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Bir İhtilaf Anlatısı: Orhan Pamuk’un Kar Romanı

Yıl 2018, , 53 - 70, 20.04.2018


Nobel ödüllü yazar
Orhan Pamuk Kar (2002) adlı romanında Ermeni, Rus, Osmanlı
gibi farklı medeniyetlerin izlerini barındıran bu nedenle etnik, kültürel ve
politik özellikleri açısından çeşitlilik barındıran Kars şehrini modern Türkiye’de
geçen anlatısının merkezine koyar. Bölge uzmanlarına göre ismi ‘karsu’dan gelen
Kars şehri sınır şehir olması nedeniyle tarihsel olarak kültürel ve politik
çeşitliliğe ve aynı zamanda da karmaşaya ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Bu sebeple, Pamuk’un
Kar romanı geç yirminci yüzyıl
Türkiye’sinin politik, kültürel ve dinsel meselelerine ve gerilimlerine tanık
olarak Kars şehrini mekân olarak kullanırken kökü geçmişe uzanan sosyo-politik
meselelere de şahitlik yapar. Yoksulluk, işsizlik ve intihar gibi saikleri
sosyopolitik köklerde aranması gereken konulara kurgusunda yer veren bu roman,
sekülerizm, milliyetçilik ve İslami diriliş kavramlarını da anlatısının
merkezinde tutar. İçeriğinin karmaşık ve ihtilaf yaratabilecek özellikleri
nedeniyle bu roman, Orhan Pamuk’un yazar olarak politik tavrını anlamlandırmak
açısından eleştirmenler için de tartışmaya açık bir anlatı yaratmıştır. Ancak
öyle görünüyor ki Pamuk’un bu romanda tartışma götüren bir konuyu ele almış
olması onun yazarlık becerilerinin bağlamından çok politik tavrının incelenmesine
daha fazla sebep olmuştur. Bu nedenle, bu makaleyle Pamuk’un Kar romanında belirli bir politik grubun
tarafgirliğini yapmaktansa, okuyucuya radikalizmin tehlikelerini ve öteki
sorunsalını değerlendirmek için çok sesli bir anlatıyla nasıl bir imkân yarattığını


  • Dolu, O., Uludağ, Ş., Doğutaş, C. (2010 ). Suç Korkusu: Nedenleri, Sonuçları ve Güvenlik Politikaları. A.Ü. Siyasal Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 65 (1), 57–81.
  • Ergun, N. and Dundar, D. (2004). Functional Changes as an Indicator of Transformation Near The Old City Centre of Istanbul, European Planning Studies, 12(5),723-738.
  • Ferraro, Kenneth F. (1995). Fear of Crime: Interpreting Victimization Risk. Albany: State University of New York Press. Gaster, S. (1992). Historical Changes in Children’s Access to Us Cities: A Critical Review. Children’s Environments, 9(2), 23–36.
  • Heurlin-Norinder, M. (1996). Children, Environment and Independent Mobility. Paper presented at IAPS 14, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Hillman, M., Adams, J., Whitelegg, J. (1990). One False Move, A Study of Children’s Independent Mobility. London: Policy Studies Institute.
  • Hillman, M. (1999). The Impact of Transport Policy on Children's Development. Paper presented at the Canterbury Safe Routes to Schools Project Seminar, Canterbury Christ Church University College, 29 May 1999. Accessed 29 March 2010, from
  • Huttenmoser M. and Degen-Zimmerman, D. (1995). Lebensraume fur Kinder, Empirische Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung des Wohnumfeldes fur den Alltag und die Entwicklung der Kinder, Bericht 70 desNational Forschungsprogram Stadt und Verkehr(Room for Children: Empirical Research into the Influence of the Daily Environment for Children’s Development, National research Program for City and Transport), Zurich.
  • İBB, (2008). İstanbul İli’ne Ait Fotogrametrik Yöntemle Üretilen 1/1000 Ölçekli Sayısal Halihazır Haritalar. Harita Müdürlüğü: İstanbul.
  • Kytta, M. (2004). The Extent of Children’s Independent Mobility and the Number of Actualized Affordances as Criteria For Child-Friendly Environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24 (2004), 179–198.
  • Leden, L.,Per Gårder, P., Schirokoff, A., Monterde-i-Bort, H., Johansson, C., Basbas,S. (2014). A Sustainable City Environment Through Child Safety and Mobility—A Challenge Based on ITS? Accident Analysis & Prevention, 62, 406-414.
  • Malone, K. (2007). The Bubble-Wrap Generation: Children Growing up in Walled Gardens. Environmental Education Research, 13 (4): 513–527.
  • Norinder, M. H. (1996). Children, Environment and Independent Mobility. In Evolving Environmental Ideals - Changing Way of Life, Values and Design Practices, IAPS 14 Conference Proceedings, 314-323. IAPS. Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Nansen, B., Gibbs, L., MacDougall, C., Vetere, F., Ross, N. J. & J McKendrick, J. (2015). Children's Interdependent Mobility: Compositions, Collaborations and Compromises. Children's Geographies, 13(4), 467-481, Doi: 10.1080/14733285.2014.887813.
  • O’Brien, M., Jones, D., & Sloan, D. (2000). Children’s Independent Spatial Mobility in the Urban Public Realm. Childhood, 7(3), 257–277.
  • Öztoprak, Y., Lux, K.M., Gürsesli, S., İpek, Z., Sezgin, B. G., Göloğlu, C., Bağ, B. (2012). Çocukların Sokakta Oyun Oynamalarına İzin Verilmemesi-Ebeveynin Suç Korkusu İlişkisi, Erişim tarihi:01.11.2017,
  • Reşitoğlu, H.Ü. (2017). Diğerleri için Duyulan Suç Korkusu. SDÜ Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Sayı: 41, ss. 145-160.
  • Ross, N. J. (2007). My Journey to School…: Foregrounding the Meaning of School Journeys and Children’s Engagements and Interactions in Their Everyday Localities. Children’s Geographies, 5(4), 373–391.
  • Rivkin, M. (1997). The Schoolyard Habitat Movement: What it is and Why Children Need it, Early Childhood Education Journal, (25)1, 61-66.
  • Shaw, B., Watson, B., Frauendienst, B., Andreas Redecker, A., Tim, J.,Hillman, M.(2013). Children’s Independent Mobility: A Comparative Study in England and Germany (1971-2010), The Policy Studies Institute, London.
  • Skelton, T. (2009) Children's Geographies/Geographies of Children: Play, Work, Mobilities and Migration. Geography Compass, 3(4),1430 -1448.
  • Stokes, M., A. (2009). Stranger Danger: Child Protection and Parental Fears in the Risk Society. Amsterdam Social Science, 1(3), 6-24.
  • Shaw, C., McKay, H., (1942), Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas. Chicago: Univ. Press.
  • Tandoğan, O. (2011). Çocuk Dostu Çevre İçin Kentsel Mekana İlişkin Tasarım ve Planlama İlkelerinin Oluşturulması (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). İstanbul: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Tandy, C. A. (1999). Children’s Diminishing Play Space: A Study of Intergenerational Change in Children’s Use of Their Neighborhoods. Australian Geographical Studies, 37(2), 154–164.
  • Tranter, P. (1993). Children’s Mobility in Canberra: Confinement or Independence? Monograph series No. 7, Department of Geography and Oceanography. University College, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra.
  • Tranter, P. and Doyle, J. (1996). Reclaiming the Residential Street as Playspace. International Play Journal, 4, 81-97.
  • Tranter, P., and Whitelegg, J. (1994). Children's Travel Behaviours in Canberra:Car‐Dependent Lifestyles in a Low‐density City. Journal of Transport Geography, 2(4), 265‐27.
  • Tudor-Locke, C., Ainsworth, B., & Popkin, B. (2001). Active Commuting to School: An Overlooked Source of Children’s Physical Activity? Sports Medicine, 31(5), 309-313.
  • Tuik (2016). MEDAS Merkezi Dağıtım Sistemi. Türkiye, Erişim tarihi: 15 Ekim 2016,
  • Valentine, G. and J McKendrick, J. (1997). Children’s Outdoor Play: Exploring Parental Concerns About Children’s Safety and The Changing Nature of Childhood, Geoforum, 28( 2), 219–235.
  • Warr, M. (2000). Fear of Crime in the United States: Avenues for Research and Policy. David Duffee (Ed.), Measurement and Analysis of Crime and Justice: Criminal Justice, 4, içinde (s.451-490). Washington, DC: Department of Justice.
  • Yirmibeşoğlu, F. ve Ergun, N. (2007). İstanbul’da Suç. Dosya 6: Kent ve Suç, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası, Ankara Şubesi, No. 55, s: 24-29.
  • Zomervrucht,J. (2005). Inviting Streets for Children, Some Lessons and Results of the Childstreet 2005 Conference in Delft, Huizen, The Netherlands, Veilig Verkeer Nederland. Retrieved July 08, 2007, from from
  • Zubrick, S., Wood, L., Villanueva, K., Wood, G., Giles-Corti, B., Christian, H. (2010). Nothing But Fear Itself, Parental Fear as a Determinant Impacting on Child Physical Activity and Independent Mobility, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation.
  • Çardak, B. (2012). Kadınların Suç Korkuları Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, Kasım 2012, 1(1), 23-45.

A Narrative of Controversy: Orhan Pamuk’s Snow

Yıl 2018, , 53 - 70, 20.04.2018


Nobel Prize laureate Orhan Pamuk’s novel Snow (2002), which local scholars argue that it takes its name from
‘karsu’ (snow-water), takes place in
Kars[1], a
city located on the north-eastern border of Turkey. As a borderline city, it
stands as the nexus of distinguished civilisations, such as that of Armenians,
Russians, and Ottomans; and bears the traces of several ethnic, cultural, and
political characteristics of diverse identities. Snow represents modernist Turkey’s political, cultural, and
religious turmoil experienced in the late twentieth century. The novel depicts
the city of Kars as a witness to deep-seated conflicting political views and
social values.
The concepts of secularism, nationalism, and the
Islamic Revival, including experiences of poverty that have been felt,
unemployment, and suicide are all inscribed within the plot of this provocative
novel. Hence, depicted concepts and felt experiences stir up much controversy
among critics who explore Pamuk’s intention to understand the reasons why he
might have thematised such problematic issues. However, Pamuk’s elaboration of
a political issue in Snow seems to
have been misconceived through political standpoints minimizing his artistic
ability to solely a political gaze. In this respect, I will explore and discuss
Pamuk’s Snow as a polyphonic novel
inviting its readers to contemplate both the question of ‘the other’ and the
dangers of radicalism rather than as a novel supporting a certain political

[1] Referring to
McGaha, Bazarkaya argues that “Kars is a shortened version of the Turkish
Kar-su (“Snow Water”). Pamuk originally intended to title his novel Kars but
later, concerned that it might be mistaken for a guidebook or a history of the
city, changed it to Kar. The later title was more appropriate anyway, because
snow is the novel’s central, all-pervasive metaphor” (2015: 50)


  • Dolu, O., Uludağ, Ş., Doğutaş, C. (2010 ). Suç Korkusu: Nedenleri, Sonuçları ve Güvenlik Politikaları. A.Ü. Siyasal Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 65 (1), 57–81.
  • Ergun, N. and Dundar, D. (2004). Functional Changes as an Indicator of Transformation Near The Old City Centre of Istanbul, European Planning Studies, 12(5),723-738.
  • Ferraro, Kenneth F. (1995). Fear of Crime: Interpreting Victimization Risk. Albany: State University of New York Press. Gaster, S. (1992). Historical Changes in Children’s Access to Us Cities: A Critical Review. Children’s Environments, 9(2), 23–36.
  • Heurlin-Norinder, M. (1996). Children, Environment and Independent Mobility. Paper presented at IAPS 14, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Hillman, M., Adams, J., Whitelegg, J. (1990). One False Move, A Study of Children’s Independent Mobility. London: Policy Studies Institute.
  • Hillman, M. (1999). The Impact of Transport Policy on Children's Development. Paper presented at the Canterbury Safe Routes to Schools Project Seminar, Canterbury Christ Church University College, 29 May 1999. Accessed 29 March 2010, from
  • Huttenmoser M. and Degen-Zimmerman, D. (1995). Lebensraume fur Kinder, Empirische Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung des Wohnumfeldes fur den Alltag und die Entwicklung der Kinder, Bericht 70 desNational Forschungsprogram Stadt und Verkehr(Room for Children: Empirical Research into the Influence of the Daily Environment for Children’s Development, National research Program for City and Transport), Zurich.
  • İBB, (2008). İstanbul İli’ne Ait Fotogrametrik Yöntemle Üretilen 1/1000 Ölçekli Sayısal Halihazır Haritalar. Harita Müdürlüğü: İstanbul.
  • Kytta, M. (2004). The Extent of Children’s Independent Mobility and the Number of Actualized Affordances as Criteria For Child-Friendly Environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24 (2004), 179–198.
  • Leden, L.,Per Gårder, P., Schirokoff, A., Monterde-i-Bort, H., Johansson, C., Basbas,S. (2014). A Sustainable City Environment Through Child Safety and Mobility—A Challenge Based on ITS? Accident Analysis & Prevention, 62, 406-414.
  • Malone, K. (2007). The Bubble-Wrap Generation: Children Growing up in Walled Gardens. Environmental Education Research, 13 (4): 513–527.
  • Norinder, M. H. (1996). Children, Environment and Independent Mobility. In Evolving Environmental Ideals - Changing Way of Life, Values and Design Practices, IAPS 14 Conference Proceedings, 314-323. IAPS. Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology.
  • Nansen, B., Gibbs, L., MacDougall, C., Vetere, F., Ross, N. J. & J McKendrick, J. (2015). Children's Interdependent Mobility: Compositions, Collaborations and Compromises. Children's Geographies, 13(4), 467-481, Doi: 10.1080/14733285.2014.887813.
  • O’Brien, M., Jones, D., & Sloan, D. (2000). Children’s Independent Spatial Mobility in the Urban Public Realm. Childhood, 7(3), 257–277.
  • Öztoprak, Y., Lux, K.M., Gürsesli, S., İpek, Z., Sezgin, B. G., Göloğlu, C., Bağ, B. (2012). Çocukların Sokakta Oyun Oynamalarına İzin Verilmemesi-Ebeveynin Suç Korkusu İlişkisi, Erişim tarihi:01.11.2017,
  • Reşitoğlu, H.Ü. (2017). Diğerleri için Duyulan Suç Korkusu. SDÜ Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Sayı: 41, ss. 145-160.
  • Ross, N. J. (2007). My Journey to School…: Foregrounding the Meaning of School Journeys and Children’s Engagements and Interactions in Their Everyday Localities. Children’s Geographies, 5(4), 373–391.
  • Rivkin, M. (1997). The Schoolyard Habitat Movement: What it is and Why Children Need it, Early Childhood Education Journal, (25)1, 61-66.
  • Shaw, B., Watson, B., Frauendienst, B., Andreas Redecker, A., Tim, J.,Hillman, M.(2013). Children’s Independent Mobility: A Comparative Study in England and Germany (1971-2010), The Policy Studies Institute, London.
  • Skelton, T. (2009) Children's Geographies/Geographies of Children: Play, Work, Mobilities and Migration. Geography Compass, 3(4),1430 -1448.
  • Stokes, M., A. (2009). Stranger Danger: Child Protection and Parental Fears in the Risk Society. Amsterdam Social Science, 1(3), 6-24.
  • Shaw, C., McKay, H., (1942), Juvenile Delinquency and Urban Areas. Chicago: Univ. Press.
  • Tandoğan, O. (2011). Çocuk Dostu Çevre İçin Kentsel Mekana İlişkin Tasarım ve Planlama İlkelerinin Oluşturulması (Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi). İstanbul: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Tandy, C. A. (1999). Children’s Diminishing Play Space: A Study of Intergenerational Change in Children’s Use of Their Neighborhoods. Australian Geographical Studies, 37(2), 154–164.
  • Tranter, P. (1993). Children’s Mobility in Canberra: Confinement or Independence? Monograph series No. 7, Department of Geography and Oceanography. University College, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra.
  • Tranter, P. and Doyle, J. (1996). Reclaiming the Residential Street as Playspace. International Play Journal, 4, 81-97.
  • Tranter, P., and Whitelegg, J. (1994). Children's Travel Behaviours in Canberra:Car‐Dependent Lifestyles in a Low‐density City. Journal of Transport Geography, 2(4), 265‐27.
  • Tudor-Locke, C., Ainsworth, B., & Popkin, B. (2001). Active Commuting to School: An Overlooked Source of Children’s Physical Activity? Sports Medicine, 31(5), 309-313.
  • Tuik (2016). MEDAS Merkezi Dağıtım Sistemi. Türkiye, Erişim tarihi: 15 Ekim 2016,
  • Valentine, G. and J McKendrick, J. (1997). Children’s Outdoor Play: Exploring Parental Concerns About Children’s Safety and The Changing Nature of Childhood, Geoforum, 28( 2), 219–235.
  • Warr, M. (2000). Fear of Crime in the United States: Avenues for Research and Policy. David Duffee (Ed.), Measurement and Analysis of Crime and Justice: Criminal Justice, 4, içinde (s.451-490). Washington, DC: Department of Justice.
  • Yirmibeşoğlu, F. ve Ergun, N. (2007). İstanbul’da Suç. Dosya 6: Kent ve Suç, TMMOB Mimarlar Odası, Ankara Şubesi, No. 55, s: 24-29.
  • Zomervrucht,J. (2005). Inviting Streets for Children, Some Lessons and Results of the Childstreet 2005 Conference in Delft, Huizen, The Netherlands, Veilig Verkeer Nederland. Retrieved July 08, 2007, from from
  • Zubrick, S., Wood, L., Villanueva, K., Wood, G., Giles-Corti, B., Christian, H. (2010). Nothing But Fear Itself, Parental Fear as a Determinant Impacting on Child Physical Activity and Independent Mobility, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation.
  • Çardak, B. (2012). Kadınların Suç Korkuları Üzerine Nitel Bir Çalışma. Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi, Kasım 2012, 1(1), 23-45.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Tüm Sayı

M. Önder Göncüoğlu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Nisan 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Göncüoğlu, M. Ö. (2018). A Narrative of Controversy: Orhan Pamuk’s Snow. HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(11), 53-70.