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The Adventures of Tuscan Ambassador Neri Giraldi in Istanbul (1598)

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 2, 433 - 447, 30.12.2022


In this article the diplomatic initiative of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, which was negotiated with the Ottoman administration in 1598 and ended in failure, will be examined. In the existing literature, the anti-Ottoman activities of the galleys of the Order of St Stefano in the Eastern Mediterranean are considered as the reason for the failure of the negotiations. Although this matter was one of the main issues discussed during the negotiations, there were other factors that played a decisive role in the failed diplomacy. In this regard, the activities of Neri Giraldi, who was sent to Istanbul as the representative of Tuscany, deserve attention. Giraldi’s lack of knowledge about Ottoman administration and diplomatic practices led to some diplomatic mishaps and eventually the failure of the negotiations. Reconstructing the negotiation process in light of the evidence from various archival documents, this article will focus on Tuscan ambassador’s adventures in the Ottoman capital.


  • Acıpınar, M. (2016). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve Floransa. Akdeniz’de diplomasi, Ticaret ve Korsanlık. Ankara: TTK.
  • Argenti, P. (1934). The Expedition of the Florentines to Chios (1599): Described in Contemporary Diplomatic Reports and Military Dispatches. London: John Lane.
  • Archivio di Stato di Venezia. Dispacci degli ambasciatori al senato. Indice. Roma, 1959.
  • Bacqué-Grammont, J. L., S. Kuneralp, and F. Hitzel (Yay. haz.). (1991). Représentants permanents de la France en Turquie (1536-1991) et de la Turquie en France (1797-1991). Istanbul-Paris: Éditions ISIS.
  • Barton, E. and E. Pears. (1893). The Spanish Armada and the Ottoman Porte. The English Historical Review 8(31), 439-466.
  • Coco, C. and F. Manzonetto. (1985). Baili Veneziani alla Sublime Porta, Storia e caratteristiche dell’ ambasciata veneta a Costantinopoli. Venice: Stamperia di Venezia.
  • Contini, A. (2000) Aspects of Medicean Diplomacy in the Sixteenth Century. D. Frigo (Yay. haz.), Politics and Diplomacy in Early Modern Italy, The Structure of Diplomatic Practice, 1450-1800 içinde (ss. 49-96). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000.
  • Coulter, L. (1990) An Examination of the Status and Activities of the English Ambassadors to the Ottoman Porte in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries. Revue Études Sud-Est Europe, XXVIII(1-4), 57-87.
  • Diaz, F. (1987). Il Granducato di Toscana: I Medici. Torino: UTET.
  • Dursteler, E. (2001) The Bailo in Constantinople: Crisis and Career in Venice’s Early Modern Diplomatic Corps. Mediterranean Historical Review, 16(2), 1–30.
  • Dursteler, E. (2009) Power and Information: The Venetian Postal System in the Mediterranean, 1573-1645. From Florence to the Mediterranean: Studies in Honor of Anthony Molho içinde (ss. 601-623). Florence: Olschki.
  • Engels, M. (1997). Merchants, Interlopers, Seamen and Corsairs: The ‘Flemish’ Community in Livorno and Genoa (1615-1635). Verloren: Hilversum.
  • Fasano Guarini, E. (2003). La fondazione del principato: da Cosimo I a Ferdinando I (1530-1609). Storia della città Toscana içinde, vol. III (ss. 3-40). Florence: Le Monnier.
  • Fleet, K. (2013) The Ottomans, 1451-1603: A political history introduction. S. Faroqhi and K. Fleet (Yay. haz.), The Ottoman Empire as World Power, Cambridge History of Turkey içinde, vol. II, (ss. 19-43). Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Fodor, P. Between Two Continental Wars: The Ottoman Naval Preparations in 1590-92. The Quest of the Golden Apple: Imperial Ideology, Politics and Military Administration in the Ottoman Empire içinde, (ss. 171-190). İstanbul: The ISIS Press.
  • Frattarelli Fischer, L. (1989). Livorno città nuova: 1574-1609. Societá e Storia, XI/46, 873-893.
  • Fusaro, M. (2015). Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean. The Decline of Venice and the Rise of England, 1450-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Jensen, D. L. (1985). The Ottoman Turks in Sixteenth Century French Diplomacy. The Sixteenth Century Journal, 16(4), 451-470.
  • Kurat, A. N. (1953). Türk–İngiliz Münasebetlerinin Başlangıcı ve Gelişmesi (1553-1610). Ankara: TTK.
  • Masi, G. (2013). I Rapporti tra il Granducato di Toscana e il Principato di Transilvania (1540-1699). [Doktora Tezi]. Venedik: Università Ca’ Foscari.
  • Mercan, F. Ö. (2016). Medici-Ottoman Diplomatic Relations (1574-78): What Went Wrong? M. Arfaioli ve M. Caroscio (Yay. haz.), The Grand Ducal Medici and the Levant: Material Culture, Diplomacy, and Imagery in the Early Modern Mediterranean içinde (ss. 19-31). Turnhout: Brepols/Harvey Miller Publishers.
  • Mercan, F. Ö. (2020). A Diplomacy woven with textiles: Medici-Ottoman relations during the late Renaissance. Mediterranean Historical Review, 35(2), 169-188.
  • Mercan, F. Ö. (2020). Medicilerin Tuhaf Bir Hediyesi: Şemsi Ahmed Paşa’ya Anıt Mezar. TUBA/ Journal of Turkish Studies, 53, 253-267.
  • Pastore, C. (2011). Bipolar behavior: Ferdinando I de’ Medici and the East. J. G. Harper (Yay. haz.), The Turk and Islam in the Western Eye, 1450-1750 içinde (ss. 129-154). Surrey: Ashgate.
  • Richard, F. (2005). Les Frères Vecchietti, Diplomates, Érudits et Aventuriers. A. Hamilton, M. den Boogert, and B. Westerweel (Eds.). The Republic of Letters and the Levant içinde, (ss. 11-26). Leiden: Brill.
  • Simon, B. (1985). I rappresentanti diplomatici veneziani a Costantinopoli. Venezia e i Turchi içinde (ss. 56-70). Milano: Electa Editrice.
  • Spini, G. (1983). Il Principato dei Medici e il Sistemo degli stati Europei del Cinquecento. Firenze e la Toscana dei Medici nell’ Europa del ‘500 vol. I: Strumenti e veicoli della cultura Relazioni politiche ed economiche içinde, (ss. 177-216). Firenze: Olschki.
  • Vaughan, D. M. (1976). Europe and the Turk: a pattern of alliances, 1350-1700. New York: AMS Press.
  • Woodhead, C. (2009) England, the Ottomans and the Barbary Coast in the Late Sixteenth Century. State Papers Online The Government of Britain, 1509-1714.

Toskana Elçisi Neri Giraldi’nin İstanbul’daki Maceraları (1598)

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 39 Sayı: 2, 433 - 447, 30.12.2022


Bu makalede Toskana Grandukalığının Osmanlı yönetimiyle 1598 yılında müzakere edilen ve başarısızlıkla sonuçlanan diplomatik girişimi ele alınacaktır. Mevcut literatürde müzakerelerin başarısız olmasının nedeni olarak Santo Stefano Tarikatına ait kadırgaların Doğu Akdeniz’de Osmanlı karşıtı faaliyetleri gösterilmiştir. Bu konu görüşmelerde öne çıkan meselelerden biri olsa da müzakerelerin başarısızlıkla sonuçlanmasında başka faktörler de etkin rol oynamıştır. Özellikle Toskana temsilcisi olarak İstanbul’a gönderilen Neri Giraldi’nin faaliyetleri bu anlamda önemlidir. Giraldi’nin Osmanlı yönetimi ve diplomatik uygulamaları konusundaki yetersiz bilgisi birtakım diplomatik krizlere yol açmış, görüşmelerin başarısızlıkla sonuçlanmasına neden olmuştur. Bu makale, çeşitli arşiv belgelerindeki bilgiler ışığında müzakere sürecini yeniden kurgulayarak, Toskana elçisinin Osmanlı başkentindeki maceralarına odaklanacaktır.


  • Acıpınar, M. (2016). Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve Floransa. Akdeniz’de diplomasi, Ticaret ve Korsanlık. Ankara: TTK.
  • Argenti, P. (1934). The Expedition of the Florentines to Chios (1599): Described in Contemporary Diplomatic Reports and Military Dispatches. London: John Lane.
  • Archivio di Stato di Venezia. Dispacci degli ambasciatori al senato. Indice. Roma, 1959.
  • Bacqué-Grammont, J. L., S. Kuneralp, and F. Hitzel (Yay. haz.). (1991). Représentants permanents de la France en Turquie (1536-1991) et de la Turquie en France (1797-1991). Istanbul-Paris: Éditions ISIS.
  • Barton, E. and E. Pears. (1893). The Spanish Armada and the Ottoman Porte. The English Historical Review 8(31), 439-466.
  • Coco, C. and F. Manzonetto. (1985). Baili Veneziani alla Sublime Porta, Storia e caratteristiche dell’ ambasciata veneta a Costantinopoli. Venice: Stamperia di Venezia.
  • Contini, A. (2000) Aspects of Medicean Diplomacy in the Sixteenth Century. D. Frigo (Yay. haz.), Politics and Diplomacy in Early Modern Italy, The Structure of Diplomatic Practice, 1450-1800 içinde (ss. 49-96). Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2000.
  • Coulter, L. (1990) An Examination of the Status and Activities of the English Ambassadors to the Ottoman Porte in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries. Revue Études Sud-Est Europe, XXVIII(1-4), 57-87.
  • Diaz, F. (1987). Il Granducato di Toscana: I Medici. Torino: UTET.
  • Dursteler, E. (2001) The Bailo in Constantinople: Crisis and Career in Venice’s Early Modern Diplomatic Corps. Mediterranean Historical Review, 16(2), 1–30.
  • Dursteler, E. (2009) Power and Information: The Venetian Postal System in the Mediterranean, 1573-1645. From Florence to the Mediterranean: Studies in Honor of Anthony Molho içinde (ss. 601-623). Florence: Olschki.
  • Engels, M. (1997). Merchants, Interlopers, Seamen and Corsairs: The ‘Flemish’ Community in Livorno and Genoa (1615-1635). Verloren: Hilversum.
  • Fasano Guarini, E. (2003). La fondazione del principato: da Cosimo I a Ferdinando I (1530-1609). Storia della città Toscana içinde, vol. III (ss. 3-40). Florence: Le Monnier.
  • Fleet, K. (2013) The Ottomans, 1451-1603: A political history introduction. S. Faroqhi and K. Fleet (Yay. haz.), The Ottoman Empire as World Power, Cambridge History of Turkey içinde, vol. II, (ss. 19-43). Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Fodor, P. Between Two Continental Wars: The Ottoman Naval Preparations in 1590-92. The Quest of the Golden Apple: Imperial Ideology, Politics and Military Administration in the Ottoman Empire içinde, (ss. 171-190). İstanbul: The ISIS Press.
  • Frattarelli Fischer, L. (1989). Livorno città nuova: 1574-1609. Societá e Storia, XI/46, 873-893.
  • Fusaro, M. (2015). Political Economies of Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean. The Decline of Venice and the Rise of England, 1450-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Jensen, D. L. (1985). The Ottoman Turks in Sixteenth Century French Diplomacy. The Sixteenth Century Journal, 16(4), 451-470.
  • Kurat, A. N. (1953). Türk–İngiliz Münasebetlerinin Başlangıcı ve Gelişmesi (1553-1610). Ankara: TTK.
  • Masi, G. (2013). I Rapporti tra il Granducato di Toscana e il Principato di Transilvania (1540-1699). [Doktora Tezi]. Venedik: Università Ca’ Foscari.
  • Mercan, F. Ö. (2016). Medici-Ottoman Diplomatic Relations (1574-78): What Went Wrong? M. Arfaioli ve M. Caroscio (Yay. haz.), The Grand Ducal Medici and the Levant: Material Culture, Diplomacy, and Imagery in the Early Modern Mediterranean içinde (ss. 19-31). Turnhout: Brepols/Harvey Miller Publishers.
  • Mercan, F. Ö. (2020). A Diplomacy woven with textiles: Medici-Ottoman relations during the late Renaissance. Mediterranean Historical Review, 35(2), 169-188.
  • Mercan, F. Ö. (2020). Medicilerin Tuhaf Bir Hediyesi: Şemsi Ahmed Paşa’ya Anıt Mezar. TUBA/ Journal of Turkish Studies, 53, 253-267.
  • Pastore, C. (2011). Bipolar behavior: Ferdinando I de’ Medici and the East. J. G. Harper (Yay. haz.), The Turk and Islam in the Western Eye, 1450-1750 içinde (ss. 129-154). Surrey: Ashgate.
  • Richard, F. (2005). Les Frères Vecchietti, Diplomates, Érudits et Aventuriers. A. Hamilton, M. den Boogert, and B. Westerweel (Eds.). The Republic of Letters and the Levant içinde, (ss. 11-26). Leiden: Brill.
  • Simon, B. (1985). I rappresentanti diplomatici veneziani a Costantinopoli. Venezia e i Turchi içinde (ss. 56-70). Milano: Electa Editrice.
  • Spini, G. (1983). Il Principato dei Medici e il Sistemo degli stati Europei del Cinquecento. Firenze e la Toscana dei Medici nell’ Europa del ‘500 vol. I: Strumenti e veicoli della cultura Relazioni politiche ed economiche içinde, (ss. 177-216). Firenze: Olschki.
  • Vaughan, D. M. (1976). Europe and the Turk: a pattern of alliances, 1350-1700. New York: AMS Press.
  • Woodhead, C. (2009) England, the Ottomans and the Barbary Coast in the Late Sixteenth Century. State Papers Online The Government of Britain, 1509-1714.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Makaleler

Özden Mercan 0000-0001-9531-806X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Kasım 2022
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 25 Kasım 2021
Kabul Tarihi 31 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 39 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Mercan, Ö. (2022). Toskana Elçisi Neri Giraldi’nin İstanbul’daki Maceraları (1598). Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 39(2), 433-447.

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