e-ISSN: 3023-8013
Başlangıç: 2016
Kapak Resmi

The International Journal of Advances in Production Research (IJAPR) is a scientific and blind peer-reviewed journal published once a year. It is published by Üretim Araştırmaları Derneği (Society for Production Research) utilizing the Dergipark infrastructure in editorial processes.
The journal accepts original and scientific articles written in English. Scientific articles containing original research in all areas of industrial engineering and especially in production and manufacturing systems and advancement in production technologies are included in the journal. Articles sent to the journal must not have been previously published in other journals or accepted for publication.
Blind-review process consisting of two reviewers is applied in the evaluation of the articles. The journal does not charge any fees for accepted articles. DOI numbers are assigned to the articles published in the journal.

From Edıtors and Co-edıtors

International Journal of Advances in Production Research (IJAPR) has started its publication life with this issue. As a result of requests from the Production Research community, the Production Research Association has taken this decision. The journal's aims, scope, policies, etc. are explained in the several sections of the journal website.
As a publishing policy, it has been adopted that the first issue would be devoted to manuscrips provided by invited authors. Well esteemed researchers, leading ones, in their fields, gladly accepted our invitation and showed their support by allowing their articles to be published in our journal.
To our precious colleagues below,
Prof. Dr. Duc T. Pham, Birmingham University, UK
Prof. Dr. Gül E. Kremer, University of Dayton, USA
Prof. Dr. William Fisher, University of California, USA
Prof. Dr. Gerhardt Detlef, Ruhr University-Bochum. Germany

We would like to express our gratitude for their support. We hope that our journal would have a long-term publication life, and we would like to thank all colleagues in the journal management for their efforts

Symposıum 2023

23rd International Symposium for Production Research was held in Antalya from October 5 to 7, 2023 in collaboration with TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) and Turkish Society for Production Research.
Symposium's motto was “Industrial Engineering in the Industry 4.0 Era”.
Selected papers of ISPR2023 Proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag and be available on early months of 2024.

Symposıum 2024

24th International Symposium for Production Research will be held in Budva, Montenegro from October 10 to 12, 2024 in collaboration with TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology) and Turkish Society for Production Research.
Symposium's motto for this year is declared as “Sustainable Green Conversion”.
Selected papers of ISPR2024 Proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag.

Starting from this year, in the rewiewer evaluations, they are given the option of recommending the manuscripts they accept for publication in IJAPR. If the author or authors expand their manuscript at least 35- 40%, they may send it to the journal. Tthose that pass the journal acceptance process are published in the journal. We believe that this new option will meet the needs of the production research community.

The participants of ISPR2022 and ISPR2023 who presented their papers at the symposiom, if they desire, preparing the expanded version of their manuscript, they may send it to the journal as well.


IJAPR is affiliated with The Turkish Society for Production Research.

International Journal of Advances in Production Research © 2024 is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.