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An Analysis On Southern Caucuses

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 3, 1 - 29, 31.12.2018


Three countries in the region, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, are examined in this study on the South Caucasus, which is increasingly important and is plagued by conflict and disagreements. In addition, the impact of non-regional actors such as Russia, the United States of America, the European Union, Turkey and NATO were also included in the assessment. Russia opposes the involvement of third parties in this region, which it considers vital. The history and problems of the Caucasus are so complex that understanding the details necessary for making political decisions and analyzing the region requires special expertise. One of the main reasons for the analytical difficulties is the difficulty of acquiring academic (objective) publications and sufficient information about the region. Existing publications are often seen to be chauvinistic or for propaganda purposes. Therefore, almost every issue discussed can be controversial for different actors. In this study, sources with different perspectives on the region were examined. In this study, the main issues related to the South Caucasus region, current situation and future evaluations are put forward.


  • ABD Kongresi. (1992). Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act.
  • Abrahamyan, E. (2016). The South Caucasus: United, and Divided, NATO Policy Forum Armenia, (09.06.2016).
  • Akıner, S. (Ed.) (2004). The Caspian: Politics, Energy and Security. Abingdon: RoutledgeCurzon.
  • American Presidency Project (1999). “Press Briefing by Energy Secretary Bill Richardson …. ,” (18.11.1999),
  • Armenia Now. (2014). “Putin Signs Armenia’s Eurasian Union Deal.” (24.12.2014).
  • Avşar, B. Z. (1997). “Kafkasya-Rusya Federasyonu ve Türkiye”. Yeni Türkiye, Yıl: 3, Sayı:16, Türk Dünyası Özel Sayısı II, Temmuz-Ağustos 1997.
  • Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu. (2003). Wider Europe – Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours, Brussels.
  • Barsoumian, N. (2013). “To Greener Shores: A Detailed Report on Emigration From Armenia,” Armenian Weekly, (22.01.2013).
  • Bayev, P. (1997) Russia’s Policies in the Caucasus, London: Royal Institute for International Affairs.
  • BBC. (2014). “EU Signs Pacts With Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova.” (27.06.2014).
  • Bilensoy, İ. (2018). Bush ve Obama Dönemlerinin Terörizme Karşı Politikalar Üzerinden Karşılaştırması. Lectio Socialis, 2 (1) , 50-73.
  • Bishku, M. B. (2011). “The South Caucasus Republics and Russia’s Growing Influence: Balancing on a Tightrope. MERIA Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1.
  • Calpp, A. (2017). Prisoner of the Caucasus, National Interest, (16.02.2017).
  • Coene, F. 2009. The Caucasus-An Introduction. Routledge.
  • Coppieters, B. and Legvold, R. (eds) (2005) Georgia after the Rose Revolution, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Corboy, D., Kauzlarich, R. ve Yalowitz, K.(2015). The Next Crisis You’re Not Watching: Don’t Ignore the South Caucasus, National Interest, (17.11.2015).
  • Cornell, S. E. (2001). Small Nations and Great Powers: A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Caucasus, Richmond: Curzon Press.
  • De Waal, T. (2003). Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan through Peace and War, New York: New York University Press.
  • De Waal, T. (2015). Eastern Voices: Europe’s East Faces an Unsettled West Whither the South Caucasus? Carnegie Europe, Working Paper Series.
  • Dünya Bankası. (2004). “Armenia,”
  • Dünya Bankası. (2008). Migration and Remittances Factbook, Washington, DC: World Bank, 2008.
  • Dünya Bankası. (2016)
  • Dünya Bankası. (2016). Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia,
  • Galtsyan, A. (2016). “Armenia Prepares a Red Line in the Caucasus.” Global Affairs, (12.05. 2016).
  • Galtsyan, A. (2016). “Will Trump’s Presidency Overturn the Fragile Peace in Russia’s Backyard?” Global Affairs, (21.11.2016).
  • Gardner, A. (2014). “Armenia Chooses Russia Over EU,” Politico, 23.05.2014,
  • Geistlinger, M. (2008). Security Identity and the Southern Caucasus: The Role of the EU, the US and Russia, Vienna: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.
  • Gurbanov, I. (2016). Four-Day Karabakh War Highlights Threats to Energy Security on NATO’s Southeastern Flank. Eurasia Daily Monitor 13, No. 100 (May 23, 2016).
  • Isachenkov, V. (2016). “More Than Two Decades After 30,000 People Were Killed and 1 Million Were Displaced, Conflict Has Exploded Again Between Azerbaijan and Armenia Around the Region of Nagorno-Karabakh,” US News & World Report, April 5, 2016.
  • Ishkanian, A. (2008) Democracy Building and Civil Society in Post-Soviet Armenia, London: Routledge.
  • Internal Displacement Monitoring Center. (2014). Azerbaijan: After More Than 20 Years, IDPs Still Urgently Need Policies to Support Full Integration, (March 26, 2014).
  • Kalafat, Y. ve Aslanlı, A. (2006). “Türkiye-Azerbaycan İlişkileri.” İ. Bal (der), 21.Yüzyılda Türk Dış Politikası içinde. Ankara: AGAM Yayın Merkezi
  • Karny, Y. (2000). Highlanders: A Journey to the Caucasus in Quest of Memory. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
  • Kasım, K. (2003). “Russian–Armenian relations: a strategic partnership or hegemonic domination”, Review of Armenian Studies, 1/2.
  • Khojoyan, S. ve Agayev, Z. (2016). “Armenian-Azeri Conflict Threatens to Spread as Casualties Grow”. Bloomberg.
  • Kramer, H. (2001). Değişen Türkiye. İstanbul: Timaş Yayınları.
  • Kolga, M. (2001). The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire. Tallinn: NGO Red Book.
  • Kuhrt, N. (2011). “Soft Power? The Means and Ends of Russian Influence Abroad”, presented at Chatham House seminar, 31 March 2011.
  • Leeuw, Van der, C. (2000). Azerbaijan: A Quest for Identity, New York: St Martin’s Press.
  • Lesser, I. O. ve Fuller, G. E. (2000). Türkiye’nin Yeni Jeopolitik Konumu. İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları.
  • Libaridian, G. (1999). The Challenge of Statehood: Armenian Political Thinking since Independence. Watertown, MA: Blue Crane Books.
  • Mamadov, E. (2015). “EU and Azerbaijan: Breaking Up or Muddling Through?,” Eurasianet.
  • Mamadov, N. (2017). “EU, Which Proposes Association Agreement, Once Refused to Recognize Azerbaijan’s Territorial Integrity,” Kaspi, (February 22, 2017).
  • McCarthy, J. (2001). “The population of the Ottoman Armenians”. The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period içinde. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society for the Council of Culture, Arts and Publications of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
  • Melvin, N. (2007). Building Stability in the North Caucasus: Ways Forward for Russia and the European Union, Solna, Sweden: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
  • Michael, T. (2001). Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict, New York: Metropolitan Books.
  • Minahan, J. (2000). One Europe, Many Nations: A Historical Dictionary of European National Groups, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Mkrtchyan, T. (2005). ‘The Prospects of “Physical” Border-Spanning at the Neighbours of Europe and the Role of NATO in that process’, Expanding Borders: Communities and Identities, Riga: University of Latvia.
  • Nation, R. C. (2007). Russia, the United States, and the Caucasus, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute.
  • Nixey, J. (2012). The Long Goodbye: Waning Russian Influence in the South Caucasus and Central Asia, Chatham House.
  • Nuriyev, E. (2007). The South Caucasus at the Crossroads: Conflicts, Caspian Oil and Great Power Politics, Berlin: LIT.
  • Pavelenlko, A. (2008). “Russian in Post-Soviet Countries”. Russian Linguistics, Vol. 32.
  • Rabil, R. G. (2017). The Syria Crisis Has Evolved into an International Power Struggle, National Interest, (April 18, 2017).
  • Rosen, R. (1999). Georgia: A Sovereign Country of the Caucasus, Hong Kong: Odyssey.
  • Rumer, E., Sokolsky, R. ve Stronski, P. (2017). U.S. Policy Toward the South Caucasus: Take Three, Carnegie Endowment. Rusya Federasyonu Hükümeti. (2010). “Prime Minister Vladimir Putin…,” (06.08.2010),
  • Suny, R. G. (1994) The Making of the Georgian Nation, 2nd edn, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Tarakçı, N. (2015). Soykırım Bahane Amaç Kafkasya’ya Sızmak, Mayıs 2015.
  • The Europa World Year Book. (1997). “Georgia: Introductory Survey.” Europa Pub.Ltd., Vol. I.
  • Tishkov, V. Ve diğerleri (2005). Migration in the Countries.., Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM), September 2005,
  • UNHCR. (2006). “2005 Global Refugee Trends: Statistical Overview of Populations of Refugees, Asylum-Seekers, Internally Displaced Persons, and Other Persons of Concern to UNHCR,” United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), (June 9, 2006).
  • Veliyev, C. (2016). Can Trump Shake Up the South Caucasus? Center for Strategic Studies, Baku.
  • Yalowitz, K. ve Courtney, ‘. (2017). Georgia Wants Reassurance That America Will Help Deter Russia, RAND Corp.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2007). Karadeniz’de Değişen Dengeler ve Türkiye, Karadeniz Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 4, Sayı 15, Güz 2007.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2017). Kuzey Kafkasya Analizi: Gölgelenen Savaşlar. Iğdır Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Sayı 2, ss. 1-20.
  • Winrow, G. (2001). Turkey and the Caucasus: Domestic Interests and Security Concerns, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.

Güney Kafkasya Üzerine Bir Analiz

Yıl 2018, Sayı: 3, 1 - 29, 31.12.2018


Önemi gittikçe artan ve çatışma ile anlaşmazlıklarla malul Güney Kafkasya’ya ilişkin bu çalışmada bölgedeki üç ülke olan Gürcistan, Ermenistan ve Azerbaycan incelenmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, Rusya, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Avrupa Birliği, Türkiye ve NATO gibi bölge dışı aktörlerin de etkisi değerlendirmeye katılmıştır. Rusya, yaşamsal gördüğü bu bölgede üçüncü tarafların müdahil olmasına karşı çıkmaktadır. Kafkas tarihi ve sorunları öylesine karmaşıktır ki, siyasal kararların verilmesi ve bölge analizi için gerekli detayların anlaşılması özel bir uzmanlık gerektirmektedir. Analiz zorluklarının temel nedenlerinden birisi bölge ile ilgili akademik (objektif) yayın ve yeterli bilgi toplama zorluğudur. Mevcut yayınlar genellikle şovenist veya propaganda amaçlı olduğu görülmektedir. Bu yüzden, ele alınan hemen her konu farklı aktörler için tartışmalı olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada ise bölgeyle ilgili farklı bakış açılarına sahip kaynaklar incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Güney Kafkasya bölgesine ilişkin temel hususlara, mevcut durum ve geleceğe ilişkin değerlendirmelere yer verilmiştir.


  • ABD Kongresi. (1992). Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act.
  • Abrahamyan, E. (2016). The South Caucasus: United, and Divided, NATO Policy Forum Armenia, (09.06.2016).
  • Akıner, S. (Ed.) (2004). The Caspian: Politics, Energy and Security. Abingdon: RoutledgeCurzon.
  • American Presidency Project (1999). “Press Briefing by Energy Secretary Bill Richardson …. ,” (18.11.1999),
  • Armenia Now. (2014). “Putin Signs Armenia’s Eurasian Union Deal.” (24.12.2014).
  • Avşar, B. Z. (1997). “Kafkasya-Rusya Federasyonu ve Türkiye”. Yeni Türkiye, Yıl: 3, Sayı:16, Türk Dünyası Özel Sayısı II, Temmuz-Ağustos 1997.
  • Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu. (2003). Wider Europe – Neighbourhood: A New Framework for Relations with our Eastern and Southern Neighbours, Brussels.
  • Barsoumian, N. (2013). “To Greener Shores: A Detailed Report on Emigration From Armenia,” Armenian Weekly, (22.01.2013).
  • Bayev, P. (1997) Russia’s Policies in the Caucasus, London: Royal Institute for International Affairs.
  • BBC. (2014). “EU Signs Pacts With Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova.” (27.06.2014).
  • Bilensoy, İ. (2018). Bush ve Obama Dönemlerinin Terörizme Karşı Politikalar Üzerinden Karşılaştırması. Lectio Socialis, 2 (1) , 50-73.
  • Bishku, M. B. (2011). “The South Caucasus Republics and Russia’s Growing Influence: Balancing on a Tightrope. MERIA Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1.
  • Calpp, A. (2017). Prisoner of the Caucasus, National Interest, (16.02.2017).
  • Coene, F. 2009. The Caucasus-An Introduction. Routledge.
  • Coppieters, B. and Legvold, R. (eds) (2005) Georgia after the Rose Revolution, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Corboy, D., Kauzlarich, R. ve Yalowitz, K.(2015). The Next Crisis You’re Not Watching: Don’t Ignore the South Caucasus, National Interest, (17.11.2015).
  • Cornell, S. E. (2001). Small Nations and Great Powers: A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Caucasus, Richmond: Curzon Press.
  • De Waal, T. (2003). Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan through Peace and War, New York: New York University Press.
  • De Waal, T. (2015). Eastern Voices: Europe’s East Faces an Unsettled West Whither the South Caucasus? Carnegie Europe, Working Paper Series.
  • Dünya Bankası. (2004). “Armenia,”
  • Dünya Bankası. (2008). Migration and Remittances Factbook, Washington, DC: World Bank, 2008.
  • Dünya Bankası. (2016)
  • Dünya Bankası. (2016). Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia,
  • Galtsyan, A. (2016). “Armenia Prepares a Red Line in the Caucasus.” Global Affairs, (12.05. 2016).
  • Galtsyan, A. (2016). “Will Trump’s Presidency Overturn the Fragile Peace in Russia’s Backyard?” Global Affairs, (21.11.2016).
  • Gardner, A. (2014). “Armenia Chooses Russia Over EU,” Politico, 23.05.2014,
  • Geistlinger, M. (2008). Security Identity and the Southern Caucasus: The Role of the EU, the US and Russia, Vienna: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.
  • Gurbanov, I. (2016). Four-Day Karabakh War Highlights Threats to Energy Security on NATO’s Southeastern Flank. Eurasia Daily Monitor 13, No. 100 (May 23, 2016).
  • Isachenkov, V. (2016). “More Than Two Decades After 30,000 People Were Killed and 1 Million Were Displaced, Conflict Has Exploded Again Between Azerbaijan and Armenia Around the Region of Nagorno-Karabakh,” US News & World Report, April 5, 2016.
  • Ishkanian, A. (2008) Democracy Building and Civil Society in Post-Soviet Armenia, London: Routledge.
  • Internal Displacement Monitoring Center. (2014). Azerbaijan: After More Than 20 Years, IDPs Still Urgently Need Policies to Support Full Integration, (March 26, 2014).
  • Kalafat, Y. ve Aslanlı, A. (2006). “Türkiye-Azerbaycan İlişkileri.” İ. Bal (der), 21.Yüzyılda Türk Dış Politikası içinde. Ankara: AGAM Yayın Merkezi
  • Karny, Y. (2000). Highlanders: A Journey to the Caucasus in Quest of Memory. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
  • Kasım, K. (2003). “Russian–Armenian relations: a strategic partnership or hegemonic domination”, Review of Armenian Studies, 1/2.
  • Khojoyan, S. ve Agayev, Z. (2016). “Armenian-Azeri Conflict Threatens to Spread as Casualties Grow”. Bloomberg.
  • Kramer, H. (2001). Değişen Türkiye. İstanbul: Timaş Yayınları.
  • Kolga, M. (2001). The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire. Tallinn: NGO Red Book.
  • Kuhrt, N. (2011). “Soft Power? The Means and Ends of Russian Influence Abroad”, presented at Chatham House seminar, 31 March 2011.
  • Leeuw, Van der, C. (2000). Azerbaijan: A Quest for Identity, New York: St Martin’s Press.
  • Lesser, I. O. ve Fuller, G. E. (2000). Türkiye’nin Yeni Jeopolitik Konumu. İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları.
  • Libaridian, G. (1999). The Challenge of Statehood: Armenian Political Thinking since Independence. Watertown, MA: Blue Crane Books.
  • Mamadov, E. (2015). “EU and Azerbaijan: Breaking Up or Muddling Through?,” Eurasianet.
  • Mamadov, N. (2017). “EU, Which Proposes Association Agreement, Once Refused to Recognize Azerbaijan’s Territorial Integrity,” Kaspi, (February 22, 2017).
  • McCarthy, J. (2001). “The population of the Ottoman Armenians”. The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period içinde. Ankara: Turkish Historical Society for the Council of Culture, Arts and Publications of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
  • Melvin, N. (2007). Building Stability in the North Caucasus: Ways Forward for Russia and the European Union, Solna, Sweden: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
  • Michael, T. (2001). Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict, New York: Metropolitan Books.
  • Minahan, J. (2000). One Europe, Many Nations: A Historical Dictionary of European National Groups, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Mkrtchyan, T. (2005). ‘The Prospects of “Physical” Border-Spanning at the Neighbours of Europe and the Role of NATO in that process’, Expanding Borders: Communities and Identities, Riga: University of Latvia.
  • Nation, R. C. (2007). Russia, the United States, and the Caucasus, Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute.
  • Nixey, J. (2012). The Long Goodbye: Waning Russian Influence in the South Caucasus and Central Asia, Chatham House.
  • Nuriyev, E. (2007). The South Caucasus at the Crossroads: Conflicts, Caspian Oil and Great Power Politics, Berlin: LIT.
  • Pavelenlko, A. (2008). “Russian in Post-Soviet Countries”. Russian Linguistics, Vol. 32.
  • Rabil, R. G. (2017). The Syria Crisis Has Evolved into an International Power Struggle, National Interest, (April 18, 2017).
  • Rosen, R. (1999). Georgia: A Sovereign Country of the Caucasus, Hong Kong: Odyssey.
  • Rumer, E., Sokolsky, R. ve Stronski, P. (2017). U.S. Policy Toward the South Caucasus: Take Three, Carnegie Endowment. Rusya Federasyonu Hükümeti. (2010). “Prime Minister Vladimir Putin…,” (06.08.2010),
  • Suny, R. G. (1994) The Making of the Georgian Nation, 2nd edn, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Tarakçı, N. (2015). Soykırım Bahane Amaç Kafkasya’ya Sızmak, Mayıs 2015.
  • The Europa World Year Book. (1997). “Georgia: Introductory Survey.” Europa Pub.Ltd., Vol. I.
  • Tishkov, V. Ve diğerleri (2005). Migration in the Countries.., Global Commission on International Migration (GCIM), September 2005,
  • UNHCR. (2006). “2005 Global Refugee Trends: Statistical Overview of Populations of Refugees, Asylum-Seekers, Internally Displaced Persons, and Other Persons of Concern to UNHCR,” United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), (June 9, 2006).
  • Veliyev, C. (2016). Can Trump Shake Up the South Caucasus? Center for Strategic Studies, Baku.
  • Yalowitz, K. ve Courtney, ‘. (2017). Georgia Wants Reassurance That America Will Help Deter Russia, RAND Corp.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2007). Karadeniz’de Değişen Dengeler ve Türkiye, Karadeniz Araştırmaları Dergisi, Cilt 4, Sayı 15, Güz 2007.
  • Yılmaz, S. (2017). Kuzey Kafkasya Analizi: Gölgelenen Savaşlar. Iğdır Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, Sayı 2, ss. 1-20.
  • Winrow, G. (2001). Turkey and the Caucasus: Domestic Interests and Security Concerns, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.
Toplam 65 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Uluslararası İlişkiler
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Sait Yılmaz 0000-0001-7443-1856

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Kasım 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, S. (2018). Güney Kafkasya Üzerine Bir Analiz. Igdir University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences(3), 1-29.

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