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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 138 - 142, 18.06.2019


Belonging to the
Oomycete genus, Phytophthora capsici is responsible of many devastating disease
and the most destructive agent of pepper in the World.  The most cost-effective method for preventing
Phytophthora blight is to use resistant cultivars.
In this
study, the polygenic resistance of improved pepper lines to Phytophthora Blight
were screened by molecular markers placed on three chromosomes in pepper. Sena
variety registered as suitable for spice pepper production was used as susceptible
female donor and CM 334 and Perennial genotypes were used as male resistance
sources. Thirty two genotypes were screened by ASC 035 marker placed on
chromosomes P10, ASC 037 on P5 and ASC 031 on P2. Twelve of these improved red
pepper lines from different resistance sources were exhibited polygenic
resistance according to electrophoretic signals to all of three markers placed
on P2, P5 and P10. In order to determine codominance of the resistance genes
PCR products of ASC 031 and ASC 037 were restricted by HaeIII and EcoRI respectively.
Ten improved lines exhibited codominance related with resistance to
Phytophthora Blight concerning ASC 031 and only one line was showed codominance
for ASC 037. Three different lines had one resistance gene on P5 and on P10
independently. Only T12 line holds two resistance genes both P2 and P10. DD and
63 lines were most promising genotypes related with their resistance to
pathogen. Molecular assisted selection was found useful for improving
Phytophthora resistant red pepper lines. 


  • Abak, K. 1982. Biberlerde Kökboğazı Yanıklığına dayanıklılığın kalıtımı üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü.Ziraat Fakültesi, Bakçe Bitkileri Bölümü, Doçentlik Tezi, Ankara.
  • Choi, K. S., Young, H. O., Cang, H. L. and Jae, W. L. 1985. Studies On Varietal Differences and Inheritance of Resistance to Phytophtora capsici In Red Peppers Of Korea. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 5:39-40 p.
  • Galmarini, C. R. 1997. Pepper Breeding in Argentina. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter. 16: 28-34.
  • Guerrero-Moreno, A. and Laborde, J.A. 1980. Current Status of Pepper Breeding for Resistance to Phytophthora capsici in Mexico. IV. Meeting Eucarpian Capsicum Working Group. Wageningen: 52-56.
  • İren, S., Maden, S., Patlıcangil, B., & Etmeni, K. T. B. Y. H. Phytopthora capsici Leon Enfeksiyonlarına Karşı Serada Reaksiyonlarının Tespiti. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yıllığı, 26, 323-330.
  • Kim, E. S. and Hwang, B. K. 1992. Virulence to Korean pepper cultivars of isolates of Phytophthora capsici from different geographic aeras. Plant Disease 76:486-489.
  • Kiran, O. F., & Ertunc, F. 1998. Detection of the Disease of Solanaceous Plants in Van Province. JOURNAL OF TURKISH PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 27, 105-112.
  • Lee, B. K., Kim, B. S., Chang, S. W. and Hwang, B. K. 2001. Aggressiveness to pumpkin cultivars of isolates of Phytophthora capsici from pumpkin and pepper. Plant Dis. 85:497-500.
  • Lefebvre, V. and Palloix, A. 1996. Both additive and Epistatic Effects of QTLs are Involved in Polygenic Induced Resistance to Diseases: A Case Study, the Interaction Pepper- Phytophthora capsici Leon. Theor. Appl. Genet. 93: 503-511.
  • Leonian, LH. 1922. Stem and fruit blight of pepper caused by Phytophthora capsici sp. Nov. Phytopathology 12: 401-408.
  • Metsalu, T., & Vilo, J. (2015). ClustVis: a web tool for visualizing clustering of multivariate data using Principal Component Analysis and heatmap. Nucleic acids research, 43(W1), W566-W570.
  • Milkova, L., Vitanov, M. and Daskalov, S. 1988. Phytostop – A New Cultivar Resistant To Phytophtora capsici Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 7: 62.
  • Pochard E.1964.Piment. Rapport, d’Activite 1964.Stat. d’Amelior.Plantes Maraich. d’Avignon (France):41-46.
  • Pochard, E. and Daubèze, A. M. 1982. Comparison of Three Different Sources of Resistance to Phytophthora capsici in Capsicum annuum. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 1: 59-62.
  • Ruffel, S., Gallois, J. L., Moury, B., Robaglia, C., Palloix, A., & Caranta, C. (2006). Simultaneous mutations in translation initiation factors eIF4E and eIF (iso) 4E are required to prevent pepper veinal mottle virus infection of pepper. Journal of General Virology, 87(7), 2089-2098.
  • Simon, J.J., Webster, R.K. 1979. Idendification of strains and inheritance of pathogenicity in Phytophthora capsici. Phytopathology, 62:20-26.
  • Smith, P. G., Kimble, K. A., Grogan, R. G. and Millett, A. H. 1967. Inheritance of resistance in peppers to Phytophthora root rot . Phytopathology. 57:377-379.
  • Sotirova, V. and Daskalov, S. 1983. Use of Induced Mutations In Developing Pepper Forms Resistant to Phytophtora capsici Leonian. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 2: 48-50
  • Soylu, S., & Kurt, Ş. 2001. Occurrence and distribution of fungal diseases on greenhouse grown pepper plants in Hatay Province. In International XIth EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum & Eggplant (pp. 315-319).
  • Thabuis, A., Lefebvre, V., Bernard, G., Daubeze, A. M., Phaly, T., Pochard, E., & Palloix, A. 2004. Phenotypic and molecular evaluation of a recurrent selection program for a polygenic resistance to Phytophthora capsici in pepper. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 109(2), 342-351.
  • Thabuis, A., Palloix, A., Pflieger, S., Daubeze, A.M., Caranta, C. and Lefebvre, V. 2003. Comparative mapping of Phytophthora resistance loci in pepper germplasm: evidence for conserved resistance loci across Solanaceae and for a large genetic diversity. Theor. Appl. Genet. 106: 1473-1485.
  • Thabuis, A., Palloix, A., Servin, B., Daubeze, A. M., Signoret, P., & Lefebvre, V. 2004 a. Marker-assisted introgression of 4 Phytophthora capsici resistance QTL alleles into a bell pepper line: validation of additive and epistatic effects. Molecular Breeding, 14(1), 9-20.
  • Yamakawa K., Mochizuki T., Yasui H. 1979. Screening of Cultivated and Wildpeppers for Phytophthora capsici Resistance and Its Inheritance. Bull. Veg. And Ornam. Crops. Res.Stat. Japan Ser., A. (6): 29-38.
Yıl 2019, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 138 - 142, 18.06.2019



  • Abak, K. 1982. Biberlerde Kökboğazı Yanıklığına dayanıklılığın kalıtımı üzerinde araştırmalar. A.Ü.Ziraat Fakültesi, Bakçe Bitkileri Bölümü, Doçentlik Tezi, Ankara.
  • Choi, K. S., Young, H. O., Cang, H. L. and Jae, W. L. 1985. Studies On Varietal Differences and Inheritance of Resistance to Phytophtora capsici In Red Peppers Of Korea. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 5:39-40 p.
  • Galmarini, C. R. 1997. Pepper Breeding in Argentina. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter. 16: 28-34.
  • Guerrero-Moreno, A. and Laborde, J.A. 1980. Current Status of Pepper Breeding for Resistance to Phytophthora capsici in Mexico. IV. Meeting Eucarpian Capsicum Working Group. Wageningen: 52-56.
  • İren, S., Maden, S., Patlıcangil, B., & Etmeni, K. T. B. Y. H. Phytopthora capsici Leon Enfeksiyonlarına Karşı Serada Reaksiyonlarının Tespiti. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yıllığı, 26, 323-330.
  • Kim, E. S. and Hwang, B. K. 1992. Virulence to Korean pepper cultivars of isolates of Phytophthora capsici from different geographic aeras. Plant Disease 76:486-489.
  • Kiran, O. F., & Ertunc, F. 1998. Detection of the Disease of Solanaceous Plants in Van Province. JOURNAL OF TURKISH PHYTOPATHOLOGY, 27, 105-112.
  • Lee, B. K., Kim, B. S., Chang, S. W. and Hwang, B. K. 2001. Aggressiveness to pumpkin cultivars of isolates of Phytophthora capsici from pumpkin and pepper. Plant Dis. 85:497-500.
  • Lefebvre, V. and Palloix, A. 1996. Both additive and Epistatic Effects of QTLs are Involved in Polygenic Induced Resistance to Diseases: A Case Study, the Interaction Pepper- Phytophthora capsici Leon. Theor. Appl. Genet. 93: 503-511.
  • Leonian, LH. 1922. Stem and fruit blight of pepper caused by Phytophthora capsici sp. Nov. Phytopathology 12: 401-408.
  • Metsalu, T., & Vilo, J. (2015). ClustVis: a web tool for visualizing clustering of multivariate data using Principal Component Analysis and heatmap. Nucleic acids research, 43(W1), W566-W570.
  • Milkova, L., Vitanov, M. and Daskalov, S. 1988. Phytostop – A New Cultivar Resistant To Phytophtora capsici Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 7: 62.
  • Pochard E.1964.Piment. Rapport, d’Activite 1964.Stat. d’Amelior.Plantes Maraich. d’Avignon (France):41-46.
  • Pochard, E. and Daubèze, A. M. 1982. Comparison of Three Different Sources of Resistance to Phytophthora capsici in Capsicum annuum. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 1: 59-62.
  • Ruffel, S., Gallois, J. L., Moury, B., Robaglia, C., Palloix, A., & Caranta, C. (2006). Simultaneous mutations in translation initiation factors eIF4E and eIF (iso) 4E are required to prevent pepper veinal mottle virus infection of pepper. Journal of General Virology, 87(7), 2089-2098.
  • Simon, J.J., Webster, R.K. 1979. Idendification of strains and inheritance of pathogenicity in Phytophthora capsici. Phytopathology, 62:20-26.
  • Smith, P. G., Kimble, K. A., Grogan, R. G. and Millett, A. H. 1967. Inheritance of resistance in peppers to Phytophthora root rot . Phytopathology. 57:377-379.
  • Sotirova, V. and Daskalov, S. 1983. Use of Induced Mutations In Developing Pepper Forms Resistant to Phytophtora capsici Leonian. Capsicum and Eggplant Newsletter, 2: 48-50
  • Soylu, S., & Kurt, Ş. 2001. Occurrence and distribution of fungal diseases on greenhouse grown pepper plants in Hatay Province. In International XIth EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Capsicum & Eggplant (pp. 315-319).
  • Thabuis, A., Lefebvre, V., Bernard, G., Daubeze, A. M., Phaly, T., Pochard, E., & Palloix, A. 2004. Phenotypic and molecular evaluation of a recurrent selection program for a polygenic resistance to Phytophthora capsici in pepper. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 109(2), 342-351.
  • Thabuis, A., Palloix, A., Pflieger, S., Daubeze, A.M., Caranta, C. and Lefebvre, V. 2003. Comparative mapping of Phytophthora resistance loci in pepper germplasm: evidence for conserved resistance loci across Solanaceae and for a large genetic diversity. Theor. Appl. Genet. 106: 1473-1485.
  • Thabuis, A., Palloix, A., Servin, B., Daubeze, A. M., Signoret, P., & Lefebvre, V. 2004 a. Marker-assisted introgression of 4 Phytophthora capsici resistance QTL alleles into a bell pepper line: validation of additive and epistatic effects. Molecular Breeding, 14(1), 9-20.
  • Yamakawa K., Mochizuki T., Yasui H. 1979. Screening of Cultivated and Wildpeppers for Phytophthora capsici Resistance and Its Inheritance. Bull. Veg. And Ornam. Crops. Res.Stat. Japan Ser., A. (6): 29-38.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Ziraat, Veterinerlik ve Gıda Bilimleri
Bölüm Original Papers

Saadet Toğaç Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8526-8791

Sermin Akıncı Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6898-8383

Bekir Bülent Arpacı 0000-0001-7505-3658

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Haziran 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Kasım 2018
Kabul Tarihi 12 Nisan 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Toğaç, S., Akıncı, S., & Arpacı, B. B. (2019). POLYGENIC RESISTANCE OF IMPROVED RED PEPPER LINES TO PHYTOPHTHORA CAPSICI. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 3(1), 138-142.
Chicago Toğaç, Saadet, Sermin Akıncı, ve Bekir Bülent Arpacı. “POLYGENIC RESISTANCE OF IMPROVED RED PEPPER LINES TO PHYTOPHTHORA CAPSICI”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 3, sy. 1 (Haziran 2019): 138-42.
EndNote Toğaç S, Akıncı S, Arpacı BB (01 Haziran 2019) POLYGENIC RESISTANCE OF IMPROVED RED PEPPER LINES TO PHYTOPHTHORA CAPSICI. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 3 1 138–142.
IEEE S. Toğaç, S. Akıncı, ve B. B. Arpacı, “POLYGENIC RESISTANCE OF IMPROVED RED PEPPER LINES TO PHYTOPHTHORA CAPSICI”, Int J Agric For Life Sci, c. 3, sy. 1, ss. 138–142, 2019.
ISNAD Toğaç, Saadet vd. “POLYGENIC RESISTANCE OF IMPROVED RED PEPPER LINES TO PHYTOPHTHORA CAPSICI”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 3/1 (Haziran 2019), 138-142.
MLA Toğaç, Saadet vd. “POLYGENIC RESISTANCE OF IMPROVED RED PEPPER LINES TO PHYTOPHTHORA CAPSICI”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, c. 3, sy. 1, 2019, ss. 138-42.
Vancouver Toğaç S, Akıncı S, Arpacı BB. POLYGENIC RESISTANCE OF IMPROVED RED PEPPER LINES TO PHYTOPHTHORA CAPSICI. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2019;3(1):138-42.

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