Schools are an important part of societies, and were closed all around the world to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. A total of 1.6 billion students continued their education through various methods in the world in this process, which caused deep inequalities among students such as increased child labor, inability to access distance education, and affecting the mental health negatively. Studies and the experiences of international organizations in this regard show that students are less likely to catch the Covid-19 pandemic at schools, they are less contagious to each other, and the disease is mild for them. Each country implemented health and safety strategies by taking public health measures to ensure the continuity of face-to-face education in schools and to protect all individuals at schools from the Covid-19 pandemic, such as reducing the number of students in classes, wearing masks, social distancing, hand hygiene, fever measurement and symptom monitoring, vaccination application, quarantine application, ventilation, crowded environment in line with its own conditions. International organizations have recommended that a school health team or a school nurse be involved in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in schools. Review Covid-19 outbreaks in closing schools for the reopening of the school health and safety and continuity strategies applied in the development of countries/United States of America from all over the world regardless of their level of immaturity, China, Denmark, Norway, Singapore, Taiwan, India and Turkey, the countries of Africa and the countries of the African continent to implement the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the African continent and thus selected a country from the Covid-19 outbreaks in schools health and safety strategies: the article titled country examples has been reviewed in accordance with the literature and is intended to contribute to the literature.