Research Article
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Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Cu-Fe-Ni-Al-Mn Heat Exchanger Alloys for Automotive Applications in Different Antifreeze Ratios

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 100 - 105


This study investigates the effects of antifreeze and water mixtures on the wear resistance of copper alloys, a topic that has not been sufficiently explored in the literature, particularly regarding the environmental impact. While previous research has emphasized the importance of material properties and surface modifications in improving wear resistance, the role of environmental factors, such as the mixture of antifreeze and water, has been less discussed. In this study, experiments were conducted using a 4D-DTM25 wear tester with antifreeze ratios of 25%, 50%, and 100%, under a constant load of 10N and a sliding distance of 100 meters. The results show that increasing the antifreeze concentration significantly improves the wear resistance of copper alloys. Notably, the use of 100% antifreeze resulted in a remarkable change in the morphology of the wear marks, shifting from abrasive to adhesive characteristics. This transition highlights the potential of anti-freeze mixtures to improve sliding conditions and reduce wear. Additionally, surface roughness measurements and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images further supported the experimental results, providing a detailed understanding of wear patterns and surface characteristics. These findings offer valuable insights into the behavior of copper alloys under varying environmental conditions, contributing to the optimization of copper alloys, particularly in automotive and industrial applications where wear resistance is critical. This research suggests that antifreeze-water mixtures could serve as an effective solution for enhancing wear resistance and performance in real-world conditions.

Ethical Statement

no used

Supporting Institution

Karabuk University

Project Number



This study was supported by Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Karabuk University in frame of the project code of [KBÜBAP-24-DS-075] as researchers, we thank the Scientific Research Projects of Karabuk University


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  • [3] Gündem A, Hoşöz M, Keklik E. Performance comparison of propylene glycol-water and ethylene glycol-water mixtures as engine coolants in a flat-tube automobile radiator. Int J Automot Sci Technol. 2021;5(2):147-156.
  • [4] Sekulic DP, Shah RK. Fundamentals of heat exchanger design: John Wiley & Sons; 2023.
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  • [11] AngelinThangakani J, Sheela CD, Dorothy R, Renugadevi N, Jeyasundari J, Rajendran S, et al. Applications of copper alloy nanoparticles in automotive industry. Nanotechnology in the Automotive Industry: Elsevier; 2022. p. 269-285.
  • [12] Jamil M, He N, Gupta MK, Zhao W, Khan AM. Tool wear mechanisms and its influence on machining tribology of face milled titanium alloy under sustainable hybrid lubri-cooling. Tribol Int. 2022;170:107497.
  • [13] Thiele W, Lehnert G. Development of protective coatings against primary coolant corrosion, friction, and wear. Nucl Technol. 1984;66(3):503-511.
  • [14] Ali M, El-Leathy A, Al-Sofyany Z. The effect of nanofluid concentration on the cooling system of vehicles radiator. Adv Mech Eng. 2014;6:962510.
  • [15] Li X, Zou C, Qi A. Experimental study on the thermo-physical properties of car engine coolant (water/ethylene glycol mixture type) based SiC nanofluids. Int Commun Heat Mass Transf. 2016;77:159-164.
  • [16] Addepalli S, Eiroa D, Lieotrakool S, François A-L, Guisset J, Sanjaime D, et al. Degradation study of heat exchangers. Procedia CIRP. 2015;38:137-142.
  • [17] Blau P. Lessons learned from the test-to-test variability of different types of wear data. Wear. 2017;376:1830-1840.
  • [18] Ajuka LO, Ogedengbe TS, Adeyi T, Ikumapayi OM, Akinlabi ET. Wear characteristics, reduction techniques and its application in automotive parts–A review. Cogent Eng. 2023;10(1):2170741.
  • [19] Motamen Salehi F, Khaemba D, Morina A, Neville A. Corrosive–abrasive wear induced by soot in boundary lubrication regime. Tribol Lett. 2016;63:19.
  • [20] Golla CB, Narasimha Rao R, Ismail S, Gupta M. Experimental investigations with machine learning techniques for understanding of erosion wear in advanced aluminum nanocomposites. Proc Inst Mech Eng E. 2024:Online First.
  • [21] Bozzi AC, de Mello JDB. Wear resistance and wear mechanisms of WC–12% Co thermal sprayed coatings in three-body abrasion. Wear.1999;233:575-587.
  • [22] Guardian R, Rosales-Cadena I, Diaz-Reyes C, Ruiz-Ochoa JA. Wear Evaluation of Copper-Nickel-Aluminum Alloys under Extreme Conditions. J Miner Mater Charact Eng. 2022;11(1):16-26.
  • [23] Godse RS, Gawande SH, Keste AA. Tribological behavior of high fraction carbon steel alloys. J Bio Tribocorros. 2016;2:3.
  • [24] Alajmi M, Shalwan A. Correlation between mechanical properties with specific wear rate and the coefficient of friction of graphite/epoxy composites. Materials. 2015;8(7):4162-4175.
  • [25] Md Idriss A, Maleque M, Yaacob I, Nasir R, Mridha S, Baker T. Microstructural aspects of wear behaviour of TiC coated low alloy steel. Mater Sci Technol. 2016;32(4):303-307.
  • [26] Jagadeesh P, Rangappa SM, Siengchin S. Friction and wear analysis of basalt micro-filler loaded various epoxies and esters based thermoset polymer composites. J Build Eng. 2024;86:108927.
  • [27] Gandham S, Nettem VC, Peddy VR, TA RK, Vadapalli S. Corrosion characteristics of an automotive coolant formulation dispersed with nanomaterials. Corros Rev. 2019;37(3):245-257.
  • [28] Xian HW, Sidik NAC, editors. Erosion-corrosion effect of nanocoolant on actual car water pump. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering; 2019: IOP Publishing.
  • [29] Bargal MH, Allam AN, Zayed ME, Wang Y, Alhems LM. Comprehensive parametric study and sensitivity analysis of automotive radiators using different water/ethylene glycol mixtures: Toward thermo‐hydraulic performance and heat transfer characteristics optimization. Heat Transf. 2025;54(1):244-270.
  • [30] Shah TR, Ali HM, Janjua MM. On aqua-based silica (SiO2–water) nanocoolant: convective thermal potential and experimental precision evaluation in aluminum tube radiator. Nanomaterials. 2020;10(9):1736.
  • [31] Abbas F, Ali HM, Shah TR, Babar H, Janjua MM, Sajjad U, et al. Nanofluid: Potential evaluation in automotive radiator. J Mol Liq. 2020;297:112014.
  • [32] Li R, Wang W, Shi Y, Wang Ct, Wang P. Advanced material design and engineering for water‐based evaporative cooling. Adv Mater. 2024;36(12):2209460.
  • [33] Unal H, Mimaroglu A. Friction and wear characteristics of PEEK and its composite under water lubrication. J Reinf Plast Compos. 2006;25(16):1659-1667.
  • [34] Lee S-J, Sohn Y-C, Kim C-L. Tribological effects of water-based graphene lubricants on graphene coatings. Materials. 2022;16(1):197.
  • [35] Nuruzzaman DM, Chowdhury MA. Friction coefficient and wear rate of different materials sliding against stainless steel. Int J Surf Eng Interdiscip Mater Sci. 2013;1(1):33-45.
  • [36] Zheng D, Su T. Friction and corrosion properties of phytic acid ionic liquid-water mixtures. J Oleo Sci. 2024;73(12):1541-1549.
Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 100 - 105


Project Number



  • [1] Günen A, Kanca E, Karakaş MS, Koç V, Gök MS, Kanca Y, et al. High temperature wear behavior of the surface-modified externally cooled rolls. Surf Coat Technol. 2018;348:130-141.
  • [2] Subhedar DG, Ramani BM, Gupta A. Experimental investigation of heat transfer potential of Al2O3/Water-Mono Ethylene Glycol nanofluids as a car radiator coolant. Case Stud Therm Eng.2018;11:26-34.
  • [3] Gündem A, Hoşöz M, Keklik E. Performance comparison of propylene glycol-water and ethylene glycol-water mixtures as engine coolants in a flat-tube automobile radiator. Int J Automot Sci Technol. 2021;5(2):147-156.
  • [4] Sekulic DP, Shah RK. Fundamentals of heat exchanger design: John Wiley & Sons; 2023.
  • [5] Pérez-Tavernier J, Vallejo J, Cabaleiro D, Fernández-Seara J, Lugo L. Heat transfer performance of a nano-enhanced propylene glycol: water mixture. Int J Therm Sci. 2019;139:413-423.
  • [6] Faes W, Lecompte S, Ahmed ZY, Van Bael J, Salenbien R, Verbeken K, et al. Corrosion and corrosion prevention in heat exchangers. Corros Rev. 2019;37(2):131-155.
  • [7] Rezaei M, Mahidashti Z, Eftekhari S, Abdi E. A corrosion failure analysis of heat exchanger tubes operating in petrochemical refinery. Eng Fail Anal. 2021;119:105011.
  • [8] Skela B, Sedlaček M, Podgornik B. Microstructure and Heat Treatment of Hot Work Tool Steel: Influence on Mechanical Properties and Wear Behaviour. Key Eng Mater. 2018;767:196-203.
  • [9] Hong M-S, Park I-J, Kim J-G. Alloying effect of copper concentration on the localized corrosion of aluminum alloy for heat exchanger tube. Metals Mater Int. 2017;23:708-714.
  • [10] Skela B, Sedlaček M, Kafexhiu F, Podgornik B. Wear behaviour and correlations to the microstructural characteristics of heat treated hot work tool steel. Wear. 2019;426:1118-1128.
  • [11] AngelinThangakani J, Sheela CD, Dorothy R, Renugadevi N, Jeyasundari J, Rajendran S, et al. Applications of copper alloy nanoparticles in automotive industry. Nanotechnology in the Automotive Industry: Elsevier; 2022. p. 269-285.
  • [12] Jamil M, He N, Gupta MK, Zhao W, Khan AM. Tool wear mechanisms and its influence on machining tribology of face milled titanium alloy under sustainable hybrid lubri-cooling. Tribol Int. 2022;170:107497.
  • [13] Thiele W, Lehnert G. Development of protective coatings against primary coolant corrosion, friction, and wear. Nucl Technol. 1984;66(3):503-511.
  • [14] Ali M, El-Leathy A, Al-Sofyany Z. The effect of nanofluid concentration on the cooling system of vehicles radiator. Adv Mech Eng. 2014;6:962510.
  • [15] Li X, Zou C, Qi A. Experimental study on the thermo-physical properties of car engine coolant (water/ethylene glycol mixture type) based SiC nanofluids. Int Commun Heat Mass Transf. 2016;77:159-164.
  • [16] Addepalli S, Eiroa D, Lieotrakool S, François A-L, Guisset J, Sanjaime D, et al. Degradation study of heat exchangers. Procedia CIRP. 2015;38:137-142.
  • [17] Blau P. Lessons learned from the test-to-test variability of different types of wear data. Wear. 2017;376:1830-1840.
  • [18] Ajuka LO, Ogedengbe TS, Adeyi T, Ikumapayi OM, Akinlabi ET. Wear characteristics, reduction techniques and its application in automotive parts–A review. Cogent Eng. 2023;10(1):2170741.
  • [19] Motamen Salehi F, Khaemba D, Morina A, Neville A. Corrosive–abrasive wear induced by soot in boundary lubrication regime. Tribol Lett. 2016;63:19.
  • [20] Golla CB, Narasimha Rao R, Ismail S, Gupta M. Experimental investigations with machine learning techniques for understanding of erosion wear in advanced aluminum nanocomposites. Proc Inst Mech Eng E. 2024:Online First.
  • [21] Bozzi AC, de Mello JDB. Wear resistance and wear mechanisms of WC–12% Co thermal sprayed coatings in three-body abrasion. Wear.1999;233:575-587.
  • [22] Guardian R, Rosales-Cadena I, Diaz-Reyes C, Ruiz-Ochoa JA. Wear Evaluation of Copper-Nickel-Aluminum Alloys under Extreme Conditions. J Miner Mater Charact Eng. 2022;11(1):16-26.
  • [23] Godse RS, Gawande SH, Keste AA. Tribological behavior of high fraction carbon steel alloys. J Bio Tribocorros. 2016;2:3.
  • [24] Alajmi M, Shalwan A. Correlation between mechanical properties with specific wear rate and the coefficient of friction of graphite/epoxy composites. Materials. 2015;8(7):4162-4175.
  • [25] Md Idriss A, Maleque M, Yaacob I, Nasir R, Mridha S, Baker T. Microstructural aspects of wear behaviour of TiC coated low alloy steel. Mater Sci Technol. 2016;32(4):303-307.
  • [26] Jagadeesh P, Rangappa SM, Siengchin S. Friction and wear analysis of basalt micro-filler loaded various epoxies and esters based thermoset polymer composites. J Build Eng. 2024;86:108927.
  • [27] Gandham S, Nettem VC, Peddy VR, TA RK, Vadapalli S. Corrosion characteristics of an automotive coolant formulation dispersed with nanomaterials. Corros Rev. 2019;37(3):245-257.
  • [28] Xian HW, Sidik NAC, editors. Erosion-corrosion effect of nanocoolant on actual car water pump. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering; 2019: IOP Publishing.
  • [29] Bargal MH, Allam AN, Zayed ME, Wang Y, Alhems LM. Comprehensive parametric study and sensitivity analysis of automotive radiators using different water/ethylene glycol mixtures: Toward thermo‐hydraulic performance and heat transfer characteristics optimization. Heat Transf. 2025;54(1):244-270.
  • [30] Shah TR, Ali HM, Janjua MM. On aqua-based silica (SiO2–water) nanocoolant: convective thermal potential and experimental precision evaluation in aluminum tube radiator. Nanomaterials. 2020;10(9):1736.
  • [31] Abbas F, Ali HM, Shah TR, Babar H, Janjua MM, Sajjad U, et al. Nanofluid: Potential evaluation in automotive radiator. J Mol Liq. 2020;297:112014.
  • [32] Li R, Wang W, Shi Y, Wang Ct, Wang P. Advanced material design and engineering for water‐based evaporative cooling. Adv Mater. 2024;36(12):2209460.
  • [33] Unal H, Mimaroglu A. Friction and wear characteristics of PEEK and its composite under water lubrication. J Reinf Plast Compos. 2006;25(16):1659-1667.
  • [34] Lee S-J, Sohn Y-C, Kim C-L. Tribological effects of water-based graphene lubricants on graphene coatings. Materials. 2022;16(1):197.
  • [35] Nuruzzaman DM, Chowdhury MA. Friction coefficient and wear rate of different materials sliding against stainless steel. Int J Surf Eng Interdiscip Mater Sci. 2013;1(1):33-45.
  • [36] Zheng D, Su T. Friction and corrosion properties of phytic acid ionic liquid-water mixtures. J Oleo Sci. 2024;73(12):1541-1549.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Automotive Engineering Materials, Automotive Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Yaşar Yetişken 0000-0002-0182-2124

Bünyamin Çiçek 0000-0002-6603-7178

Harun Çuğ 0000-0002-6322-4269

Yavuz Sun 0000-0002-7336-5591

Rajab Elkilani 0000-0002-7388-7867

Project Number KBÜBAP-24-DS-075
Publication Date
Submission Date December 18, 2024
Acceptance Date February 13, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Yetişken, Y., Çiçek, B., Çuğ, H., Sun, Y., et al. (n.d.). Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Cu-Fe-Ni-Al-Mn Heat Exchanger Alloys for Automotive Applications in Different Antifreeze Ratios. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 9(1), 100-105.
AMA Yetişken Y, Çiçek B, Çuğ H, Sun Y, Elkilani R. Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Cu-Fe-Ni-Al-Mn Heat Exchanger Alloys for Automotive Applications in Different Antifreeze Ratios. IJASTECH. 9(1):100-105. doi:10.30939/ijastech.1603406
Chicago Yetişken, Yaşar, Bünyamin Çiçek, Harun Çuğ, Yavuz Sun, and Rajab Elkilani. “Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Cu-Fe-Ni-Al-Mn Heat Exchanger Alloys for Automotive Applications in Different Antifreeze Ratios”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 9, no. 1 n.d.: 100-105. 1603406.
EndNote Yetişken Y, Çiçek B, Çuğ H, Sun Y, Elkilani R Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Cu-Fe-Ni-Al-Mn Heat Exchanger Alloys for Automotive Applications in Different Antifreeze Ratios. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 9 1 100–105.
IEEE Y. Yetişken, B. Çiçek, H. Çuğ, Y. Sun, and R. Elkilani, “Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Cu-Fe-Ni-Al-Mn Heat Exchanger Alloys for Automotive Applications in Different Antifreeze Ratios”, IJASTECH, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 100–105, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..1603406.
ISNAD Yetişken, Yaşar et al. “Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Cu-Fe-Ni-Al-Mn Heat Exchanger Alloys for Automotive Applications in Different Antifreeze Ratios”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 9/1 (n.d.), 100-105. 1603406.
JAMA Yetişken Y, Çiçek B, Çuğ H, Sun Y, Elkilani R. Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Cu-Fe-Ni-Al-Mn Heat Exchanger Alloys for Automotive Applications in Different Antifreeze Ratios. IJASTECH.;9:100–105.
MLA Yetişken, Yaşar et al. “Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Cu-Fe-Ni-Al-Mn Heat Exchanger Alloys for Automotive Applications in Different Antifreeze Ratios”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 100-5, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 1603406.
Vancouver Yetişken Y, Çiçek B, Çuğ H, Sun Y, Elkilani R. Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Cu-Fe-Ni-Al-Mn Heat Exchanger Alloys for Automotive Applications in Different Antifreeze Ratios. IJASTECH. 9(1):100-5.

International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (IJASTECH) is published by Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey
