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Farklı Gübre Kaynaklarının ve Dozlarının Makarnalık Buğdayın (Triticum durum L.) Verimine Etkisi

Yıl 2024, , 455 - 466, 24.12.2024


Bu çalışmada organik ve inorganik kaynaklı gübrelerin ve dozlarının makarnalık buğdayın verim ve verim öğelerine etkisi ve azot kullanım etkinliği yönünden değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma 2019-2020 yılında Diyarbakır’da Dicle Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesine ait serada gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada bitki materyali olarak Dicle Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi tarafından tescil ettirilen Sena makarnalık buğday çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Gübre uygulaması için organik ve inorganik kaynaklı 6 farklı gübre kaynağı ve bu gübrelerin 5 farklı dozu uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, küçükbaş hayvan gübresi ve kompoze gübre (20-20-0) uygulamaları, tane verimi ve biyolojik verim değeri açısından en yüksek sonuçları vermiştir. Tane verimi için en yüksek değer N3 dozunda, biyolojik verim değeri için ise N5 dozunda elde edilmiştir. Farklı gübre uygulamaları arasında en yüksek azot kullanım etkinliği kompoze gübre (20-20-0), sertifikalı ticari organik gübre (Seleda) ve solucan gübresi kaynaklarıyla elde edilirken, en düşük azot kullanım etkinliği büyükbaş ve küçükbaş hayvan gübre kaynaklarında görülmüştür. Uygulanan dozlara göre en yüksek azot kullanım etkinliği N1 dozunda, en düşük ise N0 dozunda elde edilmiştir. Gübre kaynakları arasında yapılan analizlerde, azot kullanım etkinliği ile tane verimi arasında sertifikalı ticari organik gübre (Seleda), tavuk gübresi, solucan gübresi ve küçükbaş hayvan gübre kaynaklarında pozitif ilişkiler belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, solucan gübresi dışında diğer tüm gübre kaynaklarında SPAD ile verim arasında pozitif korelasyonlar gözlemlenmiştir.


  • Adediran, J., Taiwo, L., Akande, M., Sobulo, R. A., & Idowu, O. (2005). Application of organic and ınorganic fertilizer for sustainable maize and cowpea yields in Nigeria. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 27, 1163-1181.
  • Adekiya, A. O., Ejue, W.S., Olayanju, A., Dunsin, O., Aboyeji, C.M., Aremu, C., Adegbite, K., & Akinpelu, O. (2020). Different organic manure sources and NPK fertilizer on soil chemical properties, growth, yield and quality of okra. Scientific Reports, 10, 16083.
  • Aksu, T. (2017). Farklı azot ve çiftlik gübre dozlarının ekmeklik buğdayda (Triticum aestivum L.) verim, kalite ve antioksidan aktivitesi üzerine etkisi [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi].
  • Altuntaş, A., & Akgün, İ. (2016). Uşak koşullarında Kızıltan-91 buğday çeşidi üzerinde farklı azot dozu ve sıvı gübre uygulamalarının verim ve verim unsurlarına etkisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3, 496‐503.
  • Atar, B. (2017). Buğdayda verim esaslı azotlu gübreleme. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 21(4), 524-536.
  • Bayhan, M., & Yıldırım, M. (2021). Organic wheat selection through GGE biplot analysis. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(2), 426–438.
  • Bechini, L., & Marino, P. (2009). Short-term nitrogen fertilizing value of liquıd dairy manures ismmainly due to ammonium. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 73(6), 2159-2169.
  • Bulut, S. (2012). Ekmeklik buğdayda kalite. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(5), 441-446.
  • Camara, K. M., Payne, W. A., & Rasmussen, P. E. (2003). Long-termeffects of tillage, nitrogen, and rainfall on winter wheat yields in the Pacific Northwest. Agronomy Journal, 95, 828–835.
  • Cheraghi, Y., Mohyedi, F. A., & Kalhor, M. (2016). Effects of organic and chemical fertilizers on yield components of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Islamic Azad University, Cheraghi IIOABJ, 7(8), 82-86.
  • Delden, A.V. (2001). Yield and growth components of potato and wheat under organic nitrogen management. Agronomy Journal, 93(6), 1370-1385. / agronj2001.1370
  • Du, Y., Cui, B., Wang, Z., Sun, J., & Niu, W. (2020). Effects of manure fertilizer on crop yield and soil properties in China: a meta-analysis. Catena, 193, 104617.
  • Fois, S., Motzo R., & Giunta F. (2009). The effect of nitrogenous fertiliser application on leaf traits in durum wheat in relation to grain yield and development. Field Crops Research, 110, 69–75.
  • Geng, A., Chen, J., & Yang, H. (2019). Assessing the greenhouse gas mitigation potential of harvested wood products substitution in China. Environmental Science Technology, 53, 1732–1740.
  • Gökşen, M. Y. (2019). Farklı sıvı gübrelerin ekmeklik buğdayda (Triticum aestivum L.) verim ve kalite üzerine etkileri [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi].
  • Hammad, H. M., Khaliq, A., Ahmad, A., Aslan, M., Malik, A. H., & Farhad, W. (2011). Influence of different organic manures on wheat productivity. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 13, 137–140.–395/HUT/2011/13–1–137–140
  • Hiltbrunner, J., Liedgens, M., Stamp, P., & Streit, B. (2005). Effects of row spacing and liquid manure on directly drilled winter wheat in organic farming. Eurepean Journal of Agronomy, 22, 441-447.
  • International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements. (2020). Organic production data. [Erişim tarihi: 12.10.2023].
  • Kara, B., & Gül, H. (2013). Effects of alternative manures on grain yield, yield components and quality characters of different bread wheat cultivars. Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Agriculture, 8(2), 88-97.
  • Kaur, K. Kapoor, K. K., & Gupta, A. P. (2005). Impact of organic manures with and without mineral fertilizers on soil chemical and biological properties under tropical conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 168, 117- 122.
  • Li, Y., Feng, H., Dong, Q., Xia, L., Li, J., Li, C., Zang, H., Andersen, M. N., Olesen, J. E., Jørgensen, U., Siddique, K. H. M., & Chen, J. (2022). Ammoniated straw incorporation increases wheat yield, yield stability, soil organic carbon and soil total nitrogen content. Field Crops Research, 284, 108558.
  • Liu, H., Xiong, W., Mottaleb, K. A., Krupnik, T. J., Burgueno, J., Pequeno, D. N., & Wu, W. (2021). Contrasting contributions of five factors to wheat yield growth in China by process-based and statistical models. European Journal of Agronomy, 130, 126370.
  • Liu, Y., Wang, E., Yang, X., & Wang, J. (2010). Contributions of climatic and crop varietal changes to crop production in the North China Plain, since 1980s. Global Change Biology, 16, 2287-2299.
  • Lu, R. K. (2000). Soil and agri-chemical analysis methods. Chinese Agricultural Technology Publishing Company, Beijing (in Chinese).
  • Ma, X. L., Zhu, Q. L., & Zhao, S. L. (2015). Research progress of nitrogen leaching in grain field under different cropping patterns. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 46(6), 1529-1536.
  • Mutlu, A., Taş, T., & Uçak, A. B. (2020). The effect of organic liquid fertilizer given in different periods on grain yield, yield components and quality in durum wheat (Triticum durum L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 8(9), 2025-2033.
  • Ning, P., Liu C., Kang J., & Lv, J. (2017). Genome-wide analysis of WRKY transcription factors in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and differential expression under water deficit condition. PeerJ, 5, e3232.
  • Özalp, M. (2010). Geleneksel gübreleme ile farklı organik gübre kaynaklarının Tir Buğdayı’nda (Triticum aestivum L. var. leucospermum (Körn.) Farw.) verim ve bazı veri öğeleri üzerine etkisi [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi].
  • Özkan, R. (2024). Effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield and yield components of barley. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 7(2), 90-99.
  • Özkan, R., Bayhan, M., Yorulmaz, L., Öner, M., & Yıldırım, M. (2021). Effect of different organic fertilizers on bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 5(4), 433-442.
  • Öztürk, A., Bulut, S., Yıldız, N., & Karaoğlu, M. M. (2012). Effects of organic manures and non-chemical weed control on wheat: I-plant growth and grain yield. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 18, 9‐20.
  • Qaswar, M., Jing, H., Ahmed, W., Dongchu, L., Shujun, L., Lu, Z., Cai, A., Lisheng, L., Yongmei, X., Jusheng, G., & Huimin, Z. (2020). Yield sustainability, soil organic carbon sequestration and nutrients balance under long-term combined application of manure and inorganic fertilizers in acidic paddy soil. Soil and Tillage Research, 198, 104569.
  • Rautaray, S. K., Ghosh, B. C., & Mittra, B. N. (2003.) Effect of fly ash, organic wastes and chemical fertilizers on yield, nutrient uptake, heavy metal content and residual fertility in a ricemustard cropping sequence under acid lateritic soils. Biores Technology, 90, 275-283.
  • Shen, S., Liang, X. G., Zhang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y. P., Lin, S., Gao, Z., Wang, P., Wang, Z. M., & Zhou, S. L. (2020). Intervening in sibling competition for assimilates by controlled pollination prevents seed abortion under postpollination drought in maize. Plant, Cell & Environment, 43, 903–919.
  • Shirani, H., Hajabbasi, M. A., Afyuni, M., & Hemmat, A. (2002). Effects of farmyard manure and tillage systems on soil physical properties and corn yield in central Iran. Soil and Tillage Research, 68, 101-108.
  • Singh, B., Singh, Y., Ladha, J. K., Bronson, K. F., Balasubramanian, V., Singh, J., & Khind, C. S. (2002). Chlorophyll meter and leaf color chart based nitrogen management for rice and wheat in Northwestern India. Agronomy Journal, 94, 821-829.
  • Sönmez, G., Kaplan, M., & Sönmez, S. (2008). Kimyasal gübrelerin çevre kirliliği üzerine etkileri ve çözüm önerileri. Batı Akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Derim Dergisi, 25(2), 24-34.
  • Spaner, D., Todd, A. G., Navabi, A., McKenzie, D. B., & Goonewardene, L. A. (2005). Can leaf chlorophyll measures at differing growth stages be used as an ındicator of winter wheat and spring barley nitrogen requirements in Eastern Canada? Journal of Agronomy & Crop Science, 191, 393-399.
  • Stewart, I. T., Cayan, D. R, & Dettinger, M. D. (2005). Changes toward earlier streamflow timing across western North America. Journal of Climate, 18, 1136-1155.
  • Sushila, R., & Gajendra, G. (2000). Influence of farmyard manure, nitrogen and bio fertilizers on growth yield attributes and yields of wheat under limited water supply. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 45, 590-595.
  • Tejada, M., & González, J. L. (2009). Application of two vermicomposts on a rice crop effects on soil biological properties and rice quality and yield. Agronomy Journal, 101, 336–344.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (2021). Bitkisel üretim istatistikleri. [Erişim tarihi: 12.10.2023].
  • Wang, M., Zhang, P., Liu, Q., Li, G., Di, D., Xia, G., Kronzucker, H., Fang, S., Chu, J., & Shi, W. (2020). TaANR1‐TaBG1 and TaWabi5‐TaNRT2s/NARs link ABA metabolism and nitrate acquisition in wheat roots. Plant Physiology, 182, 1440–1453.
  • Wen, Y., Xiao, J., Liu, F., Goodman, B. A., Li, W., Jia, Z., Ran, W., Zhang, R., Shen, Q., & Yu, G. (2018). Contrasting effects of inorganic and organic fertilisation regimes on shifts in Fe redox bacterial communities in red soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 117, 56-67.
  • Yang, Q., Liu, P., Dong, S. Jiwang, Z., & Zhao, B. (2020). Combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers mitigates ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions in a maize field. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, 117, 13–27.
  • Zemichael, B., Dechassa, N., & Abay, F. (2017). Yield and nutrient use efficiency of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as influenced by time and rate of nitrogen application in Enderta, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. Open Agriculture, 2(1), 611-624.
  • Zhang, X., Zhang, R., Wu, J., Zhang, Y., Lin, L., Deng, S., Li, L., Yang, G., Yu, X., Qi, H., & Peng, H. (2016). An emergy evaluation of the sustainability of Chinese crop production system during 2000-2010. Ecological Indicators, 60, 622e633.
  • Zhao, X., Wang, S. Q., & Xing, G. X. (2015). Maintaining rice yield and reducing N pollution by substituting winter legume for wheat in a heavily-fertilized rice-based cropping system of southeast China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 202, 79–89.

The Effect of Different Fertilizer Sources and Doses on the Yield of Durum Wheat (Triticum durum L.)

Yıl 2024, , 455 - 466, 24.12.2024


In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the effects of organic and inorganic fertilisers and doses on yield and yield components of durum wheat and nitrogen use efficiency. The research was carried out in the greenhouse of Dicle University Faculty of Agriculture in Diyarbakır in 2019-2020. Sena durum wheat variety registered by Dicle University Faculty of Agriculture was used as plant material in the study. For fertiliser application, 6 different fertiliser sources of organic and inorganic origin and 5 different doses of these fertilisers were applied. According to the results of the study, sheep and farmyard manures and compound fertiliser (20-20-0) applications had the highest results in terms of grain yield and biological yield. The highest value for grain yield was obtained at N3 dose and for biological yield value at N5 dose. Among the different fertiliser treatments, the highest nitrogen use efficiency was obtained with compound fertiliser (20-20-0), certified commercial organic fertiliser (Seleda) and vermicompost fertiliser sources, while the lowest nitrogen use efficiency was observed in farmyard and sheep manure sources. According to the applied doses, the highest nitrogen use efficiency was obtained at N1 dose and the lowest at N0 dose. In the analyses between fertiliser sources, positive correlations between nitrogen use efficiency and grain yield were determined in certified commercial organic manure (Seleda), chicken manure, vermicompost and sheep manure sources. In addition, positive correlations were observed between SPAD and yield in all fertiliser sources except vermicompost.


  • Adediran, J., Taiwo, L., Akande, M., Sobulo, R. A., & Idowu, O. (2005). Application of organic and ınorganic fertilizer for sustainable maize and cowpea yields in Nigeria. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 27, 1163-1181.
  • Adekiya, A. O., Ejue, W.S., Olayanju, A., Dunsin, O., Aboyeji, C.M., Aremu, C., Adegbite, K., & Akinpelu, O. (2020). Different organic manure sources and NPK fertilizer on soil chemical properties, growth, yield and quality of okra. Scientific Reports, 10, 16083.
  • Aksu, T. (2017). Farklı azot ve çiftlik gübre dozlarının ekmeklik buğdayda (Triticum aestivum L.) verim, kalite ve antioksidan aktivitesi üzerine etkisi [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi].
  • Altuntaş, A., & Akgün, İ. (2016). Uşak koşullarında Kızıltan-91 buğday çeşidi üzerinde farklı azot dozu ve sıvı gübre uygulamalarının verim ve verim unsurlarına etkisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3, 496‐503.
  • Atar, B. (2017). Buğdayda verim esaslı azotlu gübreleme. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 21(4), 524-536.
  • Bayhan, M., & Yıldırım, M. (2021). Organic wheat selection through GGE biplot analysis. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(2), 426–438.
  • Bechini, L., & Marino, P. (2009). Short-term nitrogen fertilizing value of liquıd dairy manures ismmainly due to ammonium. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 73(6), 2159-2169.
  • Bulut, S. (2012). Ekmeklik buğdayda kalite. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 28(5), 441-446.
  • Camara, K. M., Payne, W. A., & Rasmussen, P. E. (2003). Long-termeffects of tillage, nitrogen, and rainfall on winter wheat yields in the Pacific Northwest. Agronomy Journal, 95, 828–835.
  • Cheraghi, Y., Mohyedi, F. A., & Kalhor, M. (2016). Effects of organic and chemical fertilizers on yield components of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Islamic Azad University, Cheraghi IIOABJ, 7(8), 82-86.
  • Delden, A.V. (2001). Yield and growth components of potato and wheat under organic nitrogen management. Agronomy Journal, 93(6), 1370-1385. / agronj2001.1370
  • Du, Y., Cui, B., Wang, Z., Sun, J., & Niu, W. (2020). Effects of manure fertilizer on crop yield and soil properties in China: a meta-analysis. Catena, 193, 104617.
  • Fois, S., Motzo R., & Giunta F. (2009). The effect of nitrogenous fertiliser application on leaf traits in durum wheat in relation to grain yield and development. Field Crops Research, 110, 69–75.
  • Geng, A., Chen, J., & Yang, H. (2019). Assessing the greenhouse gas mitigation potential of harvested wood products substitution in China. Environmental Science Technology, 53, 1732–1740.
  • Gökşen, M. Y. (2019). Farklı sıvı gübrelerin ekmeklik buğdayda (Triticum aestivum L.) verim ve kalite üzerine etkileri [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Namık Kemal Üniversitesi].
  • Hammad, H. M., Khaliq, A., Ahmad, A., Aslan, M., Malik, A. H., & Farhad, W. (2011). Influence of different organic manures on wheat productivity. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 13, 137–140.–395/HUT/2011/13–1–137–140
  • Hiltbrunner, J., Liedgens, M., Stamp, P., & Streit, B. (2005). Effects of row spacing and liquid manure on directly drilled winter wheat in organic farming. Eurepean Journal of Agronomy, 22, 441-447.
  • International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements. (2020). Organic production data. [Erişim tarihi: 12.10.2023].
  • Kara, B., & Gül, H. (2013). Effects of alternative manures on grain yield, yield components and quality characters of different bread wheat cultivars. Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Agriculture, 8(2), 88-97.
  • Kaur, K. Kapoor, K. K., & Gupta, A. P. (2005). Impact of organic manures with and without mineral fertilizers on soil chemical and biological properties under tropical conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 168, 117- 122.
  • Li, Y., Feng, H., Dong, Q., Xia, L., Li, J., Li, C., Zang, H., Andersen, M. N., Olesen, J. E., Jørgensen, U., Siddique, K. H. M., & Chen, J. (2022). Ammoniated straw incorporation increases wheat yield, yield stability, soil organic carbon and soil total nitrogen content. Field Crops Research, 284, 108558.
  • Liu, H., Xiong, W., Mottaleb, K. A., Krupnik, T. J., Burgueno, J., Pequeno, D. N., & Wu, W. (2021). Contrasting contributions of five factors to wheat yield growth in China by process-based and statistical models. European Journal of Agronomy, 130, 126370.
  • Liu, Y., Wang, E., Yang, X., & Wang, J. (2010). Contributions of climatic and crop varietal changes to crop production in the North China Plain, since 1980s. Global Change Biology, 16, 2287-2299.
  • Lu, R. K. (2000). Soil and agri-chemical analysis methods. Chinese Agricultural Technology Publishing Company, Beijing (in Chinese).
  • Ma, X. L., Zhu, Q. L., & Zhao, S. L. (2015). Research progress of nitrogen leaching in grain field under different cropping patterns. Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 46(6), 1529-1536.
  • Mutlu, A., Taş, T., & Uçak, A. B. (2020). The effect of organic liquid fertilizer given in different periods on grain yield, yield components and quality in durum wheat (Triticum durum L.). Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 8(9), 2025-2033.
  • Ning, P., Liu C., Kang J., & Lv, J. (2017). Genome-wide analysis of WRKY transcription factors in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and differential expression under water deficit condition. PeerJ, 5, e3232.
  • Özalp, M. (2010). Geleneksel gübreleme ile farklı organik gübre kaynaklarının Tir Buğdayı’nda (Triticum aestivum L. var. leucospermum (Körn.) Farw.) verim ve bazı veri öğeleri üzerine etkisi [Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi].
  • Özkan, R. (2024). Effects of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield and yield components of barley. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 7(2), 90-99.
  • Özkan, R., Bayhan, M., Yorulmaz, L., Öner, M., & Yıldırım, M. (2021). Effect of different organic fertilizers on bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 5(4), 433-442.
  • Öztürk, A., Bulut, S., Yıldız, N., & Karaoğlu, M. M. (2012). Effects of organic manures and non-chemical weed control on wheat: I-plant growth and grain yield. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 18, 9‐20.
  • Qaswar, M., Jing, H., Ahmed, W., Dongchu, L., Shujun, L., Lu, Z., Cai, A., Lisheng, L., Yongmei, X., Jusheng, G., & Huimin, Z. (2020). Yield sustainability, soil organic carbon sequestration and nutrients balance under long-term combined application of manure and inorganic fertilizers in acidic paddy soil. Soil and Tillage Research, 198, 104569.
  • Rautaray, S. K., Ghosh, B. C., & Mittra, B. N. (2003.) Effect of fly ash, organic wastes and chemical fertilizers on yield, nutrient uptake, heavy metal content and residual fertility in a ricemustard cropping sequence under acid lateritic soils. Biores Technology, 90, 275-283.
  • Shen, S., Liang, X. G., Zhang, L., Zhao, X., Liu, Y. P., Lin, S., Gao, Z., Wang, P., Wang, Z. M., & Zhou, S. L. (2020). Intervening in sibling competition for assimilates by controlled pollination prevents seed abortion under postpollination drought in maize. Plant, Cell & Environment, 43, 903–919.
  • Shirani, H., Hajabbasi, M. A., Afyuni, M., & Hemmat, A. (2002). Effects of farmyard manure and tillage systems on soil physical properties and corn yield in central Iran. Soil and Tillage Research, 68, 101-108.
  • Singh, B., Singh, Y., Ladha, J. K., Bronson, K. F., Balasubramanian, V., Singh, J., & Khind, C. S. (2002). Chlorophyll meter and leaf color chart based nitrogen management for rice and wheat in Northwestern India. Agronomy Journal, 94, 821-829.
  • Sönmez, G., Kaplan, M., & Sönmez, S. (2008). Kimyasal gübrelerin çevre kirliliği üzerine etkileri ve çözüm önerileri. Batı Akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Derim Dergisi, 25(2), 24-34.
  • Spaner, D., Todd, A. G., Navabi, A., McKenzie, D. B., & Goonewardene, L. A. (2005). Can leaf chlorophyll measures at differing growth stages be used as an ındicator of winter wheat and spring barley nitrogen requirements in Eastern Canada? Journal of Agronomy & Crop Science, 191, 393-399.
  • Stewart, I. T., Cayan, D. R, & Dettinger, M. D. (2005). Changes toward earlier streamflow timing across western North America. Journal of Climate, 18, 1136-1155.
  • Sushila, R., & Gajendra, G. (2000). Influence of farmyard manure, nitrogen and bio fertilizers on growth yield attributes and yields of wheat under limited water supply. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 45, 590-595.
  • Tejada, M., & González, J. L. (2009). Application of two vermicomposts on a rice crop effects on soil biological properties and rice quality and yield. Agronomy Journal, 101, 336–344.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. (2021). Bitkisel üretim istatistikleri. [Erişim tarihi: 12.10.2023].
  • Wang, M., Zhang, P., Liu, Q., Li, G., Di, D., Xia, G., Kronzucker, H., Fang, S., Chu, J., & Shi, W. (2020). TaANR1‐TaBG1 and TaWabi5‐TaNRT2s/NARs link ABA metabolism and nitrate acquisition in wheat roots. Plant Physiology, 182, 1440–1453.
  • Wen, Y., Xiao, J., Liu, F., Goodman, B. A., Li, W., Jia, Z., Ran, W., Zhang, R., Shen, Q., & Yu, G. (2018). Contrasting effects of inorganic and organic fertilisation regimes on shifts in Fe redox bacterial communities in red soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 117, 56-67.
  • Yang, Q., Liu, P., Dong, S. Jiwang, Z., & Zhao, B. (2020). Combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers mitigates ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions in a maize field. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, 117, 13–27.
  • Zemichael, B., Dechassa, N., & Abay, F. (2017). Yield and nutrient use efficiency of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as influenced by time and rate of nitrogen application in Enderta, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia. Open Agriculture, 2(1), 611-624.
  • Zhang, X., Zhang, R., Wu, J., Zhang, Y., Lin, L., Deng, S., Li, L., Yang, G., Yu, X., Qi, H., & Peng, H. (2016). An emergy evaluation of the sustainability of Chinese crop production system during 2000-2010. Ecological Indicators, 60, 622e633.
  • Zhao, X., Wang, S. Q., & Xing, G. X. (2015). Maintaining rice yield and reducing N pollution by substituting winter legume for wheat in a heavily-fertilized rice-based cropping system of southeast China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 202, 79–89.
Toplam 48 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Gübreler ve Uygulaması, Organik Tarım
Bölüm Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme

Merve Bayhan 0000-0002-3220-4548

Remzi Özkan 0000-0002-6457-5802

Yakup Kenan Koca 0000-0001-9285-1416

Cuma Akıncı 0000-0002-3514-1052

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 21 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 7 Mayıs 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Bayhan, M., Özkan, R., Koca, Y. K., Akıncı, C. (2024). Farklı Gübre Kaynaklarının ve Dozlarının Makarnalık Buğdayın (Triticum durum L.) Verimine Etkisi. Uluslararası Tarım Ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(3), 455-466.

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