Yozgat Bozok Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi
6602b-ZF / 17-94
Yozgat Bozok Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimine desteklerinden dolayı teşekkür ederim.
This study was carried out by evaluating the information gathered through a survey on the enterprise, shelter structure workers, feeding, milking, breeding practices, demographic and economic patterns in 110 dairy farms from 14 districts in order to determine the structural characteristics of dairy farms in Yozgat province. Examination, observation and measurements were made in each of the enterprises. Thus, the general status of dairy cattle in Yozgat province was evaluated in the light of the data collected through the survey, problems and deficiencies were identified and recommendations were made for their elimination. This study will be a source of information on the structural characteristics of dairy cattle enterprises at the provincial level, planning at the business level, and husbandry in Yozgat province. In the study, most of the breeders were middle aged and older, 44.5% of them were graduated from primary school, 92.7% of households were with 1-4 people and 88.2% of them were contribution to livelihood. 77.3% of enterprise owners continued for more than 20 years and 89.1% of them had social security. 71.8% of the enterprises kept records of livestock, 57.3% of records kept by handwritten manual. In these enterprises, way of construction of the barns and auxiliary facilities was own experience (83.6%), 73.6% of the enterprises had no employees, 82.7% of the employees were foreign labor. 72.7% of milking in the enterprises were the owner of the enterprise and family members. 70% of the enterprises studied were engaged in plant and animal production together. The highest ratio is those with 101-500 da of land (54.5%), the share of 0-50 da of land within irrigated land was 69.1%. Also, Simmental (59.07%) was commonly preferred in these enterprises. 80.9% of the shelters had tied stall, most of the shelters (92.7%) belong to the breeder, 97.3% of the ground material of the enterprises had concrete, 89.1% of the enterprises had a ventilation shaft, 35.5% of the wall structures were briquettes and 68.2% of the roof material was tile, 82.7% of windows was with 1-10 windows. 85.5% of the enterprises had not manure pit, 90.9% of the manure were own land, 84.5% of manure cleaning was done by hand and the distance of the manure pit to the milking unit was more than 11 meters. 80% of use base material was non-available and 84.5% of the enterprises do not have a birth section.
Dairy cattle production structural features dairy cattle shelters shelter planning Yozgat
6602b-ZF / 17-94
Birincil Dil | İngilizce |
Konular | Ziraat Mühendisliği (Diğer) |
Bölüm | Original Papers |
Yazarlar | |
Proje Numarası | 6602b-ZF / 17-94 |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 30 Aralık 2020 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 1 Aralık 2020 |
Kabul Tarihi | 24 Aralık 2020 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2020 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 2 |
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