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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 43 - 46, 28.12.2023



  • Asaduzzaman, M. Huqe, M.A.S. Haque, M.S. Uddin, M.N. Hossain, M.A. (2021). Seed priming improves germination and early seedling growth in wheat under control and drought conditions. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 19, 2, 184-191.
  • Bahreininejad, B. (2023). A predictive method for selecting the most appropriate level of water potential for Thymus daenensis ssp. daenensis Cleak seed priming with respect to the severity of salinity or drought stress. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 34, 100453.
  • Bao, J.P. Zhang, S.L. (2010). Effects of seed coat, chemicals and hormones on breaking dormancy in pear rootstock seeds (Pyrus betulaefolia Bge. and Pyrus calleryana Dcne.). Seed Science and Technology, 38, 2, 348-357.
  • Benadjaoud, A. Dadach, M. El-Keblawy, A. and Mehdadi, Z. (2022). Impacts of osmopriming on mitigation of the negative effects of salinity and water stress in seed germination of the aromatic plant Lavandula stoechas L. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 31, 100407.
  • Benech-Arnold, R.L. Sánchez, R.A. Forcella, F. Kruk, B.C. Ghersa, C.M. (2000). Environmental control of dormancy in weed seed banks in soil. Field Crops Research, 67, 2, 105-122.
  • Biswas, U. Dutta, A. (2021). Influence of pre-sowing seed priming and packaging materials on the quality of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seeds. 23, 4, 389-395. https://doiorg/10.5958/0974-4517.2021.00049.5
  • Bourioug, M. Ezzaza, K. Bouabid, R. Alaoui-Mhamdi, M. Bungau, S. Bourgeade, P. Aleya, L. (2020). Influence of hydro-and osmo-priming on sunflower seeds to break dormancy and improve crop performance under water stress. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 13215-13226.
  • Böhm, W. (1979). Methods of Studying Root Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Darwesh, D.T.D. (2017). Plant Biodiversity and Ethnobotanical Properties of Various Plants in Choman (Erbil-Iraq) (Doctoral dissertation. 130pp, MSc, Sutcu Imam University, Kahramanmaras, Turkey.
  • Dembélé, S. Zougmoré, R.B. Coulibaly, A. Lamers, J.P. Tetteh, J.P. (2021). Accelerating seed germination and juvenile growth of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) to manage climate variability through hydro-priming. Atmosphere, 12, 4, : 419.
  • Fallah-Toosi, A. Baki, B.B. (2013). Effect of NaCl on germination and early seedling growth of Brassica juncea var. Ensabi. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production, 4, 11, 3004-3011.
  • Farooq, T. Nisa, Z.U. Hameed, A. Ahmed, T. and Hameed, A. (2022). Priming with copper-chitosan nanoparticles elicit tolerance against PEG-induced hyperosmotic stress and salinity in wheat. BMC chemistry, 16, 1, 23.
  • Finch-Savage, W.E. Bassel, G.W. (2016) Seed vigour and crop establishment: extending performance beyond adaptation. J Exp Bot 67, 567- 591.
  • Gupta, S.K. (Ed.). (2016). Biology and breeding of crucifers. CRC Press.
  • Guragain, R.P. Baniya, H.B. Shrestha, B. Guragain, D.P. Subedi, D.P. (2023). Germination enhancement of mustard (Brassica nigra) seeds using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). AIP Advances, 13(3).
  • Hassan, F.E. Alyafei, M.A. Kurup, S. Jaleel, A. Al Busaidi, N. and Ahmed, Z.F. (2023). Effective Priming Techniques to Enhance Ghaf (Prosopis cineraria L. Druce) Seed Germination for Mass Planting. Horticulturae, 9, 5, 542.
  • Hatami, M. Khanizadeh, P. Abtahi, F.A. Abaszadeh Dehgi, P. (2021). Influence of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and hydro-priming on some physiological indices of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis). Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 52, 1, 11-21.
  • ISTA. (2003). ISTA Handbook on seedling evaluation. 3rd ed. International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Kader, M.A. (2005). A comparison of seed germination calculation formulae and the associated interpretation of resulting data. Journal and Proceeding of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 138, 65-75. Kartika, K. Lakitan, B. Ria, R.P. (2021). Hydro-and osmo-priming effects on upland rice exposed to drought conditions at vegetative and reproductive stages. CMUJ. Nat. Sci., 20, 3, e2021053.
  • Kayacetin, F. (2020). Botanical characteristics, potential uses, and cultivation possibilities of mustards in Turkey: a review. Turkish Journal of Botany, 44, 2, 101-127.
  • Kayacetin, F. (2019). Morphological characterization and relationships among some important wild and domestic Turkish mustard genotypes (Brassica spp.). Turkish Journal of Botany, 43, 4, 499-515.
  • Kayacetin, F. (2021). Selection of some important species in genus Brassica against drought and salt tolerance by morphological observations on germination and seedling growth parameters. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30, 7 A, 9228-9236.
  • Kayacetin, F. (2022). Response to Direct Selection against drought stress in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2022, Article ID 6888187, 1-10.
  • Kayacetin, F. Efeoglu, B. Alizadeh, B. (2018). Effect of NaCl and PEG-Induced osmotic stress on germination and seedling growth properties in wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.). ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 28, 1, 62-68.
  • Kinay, A., Kayacetin, F. (2023). Phenology, morphology, yield and quality characteristics of mustard species (Brassica spp.) suitable for energy sector. Gesunde Pflanzen, 1-10.
  • Lee, I. S. Kang, C.H. Kwon, S.J. Na, Y.E. (2018). Effects of PEG priming and fungicide treatment on kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) seed germination. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, B, 278-289.
  • Lietzow, J. (2021). Biologically active compounds in mustard seeds: A toxicological perspective. Foods, 10, 9, 2089.
  • Luo, J.M. Liu, H. Wang, J.L. Liu, Y.F. Wang, Q.Y. Huang, Y. (2022). Screening and evaluation of methods for breaking seed dormancy of wild Artemisia wellbyi. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 30, 6, 1603.
  • Mayekar, V.M. Ali, A. Alim, H. Patel, N. (2021). A review: Antimicrobial activity of the medicinal spice plants to cure human disease. Plant Science Today 8, 3, 629-646.
  • Mehra, V. Tripathi, J. Powell, A.A. (2003). Aerated hydration treatment improves the response of Brassica juncea and Brassica campestris seeds to stress during germination. Seed Science and Technology, 31, 1, 57-70.
  • Michel, B.E. Kaufmann, M.R. (1973). The osmotic potential of polyethylene glycol 6000. Plant Physiol., 51, 914-916.
  • Mirmazloum, I. Kiss, A. Erdélyi, É. Ladányi, M. Németh, É. Z. Radácsi, P. (2020). The Effect of osmopriming on seed germination and early seedling characteristics of Carum carvi L. Agriculture, 10, 4, 94. https://10.3390/agriculture10040094
  • Neamatollahi, E. Bannayan, M. Darban, A.S. Ghanbari, A. (2009). Hydropriming and osmopriming effects on cumin (Cuminum Cyminum L.) seeds germination. International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, 3(9), 477-480.
  • Nisar, NS. Mehmodd, H. Nisar, S. Jamil, Z. Ahmad, N. Ghani, N. Oladipo, A.A. Waseem, R.Q. Latif, A.A. Ahmad, S.R. Iqbal, M. Abbas, M. (2018). Brassicaceae family oil methyl esters blended with ultra-low sulphur diesel fuel (ULSD): Comparison of fuel properties with fuel standards. Renewable Energy 117: 393-403. https://doiorg/101016/jrenene201710087
  • Okello, D. Komakech, R. Gang, R. Rahmat, E. Chung, Y. Omujal, F. Kang, Y. (2022). Influence of various temperatures, seed priming treatments and durations on germination and growth of the medicinal plant Aspilia africana. Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 14180.
  • Orzeszko-Rywka, A. Podlaski, S. (2003). The effect of sugar beet seed treatments on their vigour. Plant Soil and Environment, 49, 6, 249-254.
  • Palle-Reisch, M. Wolny, M. Cichna-Markl, M. and Hochegger, R. (2013). Development and validation of a real-time PCR method for the simultaneous detection of black mustard (Brassica nigra) and brown mustard (Brassica juncea) in food. Food Chemistry, 138, 348-355.
  • Pandey, S. Oza, K. Maitreya, B. (2022). Effect of different solutions on seed germination and growth of different species of seeds review. International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest, 1, 2, 168-172.
  • Raj, A.B. and Raj, S.K. (2019). Seed priming: An approach towards agricultural sustainability. Journal of Applied and Natural science, 11, 1, 227-234.
  • Sadeghi, H. Khazaei, F. Yari, L. Sheidaei, S. (2011). Effect of seed osmopriming on seed germination behavior and vigor of soybean (Glycine max L.). ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 6, 1, 39-43.
  • Shahverdi, M.A. Omidi, H. Tabatabaei, S.J. (2017). Effect of nutri-priming on germination indices and physiological characteristics of stevia seedling under salinity stress. Journal of Seed Science, 39, 353-362.
  • Singh, S. Lal, G.M. Bara, B.M. Mishra, S.N. (2017). Effect of hydropriming and osmopriming on seed vigour and germination of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds. J. Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6, 3, 820-824.
  • Thakur, M. Tiwari, S. Kataria, S. Anand, A. (2022). Recent advances in seed priming strategies for enhancing planting value of vegetable seeds. Scientia Horticulturae, 305, 111355. h
  • Thapa, S. Baral, B. Shrestha, M. Dahal, D.K.C. (2022). Effect ff different priming methods on germination behaviour of broadleaf mustard cv. marpha chauda paate. Tropical Agrobiodiversity (TRAB), 3, 2, 52-59.
  • Trisnawaty, A.R. Asra, R. Panga, N.J. Sjahril R. (2021). Effect of osmo-priming with polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG-6000) on rice seed (Oryza sativa L.) germination and seedling growth under drought stress,” International Journal of Agriculture System, 9, 1, 40-50. Vidak, M. Lazarević, B. Nekić, M. Šatović, Z. Carović-Stanko, K. (2022). Effect of hormonal priming and osmopriming on germination of winter savory (Satureja montana L.) natural population under drought stress. Agronomy, 12, 6, 1288. Zhang, F. Yu, J. Johnston, C.R. Wang, Y. Zhu, K. Lu, F. Zhang, Z Zou, J. (2015). Seed priming with polyethylene glycol induces physiological changes in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) seedlings under suboptimal soil moisture environments. PLoS One, 10(10), e0140620. 42.

Impact of seed priming treatments to enhance germination of black mustard against dormancy

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2, 43 - 46, 28.12.2023


Black mustard (Brassica nigra L. Brassicaceae) represents an important source of raw materials for many agro-industry branches in Turkey and elsewhere in the world. Black mustard is a highly significant plant for its aromatic, medicinal, and therapeutic uses, as well as its potential as an alternative energy plant. In our country, cultivar development studies are carried out on wild genotypes of this species. One of the major challenges to black mustard growth and yield is its homogeneous, simultaneous, and fast emergence. Presoaking seeds in water (hydroprimed) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) (osmoprimed), has been demonstrated to enhance the germination of seeds of different species. The seeds of pure line black mustard originated in the Ankara, Turkey, and were used in this study. The purpose of the study was to measure the effects of durations (12, 24, 36, and 48 h); unprimed, hydroprimed, and five osmoprimed doses (-0.1, -0.2, -0.4, 0.6, and -0.8 MPa of PEG) treatments on seed germination and seedling establishment characteristics of black mustard for 14 days. The present findings demonstrate that priming durations and treatments of black mustard seeds significantly affected final germina-tion percentage, mean germination time, root and seedling length, and seedling fresh and dry weight among different treatments compared to the control. This positive effect on germination especially shortened the mean germination time. In terms of the properties studied, the optimal priming time is 12 and 24 h, for hyropriming and osmopriming doses (-0.1, -0.2, and -0.4 Mpa of PEG). The study indicated that the implemented priming treatments can be useful in improving the capability of black mustard on germination treatments.


The author acknowledges the facilities provided by the Kalecik Vocational School, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.


  • Asaduzzaman, M. Huqe, M.A.S. Haque, M.S. Uddin, M.N. Hossain, M.A. (2021). Seed priming improves germination and early seedling growth in wheat under control and drought conditions. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University, 19, 2, 184-191.
  • Bahreininejad, B. (2023). A predictive method for selecting the most appropriate level of water potential for Thymus daenensis ssp. daenensis Cleak seed priming with respect to the severity of salinity or drought stress. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 34, 100453.
  • Bao, J.P. Zhang, S.L. (2010). Effects of seed coat, chemicals and hormones on breaking dormancy in pear rootstock seeds (Pyrus betulaefolia Bge. and Pyrus calleryana Dcne.). Seed Science and Technology, 38, 2, 348-357.
  • Benadjaoud, A. Dadach, M. El-Keblawy, A. and Mehdadi, Z. (2022). Impacts of osmopriming on mitigation of the negative effects of salinity and water stress in seed germination of the aromatic plant Lavandula stoechas L. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 31, 100407.
  • Benech-Arnold, R.L. Sánchez, R.A. Forcella, F. Kruk, B.C. Ghersa, C.M. (2000). Environmental control of dormancy in weed seed banks in soil. Field Crops Research, 67, 2, 105-122.
  • Biswas, U. Dutta, A. (2021). Influence of pre-sowing seed priming and packaging materials on the quality of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seeds. 23, 4, 389-395. https://doiorg/10.5958/0974-4517.2021.00049.5
  • Bourioug, M. Ezzaza, K. Bouabid, R. Alaoui-Mhamdi, M. Bungau, S. Bourgeade, P. Aleya, L. (2020). Influence of hydro-and osmo-priming on sunflower seeds to break dormancy and improve crop performance under water stress. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 13215-13226.
  • Böhm, W. (1979). Methods of Studying Root Systems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Darwesh, D.T.D. (2017). Plant Biodiversity and Ethnobotanical Properties of Various Plants in Choman (Erbil-Iraq) (Doctoral dissertation. 130pp, MSc, Sutcu Imam University, Kahramanmaras, Turkey.
  • Dembélé, S. Zougmoré, R.B. Coulibaly, A. Lamers, J.P. Tetteh, J.P. (2021). Accelerating seed germination and juvenile growth of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) to manage climate variability through hydro-priming. Atmosphere, 12, 4, : 419.
  • Fallah-Toosi, A. Baki, B.B. (2013). Effect of NaCl on germination and early seedling growth of Brassica juncea var. Ensabi. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production, 4, 11, 3004-3011.
  • Farooq, T. Nisa, Z.U. Hameed, A. Ahmed, T. and Hameed, A. (2022). Priming with copper-chitosan nanoparticles elicit tolerance against PEG-induced hyperosmotic stress and salinity in wheat. BMC chemistry, 16, 1, 23.
  • Finch-Savage, W.E. Bassel, G.W. (2016) Seed vigour and crop establishment: extending performance beyond adaptation. J Exp Bot 67, 567- 591.
  • Gupta, S.K. (Ed.). (2016). Biology and breeding of crucifers. CRC Press.
  • Guragain, R.P. Baniya, H.B. Shrestha, B. Guragain, D.P. Subedi, D.P. (2023). Germination enhancement of mustard (Brassica nigra) seeds using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). AIP Advances, 13(3).
  • Hassan, F.E. Alyafei, M.A. Kurup, S. Jaleel, A. Al Busaidi, N. and Ahmed, Z.F. (2023). Effective Priming Techniques to Enhance Ghaf (Prosopis cineraria L. Druce) Seed Germination for Mass Planting. Horticulturae, 9, 5, 542.
  • Hatami, M. Khanizadeh, P. Abtahi, F.A. Abaszadeh Dehgi, P. (2021). Influence of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and hydro-priming on some physiological indices of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis). Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 52, 1, 11-21.
  • ISTA. (2003). ISTA Handbook on seedling evaluation. 3rd ed. International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), Zurich, Switzerland.
  • Kader, M.A. (2005). A comparison of seed germination calculation formulae and the associated interpretation of resulting data. Journal and Proceeding of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 138, 65-75. Kartika, K. Lakitan, B. Ria, R.P. (2021). Hydro-and osmo-priming effects on upland rice exposed to drought conditions at vegetative and reproductive stages. CMUJ. Nat. Sci., 20, 3, e2021053.
  • Kayacetin, F. (2020). Botanical characteristics, potential uses, and cultivation possibilities of mustards in Turkey: a review. Turkish Journal of Botany, 44, 2, 101-127.
  • Kayacetin, F. (2019). Morphological characterization and relationships among some important wild and domestic Turkish mustard genotypes (Brassica spp.). Turkish Journal of Botany, 43, 4, 499-515.
  • Kayacetin, F. (2021). Selection of some important species in genus Brassica against drought and salt tolerance by morphological observations on germination and seedling growth parameters. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 30, 7 A, 9228-9236.
  • Kayacetin, F. (2022). Response to Direct Selection against drought stress in black cumin (Nigella sativa L.). Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2022, Article ID 6888187, 1-10.
  • Kayacetin, F. Efeoglu, B. Alizadeh, B. (2018). Effect of NaCl and PEG-Induced osmotic stress on germination and seedling growth properties in wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.). ANADOLU Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 28, 1, 62-68.
  • Kinay, A., Kayacetin, F. (2023). Phenology, morphology, yield and quality characteristics of mustard species (Brassica spp.) suitable for energy sector. Gesunde Pflanzen, 1-10.
  • Lee, I. S. Kang, C.H. Kwon, S.J. Na, Y.E. (2018). Effects of PEG priming and fungicide treatment on kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) seed germination. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, B, 278-289.
  • Lietzow, J. (2021). Biologically active compounds in mustard seeds: A toxicological perspective. Foods, 10, 9, 2089.
  • Luo, J.M. Liu, H. Wang, J.L. Liu, Y.F. Wang, Q.Y. Huang, Y. (2022). Screening and evaluation of methods for breaking seed dormancy of wild Artemisia wellbyi. Acta Agrestia Sinica, 30, 6, 1603.
  • Mayekar, V.M. Ali, A. Alim, H. Patel, N. (2021). A review: Antimicrobial activity of the medicinal spice plants to cure human disease. Plant Science Today 8, 3, 629-646.
  • Mehra, V. Tripathi, J. Powell, A.A. (2003). Aerated hydration treatment improves the response of Brassica juncea and Brassica campestris seeds to stress during germination. Seed Science and Technology, 31, 1, 57-70.
  • Michel, B.E. Kaufmann, M.R. (1973). The osmotic potential of polyethylene glycol 6000. Plant Physiol., 51, 914-916.
  • Mirmazloum, I. Kiss, A. Erdélyi, É. Ladányi, M. Németh, É. Z. Radácsi, P. (2020). The Effect of osmopriming on seed germination and early seedling characteristics of Carum carvi L. Agriculture, 10, 4, 94. https://10.3390/agriculture10040094
  • Neamatollahi, E. Bannayan, M. Darban, A.S. Ghanbari, A. (2009). Hydropriming and osmopriming effects on cumin (Cuminum Cyminum L.) seeds germination. International Journal of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, 3(9), 477-480.
  • Nisar, NS. Mehmodd, H. Nisar, S. Jamil, Z. Ahmad, N. Ghani, N. Oladipo, A.A. Waseem, R.Q. Latif, A.A. Ahmad, S.R. Iqbal, M. Abbas, M. (2018). Brassicaceae family oil methyl esters blended with ultra-low sulphur diesel fuel (ULSD): Comparison of fuel properties with fuel standards. Renewable Energy 117: 393-403. https://doiorg/101016/jrenene201710087
  • Okello, D. Komakech, R. Gang, R. Rahmat, E. Chung, Y. Omujal, F. Kang, Y. (2022). Influence of various temperatures, seed priming treatments and durations on germination and growth of the medicinal plant Aspilia africana. Scientific Reports, 12, 1, 14180.
  • Orzeszko-Rywka, A. Podlaski, S. (2003). The effect of sugar beet seed treatments on their vigour. Plant Soil and Environment, 49, 6, 249-254.
  • Palle-Reisch, M. Wolny, M. Cichna-Markl, M. and Hochegger, R. (2013). Development and validation of a real-time PCR method for the simultaneous detection of black mustard (Brassica nigra) and brown mustard (Brassica juncea) in food. Food Chemistry, 138, 348-355.
  • Pandey, S. Oza, K. Maitreya, B. (2022). Effect of different solutions on seed germination and growth of different species of seeds review. International Association of Biologicals and Computational Digest, 1, 2, 168-172.
  • Raj, A.B. and Raj, S.K. (2019). Seed priming: An approach towards agricultural sustainability. Journal of Applied and Natural science, 11, 1, 227-234.
  • Sadeghi, H. Khazaei, F. Yari, L. Sheidaei, S. (2011). Effect of seed osmopriming on seed germination behavior and vigor of soybean (Glycine max L.). ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 6, 1, 39-43.
  • Shahverdi, M.A. Omidi, H. Tabatabaei, S.J. (2017). Effect of nutri-priming on germination indices and physiological characteristics of stevia seedling under salinity stress. Journal of Seed Science, 39, 353-362.
  • Singh, S. Lal, G.M. Bara, B.M. Mishra, S.N. (2017). Effect of hydropriming and osmopriming on seed vigour and germination of Pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds. J. Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6, 3, 820-824.
  • Thakur, M. Tiwari, S. Kataria, S. Anand, A. (2022). Recent advances in seed priming strategies for enhancing planting value of vegetable seeds. Scientia Horticulturae, 305, 111355. h
  • Thapa, S. Baral, B. Shrestha, M. Dahal, D.K.C. (2022). Effect ff different priming methods on germination behaviour of broadleaf mustard cv. marpha chauda paate. Tropical Agrobiodiversity (TRAB), 3, 2, 52-59.
  • Trisnawaty, A.R. Asra, R. Panga, N.J. Sjahril R. (2021). Effect of osmo-priming with polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG-6000) on rice seed (Oryza sativa L.) germination and seedling growth under drought stress,” International Journal of Agriculture System, 9, 1, 40-50. Vidak, M. Lazarević, B. Nekić, M. Šatović, Z. Carović-Stanko, K. (2022). Effect of hormonal priming and osmopriming on germination of winter savory (Satureja montana L.) natural population under drought stress. Agronomy, 12, 6, 1288. Zhang, F. Yu, J. Johnston, C.R. Wang, Y. Zhu, K. Lu, F. Zhang, Z Zou, J. (2015). Seed priming with polyethylene glycol induces physiological changes in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) seedlings under suboptimal soil moisture environments. PLoS One, 10(10), e0140620. 42.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Agronomi
Bölüm Original Papers

Fatma Kayaçetin 0000-0002-7029-2825

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 23 Aralık 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Ağustos 2023
Kabul Tarihi 19 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kayaçetin, F. (2023). Impact of seed priming treatments to enhance germination of black mustard against dormancy. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 7(2), 43-46.
AMA Kayaçetin F. Impact of seed priming treatments to enhance germination of black mustard against dormancy. Int J Agric For Life Sci. Aralık 2023;7(2):43-46.
Chicago Kayaçetin, Fatma. “Impact of Seed Priming Treatments to Enhance Germination of Black Mustard Against Dormancy”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 7, sy. 2 (Aralık 2023): 43-46.
EndNote Kayaçetin F (01 Aralık 2023) Impact of seed priming treatments to enhance germination of black mustard against dormancy. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 7 2 43–46.
IEEE F. Kayaçetin, “Impact of seed priming treatments to enhance germination of black mustard against dormancy”, Int J Agric For Life Sci, c. 7, sy. 2, ss. 43–46, 2023.
ISNAD Kayaçetin, Fatma. “Impact of Seed Priming Treatments to Enhance Germination of Black Mustard Against Dormancy”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 7/2 (Aralık 2023), 43-46.
JAMA Kayaçetin F. Impact of seed priming treatments to enhance germination of black mustard against dormancy. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2023;7:43–46.
MLA Kayaçetin, Fatma. “Impact of Seed Priming Treatments to Enhance Germination of Black Mustard Against Dormancy”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, c. 7, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 43-46.
Vancouver Kayaçetin F. Impact of seed priming treatments to enhance germination of black mustard against dormancy. Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2023;7(2):43-6.

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