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Investigation of high percentage of dimethyl ether on biodiesel usage in a diesel engine

Yıl 2024, , 91 - 102, 30.09.2024


Demand for cleaner energy sources both as additive and alternative fuels that can substitute or contribute to the usage of conventional fuels is growing. Researchers have mainly focused on improving or finding a renewable fuel from vegetable oil or addition of chemicals and alcohols for IC engine. This study analyzed the effects of a high percentage of dimethyl ether (DME) combined with biodiesel in a diesel engine. Transesterification method was selected for conversion of pure safflower oil to biodiesel. DME was blended with biodiesel at concentrations of 50% and 25% on a volume basis, respectively. Engine performance and emissions tests demonstrated that the thermal efficiency values were increased at high load operation when the engine was fueled with high percentage of DME. Furthermore, compared to conventional diesel, there has been a notable decrease in NOx emissions. Nevertheless, the introduction of DME blend had negligible effects on CO2 emissions. However, when using a high ratio of DME blend, HC emissions were found to increase, whereas a low ratio of DME blend resulted in decreased HC emissions. Apart from these, some irregularities were observed both on heat release rate and cylinder pressure especially for 50% of DME usage. Finally, the values for both brake-specific fuel consumption and mass fuel of DME-blended fuels were deteriorated.


  • Y. Wang, F. Xiao, Y. Zhao, D. Li, X. Lei, "Study on cycle-by-cycle variations in a diesel engine with dimethyl ether as port premixing fuel", Applied Energy, 143, 58–70, 2015.
  • B. Ashok, K. Nanthagopal, S. Darla, O.H. Chyuan, A. Ramesh, A. Jacob, G. Sahil, S. Thiyagarajan, V.E. Geo, "Comparative assessment of hexanol and decanol as oxygenated additives with calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel", Energy, 173, 494–510, 2019.
  • N. Yilmaz, A. Atmanli, F.M. Vigil, "Quaternary blends of diesel, biodiesel, higher alcohols and vegetable oil in a compression ignition engine", Fuel, 212, 462–469, 2018.
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  • C.V.K. de Oliveira, R.F. Santos, J.A.C. Siqueira, R.A. Bariccatti, N.B.G. Lenz, G.S. Cruz, L.K. Tokura, F.F. Klajn, “Chemical characterization of oil and biodiesel from four safflower genotypes”, Industrial Crops and Products, 123, 192–196, 2018.
  • A.S. Kumari, C.H. Penchalayya, A.V.S.R. Raju, “Performance evaluation of diesel engine with safflower oil”, Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, 19, 2, 63, 2013.
  • B. Kayode, A. Hart, “An overview of transesterification methods for producing biodiesel from waste vegetable oils”, Biofuels, 10, 3, 419–437, 2019.
  • B.N. Kale, S.D. Patle, “State of art review of algal biodiesel and its blends influence on performance and emission characteristics of compression ignition engine”, Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 7, 100431, 2022.
  • K.S. Mehra, J. Pal, V. Goel, “A comprehensive review on the atomization and spray characteristics of renewable biofuels”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 56, 103106, 2023.
  • K. Im-orb, A. Arpornwichanop, “Comparative techno-economic assessment of bio-methanol and bio-DME production from oil palm residue”, Energy Conversion and Management, 258, 115511, 2022.
  • Tripathi, A.K. Agarwal, “DME as a Green Fuel for Transport Sector BT - Renewable Fuels for Sustainable Mobility”, in: P.C. Shukla, G. Belgiorno, G. Di Blasio, A.K. Agarwal (Eds.), Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore, 35–77, 2023.
  • J. Huang, Z. Liu, M. Li, Y. Sun, “Study on deflagration process of LPG/DME blended combustible gas cloud in open space”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 76, 104732, 2022.
  • Q. Zhang, X. Qian, R. Li, G. Zhou, Y. Sun, Y. Ma, Y. Kong, “Explosion characteristics and chemical kinetics of blended LPG/DME clean fuel based on pyrolysis and oxidation mechanism model”, Fuel, 320, 123896, 2022.
  • K. Theinnoi, P. Suksompong, W. Temwutthikun, “Engine Performance of Dual Fuel Operation with In-cylinder Injected Diesel Fuels and In-Port Injected DME”, Energy Procedia, 142, 461–467, 2017.
  • H.G. Roh, D. Lee, C.S. Lee, “Impact of DME-biodiesel, diesel-biodiesel and diesel fuels on the combustion and emission reduction characteristics of a CI engine according to pilot and single injection strategies”, Journal of the Energy Institute, 88, 4, 376–385, 2015.
  • X. LI, X. Fang, L. LAO, L. XU, L. Qian, “On-line mixing and emission characteristics of diesel engine with DME injected into fuel pipeline”, Journal of Thermal Science, 21, 1, 627–638, 2017.
  • U. Rashid, F. Anwar, “Production of Biodiesel through Base-Catalyzed Transesterification of Safflower Oil Using an Optimized Protocol”, Energy Fuels, 22, 2, 1306–1312, 2008.
  • N. Corr, Febris “Data Logging Software”,,5773/febris---internal-combustion-engine-analysis-testing-sy-.html, 2015.
  • J.B. Heywood, “Internal combustion engine fundamentals”, Mcgraw-hill, 1988.
  • I. El-Seesy, H. Hassan, S. Ookawara, “Influence of adding multiwalled carbon nanotubes to waste cooking oil biodiesel on the performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine: an experimental investigation”, International Journal of Green Energy, 16, 12, 901-916, 2019.
  • J. L. S. Fagundez, D. Golke, M. E. S. Martins, N. P. G. Salau, “An investigation on performance and combustion characteristics of pure n-butanol and a blend of n-butanol/ethanol as fuels in a spark ignition engine”, Energy, 176, 521-530, 2019.
  • Z. Gong, L. Feng, Z. Wang, “Experimental and numerical study of the effect of injection strategy and intake valve lift on super-knock and engine performance in a boosted GDI engine”, Fuel, 249, 309-325, 2019.
  • S. Erdoğan, M. K. Balki, C. Sayın, “Combustion Analysis of Biodiesel Derived from Bone Marrow in a Diesel Generator at Low Loads”, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 8, 2, 76-82, 2019.
  • P. A. Lakshminarayanan, Y. V Aghav, “Modelling diesel combustion”, Springer Science & Business Media, 2010.
  • G.P. Merker, C. Schwarz, R. Teichmann, “Combustion engines development: mixture formation, combustion, emissions and simulation”, Springer Science & Business Media, 2011.
  • A.K. Agarwal, D.K. Srivastava, A. Dhar, R.K. Maurya, P.C. Shukla, A.P. Singh, “Effect of fuel injection timing and pressure on combustion, emissions and performance characteristics of a single cylinder diesel engine”, Fuel, 111, 374–383, 2013.
  • Bonnick, “A practical approach to motor vehicle engineering and maintenance”, Routledge, 2011.
  • M.A. Ghadikolaei, C.S. Cheung, K.-F. Yung, “Study of combustion, performance and emissions of diesel engine fueled with diesel/biodiesel/alcohol blends having the same oxygen concentration”, Energy, 157, 258–269, 2018.
  • Z.-W. Liu, F.-S. Li, W. Wang, B. Wang, “Impact of different levels of biodiesel oxidation on its emission characteristics”, Journal of the Energy Institute, 92, 4, 861–870, 2019.
  • J. Hou, Z. Wang, S. Xi, S. Li, X. Xu, “Comparative Analysis of Combustion Behaviors and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engines Fueled with Biodiesel or Biodiesel Blends”, ACS Omega, 7, 37, 33461–33469, 2022.
Yıl 2024, , 91 - 102, 30.09.2024



  • Y. Wang, F. Xiao, Y. Zhao, D. Li, X. Lei, "Study on cycle-by-cycle variations in a diesel engine with dimethyl ether as port premixing fuel", Applied Energy, 143, 58–70, 2015.
  • B. Ashok, K. Nanthagopal, S. Darla, O.H. Chyuan, A. Ramesh, A. Jacob, G. Sahil, S. Thiyagarajan, V.E. Geo, "Comparative assessment of hexanol and decanol as oxygenated additives with calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel", Energy, 173, 494–510, 2019.
  • N. Yilmaz, A. Atmanli, F.M. Vigil, "Quaternary blends of diesel, biodiesel, higher alcohols and vegetable oil in a compression ignition engine", Fuel, 212, 462–469, 2018.
  • W. Ying, L. Genbao, Z. Wei, Z. Longbao, "Study on the application of DME/diesel blends in a diesel engine", Fuel Processing Technology, 89, 12, 1272–1280, 2008.
  • C.V.K. de Oliveira, R.F. Santos, J.A.C. Siqueira, R.A. Bariccatti, N.B.G. Lenz, G.S. Cruz, L.K. Tokura, F.F. Klajn, “Chemical characterization of oil and biodiesel from four safflower genotypes”, Industrial Crops and Products, 123, 192–196, 2018.
  • A.S. Kumari, C.H. Penchalayya, A.V.S.R. Raju, “Performance evaluation of diesel engine with safflower oil”, Journal of Engineering Studies and Research, 19, 2, 63, 2013.
  • B. Kayode, A. Hart, “An overview of transesterification methods for producing biodiesel from waste vegetable oils”, Biofuels, 10, 3, 419–437, 2019.
  • B.N. Kale, S.D. Patle, “State of art review of algal biodiesel and its blends influence on performance and emission characteristics of compression ignition engine”, Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 7, 100431, 2022.
  • K.S. Mehra, J. Pal, V. Goel, “A comprehensive review on the atomization and spray characteristics of renewable biofuels”, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 56, 103106, 2023.
  • K. Im-orb, A. Arpornwichanop, “Comparative techno-economic assessment of bio-methanol and bio-DME production from oil palm residue”, Energy Conversion and Management, 258, 115511, 2022.
  • Tripathi, A.K. Agarwal, “DME as a Green Fuel for Transport Sector BT - Renewable Fuels for Sustainable Mobility”, in: P.C. Shukla, G. Belgiorno, G. Di Blasio, A.K. Agarwal (Eds.), Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore, 35–77, 2023.
  • J. Huang, Z. Liu, M. Li, Y. Sun, “Study on deflagration process of LPG/DME blended combustible gas cloud in open space”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 76, 104732, 2022.
  • Q. Zhang, X. Qian, R. Li, G. Zhou, Y. Sun, Y. Ma, Y. Kong, “Explosion characteristics and chemical kinetics of blended LPG/DME clean fuel based on pyrolysis and oxidation mechanism model”, Fuel, 320, 123896, 2022.
  • K. Theinnoi, P. Suksompong, W. Temwutthikun, “Engine Performance of Dual Fuel Operation with In-cylinder Injected Diesel Fuels and In-Port Injected DME”, Energy Procedia, 142, 461–467, 2017.
  • H.G. Roh, D. Lee, C.S. Lee, “Impact of DME-biodiesel, diesel-biodiesel and diesel fuels on the combustion and emission reduction characteristics of a CI engine according to pilot and single injection strategies”, Journal of the Energy Institute, 88, 4, 376–385, 2015.
  • X. LI, X. Fang, L. LAO, L. XU, L. Qian, “On-line mixing and emission characteristics of diesel engine with DME injected into fuel pipeline”, Journal of Thermal Science, 21, 1, 627–638, 2017.
  • U. Rashid, F. Anwar, “Production of Biodiesel through Base-Catalyzed Transesterification of Safflower Oil Using an Optimized Protocol”, Energy Fuels, 22, 2, 1306–1312, 2008.
  • N. Corr, Febris “Data Logging Software”,,5773/febris---internal-combustion-engine-analysis-testing-sy-.html, 2015.
  • J.B. Heywood, “Internal combustion engine fundamentals”, Mcgraw-hill, 1988.
  • I. El-Seesy, H. Hassan, S. Ookawara, “Influence of adding multiwalled carbon nanotubes to waste cooking oil biodiesel on the performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine: an experimental investigation”, International Journal of Green Energy, 16, 12, 901-916, 2019.
  • J. L. S. Fagundez, D. Golke, M. E. S. Martins, N. P. G. Salau, “An investigation on performance and combustion characteristics of pure n-butanol and a blend of n-butanol/ethanol as fuels in a spark ignition engine”, Energy, 176, 521-530, 2019.
  • Z. Gong, L. Feng, Z. Wang, “Experimental and numerical study of the effect of injection strategy and intake valve lift on super-knock and engine performance in a boosted GDI engine”, Fuel, 249, 309-325, 2019.
  • S. Erdoğan, M. K. Balki, C. Sayın, “Combustion Analysis of Biodiesel Derived from Bone Marrow in a Diesel Generator at Low Loads”, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 8, 2, 76-82, 2019.
  • P. A. Lakshminarayanan, Y. V Aghav, “Modelling diesel combustion”, Springer Science & Business Media, 2010.
  • G.P. Merker, C. Schwarz, R. Teichmann, “Combustion engines development: mixture formation, combustion, emissions and simulation”, Springer Science & Business Media, 2011.
  • A.K. Agarwal, D.K. Srivastava, A. Dhar, R.K. Maurya, P.C. Shukla, A.P. Singh, “Effect of fuel injection timing and pressure on combustion, emissions and performance characteristics of a single cylinder diesel engine”, Fuel, 111, 374–383, 2013.
  • Bonnick, “A practical approach to motor vehicle engineering and maintenance”, Routledge, 2011.
  • M.A. Ghadikolaei, C.S. Cheung, K.-F. Yung, “Study of combustion, performance and emissions of diesel engine fueled with diesel/biodiesel/alcohol blends having the same oxygen concentration”, Energy, 157, 258–269, 2018.
  • Z.-W. Liu, F.-S. Li, W. Wang, B. Wang, “Impact of different levels of biodiesel oxidation on its emission characteristics”, Journal of the Energy Institute, 92, 4, 861–870, 2019.
  • J. Hou, Z. Wang, S. Xi, S. Li, X. Xu, “Comparative Analysis of Combustion Behaviors and Emission Characteristics of Diesel Engines Fueled with Biodiesel or Biodiesel Blends”, ACS Omega, 7, 37, 33461–33469, 2022.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular İçten Yanmalı Motorlar
Bölüm Article

Yahya Çelebi 0000-0002-4686-9794

Hüseyin Aydın 0000-0002-5415-0405

Hüsna Topkaya 0000-0002-7867-4086

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 28 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Çelebi, Y., Aydın, H., & Topkaya, H. (2024). Investigation of high percentage of dimethyl ether on biodiesel usage in a diesel engine. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, 13(3), 91-102.
AMA Çelebi Y, Aydın H, Topkaya H. Investigation of high percentage of dimethyl ether on biodiesel usage in a diesel engine. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. Eylül 2024;13(3):91-102. doi:10.18245/ijaet.1351218
Chicago Çelebi, Yahya, Hüseyin Aydın, ve Hüsna Topkaya. “Investigation of High Percentage of Dimethyl Ether on Biodiesel Usage in a Diesel Engine”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 13, sy. 3 (Eylül 2024): 91-102.
EndNote Çelebi Y, Aydın H, Topkaya H (01 Eylül 2024) Investigation of high percentage of dimethyl ether on biodiesel usage in a diesel engine. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 13 3 91–102.
IEEE Y. Çelebi, H. Aydın, ve H. Topkaya, “Investigation of high percentage of dimethyl ether on biodiesel usage in a diesel engine”, International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, c. 13, sy. 3, ss. 91–102, 2024, doi: 10.18245/ijaet.1351218.
ISNAD Çelebi, Yahya vd. “Investigation of High Percentage of Dimethyl Ether on Biodiesel Usage in a Diesel Engine”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies 13/3 (Eylül 2024), 91-102.
JAMA Çelebi Y, Aydın H, Topkaya H. Investigation of high percentage of dimethyl ether on biodiesel usage in a diesel engine. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2024;13:91–102.
MLA Çelebi, Yahya vd. “Investigation of High Percentage of Dimethyl Ether on Biodiesel Usage in a Diesel Engine”. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies, c. 13, sy. 3, 2024, ss. 91-102, doi:10.18245/ijaet.1351218.
Vancouver Çelebi Y, Aydın H, Topkaya H. Investigation of high percentage of dimethyl ether on biodiesel usage in a diesel engine. International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies. 2024;13(3):91-102.