Treatment of Upper Eyelid Agenesis in a Scottish Fold Cat Using Cauterization and Modified Holtz- Celsus Surgical Technique
Yıl 2024,
, 155 - 158, 31.08.2024
Burak Gürkaş
Murat Karabağlı
Tuğba Kurt
A six-month-old, female Scottish fold cat was presented to our Surgery Department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Istanbul-Cerrahpasa due to complaints of blepharospasm, keratitis and epiphora in right eyes present since birth. In the ocular examination, lacking a part of the palpebra in the right eye and secondary trichiasis were observed. Palpebral defects and secondary trichiasis were repaired using an epilation, cauterization and modified Holtz-Celsus surgical technique. This technique provided a good cosmetic appearance and functional outcome to the patient.
- Beel, J. (2015, November 23). Bilateral upper eyelid coloboma in a cat: surgical treatment. Retrieved from
- Demir, A., & Karagözoğlu, G. S. (2019). Reconstruction of bilateral upper eyelid coloboma in a domestic shorthaired cat using roberts and bistner technique. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 12(2), 213-220.
- Diaz, J., & Grundon, R. (2015, July 13). Diagnosis and treatment of entropion in felines. Retrieved from
- Esson, D. W., & Calvarese S. (2022). Eyelid agenesis. In D.W. Esson, S.Calverese (ed) Clinical atlas of canine and feline ophtalmic disease 2th ed. (pp. 62). California, USA: Wiley- Blackwell.
- Etemadi, F., Fard, R. M. N., Tamimi, N., Rezaei, M., Vahedi, S. M., Golshahi, H. & Seyed, A. J. (2013). Coincidence of upper eyelid coloboma with posterior synechia in a cat: a case report. Journal of Veterinary Science &Technology, 4(4), 139.
- Page, L., Gruaz, M., & Praag, E. (2016, May). Newborn rabbit with a congenital upper eyelid agenesis and a cephalocele. Retrieved from
- Warren, C., Grodzanic, S., & Reinstein, S. (2020). Use of free oral mucosal graft for treatment of feline eyelid agenesis in seven patients. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 23(4), 659-667.
- Whittaker, C. J. G., Wilkie, D. A., Simpson, D. J., Deykin, A., Smith, J. S., & Robinson, C. L. (2010). Lip commissure to eyelid tansposition for repair of feline eyelid agenesis. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 13(3), 173-178.
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Yıl 2024,
, 155 - 158, 31.08.2024
Burak Gürkaş
Murat Karabağlı
Tuğba Kurt
- Beel, J. (2015, November 23). Bilateral upper eyelid coloboma in a cat: surgical treatment. Retrieved from
- Demir, A., & Karagözoğlu, G. S. (2019). Reconstruction of bilateral upper eyelid coloboma in a domestic shorthaired cat using roberts and bistner technique. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 12(2), 213-220.
- Diaz, J., & Grundon, R. (2015, July 13). Diagnosis and treatment of entropion in felines. Retrieved from
- Esson, D. W., & Calvarese S. (2022). Eyelid agenesis. In D.W. Esson, S.Calverese (ed) Clinical atlas of canine and feline ophtalmic disease 2th ed. (pp. 62). California, USA: Wiley- Blackwell.
- Etemadi, F., Fard, R. M. N., Tamimi, N., Rezaei, M., Vahedi, S. M., Golshahi, H. & Seyed, A. J. (2013). Coincidence of upper eyelid coloboma with posterior synechia in a cat: a case report. Journal of Veterinary Science &Technology, 4(4), 139.
- Page, L., Gruaz, M., & Praag, E. (2016, May). Newborn rabbit with a congenital upper eyelid agenesis and a cephalocele. Retrieved from
- Warren, C., Grodzanic, S., & Reinstein, S. (2020). Use of free oral mucosal graft for treatment of feline eyelid agenesis in seven patients. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 23(4), 659-667.
- Whittaker, C. J. G., Wilkie, D. A., Simpson, D. J., Deykin, A., Smith, J. S., & Robinson, C. L. (2010). Lip commissure to eyelid tansposition for repair of feline eyelid agenesis. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 13(3), 173-178.
- Woerdt, A. (2004). Adnexal surgery in dogs and cats. Veterinary Ophthalmology, 7(5), 284-290.