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Feminist Ambivalence in Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret

Yıl 2018, , 215 - 234, 22.10.2018


1860ların sansasyonel romanları, alışılmadık ve sıradışı kadın karakterleri nedeniyle yazıldıkları dönemde hararetli tartışmaların çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Çünkü, bu romanlar daha çok kadın okur kitlesine hitap etmiş ve zina yapan, iki eşli ya da bir şekilde suça bulaşmış kadın karakterlerin kadın okurlar üzerindeki olası etkileri edebi çevreleri endişelendirmiştir. Öte yandan, yirminci yüzyıl feminist edebi eleştirmenler bu olağandışı ve tartışmalı kadın temsiliyetini feminist uyanışın dönem edebiyatındaki yansıması olarak yorumlama eğilimi göstermişlerdir. Fakat, bunun tam tersi yaklaşımlardan bahsetmek de mümkün. Örneğin, cinsel, sosyal ve kültürel normların dışına çıkan kadın karakterlerin romanlarda cezalandırıldığı ve disipline edildiğine vurgu yapan farklı okumalar de bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın yaklaşımı ikinci görüşe daha yakındır. Bu makale anlatılardaki feminist içeriğin aslında anti-feminist bir bakış açısı ile ele alındığına vurgu yapmayı amaçlar. Bunun için sansasyonel roman türünün en iyi örneklerinden kabul edilen Mary Elizabeth Braddon’ın Lady Audley’nin Sırrı (1862) başlıklı romanının detaylı okuması sunulacaktır.


  • Braddon, M. E. (1862/1998). Lady Audley’s Secret. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Carnell, J. (2000). The Literary Lives of Mary Elizabeth Braddon A Study of Her Life and Work. Hastings: The Sensation Press.
  • Cvetkovich, A. (1992). Mixed Feelings Feminism, Mass Culture, and Victorian Sensationalism. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
  • Diamond, M. (2004). Victorian Sensation OR the Spectacular, the Shocking, and the Scandalous in Nineteenth-Century Britain. London: Anthem Press.
  • Hughes, W. (1980). The Maniac in the Cellar: Sensation Novels of the 1860s. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Hughes, W. (2005). The Sensation Novel. In P. Brantlinger (Ed.), A Companion to the Victorian Novel (pp. 260-278). Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Mattacks, K. (2009). Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Secret: An Antifeminist Amongst the New Women. In T. Wagner (Ed.), Antifeminism and the Victorian Novel (pp. 216-233). New York: Cambria Press.
  • Moran, M. (2006). Victorian Literature and Culture. London: Continuum.
  • Morris, V. B. (1990). Double Jeopardy Women Who Kill in Victorian Fiction. Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky.
  • Purchase, S. (2006). Key Concepts in Victorian Literature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Pykett, L. (1994). The Sensation Novel from The Woman in White to The Moonstone. Plymouth: Northcote.
  • Pykett, L. (1998). A Woman’s Business: Women and Writing, 1830-80. In M. Shaw (Ed.), An Introduction to Women’s Writing From the Middle Ages to the Present Day (pp. 149-176). Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall.
  • Reynolds, K. and Humble, N. (1993). Victorian Heroines: Representations of Femininity in Nineteenth-century Literature and Art. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
  • Saxey, E. (1997). Introduction. In Lady Audley’s Secret (pp. v-xxvii). Hertfordshire: Wordsworth.
  • Showalter, E. (1977/1988). A Literature of Their Own British Women Novelists From Bronte to Lessing. London: Princeton University Press.
  • Tatum, K. E. (2005). Explaining The Depiction of Violence Against Women in Victorian Literature Applying Julia Kristeva’s Theory of Abjection to Dickens, Bronte, and Braddon. New York: The Edwin Mellon Press.
  • Tomaiuolo, S. (2010). In Lady Audley’s Shadow Mary Elizabeth Braddon and Victorian Literary Genres. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Trodd, A. (1989). Domestic Crime in the Victorian Novel. London: Macmillan Press.
  • Williams, M. (1985). Women in the English Novel, 1800-1900. 1984. Hong Kong: Macmillan.

Mary Elizabeth Braddon’un Lady Audley’nın Sırrı Başlıklı Romanında Feminist Çelişki

Yıl 2018, , 215 - 234, 22.10.2018


The sensation genre in the 1860s stirred fierce discussions regarding scandalous, sensational and unconventional representations of women in fiction. This is because the 1860s sensation novels appealed more to a female readership, and thus potential influences of adulterous, bigamous and/or criminal women characters on women readers alarmed literary circles of the said period. On the other hand, feminist literary critics in twentieth century tended to read such unusual and controversial fictional representations in women’s writing as a sign of resistance and feminist revival in Victorian literature. There were opposing views too, though. They rather focused on anti-feminist and at times disciplinary treatment of women characters, who transgressed rooted sexual, social and cultural norms. The approach in this study is closer to the latter view in that the article aims to reveal the ambivalent nature of such narratives by paying attention to the contradiction between feminist and subversive content and its anti-feminist treatment. To do this, the article offers a detailed analysis of one of the best examples of the sensation genre, which is Lady Audley’s Secret (1862) by Mary Elizabeth Braddon.


  • Braddon, M. E. (1862/1998). Lady Audley’s Secret. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Carnell, J. (2000). The Literary Lives of Mary Elizabeth Braddon A Study of Her Life and Work. Hastings: The Sensation Press.
  • Cvetkovich, A. (1992). Mixed Feelings Feminism, Mass Culture, and Victorian Sensationalism. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.
  • Diamond, M. (2004). Victorian Sensation OR the Spectacular, the Shocking, and the Scandalous in Nineteenth-Century Britain. London: Anthem Press.
  • Hughes, W. (1980). The Maniac in the Cellar: Sensation Novels of the 1860s. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Hughes, W. (2005). The Sensation Novel. In P. Brantlinger (Ed.), A Companion to the Victorian Novel (pp. 260-278). Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Mattacks, K. (2009). Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Secret: An Antifeminist Amongst the New Women. In T. Wagner (Ed.), Antifeminism and the Victorian Novel (pp. 216-233). New York: Cambria Press.
  • Moran, M. (2006). Victorian Literature and Culture. London: Continuum.
  • Morris, V. B. (1990). Double Jeopardy Women Who Kill in Victorian Fiction. Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky.
  • Purchase, S. (2006). Key Concepts in Victorian Literature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Pykett, L. (1994). The Sensation Novel from The Woman in White to The Moonstone. Plymouth: Northcote.
  • Pykett, L. (1998). A Woman’s Business: Women and Writing, 1830-80. In M. Shaw (Ed.), An Introduction to Women’s Writing From the Middle Ages to the Present Day (pp. 149-176). Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall.
  • Reynolds, K. and Humble, N. (1993). Victorian Heroines: Representations of Femininity in Nineteenth-century Literature and Art. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
  • Saxey, E. (1997). Introduction. In Lady Audley’s Secret (pp. v-xxvii). Hertfordshire: Wordsworth.
  • Showalter, E. (1977/1988). A Literature of Their Own British Women Novelists From Bronte to Lessing. London: Princeton University Press.
  • Tatum, K. E. (2005). Explaining The Depiction of Violence Against Women in Victorian Literature Applying Julia Kristeva’s Theory of Abjection to Dickens, Bronte, and Braddon. New York: The Edwin Mellon Press.
  • Tomaiuolo, S. (2010). In Lady Audley’s Shadow Mary Elizabeth Braddon and Victorian Literary Genres. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Trodd, A. (1989). Domestic Crime in the Victorian Novel. London: Macmillan Press.
  • Williams, M. (1985). Women in the English Novel, 1800-1900. 1984. Hong Kong: Macmillan.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Tüm Sayı

Seda Coşar Çelik

Yayımlanma Tarihi 22 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Coşar Çelik, S. (2018). Feminist Ambivalence in Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Lady Audley’s Secret. HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(12), 215-234.