study represents a review of literature on constructivism used in
multidisciplinary learning environments which is to
uncover the usage rate of constructivism in multidisciplinary environments and
to be a guide to those who are seeking further knowledge about this topic in
the future.
Aspects like publication date and learner categories were taken into
consideration during the research. It includes the definition of
constructivism, the usage progress of constructivism in the classroom through
the years, the best age range which can easily adapt the constructivist
approach, types of activities, and the advantages and disadvantages of the
approach in the multidisciplinary classroom. 64 articles were surveyed and 30
articles were selected to analyze. The data obtained showed that there is a
significant increase in using a constructivist approach in every kind of
classroom. However, some of the articles revealed that there are also a small
number of disadvantages, too.