Year 2010,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 112 - 117, 30.10.2010
Günay Öztürk
Bengü (kılıç) Bayram
Kadri Arslan
- [1] Arslan, K. and Kilic, B., Product Submanifolds and their types, Far East Journal of Mathe-
matical Sciences, Volume 6 (1998), 125-134.
- [2] Kilic, B.,Ozturk, G. and Arslan, K., Tangentcially Cubic Curves in Euclidean Spaces, Differ-
ential Geometry - Dynamical Systems, Vol 10,(2008), 186-196.
- [3] Chen, B.Y., Total mean curvature and submanifolds of finite type, World Scientific,
- [4] Chen, B.Y., Null 2-type surfaces in Euclidean space , in Algebra, Analysis and Geometry,
(Taipei , 1988) 1-18, World Sci.Publishing, Teaneck , NJ, 1989.
- [5] Hasanis, T.H and Vlachos, T.H., Hypersurfaces in E4 with Harmonic Mean Curvature Vector
Field. Math.Nachr.172, (1995), 145-169.
- [6] Kim, Y.H., Surfaces of a Euclidean space with Helical or Planar Geodesics Through a Point,
Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata(IV), Vol CLXIV, (1993),1-35.
- [7] T. D. Moore , Isometric immersions of Riemannian products, Jour. of Geom. 5 (1971), 159-
Tangentially Cubic Submanifolds Of E^m
Year 2010,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 112 - 117, 30.10.2010
Günay Öztürk
Bengü (kılıç) Bayram
Kadri Arslan

- [1] Arslan, K. and Kilic, B., Product Submanifolds and their types, Far East Journal of Mathe-
matical Sciences, Volume 6 (1998), 125-134.
- [2] Kilic, B.,Ozturk, G. and Arslan, K., Tangentcially Cubic Curves in Euclidean Spaces, Differ-
ential Geometry - Dynamical Systems, Vol 10,(2008), 186-196.
- [3] Chen, B.Y., Total mean curvature and submanifolds of finite type, World Scientific,
- [4] Chen, B.Y., Null 2-type surfaces in Euclidean space , in Algebra, Analysis and Geometry,
(Taipei , 1988) 1-18, World Sci.Publishing, Teaneck , NJ, 1989.
- [5] Hasanis, T.H and Vlachos, T.H., Hypersurfaces in E4 with Harmonic Mean Curvature Vector
Field. Math.Nachr.172, (1995), 145-169.
- [6] Kim, Y.H., Surfaces of a Euclidean space with Helical or Planar Geodesics Through a Point,
Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata(IV), Vol CLXIV, (1993),1-35.
- [7] T. D. Moore , Isometric immersions of Riemannian products, Jour. of Geom. 5 (1971), 159-
There are 7 citations in total.