Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 70 - 89, 30.06.2020



  • [1] Doğan, B., and Erol, D. (2019). The Future of Fossil and Alternative Fuels Used in Automotive Industry. 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  • [2] Abas, N., Kalair, A., and Khan, N. (2015). Review of fossil fuels and future energy technologies. Futures, 69, 31-49.
  • [3] Ali, M. B., Saidur, R., and Hossain, M. S. (2011). A review on emission analysis in cement industries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(5), 2252-2261.
  • [4] Carraretto, C., Macor, A., Mirandola, A., Stoppato, A., and Tonon, S. (2004). Biodiesel as alternative fuel: Experimental analysis and energetic evaluations. Energy, 29(12-15), 2195-2211.
  • [5] Covert, T., Greenstone, M., and Knittel, C. R. (2016). Will we ever stop using fossil fuels? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30(1), 117-38.
  • [6] Arun, N., and Dalai, A. K. (2020). Environmental and socioeconomic impact assessment of biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass. In Lignocellulosic Biomass to Liquid Biofuels (pp. 283-299). Academic Press.
  • [7] Singh, D., Sharma, D., Soni, S. L., Sharma, S., and Kumari, D. (2019). Chemical compositions, properties, and standards for different generation biodiesels: A review. Fuel, 253, 60-71.
  • [8] Firoz, S. (2017). A review: advantages and disadvantages of biodiesel. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(11), 530-533.
  • [9] Pham, M. T., Hoang, A. T., Le, A. T., Al-Tawaha, A. R. M. S., Dong, V. H., & Le, V. V. (2018). Measurement and prediction of the density and viscosity of biodiesel blends. International Journal of Technology, 9(5), 1015-1026.
  • [10] Bukkarapu, K. R. (2019). Comparative study of different biodiesel–diesel blends. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 40(3), 295-303.
  • [11] Suhaimi, H., Adam, A., Mrwan, A. G., Abdullah, Z., Othman, M. F., Kamaruzzaman, M. K., and Hagos, F. Y. (2018). Analysis of combustion characteristics, engine performances and emissions of long-chain alcohol-diesel fuel blends. Fuel, 220, 682-691.
  • [12] Bae, C., and Kim, J. (2017). Alternative fuels for internal combustion engines. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(3), 3389-3413.
  • [13] Shamun, S., Garcia, P., and Svensson, E. (2019). Alternative fuels for particulate control in CI engines. In Engine Exhaust Particulates (pp. 181-197). Springer, Singapore.
  • [14] Can, Ö., Celikten, I., and Usta, N. (2004). Effects of ethanol addition on performance and emissions of a turbocharged indirect injection diesel engine running at different injection pressures. Energy conversion and Management, 45(15-16), 2429-2440.
  • [15] Özgür, T., Tosun, E., Özgür, C., Tüccar, G., and Aydın, K. (2017). Performance, emission and efficiency analysis of a diesel engine operated with diesel and diesel-ethanol (e20) Blend. International Journal of Science and Technology, 3(3).
  • [16] Khoobbakht, G., Akram, A., Karimi, M., and Najafi, G. (2016). Exergy and energy analysis of combustion of blended levels of biodiesel, ethanol and diesel fuel in a DI diesel engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 99, 720-729.
  • [17] Chen, H., Su, X., He, J., and Xie, B. (2019). Investigation on combustion and emission characteristics of a common rail diesel engine fueled with diesel/n-pentanol/methanol blends. Energy, 167, 297-311.
  • [18] Duraisamy, G., Rangasamy, M., and Govindan, N. (2020). A comparative study on methanol/diesel and methanol/PODE dual fuel RCCI combustion in an automotive diesel engine. Renewable Energy, 145, 542-556.
  • [19] Chen, H., Su, X., He, J., and Xie, B. (2019). Investigation on combustion and emission characteristics of a common rail diesel engine fueled with diesel/n-pentanol/methanol blends. Energy, 167, 297-311.
  • [20] Jiao, Y., Liu, R., Zhang, Z., Dong, S., Yang, C., and Ren, L. (2019, February). Review on the physicochemical, spray characteristics and chemical reaction mechanism of FT diesel-methanol-diesel-biodiesel blended alternative fuels. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 227, No. 2, p. 022006). IOP Publishing.
  • [21] Wyman, C. E. (2018). Ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass: overview. In Handbook on Bioethanol (pp. 1-18). Routledge.
  • [22] Li, Y., Gong, J., Deng, Y., Yuan, W., Fu, J., and Zhang, B. (2017). Experimental comparative study on combustion, performance and emissions characteristics of methanol, ethanol and butanol in a spark ignition engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 115, 53-63.
  • [23] Khoobbakht, G., Karimi, M., and Kheiralipour, K. (2019). Effects of biodiesel-ethanol-diesel blends on the performance indicators of a diesel engine: A study by response surface modeling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 148, 1385-1394.
  • [24] Aydın, F., and Öğüt, H. (2017). Effects of using ethanol-biodiesel-diesel fuel in single cylinder diesel engine to engine performance and emissions. Renewable Energy, 103, 688-694.
  • [25] Kumar, B. R., and Saravanan, S. (2016). Use of higher alcohol biofuels in diesel engines: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 60, 84-115.
  • [26] Peralta‐Yahya, P. P., and Keasling, J. D. (2010). Advanced biofuel production in microbes. Biotechnology journal, 5(2), 147-162.
  • [27] Yang, Y., Dec, J., Dronniou, N., and Simmons, B. (2010). Characteristics of isopentanol as a fuel for HCCI engines. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 3(2), 725-741.
  • [28] Dayma, G., Togbé, C., and Dagaut, P. (2011). Experimental and detailed kinetic modeling study of isoamyl alcohol (isopentanol) oxidation in a jet-stirred reactor at elevated pressure. Energy & fuels, 25(11), 4986-4998.
  • [29] Wei, L., Cheung, C. S., and Huang, Z. (2014). Effect of n-pentanol addition on the combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a direct-injection diesel engine. Energy, 70, 172-180.
  • [30] Sarathy, S. M., Park, S., Weber, B. W., Wang, W., Veloo, P. S., Davis, A. C., ... and Luo, Z. (2013). A comprehensive experimental and modeling study of iso-pentanol combustion. Combustion and flame, 160(12), 2712-2728.
  • [31] Tsujimura, T., Pitz, W. J., Yang, Y., and Dec, J. E. (2011). Detailed kinetic modeling of HCCI combustion with isopentanol. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 4(2), 257-270.
  • [32] Nour, M., Attia, A. M., and Nada, S. A. (2019). Combustion, performance and emission analysis of diesel engine fuelled by higher alcohols (butanol, octanol and heptanol)/diesel blends. Energy conversion and management, 185, 313-329.
  • [33] EL-Seesy, A. I., Kosaka, H., Hassan, H., and Sato, S. (2019). Combustion and emission characteristics of a common rail diesel engine and RCEM fueled by n-heptanol-diesel blends and carbon nanomaterial additives. Energy conversion and management, 196, 370-394.
  • [34] EL-Seesy, A. I., Kayatas, Z., Hawi, M., Kosaka, H., and He, Z. (2020). Combustion and emission characteristics of a rapid compression-expansion machine operated with N-heptanol-methyl oleate biodiesel blends. Renewable Energy, 147, 2064-2076.
  • [35] Radhakrishnan, S., Devarajan, Y., Mahalingam, A., and Nagappan, B. (2017). Emissions analysis on diesel engine fueled with palm oil biodiesel and pentanol blends. Journal of Oil Palm Research, 29(3), 380-386.
  • [36] Devarajan, Y., babu Munuswamy, D., and Nagappan, B. (2017). Emissions analysis on diesel engine fuelled with cashew nut shell biodiesel and pentanol blends. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(14), 13136-13141.
  • [37] Babu, V., and Murthy, M. (2017). Butanol and pentanol: The promising biofuels for CI engines–A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 1068-1088.
  • [38] Devarajan, Y., Nagappan, B. K., and Munuswamy, D. B. (2017). Performance and emissions analysis on diesel engine fuelled with cashew nut shell biodiesel and pentanol blends. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 34(4), 1021-1026.
  • [39] Ma, Y., Huang, S., Huang, R., Zhang, Y., and Xu, S. (2017). Ignition and combustion characteristics of n-pentanol–diesel blends in a constant volume chamber. Applied energy, 185, 519-530.
  • [40] Ağbulut, Ü., Sarıdemir, S., and Karagöz, M. (2020). Experimental investigation of fusel oil (isoamyl alcohol) and diesel blends in a CI engine. Fuel, 267, 117042.
  • [41] Campos-Fernandez, J., Arnal, J. M., Gomez, J., Lacalle, N., and Dorado, M. P. (2013). Performance tests of a diesel engine fueled with pentanol/diesel fuel blends. Fuel, 107, 866-872.
  • [42] Santhosh, K., Kumar, G. N., and Sanjay, P. V. (2020). Experimental analysis of performance and emission characteristics of CRDI diesel engine fueled with 1-pentanol/diesel blends with EGR technique. Fuel, 267, 117187.
  • [43] Gökdoğan, O., Eryilmaz, T., and Yesilyurt, M. K. (2015). Thermophysical properties of castor oil (Ricinus communis l.) biodiesel and its blends. CT&F-Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro, 6(1), 95-128.
  • [44] Yilmaz, N., and Atmanli, A. (2017). Experimental assessment of a diesel engine fueled with diesel-biodiesel-1-pentanol blends. Fuel, 191, 190-197.
  • [45] Atmanli, A., and Yilmaz, N. (2018). A comparative analysis of n-butanol/diesel and 1-pentanol/diesel blends in a compression ignition engine. Fuel, 234, 161-169.

Experimental assessment of a CI engine operating with 1-pentanol/diesel fuel blends

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 70 - 89, 30.06.2020


Pentanol or amyl alcohol, regarding its physical and chemical properties, is a type of alcohol that can be used as an alternative and sustainable fuel in diesel engine applications. In this study, three different fuel blends (Pt10, Pt20, and Pt30) prepared by adding various ratios (10%-30%) of 1-pentanol on a volume basis into pure diesel fuel with implementing the splash-blending method were used in a single-cylinder, four-stroke diesel-engine coupled with a generator. The effects of a next-generation alcohol addition to the diesel fuel on the engine performance and exhaust emission levels were examined meticulously. As a result of the experimental studies carried out in a constant engine speed of 3000 rpm at six different loads (0-2000 W) in a compression ignition engine, it was observed that the fuel consumption increased as the ratio of pentanol in fuel blends increased. Carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbon (HC) emissions obtained by using 1-pentanol/diesel fuel blends were found to be higher than that of conventional diesel fuel. The highest values for CO and HC emissions were obtained by the Pt30 fuel at all engine load conditions. However, it was determined that as the pentanol ratio in fuel blends increased, nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon dioxide (CO2) and smoke emissions, the most important disadvantage of pure diesel fuel, were reduced. Accordingly, it is concluded that 1-pentanol can be used as a fractional replacement for the diesel fuel.


  • [1] Doğan, B., and Erol, D. (2019). The Future of Fossil and Alternative Fuels Used in Automotive Industry. 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  • [2] Abas, N., Kalair, A., and Khan, N. (2015). Review of fossil fuels and future energy technologies. Futures, 69, 31-49.
  • [3] Ali, M. B., Saidur, R., and Hossain, M. S. (2011). A review on emission analysis in cement industries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15(5), 2252-2261.
  • [4] Carraretto, C., Macor, A., Mirandola, A., Stoppato, A., and Tonon, S. (2004). Biodiesel as alternative fuel: Experimental analysis and energetic evaluations. Energy, 29(12-15), 2195-2211.
  • [5] Covert, T., Greenstone, M., and Knittel, C. R. (2016). Will we ever stop using fossil fuels? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30(1), 117-38.
  • [6] Arun, N., and Dalai, A. K. (2020). Environmental and socioeconomic impact assessment of biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass. In Lignocellulosic Biomass to Liquid Biofuels (pp. 283-299). Academic Press.
  • [7] Singh, D., Sharma, D., Soni, S. L., Sharma, S., and Kumari, D. (2019). Chemical compositions, properties, and standards for different generation biodiesels: A review. Fuel, 253, 60-71.
  • [8] Firoz, S. (2017). A review: advantages and disadvantages of biodiesel. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 4(11), 530-533.
  • [9] Pham, M. T., Hoang, A. T., Le, A. T., Al-Tawaha, A. R. M. S., Dong, V. H., & Le, V. V. (2018). Measurement and prediction of the density and viscosity of biodiesel blends. International Journal of Technology, 9(5), 1015-1026.
  • [10] Bukkarapu, K. R. (2019). Comparative study of different biodiesel–diesel blends. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 40(3), 295-303.
  • [11] Suhaimi, H., Adam, A., Mrwan, A. G., Abdullah, Z., Othman, M. F., Kamaruzzaman, M. K., and Hagos, F. Y. (2018). Analysis of combustion characteristics, engine performances and emissions of long-chain alcohol-diesel fuel blends. Fuel, 220, 682-691.
  • [12] Bae, C., and Kim, J. (2017). Alternative fuels for internal combustion engines. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36(3), 3389-3413.
  • [13] Shamun, S., Garcia, P., and Svensson, E. (2019). Alternative fuels for particulate control in CI engines. In Engine Exhaust Particulates (pp. 181-197). Springer, Singapore.
  • [14] Can, Ö., Celikten, I., and Usta, N. (2004). Effects of ethanol addition on performance and emissions of a turbocharged indirect injection diesel engine running at different injection pressures. Energy conversion and Management, 45(15-16), 2429-2440.
  • [15] Özgür, T., Tosun, E., Özgür, C., Tüccar, G., and Aydın, K. (2017). Performance, emission and efficiency analysis of a diesel engine operated with diesel and diesel-ethanol (e20) Blend. International Journal of Science and Technology, 3(3).
  • [16] Khoobbakht, G., Akram, A., Karimi, M., and Najafi, G. (2016). Exergy and energy analysis of combustion of blended levels of biodiesel, ethanol and diesel fuel in a DI diesel engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 99, 720-729.
  • [17] Chen, H., Su, X., He, J., and Xie, B. (2019). Investigation on combustion and emission characteristics of a common rail diesel engine fueled with diesel/n-pentanol/methanol blends. Energy, 167, 297-311.
  • [18] Duraisamy, G., Rangasamy, M., and Govindan, N. (2020). A comparative study on methanol/diesel and methanol/PODE dual fuel RCCI combustion in an automotive diesel engine. Renewable Energy, 145, 542-556.
  • [19] Chen, H., Su, X., He, J., and Xie, B. (2019). Investigation on combustion and emission characteristics of a common rail diesel engine fueled with diesel/n-pentanol/methanol blends. Energy, 167, 297-311.
  • [20] Jiao, Y., Liu, R., Zhang, Z., Dong, S., Yang, C., and Ren, L. (2019, February). Review on the physicochemical, spray characteristics and chemical reaction mechanism of FT diesel-methanol-diesel-biodiesel blended alternative fuels. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 227, No. 2, p. 022006). IOP Publishing.
  • [21] Wyman, C. E. (2018). Ethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass: overview. In Handbook on Bioethanol (pp. 1-18). Routledge.
  • [22] Li, Y., Gong, J., Deng, Y., Yuan, W., Fu, J., and Zhang, B. (2017). Experimental comparative study on combustion, performance and emissions characteristics of methanol, ethanol and butanol in a spark ignition engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 115, 53-63.
  • [23] Khoobbakht, G., Karimi, M., and Kheiralipour, K. (2019). Effects of biodiesel-ethanol-diesel blends on the performance indicators of a diesel engine: A study by response surface modeling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 148, 1385-1394.
  • [24] Aydın, F., and Öğüt, H. (2017). Effects of using ethanol-biodiesel-diesel fuel in single cylinder diesel engine to engine performance and emissions. Renewable Energy, 103, 688-694.
  • [25] Kumar, B. R., and Saravanan, S. (2016). Use of higher alcohol biofuels in diesel engines: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 60, 84-115.
  • [26] Peralta‐Yahya, P. P., and Keasling, J. D. (2010). Advanced biofuel production in microbes. Biotechnology journal, 5(2), 147-162.
  • [27] Yang, Y., Dec, J., Dronniou, N., and Simmons, B. (2010). Characteristics of isopentanol as a fuel for HCCI engines. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 3(2), 725-741.
  • [28] Dayma, G., Togbé, C., and Dagaut, P. (2011). Experimental and detailed kinetic modeling study of isoamyl alcohol (isopentanol) oxidation in a jet-stirred reactor at elevated pressure. Energy & fuels, 25(11), 4986-4998.
  • [29] Wei, L., Cheung, C. S., and Huang, Z. (2014). Effect of n-pentanol addition on the combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a direct-injection diesel engine. Energy, 70, 172-180.
  • [30] Sarathy, S. M., Park, S., Weber, B. W., Wang, W., Veloo, P. S., Davis, A. C., ... and Luo, Z. (2013). A comprehensive experimental and modeling study of iso-pentanol combustion. Combustion and flame, 160(12), 2712-2728.
  • [31] Tsujimura, T., Pitz, W. J., Yang, Y., and Dec, J. E. (2011). Detailed kinetic modeling of HCCI combustion with isopentanol. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 4(2), 257-270.
  • [32] Nour, M., Attia, A. M., and Nada, S. A. (2019). Combustion, performance and emission analysis of diesel engine fuelled by higher alcohols (butanol, octanol and heptanol)/diesel blends. Energy conversion and management, 185, 313-329.
  • [33] EL-Seesy, A. I., Kosaka, H., Hassan, H., and Sato, S. (2019). Combustion and emission characteristics of a common rail diesel engine and RCEM fueled by n-heptanol-diesel blends and carbon nanomaterial additives. Energy conversion and management, 196, 370-394.
  • [34] EL-Seesy, A. I., Kayatas, Z., Hawi, M., Kosaka, H., and He, Z. (2020). Combustion and emission characteristics of a rapid compression-expansion machine operated with N-heptanol-methyl oleate biodiesel blends. Renewable Energy, 147, 2064-2076.
  • [35] Radhakrishnan, S., Devarajan, Y., Mahalingam, A., and Nagappan, B. (2017). Emissions analysis on diesel engine fueled with palm oil biodiesel and pentanol blends. Journal of Oil Palm Research, 29(3), 380-386.
  • [36] Devarajan, Y., babu Munuswamy, D., and Nagappan, B. (2017). Emissions analysis on diesel engine fuelled with cashew nut shell biodiesel and pentanol blends. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(14), 13136-13141.
  • [37] Babu, V., and Murthy, M. (2017). Butanol and pentanol: The promising biofuels for CI engines–A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, 1068-1088.
  • [38] Devarajan, Y., Nagappan, B. K., and Munuswamy, D. B. (2017). Performance and emissions analysis on diesel engine fuelled with cashew nut shell biodiesel and pentanol blends. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 34(4), 1021-1026.
  • [39] Ma, Y., Huang, S., Huang, R., Zhang, Y., and Xu, S. (2017). Ignition and combustion characteristics of n-pentanol–diesel blends in a constant volume chamber. Applied energy, 185, 519-530.
  • [40] Ağbulut, Ü., Sarıdemir, S., and Karagöz, M. (2020). Experimental investigation of fusel oil (isoamyl alcohol) and diesel blends in a CI engine. Fuel, 267, 117042.
  • [41] Campos-Fernandez, J., Arnal, J. M., Gomez, J., Lacalle, N., and Dorado, M. P. (2013). Performance tests of a diesel engine fueled with pentanol/diesel fuel blends. Fuel, 107, 866-872.
  • [42] Santhosh, K., Kumar, G. N., and Sanjay, P. V. (2020). Experimental analysis of performance and emission characteristics of CRDI diesel engine fueled with 1-pentanol/diesel blends with EGR technique. Fuel, 267, 117187.
  • [43] Gökdoğan, O., Eryilmaz, T., and Yesilyurt, M. K. (2015). Thermophysical properties of castor oil (Ricinus communis l.) biodiesel and its blends. CT&F-Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro, 6(1), 95-128.
  • [44] Yilmaz, N., and Atmanli, A. (2017). Experimental assessment of a diesel engine fueled with diesel-biodiesel-1-pentanol blends. Fuel, 191, 190-197.
  • [45] Atmanli, A., and Yilmaz, N. (2018). A comparative analysis of n-butanol/diesel and 1-pentanol/diesel blends in a compression ignition engine. Fuel, 234, 161-169.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Murat Kadir Yeşilyurt 0000-0003-0870-7564

Battal Doğan 0000-0001-5542-4853

Derviş Erol 0000-0002-3438-9312

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date March 24, 2020
Acceptance Date May 12, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Yeşilyurt, M. K., Doğan, B., & Erol, D. (2020). Experimental assessment of a CI engine operating with 1-pentanol/diesel fuel blends. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 4(2), 70-89.
AMA Yeşilyurt MK, Doğan B, Erol D. Experimental assessment of a CI engine operating with 1-pentanol/diesel fuel blends. IJASTECH. June 2020;4(2):70-89. doi:10.30939/ijastech.708517
Chicago Yeşilyurt, Murat Kadir, Battal Doğan, and Derviş Erol. “Experimental Assessment of a CI Engine Operating With 1-pentanol/Diesel Fuel Blends”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 4, no. 2 (June 2020): 70-89. 708517.
EndNote Yeşilyurt MK, Doğan B, Erol D (June 1, 2020) Experimental assessment of a CI engine operating with 1-pentanol/diesel fuel blends. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 4 2 70–89.
IEEE M. K. Yeşilyurt, B. Doğan, and D. Erol, “Experimental assessment of a CI engine operating with 1-pentanol/diesel fuel blends”, IJASTECH, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 70–89, 2020, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..708517.
ISNAD Yeşilyurt, Murat Kadir et al. “Experimental Assessment of a CI Engine Operating With 1-pentanol/Diesel Fuel Blends”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 4/2 (June 2020), 70-89. 708517.
JAMA Yeşilyurt MK, Doğan B, Erol D. Experimental assessment of a CI engine operating with 1-pentanol/diesel fuel blends. IJASTECH. 2020;4:70–89.
MLA Yeşilyurt, Murat Kadir et al. “Experimental Assessment of a CI Engine Operating With 1-pentanol/Diesel Fuel Blends”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 4, no. 2, 2020, pp. 70-89, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 708517.
Vancouver Yeşilyurt MK, Doğan B, Erol D. Experimental assessment of a CI engine operating with 1-pentanol/diesel fuel blends. IJASTECH. 2020;4(2):70-89.

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International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (IJASTECH) is published by Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey
