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Kentsel Peyzaj Ekolojisinin Sürdürülebilirliği İçin Yenilikçi Bir Yaklaşım: Yeşil Altyapı ve Planlama Politikası

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 12, 218 - 245, 30.04.2014


Bu çalışmanın amacı; kentsel peyzaj
ekolojisinin iyileştirilmesi ve sürdürülebilir kentlerin oluşturulmasına önemli
katkısı olan yeşil altyapı sistemi ve ilgili planlama politikalarının
araştırılmasını içermektedir. Kentsel peyzaj ekolojisinin sürdürülebilirliği
kent sistemini oluşturan bileşenlerin ve fonksiyonların bütüncül yaklaşımlar
belirli ilkeler (ör. bağlantılılık) çerçevesinde değerlendirilmesi ile
gerçekleştirilebilir. Bu nedenle, kentsel peyzajda öncelikli olarak yeşil
altyapı sistemi oluşturulmalıdır. Yeşil altyapı; doğal ekosistemlerin
fonksiyonlarını korumak ve bölge halkına çeşitli yararlar sunmak için stratejik
olarak planlanan ve yönetilen doğal, yarı-doğal, kamu ve özel mülkiyete ait ve
dış mekân rekreasyon alanlarının oluşturduğu ağı ifade eder. Yeşil altyapı
sisteminin bileşenleri (e.g. koridor) ile kentsel peyzajdaki doğal habitatlar,
yeşil koridorlar, açık ve yeşil alanlar birbiriyle ilişkilendirilir ve kentsel
peyzaj ekolojisinin geliştirilmesine katkı sağlanır. Günümüzde Avrupa Birliği
(AB), İngiltere ve Amerika’da yeşil altyapı sisteminin amaç ve yararları
doğrultusunda birçok çalışmalar gerçekleştirilmektedir. Örneğin, Avrupa Birliği
Komisyonu 2014–2020 Bütçesinde çeşitli politika ve araçlara (ör. AB Tarım
Politikası) yeşil altyapı sisteminin entegrasyonunu desteklemiştir. Amerika ve
İngiltere’de ise farklı planlama ölçekleri arasında bir ilişkinin kurulmaması
özellikle sınır ötesi ve eyaletler arası (ör. Amerika’da) yeşil altyapı
planlama projelerinin geliştirilmesi ve uygulanmasında önemli bir engeldir. Bu
bağlamda, ulusal yeşil altyapı planlama stratejilerinin geliştirilmesine ihtiyaç


  • Ahern, J. (1995). Greenways as a planning strategy. Landscape and Urban Planning, 33, 131-155.
  • Ahern, J. (2002). Greenways as strategic landscape planning: Theory and application. Wageningen Press.
  • Ahern, J. (2004). Greenways in the USA: Theory, trends and prospects. R. Jongman ve G. Pungetti (Der.), Ecological networks and greenways, concepts, design, implementation içinde (ss. 34-55). Cambridge studies in landscape ecology, Cambridge University press.
  • Alberti, M. (2005). The effects of urban patterns on ecosystem function. International Regional Science of Review, 28, 2: 168–192 (April 2005).
  • Andersson, E. (2006). Urban landscapes and sustainable cities. Ecology and Society, 11(1), 34.
  • APS. (2003). Avrupa peyzaj sözleşmesinin onaylanmasını uygun bulunduğuna dair Kanun, Kanun No. 4881, Kabul Tarihi: 10.06.2003, Resmi Gazete Tarihi: 2003-06-17, Resmi Gazete Sayısı: 2514.
  • Benedicts, M.A ve McMahon, E.T. (2002). Green infrastructure: Smart conservation for the 21st century. Renewable Resources Journal, 20 (3), 12-17.
  • Berkes, F. ve Folke, C. (2002). Back to the future: Ecosystem dynamics and local knowledge. L. Gunderson and C.S. Holling (Der.), Panarcy, understanding transformations in human and natural systems içinde (ss. 121-146). Washington D.C.: Island Press.
  • Berkes, F., Colding, J., Folke, C. (Der.). (2003). Navigating social-ecological systems, building resilience for complexity and change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bolund, P. ve Hunhammar, S. (1999). Ecosystem services in urban areas. Ecological Economics, 29, 293-301.
  • Byrne, J. ve Sipe, N. (2010). Green and open space planning for urban consolidation – A review of the literature and best practice. Australia: Griffith University.
  • Cadenasso, M.L. ve Pickett, S.T.A. (2008). Urban principles for ecological landscape design and management: Scientific fundamentals. Cities and the Environment, 1(2), article 4, 16.
  • Çetinkaya, G. (2013). Kentsel peyzaj planlamada yeni yaklaşımlar: Yeşil altyapı ve yeşil koridorlar. 5. Peyzaj Mimarlığı Kongresi “Dönüşen Peyzaj”, 14-17 Kasım 2013, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, Türkiye.
  • Çetinkaya, G. ve Uzun O. (2014). Peyzaj planlama. İstanbul: Birsen Yayınevi.
  • Dunnett, N., Swanwick, C. ve Woolley, H. (2002). Improving urban parks, play areas and green spaces. UK: Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions.
  • European Commission. (2013). Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, Green Infrastructure (GI) – Enhancing Europe’s Natural Capital. Brussels, 6.5.2013 COM (2013) 249 final.
  • Firehock, K. (2010). Green infrastructure planning. University of Virginia, School of Architecture: The Green Infrastructure Center Inc. and the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning.
  • Gailing, L. (2007). Regional parks: Development strategies and intermunicipal cooperation for the urban landscape. German Journal of Urban Studies, 46 (1),
  • Gazvoda, D. (1999). Planning urbanization inside natural urban landscapes. Agricculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 64 (4), 253-258.
  • Gazvoda, D. (2002). Characteristics of modern landscape architecture and its education. Landscape and Urban Planning, 60, 117-133.
  • Grimm, N.B., Grove, J.M., Pickett, S.T.A., Redman, C.L. (2000). Integrated approaches to long-term studies of urban ecological systems. Bioscience, 50 (7), 571-584.
  • Handley, J., Pauleit, S., ve Gill, S. (2007). Landscape, sustainability and the city. J.F. Benson ve M. Roe (Der.), Landscape and sustainability içinde (ss. 184-195).
  • Hellmund, P.C. ve Smith, D.S. (2006). Designing greenways: Sustainable landscapes for nature and people. USA: Island Press.
  • Hong, S.K., Song, I. J., Wu, J. (2007). Fengshui theory in urban landscape planning. Urban Ecosystems, 10, 221-237.
  • James, P., Tzoulas, K., Adams, M.D., Barber, A., Box, J., Breuste, J., …Ward Thompson, C. (2009). Towards an integrated understanding of green space in the European built environment. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 8, 65-75.
  • Jim, C.Y. ve Chen, S.S. (2003). Comprehensive green space planning based on landscape ecology principles in compact Nanjing City, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 998, 1-22.
  • Jongman, R.H. G. (2004). The context and concept of ecological networks. R. Jongman & G. Pungetti (Der.), Ecological networks and greenways, concepts, design, implementation içinde (ss. 7-33). Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jongman, R.H.G. ve Pungetti, G. (2004). Introduction: Ecological networks and greenways. Ecological networks and greenways, concepts, design, implementation içinde (ss. 1-4). Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lancaster Country Planning Commission. (2009). Green spaces. The green infrastructure element, February 2009. The comprehensive plan for Lancaster Country, Pennsylvania. USA.
  • Mackenzie, F. (1997). The Sustainable city: The urban forest resource. Information and Advisory Note, Number 60, January 1997.
  • Mell, I.C. (2010). Green infrastructure: Concepts, perceptions and its use in spatial planning. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Newcastle University, UK.
  • Mell, I.C. (2012). Green infrastructure planning: A contemporary approach for innovative interventions in urban landscape management. Journal of Biourbanism, 1, 29-39.
  • Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. (2005). Ecosystems and human well-Being. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • Olsson, P., Folke, C., Hahn, T. (2004). Social-ecological transformation for ecosystem management: The development of adaptive co-management of a wetland landscape in Southern Sweden. Ecology and Society, 9 (4): 2.
  • Pickett, S.T.A., Cadenasso, M.L., Grove J.M., Nilon, C.H., Pouyat, R.V., Zipperer, W., CandCostanza, R. (2001). Urban ecological systems: Terrestrial ecological, physical and socioeconomic components of metropolitan areas. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 32, 127-57.
  • Swanwick, C., Dunnett, N. ve Woolley, H. (2003). The nature, role and value of green space in towns and cities – An overview. Journal of Built Environment, 29 (2), 94-106.
  • Tyrväinen, L. (1999). Monetary valuation of urban forest amenities in Finland. Academic Dissertation. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Research papers 739. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa. Finland.
  • Tzoulas, K., Korpela, K., Venn, S., Yli-Pelkonen, V., Ka´zmierczak, A., Niemela, J., James, P. (2007). Promoting ecosystem and human health in urban areas using green infrastructure: A literature review. Landscape and Urban Planning, 81, 167–178.
  • Young, C., Jarvis, P., Hooper, I., Trueman, I. (2009). Urban landscape ecology and its evaluation: A review. A. DuPont and H. Jacobs (Der.), Landscape ecology research trends içinde (ss. 45-69). New York, Nova Science Publishers.
  • Uzun, O., İlke, E.F., Çetinkaya, G., Erduran, F., Açıksöz, S. (2012). Peyzaj planlama: Konya İli Bozkır-Seydişehir-Ahırlı-Yalıhüyük ilçeleri ve Suğla Gölü mevkii peyzaj yönetimi, koruma ve planlama projesi. T.C. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı, Doğa Koruma ve Milli Parklar Genel Müdürlüğü Yayını. Ankara.

An Innovative Approach for the Sustainability of Urban Landscape Ecology: Green Infrastructure and Relevant Planning Policy

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 12, 218 - 245, 30.04.2014


The purpose of this study is to investigate green
infrastructure system and relevant planning policies that significantly
contribute to the improvement of urban landscape ecology and development of
sustainable cities. Sustainability of urban landscape ecology can be achieved
by integrating components and functions of the urban system in a holistic
approach within the framework of specific principles (e.g. connectivity).
Therefore, green infrastructure system should primarily be developed in urban
landscapes. Green infrastructure refers to the network of natural,
semi-natural, public, private and open green spaces, which is strategically
planned for conservation of ecosystem services and providing multi-functional
benefits for urban dwellers. Natural habitats, green corridors and open green
spaces are connected with each other by the components of green infrastructure
system (e.g. corridor) in urban landscape. This approach contributes to the
development of urban landscape ecology. Today, many studies about the functions
and benefits of green infrastructure system are carried out in the European
Union (EU), the United Kingdom and the United States. For example, Commission
of the European Union has supported the integration of green infrastructure system
into various policies and instruments (e.g. the EU Common Agricultural Policy)
within the framework of the 2014-2020 Budget. Although various policies and
instruments for the planning and implementation of green infrastructure system
exist in the United States and the United Kingdom, failure to establish a
relationship between different planning scales is a major obstacle especially
for development and implementation of cross-border and inter-state green
infrastructure projects. Within this context; development of the national green
infrastructure strategy is needed. 


  • Ahern, J. (1995). Greenways as a planning strategy. Landscape and Urban Planning, 33, 131-155.
  • Ahern, J. (2002). Greenways as strategic landscape planning: Theory and application. Wageningen Press.
  • Ahern, J. (2004). Greenways in the USA: Theory, trends and prospects. R. Jongman ve G. Pungetti (Der.), Ecological networks and greenways, concepts, design, implementation içinde (ss. 34-55). Cambridge studies in landscape ecology, Cambridge University press.
  • Alberti, M. (2005). The effects of urban patterns on ecosystem function. International Regional Science of Review, 28, 2: 168–192 (April 2005).
  • Andersson, E. (2006). Urban landscapes and sustainable cities. Ecology and Society, 11(1), 34.
  • APS. (2003). Avrupa peyzaj sözleşmesinin onaylanmasını uygun bulunduğuna dair Kanun, Kanun No. 4881, Kabul Tarihi: 10.06.2003, Resmi Gazete Tarihi: 2003-06-17, Resmi Gazete Sayısı: 2514.
  • Benedicts, M.A ve McMahon, E.T. (2002). Green infrastructure: Smart conservation for the 21st century. Renewable Resources Journal, 20 (3), 12-17.
  • Berkes, F. ve Folke, C. (2002). Back to the future: Ecosystem dynamics and local knowledge. L. Gunderson and C.S. Holling (Der.), Panarcy, understanding transformations in human and natural systems içinde (ss. 121-146). Washington D.C.: Island Press.
  • Berkes, F., Colding, J., Folke, C. (Der.). (2003). Navigating social-ecological systems, building resilience for complexity and change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bolund, P. ve Hunhammar, S. (1999). Ecosystem services in urban areas. Ecological Economics, 29, 293-301.
  • Byrne, J. ve Sipe, N. (2010). Green and open space planning for urban consolidation – A review of the literature and best practice. Australia: Griffith University.
  • Cadenasso, M.L. ve Pickett, S.T.A. (2008). Urban principles for ecological landscape design and management: Scientific fundamentals. Cities and the Environment, 1(2), article 4, 16.
  • Çetinkaya, G. (2013). Kentsel peyzaj planlamada yeni yaklaşımlar: Yeşil altyapı ve yeşil koridorlar. 5. Peyzaj Mimarlığı Kongresi “Dönüşen Peyzaj”, 14-17 Kasım 2013, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, Türkiye.
  • Çetinkaya, G. ve Uzun O. (2014). Peyzaj planlama. İstanbul: Birsen Yayınevi.
  • Dunnett, N., Swanwick, C. ve Woolley, H. (2002). Improving urban parks, play areas and green spaces. UK: Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions.
  • European Commission. (2013). Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, Green Infrastructure (GI) – Enhancing Europe’s Natural Capital. Brussels, 6.5.2013 COM (2013) 249 final.
  • Firehock, K. (2010). Green infrastructure planning. University of Virginia, School of Architecture: The Green Infrastructure Center Inc. and the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning.
  • Gailing, L. (2007). Regional parks: Development strategies and intermunicipal cooperation for the urban landscape. German Journal of Urban Studies, 46 (1),
  • Gazvoda, D. (1999). Planning urbanization inside natural urban landscapes. Agricculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 64 (4), 253-258.
  • Gazvoda, D. (2002). Characteristics of modern landscape architecture and its education. Landscape and Urban Planning, 60, 117-133.
  • Grimm, N.B., Grove, J.M., Pickett, S.T.A., Redman, C.L. (2000). Integrated approaches to long-term studies of urban ecological systems. Bioscience, 50 (7), 571-584.
  • Handley, J., Pauleit, S., ve Gill, S. (2007). Landscape, sustainability and the city. J.F. Benson ve M. Roe (Der.), Landscape and sustainability içinde (ss. 184-195).
  • Hellmund, P.C. ve Smith, D.S. (2006). Designing greenways: Sustainable landscapes for nature and people. USA: Island Press.
  • Hong, S.K., Song, I. J., Wu, J. (2007). Fengshui theory in urban landscape planning. Urban Ecosystems, 10, 221-237.
  • James, P., Tzoulas, K., Adams, M.D., Barber, A., Box, J., Breuste, J., …Ward Thompson, C. (2009). Towards an integrated understanding of green space in the European built environment. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 8, 65-75.
  • Jim, C.Y. ve Chen, S.S. (2003). Comprehensive green space planning based on landscape ecology principles in compact Nanjing City, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 998, 1-22.
  • Jongman, R.H. G. (2004). The context and concept of ecological networks. R. Jongman & G. Pungetti (Der.), Ecological networks and greenways, concepts, design, implementation içinde (ss. 7-33). Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jongman, R.H.G. ve Pungetti, G. (2004). Introduction: Ecological networks and greenways. Ecological networks and greenways, concepts, design, implementation içinde (ss. 1-4). Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lancaster Country Planning Commission. (2009). Green spaces. The green infrastructure element, February 2009. The comprehensive plan for Lancaster Country, Pennsylvania. USA.
  • Mackenzie, F. (1997). The Sustainable city: The urban forest resource. Information and Advisory Note, Number 60, January 1997.
  • Mell, I.C. (2010). Green infrastructure: Concepts, perceptions and its use in spatial planning. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Newcastle University, UK.
  • Mell, I.C. (2012). Green infrastructure planning: A contemporary approach for innovative interventions in urban landscape management. Journal of Biourbanism, 1, 29-39.
  • Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. (2005). Ecosystems and human well-Being. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • Olsson, P., Folke, C., Hahn, T. (2004). Social-ecological transformation for ecosystem management: The development of adaptive co-management of a wetland landscape in Southern Sweden. Ecology and Society, 9 (4): 2.
  • Pickett, S.T.A., Cadenasso, M.L., Grove J.M., Nilon, C.H., Pouyat, R.V., Zipperer, W., CandCostanza, R. (2001). Urban ecological systems: Terrestrial ecological, physical and socioeconomic components of metropolitan areas. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 32, 127-57.
  • Swanwick, C., Dunnett, N. ve Woolley, H. (2003). The nature, role and value of green space in towns and cities – An overview. Journal of Built Environment, 29 (2), 94-106.
  • Tyrväinen, L. (1999). Monetary valuation of urban forest amenities in Finland. Academic Dissertation. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Research papers 739. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa. Finland.
  • Tzoulas, K., Korpela, K., Venn, S., Yli-Pelkonen, V., Ka´zmierczak, A., Niemela, J., James, P. (2007). Promoting ecosystem and human health in urban areas using green infrastructure: A literature review. Landscape and Urban Planning, 81, 167–178.
  • Young, C., Jarvis, P., Hooper, I., Trueman, I. (2009). Urban landscape ecology and its evaluation: A review. A. DuPont and H. Jacobs (Der.), Landscape ecology research trends içinde (ss. 45-69). New York, Nova Science Publishers.
  • Uzun, O., İlke, E.F., Çetinkaya, G., Erduran, F., Açıksöz, S. (2012). Peyzaj planlama: Konya İli Bozkır-Seydişehir-Ahırlı-Yalıhüyük ilçeleri ve Suğla Gölü mevkii peyzaj yönetimi, koruma ve planlama projesi. T.C. Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığı, Doğa Koruma ve Milli Parklar Genel Müdürlüğü Yayını. Ankara.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Gülay Çetinkaya

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 12

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetinkaya, G. (2014). Kentsel Peyzaj Ekolojisinin Sürdürülebilirliği İçin Yenilikçi Bir Yaklaşım: Yeşil Altyapı ve Planlama Politikası. İDEALKENT, 5(12), 218-245.