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Yıl 2023, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 16, 13 - 35, 30.06.2023


Mart 2011’de patlak veren Suriye iç savaşı, İran’ın bölgede nüfuzunu artırabilmesi için yeni bir alan yaratmıştır. 2012 yılı sonlarında muhaliflerin ülkenin büyük bölümünde elde ettikleri askeri kazanımları, Esad rejiminin devrilmenin eşiğine geldiğine ilişkin beklentilerin artmasına yol açmıştır. Ancak, beklenenin aksine, 2013 yılı rejimin ülkede yeniden kontrol kazanmaya başladığı bir yıl olmuştur. Çatışma dengelerindeki bu değişimde, İran’ın mezhepsel bir söylemle seferber ettiği Şii milisler kilit rol oynamıştır. Suriye’deki çatışmaya katılan İran destekli Şii milisler yalnızca Esad rejiminin bekasını sağlamakla kalmamış, ayrıca İran’ın Suriye’deki nüfuzunun uzun vadede sürdürülmesine hizmet etmeye başlamışlardır. Bu çalışma, Şii milis gruplar vasıtasıyla Suriye’de artan İran nüfuzunun ülkede kalıcı barış sağlanması ihtimalini zayıflatıcı bir etkiye yol açtığını ileri sürmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, çalışmanın ilk bölümünde, Tahran-Şam ilişkilerinin tarihsel geçmişi bağlamında İran’ın Suriye iç savaşına katılmasında rol oynayan temel dinamikler incelenmektedir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümü, Suriye’deki İran destekli Şii milisleri, Lübnanlı Hizbullah, Irak merkezli Şii milis gruplar, Afgan Fatimiyun Tugayı ve Pakistanlı Zeynebiyun Tugayı olmak üzere dört başlık altında ele almaktadır. Çalışmanın üçüncü ve son bölümünde, Şii milis gruplar vasıtasıyla Suriye’nin askeri, siyasi, ekonomik ve toplumsal düzeninde artan İran nüfuzunun ülkede kalıcı barışın tesis edilme ihtimali üzerindeki etkisi tartışılmaktadır.


  • ABDULMECID, M. (2020). “İran'ın Suriye'de Mezhep Odaklı Stratejik Hedefleri”, Anadolu Ajansı, 8 Aralık,, (15.04.2023).
  • ABU AHMAD, I. (2018). “Assad’s Law 10: Reshaping Syria’s Demographics”, The Washington Institute, September 14,, (15.04.2023).
  • AKBARZADEH, S., GOURLAY, W. ve EHTESHAMİ, A. (2022). “Iranian Proxies in the Syrian Conflict: Tehran’s ‘Forward-Defence’ in Action”, Journal of Strategic Studies, 1-24, 2023014, (15.04.2023).
  • AL KASEM, M. (2019). “10 Sayılı Yasa: Suriye’de Kalıcı Bir Demografik Değişim Hedefleyen Esad’ın Son Kozu”, Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity, DEMO_Law10AssadPermanentDemographicChange_TR.pdf, (15.04.2023).
  • ALACA, M. (2019). “Suriye’de Şii Milislere Ne Olacak?”, ORSAM, 29 Mart,, (15.04.2023).
  • ALAGHA, J. (2015). “Hizballah’s Resilience During the Arab Uprisings”, Ortadoğu Etütleri, 6(2): 28-52.
  • ARI, T. (2014). Geçmişten Günümüze Orta Doğu: Siyaset, Savaş ve Diplomasi, Bursa: Dora Yayıncılık.
  • ARIKAN, P. (2012). “Suriye’nin Nusayri Yüzü ve İran”, Ortadoğu Analiz, 4(43): 18-29.
  • AZİZİ, H. (2022) “Integration of Iran-backed Armed Groups into the Iraqi and Syrian Armed Forces: Implications for Stability in Iraq and Syria, Small Wars and Insurgencies, 33(3): 499-527.
  • AZİZİ, H. ve VAZİRİAN, A. H. (2023), “The Role of Armed Non-State Actors in Iran’s Syria Strategy: A Case Study of Fatemiyoun and Zainabiyoun Brigades”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 25(3): 540-557.
  • BARNARD, A. ve MOURTADA, H. (2013). “Leader of Hezbollah Warns It Is Ready to Come to Syria’s Aid”, The New York Times, April 30,, (15.04.2023).
  • BERTI, B. (2015). “The Syrian Civil War and Its Consequences For Hezbollah”, Foreign Policy Research Institute, December 28,, (15.04.2023).
  • BİLGETÜRK, İ. (2018). “İran’ın Suriye Politikası Bağlamında Şiilik ve Şii Milisler”, ANKASAM Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2(2): 398-438.
  • BİNGÖL, O. ve VARLIK, A. B. (2014). “Suriye İç Savaşı’nda Askeri Durum”, Merkez Strateji Enstitüsü, 006,, (15.04.2023).
  • BLACK, I. (2012). “Iran Confirms It Has Forces in Syria and Will Take Military Action If Pushed”, The Guardian, September 16,, (15.04.2023).
  • CAVE, D. ve SAAD, H. (2012). “48 Captives are Iran Thugs, Say Rebels in Syria”, The New York Times, August 5,, (15.04.2023).
  • DAVIES, W. (2012). “Lebanon’s Hezbollah Drawn into Syria Conflict”, BBC News, October 26,, (15.04.2023).
  • FULTON, W., HOLLIDAY, J. ve WYER, S. (2013). “Iranian Strategy in Syria”, Institute for the Study of War,, (15.04.2023).
  • GALIA, E. (2023). “The Pro-Iranian Militias in Syria”, The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, March 29,, (15.04.2023).
  • GEORGE, M. (2012). “Iran's Syria Options Limited as Assad Battles on”, Reuters, June 14,, (15.04.2023).
  • GLADSTONE, R. ve BARNARD, A. (2012). “U.S. Accuses Hezbollah of Aiding Syria’s Crackdown”, The New York Times, August 10,, (15.04.2023).
  • GOODARZI, J. M. (2013). “Syria and Iran: Alliance Cooperation in a Changing Regional Environment”, Ortadoğu Etütleri, 4(2): 31-54.
  • GULF TIMES (2013). “Syria Rebels Fight On As Talks Pressure Mounts”, May 25,, (15.04.2023).
  • GÜVEN, A. (2020). “İran Destekli Zeynebiyyun Tugayı Pakistan’ın Yeni Ulusal Güvenlik Sorunu Olabilir”, Anadolu Ajansı, 4 Kasım,, (15.04.2023).
  • HAID, H. (2018). “Reintegrating Syrian Militias: Mechanisms, Actors, and Shortfalls”, Carnegie Middle East Center, December 12,, (15.04.2023).
  • HORTON, A. (2022). “Iran-backed Militants Probably Behind Attacks Targeting U.S. Troops in Iraq and Syria, Pentagon Says”, The Washington Post, January 5,, (15.04.2023).
  • IBRAHIM, G. (2022). “How Iran Turned Syria Into ‘the Den of Captagon”, Arab News, October 31,, (15.04.2023).
  • INTELLIGENCE AND TERRORISM INFORMATION CENTER (2014). “Shi'ite Foreign Fighters in Syria”,, (15.04.2023).
  • JAHANBANI, N. ve LEVY, S. W. (2022). “Iran and Hezbollah’s Support to Proxies Operating in Syria”, Combating Terrorism Center at West Point,, (15.04.2023).
  • KAZDAL, M. (2018). “Hizbullah’ın Suriye Savaşı”, İnsani ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi, 30 Kasım,, (15.04.2023).
  • KNIGHTS, M. (2021a). “Profile: Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba”, The Washington Institute, April 27,, (15.04.2023).
  • KNIGHTS, M. (2021b). “Profile: Kataib Sayyid Al-Shuhada”, The Washington Institute, May 3,, (15.04.2023).
  • KORKMAZ, Y. (2015). İran-Suriye Bölgesel İttifakı ve Arap Baharı Sürecine Yansıması, İstanbul: Matbuat Yayın Grubu.
  • LAMB, F. (2018). “Syria’s New Law Number Ten Devastates Sunni Refugees as Regime Loyalists are Deeded Their Homes and Real Estate”, Eurasia Review, May 3, 03052018-syrias-new-law-number-ten-devastates-sunni-refugees-as-regime-loyalists-are-deeded-their-homes-and-real-estate-oped/, (15.04.2023).
  • LEENDERS, R. ve GIUSTOZZI, A. (2020). “Foreign Sponsorship of Pro-government Militias Fighting Syria’s Insurgency: Whither Proxy Wars?”, Mediterranean Politics, 0(0): 1-30.
  • LEVITT, M. (2013). “Tough Times for Hezbollah”, The Washington Institute, August 29, http://www., (15.04.2023).
  • LISTER, C. (2022). “We cannot Ignore Syria’s Emergence as a Narco-State”, Middle East Institute, April 19,, (15.04.2023).
  • LISTER, C. ve NELSON, D. (2017). “All the President’s Militias: Assad’s Militiafication of Syria”, Middle East Institute, December 14,, (15.04.2023).
  • MANSOUR, R. ve JABAR, F. A. (2017). “The Popular Mobilization Forces and Iraq’s Future”, Carnegie Middle East Center,, (15.04.2023).
  • ORHAN, O. (2015). “The Shiite Militias in Syria and Political Solution”, ORSAM Policy Brief, 26,, (15.04.2023).
  • OZAROWSKI, R. (2018). “Iran’s Engagement in Syrian Conflict: Causes and Consequences”, Przegląd Strategiczny, 11: 201-210,, (15.04.2023).
  • ÖZCAN, E. E. (2022). “Astana Süreci Türkiye ve Rusya’nın Garantörlüğünde Devam Ediyor”, Anadolu Ajansı, 15 Haziran,, (15.04.2023).
  • ÖZDEMİR, Ö. B. (2022). “Iran-Backed Militia in Syria: Profiles and Functions”, ORSAM Analysis, 304,, (15.04.2023).
  • ÖZTÜRK, S. (2020). “İran Destekli Terörist Grupların Suriye’deki Varlığı”, Anadolu Ajansı, 13 Şubat,, (15.04.2023).
  • POMEROY, R. (2011). “Iran Backs Arab Uprisings Unless Pro-U.S.: Khamenei”, Reuters, June 4,, (15.04.2023).
  • SADJADPOUR, K. (2013). “Iran’s Unwavering Support to Assad’s Syria”, Carnegie Endowment For International Peace, August 27,, (15.04.2023).
  • SARI, İ ve FARZAM, R. (2017). “Fatimiyyun: İran’ın Afgan Milisleri”, USAD, (6): 267-290.
  • SEGALL, M. (2012). “The Role of Iranian Security Forces in the Syrian Bloodshed”, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 589,, (15.04.2023).
  • SİNKAYA, B. (2011). “İran-Suriye İlişkileri ve Suriye’de Halk İsyanı”, Ortadoğu Analiz, 3(33): 38-48. SİNKAYA, B. (2015). “Suriye Krizi Karşısında İran’ın Tutumu ve Şam-Tahran İttifakının Temelleri”, Akademik Ortadoğu, 10(1): 131-160.
  • SKIDMORE, J. (2014). “Foreign Fighter Involvement in Syria”, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism,, (15.04.2023).
  • SMYTH, P. (2015a). “The Shiite Jihad in Syria And its Regional Effects”, The Washington Institute, 138,, (15.04.2023).
  • SMYTH, P. (2015b). “Understanding the Organizations Deployed to Syria”, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 5,, (15.04.2023).
  • SMYTH, P. (2019). “Making Sense of Iraq's PMF Arrests”, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, April 26,, (15.04.2023).
  • SÖNMEZ, G. (2022). “Foreign Shiite Fighters in the Syrian Civil War: Actors, Recruitment Strategies and Iran’s Regional Role”, Journal of Security Studies, 24(2): 158-173.
  • SPYER, J. (2012). “Hizballah and the Arab Revolutions: The Contradiction Made Apparent?”, Global Research in International Affairs, April 27, 0029680_23998.pdf, (15.04.2023).
  • SULLIVAN, M. (2014). “Hezbollah in Syria”, Institute For The Study Of War, 19,, (15.04.2023).
  • TATLI, İ. (2023). “Yerel İsyandan Uluslararası İç Savaşa: 13. Yılında Suriye İç Savaşı”, İnsani ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi, 164,, (15.04.2023).
  • THE WASHINGTON POST (2002). “Text of President Bush’s 2002 State of the Union Address”, January 29,, (15.04.2023).
  • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (2012). “Treasury Designates Iranian Ministry of Intellligence and Security for Human Rights Abuses and Support for Terrorism”, February 16,, (15.04.2023).
  • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (2019). “Treasury Designates Iran’s Foreign Fighter Militias in Syria along with a Civilian Airline Ferrying Weapons to Syria”, January 24,, (15.04.2023).
  • ULUTAŞ, U., KANAT, K. B. ve ACUN, C. (2015). “Sınırları Aşan Kriz: Suriye”, SETA Analiz, 120,, (15.04.2023).
  • URQUHART, C. (2012). “Syrian Government Forces Shell Rebel Positions around Damascus”, The Guardian, December 15,, (15.04.2023).
  • UYGUR, H. (2012). “İran ve Arap Baharı”, SETA Analiz, 52,, (15.04.2023).
  • VOHRA, A. “Iran is Trying to Convert Syria to Shiism”, Foreign Policy, March 15,, (15.04.2023).
  • VOLLER, Y. (2022). “Rethinking Armed Groups and Order: Syria and the Rise of Militiatocracies”, International Affairs, 98(3): 853-871.
  • ZALAYAT, I. (2019). “Realpolitik and Jihad: The Iranian Use of Shiite Militias in Syria”, Digest of Middle East Studies, 28(2): 296-328.


Yıl 2023, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 16, 13 - 35, 30.06.2023


The Syrian civil war that erupted in March 2011 has created a new area for Iran to increase its influence in the region. At the end of 2012, the military gains of the opposition in most of the country led to increased expectations that the al-Assad regime was on the verge of being overthrown. However, contrary to expectations, 2013 was a year when the regime began to regain its control over the country. In this change in the balance of conflict, the Shiite militias mobilized by Iran with a sectarian discourse played a key role. Iran-backed Shiite militias involved in the Syrian conflict, not only ensured the survival of the regime, but also began to serve for the long-term continuation of Iranian influence in Syria. This study argues that increasing Iranian influence in Syria through the Shiite militia groups has a negative impact on the possibility of permanent peace in the country. Accordingly, the first part of the study analyzes the basic dynamics that play a role in Iranian involvement in the Syrian civil war within the context of the historical background of Tehran-Damascus relations. The second part of the study focuses on the Iranian-backed Shiite militias in Syria under four titles: Lebanese Hezbollah, Iraq-based Shiite militia groups, Afghan Fatimiyoun Brigade and Pakistani Zainabiyoun Brigade. In the third and last part, the impact of increasing Iranian influence in Syria’s military, political, economic and social order through the Shiite militia groups on the possibility of permanent peace in the country is discussed.


  • ABDULMECID, M. (2020). “İran'ın Suriye'de Mezhep Odaklı Stratejik Hedefleri”, Anadolu Ajansı, 8 Aralık,, (15.04.2023).
  • ABU AHMAD, I. (2018). “Assad’s Law 10: Reshaping Syria’s Demographics”, The Washington Institute, September 14,, (15.04.2023).
  • AKBARZADEH, S., GOURLAY, W. ve EHTESHAMİ, A. (2022). “Iranian Proxies in the Syrian Conflict: Tehran’s ‘Forward-Defence’ in Action”, Journal of Strategic Studies, 1-24, 2023014, (15.04.2023).
  • AL KASEM, M. (2019). “10 Sayılı Yasa: Suriye’de Kalıcı Bir Demografik Değişim Hedefleyen Esad’ın Son Kozu”, Syrian Association for Citizens’ Dignity, DEMO_Law10AssadPermanentDemographicChange_TR.pdf, (15.04.2023).
  • ALACA, M. (2019). “Suriye’de Şii Milislere Ne Olacak?”, ORSAM, 29 Mart,, (15.04.2023).
  • ALAGHA, J. (2015). “Hizballah’s Resilience During the Arab Uprisings”, Ortadoğu Etütleri, 6(2): 28-52.
  • ARI, T. (2014). Geçmişten Günümüze Orta Doğu: Siyaset, Savaş ve Diplomasi, Bursa: Dora Yayıncılık.
  • ARIKAN, P. (2012). “Suriye’nin Nusayri Yüzü ve İran”, Ortadoğu Analiz, 4(43): 18-29.
  • AZİZİ, H. (2022) “Integration of Iran-backed Armed Groups into the Iraqi and Syrian Armed Forces: Implications for Stability in Iraq and Syria, Small Wars and Insurgencies, 33(3): 499-527.
  • AZİZİ, H. ve VAZİRİAN, A. H. (2023), “The Role of Armed Non-State Actors in Iran’s Syria Strategy: A Case Study of Fatemiyoun and Zainabiyoun Brigades”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 25(3): 540-557.
  • BARNARD, A. ve MOURTADA, H. (2013). “Leader of Hezbollah Warns It Is Ready to Come to Syria’s Aid”, The New York Times, April 30,, (15.04.2023).
  • BERTI, B. (2015). “The Syrian Civil War and Its Consequences For Hezbollah”, Foreign Policy Research Institute, December 28,, (15.04.2023).
  • BİLGETÜRK, İ. (2018). “İran’ın Suriye Politikası Bağlamında Şiilik ve Şii Milisler”, ANKASAM Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2(2): 398-438.
  • BİNGÖL, O. ve VARLIK, A. B. (2014). “Suriye İç Savaşı’nda Askeri Durum”, Merkez Strateji Enstitüsü, 006,, (15.04.2023).
  • BLACK, I. (2012). “Iran Confirms It Has Forces in Syria and Will Take Military Action If Pushed”, The Guardian, September 16,, (15.04.2023).
  • CAVE, D. ve SAAD, H. (2012). “48 Captives are Iran Thugs, Say Rebels in Syria”, The New York Times, August 5,, (15.04.2023).
  • DAVIES, W. (2012). “Lebanon’s Hezbollah Drawn into Syria Conflict”, BBC News, October 26,, (15.04.2023).
  • FULTON, W., HOLLIDAY, J. ve WYER, S. (2013). “Iranian Strategy in Syria”, Institute for the Study of War,, (15.04.2023).
  • GALIA, E. (2023). “The Pro-Iranian Militias in Syria”, The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, March 29,, (15.04.2023).
  • GEORGE, M. (2012). “Iran's Syria Options Limited as Assad Battles on”, Reuters, June 14,, (15.04.2023).
  • GLADSTONE, R. ve BARNARD, A. (2012). “U.S. Accuses Hezbollah of Aiding Syria’s Crackdown”, The New York Times, August 10,, (15.04.2023).
  • GOODARZI, J. M. (2013). “Syria and Iran: Alliance Cooperation in a Changing Regional Environment”, Ortadoğu Etütleri, 4(2): 31-54.
  • GULF TIMES (2013). “Syria Rebels Fight On As Talks Pressure Mounts”, May 25,, (15.04.2023).
  • GÜVEN, A. (2020). “İran Destekli Zeynebiyyun Tugayı Pakistan’ın Yeni Ulusal Güvenlik Sorunu Olabilir”, Anadolu Ajansı, 4 Kasım,, (15.04.2023).
  • HAID, H. (2018). “Reintegrating Syrian Militias: Mechanisms, Actors, and Shortfalls”, Carnegie Middle East Center, December 12,, (15.04.2023).
  • HORTON, A. (2022). “Iran-backed Militants Probably Behind Attacks Targeting U.S. Troops in Iraq and Syria, Pentagon Says”, The Washington Post, January 5,, (15.04.2023).
  • IBRAHIM, G. (2022). “How Iran Turned Syria Into ‘the Den of Captagon”, Arab News, October 31,, (15.04.2023).
  • INTELLIGENCE AND TERRORISM INFORMATION CENTER (2014). “Shi'ite Foreign Fighters in Syria”,, (15.04.2023).
  • JAHANBANI, N. ve LEVY, S. W. (2022). “Iran and Hezbollah’s Support to Proxies Operating in Syria”, Combating Terrorism Center at West Point,, (15.04.2023).
  • KAZDAL, M. (2018). “Hizbullah’ın Suriye Savaşı”, İnsani ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi, 30 Kasım,, (15.04.2023).
  • KNIGHTS, M. (2021a). “Profile: Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba”, The Washington Institute, April 27,, (15.04.2023).
  • KNIGHTS, M. (2021b). “Profile: Kataib Sayyid Al-Shuhada”, The Washington Institute, May 3,, (15.04.2023).
  • KORKMAZ, Y. (2015). İran-Suriye Bölgesel İttifakı ve Arap Baharı Sürecine Yansıması, İstanbul: Matbuat Yayın Grubu.
  • LAMB, F. (2018). “Syria’s New Law Number Ten Devastates Sunni Refugees as Regime Loyalists are Deeded Their Homes and Real Estate”, Eurasia Review, May 3, 03052018-syrias-new-law-number-ten-devastates-sunni-refugees-as-regime-loyalists-are-deeded-their-homes-and-real-estate-oped/, (15.04.2023).
  • LEENDERS, R. ve GIUSTOZZI, A. (2020). “Foreign Sponsorship of Pro-government Militias Fighting Syria’s Insurgency: Whither Proxy Wars?”, Mediterranean Politics, 0(0): 1-30.
  • LEVITT, M. (2013). “Tough Times for Hezbollah”, The Washington Institute, August 29, http://www., (15.04.2023).
  • LISTER, C. (2022). “We cannot Ignore Syria’s Emergence as a Narco-State”, Middle East Institute, April 19,, (15.04.2023).
  • LISTER, C. ve NELSON, D. (2017). “All the President’s Militias: Assad’s Militiafication of Syria”, Middle East Institute, December 14,, (15.04.2023).
  • MANSOUR, R. ve JABAR, F. A. (2017). “The Popular Mobilization Forces and Iraq’s Future”, Carnegie Middle East Center,, (15.04.2023).
  • ORHAN, O. (2015). “The Shiite Militias in Syria and Political Solution”, ORSAM Policy Brief, 26,, (15.04.2023).
  • OZAROWSKI, R. (2018). “Iran’s Engagement in Syrian Conflict: Causes and Consequences”, Przegląd Strategiczny, 11: 201-210,, (15.04.2023).
  • ÖZCAN, E. E. (2022). “Astana Süreci Türkiye ve Rusya’nın Garantörlüğünde Devam Ediyor”, Anadolu Ajansı, 15 Haziran,, (15.04.2023).
  • ÖZDEMİR, Ö. B. (2022). “Iran-Backed Militia in Syria: Profiles and Functions”, ORSAM Analysis, 304,, (15.04.2023).
  • ÖZTÜRK, S. (2020). “İran Destekli Terörist Grupların Suriye’deki Varlığı”, Anadolu Ajansı, 13 Şubat,, (15.04.2023).
  • POMEROY, R. (2011). “Iran Backs Arab Uprisings Unless Pro-U.S.: Khamenei”, Reuters, June 4,, (15.04.2023).
  • SADJADPOUR, K. (2013). “Iran’s Unwavering Support to Assad’s Syria”, Carnegie Endowment For International Peace, August 27,, (15.04.2023).
  • SARI, İ ve FARZAM, R. (2017). “Fatimiyyun: İran’ın Afgan Milisleri”, USAD, (6): 267-290.
  • SEGALL, M. (2012). “The Role of Iranian Security Forces in the Syrian Bloodshed”, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 589,, (15.04.2023).
  • SİNKAYA, B. (2011). “İran-Suriye İlişkileri ve Suriye’de Halk İsyanı”, Ortadoğu Analiz, 3(33): 38-48. SİNKAYA, B. (2015). “Suriye Krizi Karşısında İran’ın Tutumu ve Şam-Tahran İttifakının Temelleri”, Akademik Ortadoğu, 10(1): 131-160.
  • SKIDMORE, J. (2014). “Foreign Fighter Involvement in Syria”, International Institute for Counter-Terrorism,, (15.04.2023).
  • SMYTH, P. (2015a). “The Shiite Jihad in Syria And its Regional Effects”, The Washington Institute, 138,, (15.04.2023).
  • SMYTH, P. (2015b). “Understanding the Organizations Deployed to Syria”, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 5,, (15.04.2023).
  • SMYTH, P. (2019). “Making Sense of Iraq's PMF Arrests”, Washington Institute for Near East Policy, April 26,, (15.04.2023).
  • SÖNMEZ, G. (2022). “Foreign Shiite Fighters in the Syrian Civil War: Actors, Recruitment Strategies and Iran’s Regional Role”, Journal of Security Studies, 24(2): 158-173.
  • SPYER, J. (2012). “Hizballah and the Arab Revolutions: The Contradiction Made Apparent?”, Global Research in International Affairs, April 27, 0029680_23998.pdf, (15.04.2023).
  • SULLIVAN, M. (2014). “Hezbollah in Syria”, Institute For The Study Of War, 19,, (15.04.2023).
  • TATLI, İ. (2023). “Yerel İsyandan Uluslararası İç Savaşa: 13. Yılında Suriye İç Savaşı”, İnsani ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi, 164,, (15.04.2023).
  • THE WASHINGTON POST (2002). “Text of President Bush’s 2002 State of the Union Address”, January 29,, (15.04.2023).
  • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (2012). “Treasury Designates Iranian Ministry of Intellligence and Security for Human Rights Abuses and Support for Terrorism”, February 16,, (15.04.2023).
  • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (2019). “Treasury Designates Iran’s Foreign Fighter Militias in Syria along with a Civilian Airline Ferrying Weapons to Syria”, January 24,, (15.04.2023).
  • ULUTAŞ, U., KANAT, K. B. ve ACUN, C. (2015). “Sınırları Aşan Kriz: Suriye”, SETA Analiz, 120,, (15.04.2023).
  • URQUHART, C. (2012). “Syrian Government Forces Shell Rebel Positions around Damascus”, The Guardian, December 15,, (15.04.2023).
  • UYGUR, H. (2012). “İran ve Arap Baharı”, SETA Analiz, 52,, (15.04.2023).
  • VOHRA, A. “Iran is Trying to Convert Syria to Shiism”, Foreign Policy, March 15,, (15.04.2023).
  • VOLLER, Y. (2022). “Rethinking Armed Groups and Order: Syria and the Rise of Militiatocracies”, International Affairs, 98(3): 853-871.
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Toplam 66 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Erkan Okalan 0000-0002-1634-2502

Ömer Göksel İşyar 0000-0003-1660-6835

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 16 Haziran 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 16

Kaynak Göster

APA Okalan, E., & İşyar, Ö. G. (2023). İRAN DESTEKLİ Şİİ MİLİSLERİN SURİYE İÇ SAVAŞINDAKİ ROLÜ. Uluslararası Afro-Avrasya Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(16), 13-35.

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