Development and validation of the IS-C psychometric tool for evaluating children's impulsivity
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 388 - 405, 20.06.2024
Fatma Özgün Öztürk
Ganime Can Gür
This research aims to develop an instrument for the evaluation of impulsivity traits in children and to examine the psychometric features of the developed scale. The process of developing the scale involved three main phases: namely, item generation, evaluation of content validity, and analysis of psychometric properties. The study sample comprised 319 children (68 females, 201 males) aged 5-18, all diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), including 50 who underwent pilot testing. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were employed to assess the factor structure of the scale, resulting in an 18-item scale encompassing motor impulsivity, non-planning impulsivity, and attention-related impulsivity factors. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) indicated a satisfactory model-data fit. The overall scale demonstrated high reliability, with Cronbach's Alpha coefficients reaching 0.863. The analyses indicated that the scale is both valid and reliable.
Etik Beyan
Pamukkale University, Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee, 60116787-020/57785.
- American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5 (5th ed., Vol. 10). American Psychiatric Association.
- Barkley, R.A. (1991). The ecological validity of laboratory and analogue assessment methods of ADHD symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 19, 149 178.
- Brown, T.A. (2015). Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research. Guilford publications.
- Bryman, A., & Cramer, D. (2002). Quantitative data analysis with SPSS release 10 for Windows: A guide for social scientists. Routledge.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2018). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı [Handbook of data analysis for social sciences]. Pegem Atıf İndeksi, 001–214.
- Cosí, S., Morales‐Vives, F., Canals, J., Lorenzo‐Seva, U., & Vigil-Colet, A. (2008). Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity in childhood and adolescence. Psychological Reports, 103(1), 67-76.
- Cyders, M.A., & Coskunpinar, A. (2011). Measurement of constructs using self-report and behavioral lab tasks: Is there overlap in nomothetic span and construct representation for impulsivity? Clinical Psychology Review, 31(6), 965 982.
- Çam, M., & Baysan-Arabacı, L. (2010). Qualitative and quantitative steps on attitude scale construction. Hemar-G, 12(2), 59–71.
- DeVellis, R.F. (2016). Scale development: Theory and applications. Sage publications.
- Dickman, S.J. (1990). Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity: Personality and cognitive correlates. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58(1), 95.
- DuPaul, G.J., Anastopoulos, A.D., Power, T.J., Reid, R., Ikeda, M.J., & McGoey, K.E. (1998). Parent ratings of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms: Factor structure and normative data. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 20, 83-102.
- Ercan, E.S. (2015). Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğunda prognoz ve öngörücü faktörler [Prognosis and predictive factors in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder]. Türkiye Klinikleri J Child Psychiatry-Special Topics, 1(1), 96–98.
- Ercan, E.S., & Aydın, C. (2005). Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu [Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder]. Gendaş Kültür.
- Ercan, E., Amado, S., Somer, O., & Çıkoğlu, S. (2001). Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu ve yıkıcı davranım bozuklukları için bir test bataryası geliştirme çabası [An effort to develop a test battery for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and disruptive behavior disorders]. Çocuk ve Gençlik Ruh Sağlığı Dergisi, 8(3), 132–144.
- Eysenck, S.B., & Eysenck, H.J. (1977). The place of impulsiveness in a dimensional system of personality description. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 16(1), 57-68.
- Eysenck, S.B., Easting, G., & Pearson, P.R. (1984). Age norms for impulsiveness, venturesomeness, and empathy in children. Personality and Individual Differences, 5(3), 315-321.
- Gladwin, T., Jewiss, M., Banic, M., & Pereira, A. (2020). Associations between performance-based and self-reported prospective memory, impulsivity, and encoding support. Acta Psychologica, 206, 103066.
- Grove, S.K., Burns, N., & Gray, J. (2012). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence. Elsevier Health Sciences.
- Hallowell, E.M., & Ratey, J.J. (2011). Driven to distraction (revised): Recognizing and coping with attention deficit disorder. Anchor.
- Halperin, J.M., Wolf, L., Greenblatt, E.R., & Young, G. (1991). Subtype analysis of commission errors on the continuous performance test in children. Developmental Neuropsychology, 7(2), 207-217.
- Han, X., Zhang, H., Xu, T., Liu, L., Cai, H., Liu, Z., …, & Yuan, T. (2022). How impulsiveness influences obesity: the mediating effect of resting-state brain activity in the dlpfc. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.
- Hayran, O. (2012). Sağlık bilimlerinde araştırma ve istatistik yöntemler [Research and statistical methods in health sciences]. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi.
- Johnson, R.B., & Christensen, L. (2019). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches. SAGE Publications.
- Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri (Vol. 5) [Multivariate statistical techniques with SPSS] (Vol. 5). Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
- Kartal, M., & Bardakçı, S. (2018). SPSS ve AMOS uygulamalı örneklerle güvenirlik ve geçerlik analizleri [Reliability and validity analysis with SPSS and AMOS applied examples]. Akademisyen Yayınevi.
- Kline, R.B. (2015). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. Guilford Publications.
- Kreek, M.J., Nielsen, D.A., Butelman, E.R., & LaForge, K.S. (2005). Genetic influences on impulsivity, risk taking, stress responsivity and vulnerability to drug abuse and addiction. Nature Neuroscience, 8(11), 1450-1457.
- L’Abate, L. (1993). A family theory of impulsivity. In The impulsive client: Theory, research, and treatment. (pp. 93–117). American Psychological Association.
- Leyva, D., & Nolivos, V. (2015). Chilean family reminiscing about emotions and its relation to children’s self-regulation skills. Early Education and Development, 26(5-6), 770-791.
- Lynn, M.R. (1986). Determination and quantification of content validity. Nursing Research.
- Marcoulides, G.A., & Schumacker, R.E. (2001). New developments and techniques in structural equation modeling. Psychology Press.
- Moeller, F.G., Barratt, E.S., Dougherty, D.M., Schmitz, J.M., & Swann, A.C. (2001). Psychiatric aspects of impulsivity. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158(11), 1783–1793.
- Mukaddes, N.M. (2015). Yasam Boyu Dikkat Eksikligi Hiperaktivite Bozuklugu ve Eslik Eden Durumlar [Lifelong Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Associated Conditions]. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi.
- Nomura, M., & Nomura, Y. (2006). Psychological, neuroimaging, and biochemical studies on functional association between impulsive behavior and the 5‐ht2a receptor gene polymorphism in humans. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1086(1), 134-143.
- Olson, S.L., Schilling, E.M., & Bates, J.E. (1999). Measurement of impulsivity: Construct coherence, longitudinal stability, and relationship with externalizing problems in middle childhood and adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 27, 151-165
- Özdamar, K. (2016). Ölçek ve test geliştirme yapısal eşitlik modellemesi [Scale and test development structural equation modeling]. Nisan Kitabevi.
- Özdemir, P.G., Selvi, Y., & Aydin, A. (2012). Dürtüsellik ve tedavisi [Impulsivity and its treatment]. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 4(3), 293–314.
- Öztürk, M., & Başgül, Ş. (2015). Çocuklarda dürtüsellik [Impulsivity in children]. Hayykitap.
- Patton, J.H., Stanford, M.S., & Barratt, E.S. (1995). Factor structure of the Barratt impulsiveness scale. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51(6), 768 774.<768::AID-JCLP2270510607>3.0.CO;2-1
- Polit, D.F., & Beck, C.T. (2006). The content validity index: Are you sure you know what’s being reported? Critique and recommendations. Research in Nursing & Health, 29(5), 489–497.
- Polit, D.F., Beck, C.T., & Owen, S.V. (2007). Is the CVI an acceptable indicator of content validity? Appraisal and recommendations. Research in Nursing & Health, 30(4), 459–467.
- Seçer, İ. (2015). Psikolojik test geliştirme ve uyarlama süreci (1. Baskı) [Psychological test development and adaptation process] (1. Baskı). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık. ISBN, 978–605.
- Sharma, L., Markon, K.E., & Clark, L.A. (2014). Toward a theory of distinct types of “impulsive” behaviors: a meta-analysis of self-report and behavioral measures. Psychological Bulletin, 140(2), 374.
- Şenol, S. (2008). Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu. In Çocuk ve Ergen Psikiyatrisi Temel Kitabı [Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In Basic Book of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry] (pp. 293–311). Hekimler Yayın Birliği.
- Şimşek, Ö.F. (2020). Yapisal eşitlik modellemesine giriş: Temel ilkeler ve LISREL uygulamalari [Introduction to structural equation modeling: Basic principles and LISREL applications]. Ekinoks Yayınları.
- Tavşancıl, E. (2019). Tutumların Ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi (6th ed.) [Measurement of Attitudes and Data Analysis with SPSS] (6th ed.). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
- Terwee, C.B., Bot, S.D., de Boer, M. R., van der Windt, D.A., Knol, D.L., Dekker, J., Bouter, L.M., & de Vet, H.C. (2007). Quality criteria were proposed for measurement properties of health status questionnaires. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 60(1), 34–42.
- Turgay, A. (1995). Çocuk ve ergenlerde davranım bozuklukları için DSM-IV’e dayalı tarama ve değerlendirme ölçeği (Yayınlanmamış ölçek) [DSM-IV based screening and assessment scale for conduct disorders in children and adolescents (Unpublished scale)]. Integrative Therapy Institute Toronto, Kanada.
- Watts, A.L., Smith, G.T., Barch, D.M., & Sher, K.J. (2020). Factor structure, measurement and structural invariance, and external validity of an abbreviated youth version of the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale. Psychological Assessment, 32(4), 336.
- Whiteside, S.P., & Lynam, D.R. (2001). The five-factor model and impulsivity: Using a structural model of personality to understand impulsivity. Personality and Individual Differences, 30(4), 669-689.
- Willcutt, E.G., Pennington, B.F., Chhabildas, N.A., Friedman, M.C., & Alexander, J. (1999). Psychiatric comorbidity associated with DSM-IV ADHD in a nonreferred sample of twins. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 38(11), 1355–1362.
- Wright, J.C. (1971). The Kansas Reflection-Impulsivity Scale for Preschoolers (KRISP). Merrifield, VA, USA: National Program on Early Childhood Education.
- Yazgan, Y. (2010). Hiperaktif çocuk ve ergen okulda [Hyperactive children and adolescents at school]. Evrim Yayınevi.
Development and validation of the IS-C psychometric tool for evaluating children's impulsivity
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 2, 388 - 405, 20.06.2024
Fatma Özgün Öztürk
Ganime Can Gür
This research aims to develop an instrument for the evaluation of impulsivity traits in children and to examine the psychometric features of the developed scale. The process of developing the scale involved three main phases: namely, item generation, evaluation of content validity, and analysis of psychometric properties. The study sample comprised 319 children (68 females, 201 males) aged 5-18, all diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), including 50 who underwent pilot testing. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were employed to assess the factor structure of the scale, resulting in an 18-item scale encompassing motor impulsivity, non-planning impulsivity, and attention-related impulsivity factors. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) indicated a satisfactory model-data fit. The overall scale demonstrated high reliability, with Cronbach's Alpha coefficients reaching 0.863. The analyses indicated that the scale is both valid and reliable.
Etik Beyan
Pamukkale University, Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee, 60116787-020/57785.
- American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5 (5th ed., Vol. 10). American Psychiatric Association.
- Barkley, R.A. (1991). The ecological validity of laboratory and analogue assessment methods of ADHD symptoms. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 19, 149 178.
- Brown, T.A. (2015). Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research. Guilford publications.
- Bryman, A., & Cramer, D. (2002). Quantitative data analysis with SPSS release 10 for Windows: A guide for social scientists. Routledge.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2018). Sosyal bilimler için veri analizi el kitabı [Handbook of data analysis for social sciences]. Pegem Atıf İndeksi, 001–214.
- Cosí, S., Morales‐Vives, F., Canals, J., Lorenzo‐Seva, U., & Vigil-Colet, A. (2008). Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity in childhood and adolescence. Psychological Reports, 103(1), 67-76.
- Cyders, M.A., & Coskunpinar, A. (2011). Measurement of constructs using self-report and behavioral lab tasks: Is there overlap in nomothetic span and construct representation for impulsivity? Clinical Psychology Review, 31(6), 965 982.
- Çam, M., & Baysan-Arabacı, L. (2010). Qualitative and quantitative steps on attitude scale construction. Hemar-G, 12(2), 59–71.
- DeVellis, R.F. (2016). Scale development: Theory and applications. Sage publications.
- Dickman, S.J. (1990). Functional and dysfunctional impulsivity: Personality and cognitive correlates. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58(1), 95.
- DuPaul, G.J., Anastopoulos, A.D., Power, T.J., Reid, R., Ikeda, M.J., & McGoey, K.E. (1998). Parent ratings of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms: Factor structure and normative data. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 20, 83-102.
- Ercan, E.S. (2015). Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğunda prognoz ve öngörücü faktörler [Prognosis and predictive factors in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder]. Türkiye Klinikleri J Child Psychiatry-Special Topics, 1(1), 96–98.
- Ercan, E.S., & Aydın, C. (2005). Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu [Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder]. Gendaş Kültür.
- Ercan, E., Amado, S., Somer, O., & Çıkoğlu, S. (2001). Dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu ve yıkıcı davranım bozuklukları için bir test bataryası geliştirme çabası [An effort to develop a test battery for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and disruptive behavior disorders]. Çocuk ve Gençlik Ruh Sağlığı Dergisi, 8(3), 132–144.
- Eysenck, S.B., & Eysenck, H.J. (1977). The place of impulsiveness in a dimensional system of personality description. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 16(1), 57-68.
- Eysenck, S.B., Easting, G., & Pearson, P.R. (1984). Age norms for impulsiveness, venturesomeness, and empathy in children. Personality and Individual Differences, 5(3), 315-321.
- Gladwin, T., Jewiss, M., Banic, M., & Pereira, A. (2020). Associations between performance-based and self-reported prospective memory, impulsivity, and encoding support. Acta Psychologica, 206, 103066.
- Grove, S.K., Burns, N., & Gray, J. (2012). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence. Elsevier Health Sciences.
- Hallowell, E.M., & Ratey, J.J. (2011). Driven to distraction (revised): Recognizing and coping with attention deficit disorder. Anchor.
- Halperin, J.M., Wolf, L., Greenblatt, E.R., & Young, G. (1991). Subtype analysis of commission errors on the continuous performance test in children. Developmental Neuropsychology, 7(2), 207-217.
- Han, X., Zhang, H., Xu, T., Liu, L., Cai, H., Liu, Z., …, & Yuan, T. (2022). How impulsiveness influences obesity: the mediating effect of resting-state brain activity in the dlpfc. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13.
- Hayran, O. (2012). Sağlık bilimlerinde araştırma ve istatistik yöntemler [Research and statistical methods in health sciences]. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi.
- Johnson, R.B., & Christensen, L. (2019). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches. SAGE Publications.
- Kalaycı, Ş. (2010). SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri (Vol. 5) [Multivariate statistical techniques with SPSS] (Vol. 5). Asil Yayın Dağıtım.
- Kartal, M., & Bardakçı, S. (2018). SPSS ve AMOS uygulamalı örneklerle güvenirlik ve geçerlik analizleri [Reliability and validity analysis with SPSS and AMOS applied examples]. Akademisyen Yayınevi.
- Kline, R.B. (2015). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling. Guilford Publications.
- Kreek, M.J., Nielsen, D.A., Butelman, E.R., & LaForge, K.S. (2005). Genetic influences on impulsivity, risk taking, stress responsivity and vulnerability to drug abuse and addiction. Nature Neuroscience, 8(11), 1450-1457.
- L’Abate, L. (1993). A family theory of impulsivity. In The impulsive client: Theory, research, and treatment. (pp. 93–117). American Psychological Association.
- Leyva, D., & Nolivos, V. (2015). Chilean family reminiscing about emotions and its relation to children’s self-regulation skills. Early Education and Development, 26(5-6), 770-791.
- Lynn, M.R. (1986). Determination and quantification of content validity. Nursing Research.
- Marcoulides, G.A., & Schumacker, R.E. (2001). New developments and techniques in structural equation modeling. Psychology Press.
- Moeller, F.G., Barratt, E.S., Dougherty, D.M., Schmitz, J.M., & Swann, A.C. (2001). Psychiatric aspects of impulsivity. American Journal of Psychiatry, 158(11), 1783–1793.
- Mukaddes, N.M. (2015). Yasam Boyu Dikkat Eksikligi Hiperaktivite Bozuklugu ve Eslik Eden Durumlar [Lifelong Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Associated Conditions]. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi.
- Nomura, M., & Nomura, Y. (2006). Psychological, neuroimaging, and biochemical studies on functional association between impulsive behavior and the 5‐ht2a receptor gene polymorphism in humans. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1086(1), 134-143.
- Olson, S.L., Schilling, E.M., & Bates, J.E. (1999). Measurement of impulsivity: Construct coherence, longitudinal stability, and relationship with externalizing problems in middle childhood and adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 27, 151-165
- Özdamar, K. (2016). Ölçek ve test geliştirme yapısal eşitlik modellemesi [Scale and test development structural equation modeling]. Nisan Kitabevi.
- Özdemir, P.G., Selvi, Y., & Aydin, A. (2012). Dürtüsellik ve tedavisi [Impulsivity and its treatment]. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar, 4(3), 293–314.
- Öztürk, M., & Başgül, Ş. (2015). Çocuklarda dürtüsellik [Impulsivity in children]. Hayykitap.
- Patton, J.H., Stanford, M.S., & Barratt, E.S. (1995). Factor structure of the Barratt impulsiveness scale. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51(6), 768 774.<768::AID-JCLP2270510607>3.0.CO;2-1
- Polit, D.F., & Beck, C.T. (2006). The content validity index: Are you sure you know what’s being reported? Critique and recommendations. Research in Nursing & Health, 29(5), 489–497.
- Polit, D.F., Beck, C.T., & Owen, S.V. (2007). Is the CVI an acceptable indicator of content validity? Appraisal and recommendations. Research in Nursing & Health, 30(4), 459–467.
- Seçer, İ. (2015). Psikolojik test geliştirme ve uyarlama süreci (1. Baskı) [Psychological test development and adaptation process] (1. Baskı). Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık. ISBN, 978–605.
- Sharma, L., Markon, K.E., & Clark, L.A. (2014). Toward a theory of distinct types of “impulsive” behaviors: a meta-analysis of self-report and behavioral measures. Psychological Bulletin, 140(2), 374.
- Şenol, S. (2008). Dikkat Eksikliği Hiperaktivite Bozukluğu. In Çocuk ve Ergen Psikiyatrisi Temel Kitabı [Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In Basic Book of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry] (pp. 293–311). Hekimler Yayın Birliği.
- Şimşek, Ö.F. (2020). Yapisal eşitlik modellemesine giriş: Temel ilkeler ve LISREL uygulamalari [Introduction to structural equation modeling: Basic principles and LISREL applications]. Ekinoks Yayınları.
- Tavşancıl, E. (2019). Tutumların Ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi (6th ed.) [Measurement of Attitudes and Data Analysis with SPSS] (6th ed.). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
- Terwee, C.B., Bot, S.D., de Boer, M. R., van der Windt, D.A., Knol, D.L., Dekker, J., Bouter, L.M., & de Vet, H.C. (2007). Quality criteria were proposed for measurement properties of health status questionnaires. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 60(1), 34–42.
- Turgay, A. (1995). Çocuk ve ergenlerde davranım bozuklukları için DSM-IV’e dayalı tarama ve değerlendirme ölçeği (Yayınlanmamış ölçek) [DSM-IV based screening and assessment scale for conduct disorders in children and adolescents (Unpublished scale)]. Integrative Therapy Institute Toronto, Kanada.
- Watts, A.L., Smith, G.T., Barch, D.M., & Sher, K.J. (2020). Factor structure, measurement and structural invariance, and external validity of an abbreviated youth version of the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale. Psychological Assessment, 32(4), 336.
- Whiteside, S.P., & Lynam, D.R. (2001). The five-factor model and impulsivity: Using a structural model of personality to understand impulsivity. Personality and Individual Differences, 30(4), 669-689.
- Willcutt, E.G., Pennington, B.F., Chhabildas, N.A., Friedman, M.C., & Alexander, J. (1999). Psychiatric comorbidity associated with DSM-IV ADHD in a nonreferred sample of twins. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 38(11), 1355–1362.
- Wright, J.C. (1971). The Kansas Reflection-Impulsivity Scale for Preschoolers (KRISP). Merrifield, VA, USA: National Program on Early Childhood Education.
- Yazgan, Y. (2010). Hiperaktif çocuk ve ergen okulda [Hyperactive children and adolescents at school]. Evrim Yayınevi.