1-11.
  • Azak, A. (2018). Determining Mindfulness Levels in Nursing Students. HEAD, 15, 170-176.
  • Aznar-Díaz, I., Hinojo-Lucena, F.J., Cáceres-Reche, M.P., Trujillo-Torres, J.M. & Romero-Rodríguez, J.M. (2019). Environmental Attitudes in Trainee Teachers in Primary Education. The Future of Biodiversity Preservation and Environmental Pollution. IJERPH, 16, 362: 1-11.
  • Bamberg, S. & Rees, J. (2015). Environmental Attitudes and Behavior: Measurement. In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd ed.; Editor James D. Wright, Elsevier: Oxford, 7, 699–705.
  • Bilgin, A., Radziemska, M. & Fronczyk, J. (2016). Determination of Risk Perceptions of University Students and Evaluating Their Environmental Awareness in Poland. CSJ, 37, 418-425.
  • Bostancioglu, D., Saracoglu, G.V. & Ozturk, M. (2017). Environmental Awareness and Attitude Levels of Students, and the Investigation of the Factors Affecting Them. Journal of Academic Sight, 60, 266-278.
  • Byrka, K., Hartig, T. & Kaiser, F.G. (2010). Environmental attitude as a mediator of the relationship between psychological restoration in nature and self-reported ecological behavior. Psychol Rep, 107, 847-859.
  • Cabuk, B. & Karacaoglu, C. (2003). Examination of Sensitivity of University Students. AU JFES, 36, 189-198.
  • Casalo, L.V. & Escario, J.J. (2018). Heterogeneity in the association between environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behavior: A multilevel regression approach. J Clean Prod, 175, 155-163.
  • Celik, S., Basaran, T., Gokalp, M.T., Yesildal, M. & Han, O. (2016). Nursing Department and Medical Faculty Students’ Attitudes towards Environmental Problems. HSP, 3, 91-98.
  • Crumpei, I., Boncu, S. & Crumpei, G. (2014). Environmental Attitudes and Ecological Moral Reasoning in Romanian Students. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 114, 461-465.
  • Doguc, E. & Arikan, G. (2018). Investigation of Enviromental Attitudes and Behaviors of Health Management Students (Gazi University Sample). IJEAS, 17, 293-306.
  • Eilam, E. & Trop, T. (2012). Environmental Attitudes and Environmental Behavior—Which Is the Horse and Which Is the Cart? Sustainability, 4, 2210-2246.
  • Erdal, H., Erdal, G. & Yucel, M. (2013). Environmental Awareness Research for University Students: Case of Gaziosmanpasa University. Gaziosmanpasa J Sci Res, 4, 57-65.
  • Guven, E. & Aydogdu, M. (2012). Development of an Awareness Scale and Determination of Teacher Candidates’ Awareness Levels Regarding Environmental Problems. JTEE, 1, 185-202.
  • Halkos, G. & Matsiori, S. (2017). Environmental attitude, motivations and values for marine biodiversity protection. Journal of Socio-Economics, 69, 61–70.
  • Hamarat, B., Guler, O., Duran, E., Gumus, M. & Tufan, E. (2014). Does Environmental Threat, Environmental Consciousnes, and Environmental Attitude Affect Environment Based Behaviour? The Case of Ngo’s in Çanakkale. Usak Uni J Soc Sci, 18, 26-56.
  • Kaiser, F.G., Wölfing, S. & Fuhrer, U. (1999). Environmental Attitude and Ecological Behavior. J Environ Psychol, 19, 1-19.
  • Karahan-Okuroglu, G. (2012). The Impact of Nursing Education on Students’ Attitudes Towards The Environment. J Res Dev Nurs, 14, 27-38.
  • Latif, S.A., Omara, M.S., Bidina, Y.H. & Awangb, Z. (2013). Role of Environmental Knowledge in Creating Pro-Environmental Residents. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 105, 866-874.
  • Lingqiong, W. (2018). The relationships between environmental sensitivity, ecological worldview, personal norms and pro-environmental behaviors in Chinese children: Testing the value-belief-norm model with environmental sensitivity as an emotional basis. PsyCh Journal, 1-11. doi:10.1002/pchj.217.
  • Maleki, A. & Karimzadeh, S. (2011). A survey of relationship between the environmental attitudes and environmental knowledge and energy consumption behavior among citizens of Urmia, West Azerbaijan, Iran. IJ-SSHS, 3, 27-37.
  • Marquart-Pyatt, S.T. (2007). Concern for the Environment among General Publics: A Cross-National Study. Society & Natural Resources, 20, 883-898.
  • McIlroy, R.C. & Stanton, N.A. (2016). What do people know about eco-driving? Ergonomics, 60, 754–769.
  • Milfont, T.L., Wilson, J. & Diniz, P. (2012). Time perspective and environmental engagement: A meta-analysis. Int J Psychol, 47, 325-334.
  • Okur-Berberoglu, E. & Uygun, S. (2012). Checking Over Relationship Between Environmental Awareness and Environmental Attitudes by Structural Equation Modelling. J Uludag Univ Faculty of Education, 25, 459-473.
  • Ozcan, S., Soysal, M., Ek, H.N. & Kilinc, N. (2018). Opinion And Attitudes towards Environmental Problems of Environmental Health Pre-License Program’s Students in Turkey. Kastamonu Educ J, 26, 975-983.
  • Paço, A. & Lavrador, T. (2017). Environmental knowledge and attitudes and behaviours towards energy consumption. J Environ Manage,197, 384-392.
  • Pavalanche-Ilie, M. & Cazan, A.M. (2018). Personality correlates of pro-environmental attitudes. Int J Environ Heal R, 28, 71-78.
  • Sadik, F. & Sadik, S. (2014). A study on environmental knowledge and attitudes of teacher candidates. Procedia Soc Behav Sci, 116, 2379 – 2385.
  • Sama, E. (2003). Teacher Candidates’ Attitudes toward Environmental Problems. GUJGEF, 23, 99-110.
  • Sapci, O. & Considine, T. (2014). The link between environmental attitudes and energy consumption behavior. Journal of Socio-Economics, 52, 29-34.
  • Sayan, B. & Kaya, H. (2016). Assessment of the environmental risk perceptions and environmental attitudes of nursing students. Contemp Nurse, 52, 771-781.
  • Schmitt, M.T., Aknin, L.B., Axsen, J. & Shwom, R.L. (2018). Unpacking the Relationships between Pro-environmental Behavior, Life Satisfaction, and Perceived Ecological Threat. Ecological Economics, 143, 130–140.
  • Senyurt, A., Temel, A.B. & Ozkahraman, S. (2011). Investigation of Attitude for Environmental Issues of University Students. SDU J Health Sci, 2, 8-15.
  • Tamam, I., Yurekli, M.V., Basaran, O., Uskun, E. (2017). Awareness towards Environmental Problems and Environmental Attitudes of Medical Students. Smyrna Med J, 8-17.
  • Tari Selcuk, K., Mercan, Y. & Cevik, C. (2016). Environmental Risk Perception of Nursing Students and Related Factors. Int Refereed J Nurs Res (UHD), 7, 116-135.
  • Tastepe, T. & Aral, N. (2014). Investigation of University Students’ Environmental Knowledge & Attitude. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 3, 142-153.
  • Timur, S. & Yilmaz, M. (2013). Adaptation of Environmental Behavior Scale to Turkish. GUJGEF, 33, 317-333.
  • Turkmen, M., Sarikaya, M. & Saygili, N. (2013). A Study on the Effect of Students’ Environmental Sensitivity on Buying Behavior: The Case of Sakarya University. J Soc Sci Humanit 5, 238-249.
  • Unuvar, S., Kilinc, C., Sari Gök, H. & Salvarcı, S. (2018). The Impact of Tourism Students’ Green Product Preferences on Purchase Intention. JOTAGS, 6, 20-40.
  • Unver, S., Avcibası, I.M. & Ozkan, Z.K. (2015). Determination of environmental attitudes and awareness of nurses working in university hospital. J Anatolia Nurse Health Sci, 18, 282-286.
  • Uyanık, G. (2017). Investigation of the Attitudes towards Environmental Issues and Knowledge Levels of Prospective Teachers. OMU J Fac Educ, 36, 133-145.
  • Uyanik, G. (2016). Effect of the Environmental Education Based on Transformational Learning Theory to Sensitivity and Attitudes towards Environmental Problems. YYU Journal of Education Faculty, 13, 760-784.
  • Yalmancı, S.G. & Gözüm, A.I.C. (2019). The Study of Whether Receiving A Pre-School Education Is A Predictive Factor in The Attitudes of High School Students Toward The Environment According to Their Environmental Ethics Approach. IEJEE, 9, 18-32.
  • Yapici, G., Ogenler, O., Kurt, A.O., Koçaş, F. & Şaşmaz, T. (2017). Assessment of Environmental Attitudes and Risk Perceptions among University Students in Mersin, Turkey. J Environ Public Health, 1-8. ID: 5650926.
  • Zhang, L., He, G., Mol, A.P.J. & Lu, Y. (2013). Public perceptions of environmental risk in China. J Risk Res, 16, 195–209.
  • Zayimoglu Ozturk, F., Ozturk, T. & Sahin, A. (2015). The Investigation of Primary School Teacher Candidates’ Efficacy Perception of Environmental Education. Amasya Educ J, 4, 293-311.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yeliz Mercan 0000-0002-7099-4536

Sibel Işık Mercan 0000-0001-5174-5692

Proje Numarası Yok
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ekim 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Mercan, Y., & Işık Mercan, S. (2020). The Relationship between ‘Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors’, and ‘Environmental Sensitivity and Perceived Environmental Risks’. Humanistic Perspective, 2(3), 231-251.

Humanistic Perspective - 2019

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