Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 152 - 162, 15.08.2021



  • 1. Ceylan, İ., G. Yıldız, A. E. Gürel, A. Ergün, and A. Tosun, The effect of malfunctions in air handling units on energy and exergy efficiency. Heat Transfer Research, 2020. 51(11): 1007-1028..
  • 2. United Nations Development Programme UNDP. "20 years of success: Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer.," [cited 2020 29 October]; Available from: http://www kh/undp/knowledge/publications/20-years-of-success-montreal-protocol-on-substances-that deplete-the-ozone-layer-2.
  • 3. Li, W. L., and V. Eyo, Dynamic Analysis of a Compressor Mounting System. International Compressor Engineering Conference, 1996.
  • 4. Hamilton, J. F., Measurement and control of compressor noise, West Lafayette, Purdue University, USA, 1988.
  • 5. Celik, S., and E. C. Nsofor, Studies on the flow-induced noise at the evaporator of a refrigerating system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011. 31(14-15): p. 2485-2493.
  • 6. Lee, C., Y. Cho, B. Baek, S. Lee, D. Hwang, and K. Jo, Analyses of refrigerator noises. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2005: p. 1179-1184.
  • 7. Han, H. S., W. B. Jeong, M. S. Kim, and T. H. Kim, Analysis of the root causes of refrigerant-induced noise in refrigerators. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2009. 23(12): p. 3245-3256.
  • 8. Han, H. S., W. B. Jeong, M. S. Kim, S. Y. Lee, and M. Y. Seo, Reduction of the refrigerant-induced noise from the evaporator-inlet pipe in a refrigerator. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2010. 33(7): p. 1478-1488.
  • 9. Jang, S., Choung, H., Park, S., and Lee, S. Investigation on noise of rotary compressors using fluid-structure interaction. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2019. 33(11): p. 5129-5135.
  • 10. Venkatappa, S., M. Koberstein, and Z. Liu, NVH Challenges with Introduction of New Refrigerant HFO-1234yf. SAE Technical Paper, 2017. (2017-01-0172)
  • 11. Xia, Y., Y. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Ma, C. Xiao, and T. Wu, Experimental study on reducing the noise of horizontal household freezers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014. 68(1-2): p. 107-114.
  • 12. Jeon, J. Y., J. You, and H. Y. Chang, Sound radiation and sound quality characteristics of refrigerator noise in real living environments. Applied Acoustics, 2007. 68(10): p. 1118-1134.
  • 13. Berry, B. F., The work of I-INCE Technical Study Group 2 on noise labels for consumer and industrial products. Noise and Health, 2003. 5(18): p. 21.
  • 14. Kim, K. M., Study of efficiency and noise improvement in a reciprocating compressor for refrigerator. The Magazine of the Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, 1995. 24(1): p. 71-81.
  • 15. Yoo, W. H., C. G. Back, and J. H. Song, The search for relations between compressor noise and refrigerator noise, in Korean Society of Noise and Vibration Engineering, Autumn Conference. 1996: p. 32-36.
  • 16. Seo, S. H., T. H. Kwak, C. J. Kim, J. K. Park, and K. S. Cho, Noise and vibration reduction of a household refrigerator. Proceedings of the HVAC Refrigeration Engineering, 2000. p. 1133-1140.
  • 17. Lee, J. K., Y. W. Park, and J. B. Chai, Development of a sound quality index for the evaluation of an intake noise of a passenger car. Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2005. 15(8): p. 939-944.
  • 18. Khan, M. S., and C. Hogstrom, Determination of sound quality of HVAC systems on trains using multivariate analysis. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2001. 49(6): p. 276-283.
  • 19. Khan, M. S., and C. Dickson, Evaluation of sound quality of wheel loaders using a human subject for binaural recording. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2002. 50(4): p. 117-126.
  • 20. Oh, H. E., D. J. Park, and W. B. Jeong, Numerical and experimental study on the reduction of refrigerant pressure pulsation within compressor pipes. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019. 438: p. 506-519.
  • 21. Park, J., and S. Wang, Noise reduction for compressors by modes control using topology optimization of eigenvalue. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008. 315(4-5), p. 836-848.
  • 22. Birajdar, R., R. Patil, and K. Khanzode, Vibration and noise in centrifugal pumps-Sources and diagnosis methods, in 3rd International Conference on Integrity, Reliability, and Failure, 2009: p. 20-24.
  • 23. Kim, B. L., J. Y. Jung, and I. K. Oh, Modified transfer path analysis considering transmissibility functions for accurate estimation of vibration source. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017. 398: p. 70-83.
  • 24. Linde. Linde gas. [Accessed 26 May, 2020]; Available from: supply/refrigerants/h cfc_refrigerants/r22/index.html.
  • 25. Bock Compressor. Bock Compressor, Alternative Refrigerants Information on use of R2. [Accessed 16 April, 2020]; Available from: Alternative-refrigerants_R22_Gb.pdf..
  • 26. Climalife IDS Refrigeration Limited. Climalife IDS Refrigeration Limited. [Accessed 15 April, 2020]; Available from:
  • 27. Allgood, C. C., and C. C. Lawson, Performance of R-438A in R-22 refrigeration and air conditioning systems, in International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference: 2010, USA.
  • 28. Cingiz, Z., F. Katırcıoğlu, Y. Çay, and A. Kolip, Buhar Sıkıştırmalı Soğutma Sisteminde R22 Alternatifi Soğutucu Akışkanların Termodinamik Analizi. Politeknik Dergisi, 2020. 23(4): p. 1205-1212.
  • 29. Ağbulut, Ü., A. E. Gürel, and S. Sarıdemir, Experimental investigation and prediction of performance and emission responses of a CI engine fuelled with different metal-oxide based nanoparticles–diesel blends using different machine learning algorithms. Energy,2021. 215: 119076.
  • 30. Sarıdemir, S., G. Yıldız, and H. Hanedar, Effect of diesel-biodiesel-methanol blends on performance and combustion characteristics of iesel engine. Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2021. 9(1): p. 189-201
  • 31. Ağbulut, Ü., M. Karagöz, S. Sarıdemir, and A. Öztürk, Impact of various metal-oxide based nanoparticles and biodiesel blends on the combustion, performance, emission, vibration and noise characteristics of a CI engine. Fuel, 2020. 270: p. 117521.
  • 32. Al-Obaidi, A. R., Experimental comparative investigations to evaluate cavitation conditions within a centrifugal pump based on vibration and acoustic analyses techniques. Archives of Acoustics, 2020. 45(3): p. 541-556.
  • 33. Al-Obaidi, A. R., and R. Mishra, Experimental investigation of the effect of air injection on performance and detection of cavitation in the centrifugal pump based on vibration technique. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2020. 45(7): p. 5657-5671.
  • 34. Al-Obaidi, A. R., Detection of cavitation phenomenon within a centrifugal pump based on vibration analysis technique in both time and frequency domains. Experimental Techniques, 2020. 44(3): p. 329-347.
  • 35. Al-Obaidi, A. R., and H. Towsyfyan, An experimental study on vibration signatures for detecting incipient cavitation in centrifugal pumps based on envelope spectrum analysis. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2019. 12(6): p. 2057-2067.

Experimental investigation of the effects of different refrigerants used in the refrigeration system on compressor vibrations and noise

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 152 - 162, 15.08.2021


Vibration and noise are undesirable effects in daily life and energy-consuming systems. In this study, the effects of different refrigerants on noise and vibration in a sealed reciprocating compressor are discussed. The study compared the noise and vibration performances of refrigerants with lower ozone depletion potential (ODP) values compared to R22, which has a high ODP value. The study was carried out experimentally in two stages. Firstly, tests were conducted for the coefficient of performance (COP) of different refrigerants. Secondly, vibration and noise data were obtained experimentally for different refrigerants. The results obtained from the experiments showed that both the COP value and the compressor vibration and noise have different values for R22 refrigerant and other alternative refrigerants, but values close to R22 are obtained. It was observed that the compressor noise values and vibration values vary depending on the type of used refrigerant. Average vibration values were determined as 0.604 m/s2 in R22, 0.603 m/s2 in R438A, 0.593 m/s2 in R417A, 0.622 m/s2 in R422D and 0.637 m/s2 in R422A. When the noise values are examined, it was measured as 61.327 dB for R22, 62.913 dB for R438A, 62.187 dB for R417A, 63.715 dB for R422D and 64.913 dB for R422A. R417A, which has a 99% similar noise value to R22, was determined as an alternative refrigerant. COP values were found as 4.07 in R22, 3.98 in R438A, 3.63 in R417A, 3.37 in R422D, and 3.18 in R422A. R438A showing 95% similarity for COP can be used as an alternative to R22. Generally, it was observed that the noise and vibration values are very close to each other for all refrigerants examined.


  • 1. Ceylan, İ., G. Yıldız, A. E. Gürel, A. Ergün, and A. Tosun, The effect of malfunctions in air handling units on energy and exergy efficiency. Heat Transfer Research, 2020. 51(11): 1007-1028..
  • 2. United Nations Development Programme UNDP. "20 years of success: Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer.," [cited 2020 29 October]; Available from: http://www kh/undp/knowledge/publications/20-years-of-success-montreal-protocol-on-substances-that deplete-the-ozone-layer-2.
  • 3. Li, W. L., and V. Eyo, Dynamic Analysis of a Compressor Mounting System. International Compressor Engineering Conference, 1996.
  • 4. Hamilton, J. F., Measurement and control of compressor noise, West Lafayette, Purdue University, USA, 1988.
  • 5. Celik, S., and E. C. Nsofor, Studies on the flow-induced noise at the evaporator of a refrigerating system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011. 31(14-15): p. 2485-2493.
  • 6. Lee, C., Y. Cho, B. Baek, S. Lee, D. Hwang, and K. Jo, Analyses of refrigerator noises. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2005: p. 1179-1184.
  • 7. Han, H. S., W. B. Jeong, M. S. Kim, and T. H. Kim, Analysis of the root causes of refrigerant-induced noise in refrigerators. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2009. 23(12): p. 3245-3256.
  • 8. Han, H. S., W. B. Jeong, M. S. Kim, S. Y. Lee, and M. Y. Seo, Reduction of the refrigerant-induced noise from the evaporator-inlet pipe in a refrigerator. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2010. 33(7): p. 1478-1488.
  • 9. Jang, S., Choung, H., Park, S., and Lee, S. Investigation on noise of rotary compressors using fluid-structure interaction. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2019. 33(11): p. 5129-5135.
  • 10. Venkatappa, S., M. Koberstein, and Z. Liu, NVH Challenges with Introduction of New Refrigerant HFO-1234yf. SAE Technical Paper, 2017. (2017-01-0172)
  • 11. Xia, Y., Y. Liu, Y. Liu, Y. Ma, C. Xiao, and T. Wu, Experimental study on reducing the noise of horizontal household freezers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014. 68(1-2): p. 107-114.
  • 12. Jeon, J. Y., J. You, and H. Y. Chang, Sound radiation and sound quality characteristics of refrigerator noise in real living environments. Applied Acoustics, 2007. 68(10): p. 1118-1134.
  • 13. Berry, B. F., The work of I-INCE Technical Study Group 2 on noise labels for consumer and industrial products. Noise and Health, 2003. 5(18): p. 21.
  • 14. Kim, K. M., Study of efficiency and noise improvement in a reciprocating compressor for refrigerator. The Magazine of the Society of Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea, 1995. 24(1): p. 71-81.
  • 15. Yoo, W. H., C. G. Back, and J. H. Song, The search for relations between compressor noise and refrigerator noise, in Korean Society of Noise and Vibration Engineering, Autumn Conference. 1996: p. 32-36.
  • 16. Seo, S. H., T. H. Kwak, C. J. Kim, J. K. Park, and K. S. Cho, Noise and vibration reduction of a household refrigerator. Proceedings of the HVAC Refrigeration Engineering, 2000. p. 1133-1140.
  • 17. Lee, J. K., Y. W. Park, and J. B. Chai, Development of a sound quality index for the evaluation of an intake noise of a passenger car. Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering, 2005. 15(8): p. 939-944.
  • 18. Khan, M. S., and C. Hogstrom, Determination of sound quality of HVAC systems on trains using multivariate analysis. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2001. 49(6): p. 276-283.
  • 19. Khan, M. S., and C. Dickson, Evaluation of sound quality of wheel loaders using a human subject for binaural recording. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 2002. 50(4): p. 117-126.
  • 20. Oh, H. E., D. J. Park, and W. B. Jeong, Numerical and experimental study on the reduction of refrigerant pressure pulsation within compressor pipes. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019. 438: p. 506-519.
  • 21. Park, J., and S. Wang, Noise reduction for compressors by modes control using topology optimization of eigenvalue. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008. 315(4-5), p. 836-848.
  • 22. Birajdar, R., R. Patil, and K. Khanzode, Vibration and noise in centrifugal pumps-Sources and diagnosis methods, in 3rd International Conference on Integrity, Reliability, and Failure, 2009: p. 20-24.
  • 23. Kim, B. L., J. Y. Jung, and I. K. Oh, Modified transfer path analysis considering transmissibility functions for accurate estimation of vibration source. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017. 398: p. 70-83.
  • 24. Linde. Linde gas. [Accessed 26 May, 2020]; Available from: supply/refrigerants/h cfc_refrigerants/r22/index.html.
  • 25. Bock Compressor. Bock Compressor, Alternative Refrigerants Information on use of R2. [Accessed 16 April, 2020]; Available from: Alternative-refrigerants_R22_Gb.pdf..
  • 26. Climalife IDS Refrigeration Limited. Climalife IDS Refrigeration Limited. [Accessed 15 April, 2020]; Available from:
  • 27. Allgood, C. C., and C. C. Lawson, Performance of R-438A in R-22 refrigeration and air conditioning systems, in International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference: 2010, USA.
  • 28. Cingiz, Z., F. Katırcıoğlu, Y. Çay, and A. Kolip, Buhar Sıkıştırmalı Soğutma Sisteminde R22 Alternatifi Soğutucu Akışkanların Termodinamik Analizi. Politeknik Dergisi, 2020. 23(4): p. 1205-1212.
  • 29. Ağbulut, Ü., A. E. Gürel, and S. Sarıdemir, Experimental investigation and prediction of performance and emission responses of a CI engine fuelled with different metal-oxide based nanoparticles–diesel blends using different machine learning algorithms. Energy,2021. 215: 119076.
  • 30. Sarıdemir, S., G. Yıldız, and H. Hanedar, Effect of diesel-biodiesel-methanol blends on performance and combustion characteristics of iesel engine. Düzce Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 2021. 9(1): p. 189-201
  • 31. Ağbulut, Ü., M. Karagöz, S. Sarıdemir, and A. Öztürk, Impact of various metal-oxide based nanoparticles and biodiesel blends on the combustion, performance, emission, vibration and noise characteristics of a CI engine. Fuel, 2020. 270: p. 117521.
  • 32. Al-Obaidi, A. R., Experimental comparative investigations to evaluate cavitation conditions within a centrifugal pump based on vibration and acoustic analyses techniques. Archives of Acoustics, 2020. 45(3): p. 541-556.
  • 33. Al-Obaidi, A. R., and R. Mishra, Experimental investigation of the effect of air injection on performance and detection of cavitation in the centrifugal pump based on vibration technique. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2020. 45(7): p. 5657-5671.
  • 34. Al-Obaidi, A. R., Detection of cavitation phenomenon within a centrifugal pump based on vibration analysis technique in both time and frequency domains. Experimental Techniques, 2020. 44(3): p. 329-347.
  • 35. Al-Obaidi, A. R., and H. Towsyfyan, An experimental study on vibration signatures for detecting incipient cavitation in centrifugal pumps based on envelope spectrum analysis. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 2019. 12(6): p. 2057-2067.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Zafer Cingiz 0000-0003-3796-755X

Ferzan Katırcıoğlu 0000-0001-5463-3792

Suat Sarıdemir 0000-0002-6028-1073

Gökhan Yıldız 0000-0001-6039-9226

Yusuf Çay 0000-0003-4007-6168

Publication Date August 15, 2021
Submission Date January 12, 2021
Acceptance Date March 20, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Cingiz, Z., Katırcıoğlu, F., Sarıdemir, S., Yıldız, G., et al. (2021). Experimental investigation of the effects of different refrigerants used in the refrigeration system on compressor vibrations and noise. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal, 5(2), 152-162.
AMA Cingiz Z, Katırcıoğlu F, Sarıdemir S, Yıldız G, Çay Y. Experimental investigation of the effects of different refrigerants used in the refrigeration system on compressor vibrations and noise. Int. Adv. Res. Eng. J. August 2021;5(2):152-162. doi:10.35860/iarej.859423
Chicago Cingiz, Zafer, Ferzan Katırcıoğlu, Suat Sarıdemir, Gökhan Yıldız, and Yusuf Çay. “Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Different Refrigerants Used in the Refrigeration System on Compressor Vibrations and Noise”. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal 5, no. 2 (August 2021): 152-62.
EndNote Cingiz Z, Katırcıoğlu F, Sarıdemir S, Yıldız G, Çay Y (August 1, 2021) Experimental investigation of the effects of different refrigerants used in the refrigeration system on compressor vibrations and noise. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal 5 2 152–162.
IEEE Z. Cingiz, F. Katırcıoğlu, S. Sarıdemir, G. Yıldız, and Y. Çay, “Experimental investigation of the effects of different refrigerants used in the refrigeration system on compressor vibrations and noise”, Int. Adv. Res. Eng. J., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 152–162, 2021, doi: 10.35860/iarej.859423.
ISNAD Cingiz, Zafer et al. “Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Different Refrigerants Used in the Refrigeration System on Compressor Vibrations and Noise”. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal 5/2 (August 2021), 152-162.
JAMA Cingiz Z, Katırcıoğlu F, Sarıdemir S, Yıldız G, Çay Y. Experimental investigation of the effects of different refrigerants used in the refrigeration system on compressor vibrations and noise. Int. Adv. Res. Eng. J. 2021;5:152–162.
MLA Cingiz, Zafer et al. “Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Different Refrigerants Used in the Refrigeration System on Compressor Vibrations and Noise”. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, 2021, pp. 152-6, doi:10.35860/iarej.859423.
Vancouver Cingiz Z, Katırcıoğlu F, Sarıdemir S, Yıldız G, Çay Y. Experimental investigation of the effects of different refrigerants used in the refrigeration system on compressor vibrations and noise. Int. Adv. Res. Eng. J. 2021;5(2):152-6.

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