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Vermicompost Treatment Boosts Root System Architecture in Lentil Under Low-Organic Matter Field Conditions

Yıl 2024, , 431 - 439, 24.12.2024


The Although the above-ground parts are important in most cultivated plants, all plants need to have a healthy and strong root system to appear healthy, meet their water and nutrient needs properly, and produce high yields and quality products. This study aims to monitor the effects of different vermicompost doses on the root system architecture of lentils under field conditions at periodic intervals. The study was conducted as a field trial at the Faculty of Agriculture of Siirt University during the 2018-19 season. Four different vermicompost doses were used in the study, and examinations were made on plant materials collected at three different periods. According to the research results, it was determined that root development significantly accelerated after 40-60 days from emergence. Lateral root formation increased by 119% from the 40th to the 60th day. The results denoted that vermicompost doses up to 10 t ha-1 promoted total root biomass and dry matter accumulation, however, higher than 5 t ha-1 inhibited lateral root formation and growth. As a result, the use of vermicompost in lentil production areas, not exceeding 5 tons per 5 hectares, has been identified as a sustainable and organic practice that positively affects root development and lateral root formation.


  • Açıkbaş, S., Özyazıcı, M. A., & Bektaş, H. (2021). The effect of salinity on root architecture in forage pea (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense L.). Legume Research, 44(4), 407-412.
  • Arancon, N. Q., Edwards, C. A., Atiyeh, R. M., & Metzger, J. D. (2004). Effects of vermicomposts produced from food waste on greenhouse peppers. Bioresource Technology, 93, 139-144.
  • Benitez, E., Sainz, H., & Nogales, R. (2005). Hydrolytic enzyme activities of extracted humic substances du-ring the vermicomposting of a lignocellulosic olive waste. Bioresource Technology, 96(7), 785-790.
  • Biçer, B. T. (2014). Some agronomic studies in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris Medik). Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 42-51.
  • Blouin, M., Barrere, J., Meyer, N., Lartigue, S., Barot, S., & Mathieu, J. (2019). Vermicompost significantly affects plant growth. A meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 39, 34.
  • Bozoğlu, H., Pekşen, E., & Gülümser, A. (2004). Sıra aralığı ve potasyum humat uygulamasının bezelyenin verim ve bazı özelliklerine etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 53-58.
  • Burridge, J., Jochua, C. N., Bucksch, A., Lynch, J. P. (2016). Legume shovelomics: High-throughput phenotyping of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata subsp, unguiculata) root architecture in the field. Field Crops Research, 192, 21-32.
  • Ceritoglu, M., Ceritoglu, F., Erman, M., & Bektas, H. (2020). Root system variation of pulse crops at early vegetative stage. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 48(4), 2182-2197.
  • Ceritoglu, M., & Erman, M. (2020). Effect of vermicompost application at different sowing dates on some phenological, agronomic and yield traits in lentil. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, 15(3), 158-166.
  • Ceritoglu, M., Erman, M., Ceritoglu, F., & Bektas, H. (2021). The response of grain legumes to vermicompost at germination and seedling stages. Legume Research, 44(8), 936-941.
  • Ceritoglu, M., Şahin, S., & Erman, M. (2018). Effects of vermicompost on plant growth and soil structure. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 32(3), 607-615.
  • Dominguez, J., Aira, M., Kolbe, A. R., Gomez-Brandon, M., & Perez-Losada, M. (2019). Changes in the composition and function of bacterial communities during vermicomposting may explain beneficial properties of vermicompost. Scientific Reports, 9, 9657.
  • Dona, W. H. G., Schoenau, J. J., & King, T. (2020). Effect of starter fertilizer in seed-row on emergence, biomass and nutrient uptake by six pulse crops grown under controlled environment conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 43(6), 879-895.
  • Erman, M., Çığ, F., Ceritoglu, F., & Ceritoglu, M. (2021). Evaluation of early stage traits as an ındicator of genetic variation in winter lentil. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(3), 552-559.
  • Erman, M., Tepe, I., Bukun, B., Yergin-Özkan, R., & Takesen, M. (2008). Critical period of weed control in winter lentil under non-irrigated conditions in Turkey. African journal of agricultural research, 3(8), 523-530.
  • Erskine, W., Sarker, A., & Kumar, S. (2018). Developing improved varieties of lentil. In S. Sivasankar (Ed.), Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Grain Legumes (pp. 19-50). London: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
  • FAO, (2023). Statistical data of FAO. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 April 2024]
  • GAPUTAEM, (2019). GAP Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi veri tabanı. Retrieved from: [Accessed 23 April 2024]
  • Hohn, C. E., & Bektas, H. (2020). Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with seminal root angle and number in three populations of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with common parents. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 38, 572–585.
  • Huang, J., Xu, X., Wang, M., Nie, M., Qiu, S., Wang, Q., Quan, Z., Xiao, M., & Li, B. (2016). Responses of soil nitrogen fixation to Spartina alterniflora invasion and nitrogen addition in a Chinese salt marsh. Scientific Reports, 6, 20384 (2016).
  • Jing, D., Wang, M., Zhang, H., & Li, S. (2017). Effects of vermicompost co-applied with urea on root characteristics and humus in rhizosphere soil of cowpea. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 48(1), 212-219.
  • Khan, T. A., Fariduddin, Q., & Yusuf, M. (2017). Low-temperature stress: is phytohormones application a remedy? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 21574-21590.
  • Kraska, P., Andruszczak, S., Kwiecinska-Poppe, E., Staniak, M., Rozylo, K., & Rusecki, H. (2020). Supporting crop and different row spacing as factors influencing weed infestation in lentil crop and seed yield under organic farming conditions. Agronomy, 10(9), 1-13.
  • Li, C., & Ganjyal, G. M. (2017). Chemical composition, pasting, and thermal properties of 22 different varieties of peas and lentils. Cereal Chemistry, 94(3), 392-399.
  • Nayana, S., & Ritu, S. (2017). Effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on human health and environment: A review. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology, 10(6), 675-680.
  • Maji, D., Misra, P., Singh, S., & Kalra, A. (2017). Humic acid rich vermicompost promotes plant growth by improving microbial community structure of soil as well as root nodulation and mycorrhizal colonization in the roots of Pisum sativum. Applied Soil Ecology, 110, 97-108.
  • Niu, Y., & Xiang, Y. (2018). An overview of biomembrane functions in plant responses to high-temperature stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 915.
  • Qiao, S., Fang, Y., Wu, A., Xu, B., Zhang, S., Deng, X., Djalovic, I., Siddique, K. H. M., & Chen, Y. (2018). Dissecting root trait variability in maize genotypes using the semi-hydroponic phenotyping platform. Plant and Soil, 439, 75-90.
  • Öktem, A. G., Nacar, A. S., & Öktem, A. (2017). Sıvı olarak toprağa uygulanan hümik asit miktarlarının kırmızı mercimek bitkisinde (Lens culinaris Medic.) verim ve bazı verim unsurlarına etkisi. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(Özel Sayı), 119-124.
  • Öktem, H. A., Eyidoğan, F., Demirba, D., Bayraç, A. T., Öz, M. T., Özgür, E., Selçuk, F., & Yücel, M. (2008). Antioxidant responses of lentil to cold and drought stress. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 17(1), 15-21.
  • Özaktan, H., & Erol, O. (2023). Kayseri ekolojik koşullarında yetiştirilen nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) çeşitlerinin bazı fiziksel özelliklerin belirlenmesi. Erciyes Tarım Ve Hayvan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 67-72.
  • Özaktan, H., Uzun, S., Uzun, O., & Yasar Ciftci, C. (2023). Assessment of agro-morphological traits of common bean genotypes grown under organic farming conditions with multi-variate analyses and applications. Gesunde Pflanzen , 75(3), 515-523.
  • Rupani, P. F., Embrandiri, A., Ibrahim, M. H., Ghole V., Lee, C. T., & Abbaspour, M. (2018). Effects of different vermicompost extracts of palm oil mill effluent and palm-pressed fiber mixture on seed germination of mung bean and its relative toxicity. Environmenral Science and Pollution Research, 25(36), 35805-35810.
  • Saleem, M., Law, A. D., Sahib, M. R., Pervaiz, Z. H., Zhang, Q. (2018). Impact of root system architecture on rhizosphere and root microbiome. Rhizosphere, 6, 47-51.
  • Shapiro, S. S., & Wilk, M. B. (1965). An analysis of variance test for normality. Biometrika, 52(3-4), 591-611.
  • Singh, N., & Singh, G. (2016). Response of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) to phosphorus-A review. Agricultural Reviews, 37(1), 27-34.
  • Sinha, J., Biswas, C. K., Ghosh, A., & Saha, A. (2010). Efficacy of vermicompost against fertilizes on Cicer and Pisum and on population diversity of N2 fixing bacteria. Journal of Environmental Biology, 31(3), 287-292.
  • Tognetti, C., Laos, F., Mazzarino, M. J., & Hernandez, M. T. (2013). Composting vs. vermicomposting: A comparison of end product quality. Compost Science and Utilization, 13(1), 6-13.
  • Trachsel, S., Kaeppler, S. M., Brown, K. M., & Lynch, J. P. (2011). Shovelomics: high throughput phenotyping of maize (Zea mays L.) root architecture in the field. Plant and Soil, 341, 75-87.
  • Yılmaz, E. & Alagöz, Z. (2008). Organik madde toprak suyu ilişkisi. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 1(2), 15-21.

Vermikompost Uygulaması Düşük Organik Maddeye Sahip Tarla Koşullarında Mercimekte Kök Sistem Mimarisini Geliştirir

Yıl 2024, , 431 - 439, 24.12.2024


Çoğu kültür bitkisinde önemli olan kısımlar toprak üstü aksamlar olsa da tüm bitkilerin sağlıklı görünmesi, su ve besin maddesi ihtiyaçlarını düzgün bir şekilde karşılaması, yüksek verim ve kaliteli ürün oluşturması için sağlıklı ve güçlü bir kök sistemine sahip olması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı farklı vermikompost dozlarının tarla koşullarında uygulanmasına bağlı olarak mercimekte kök sistem mimarisi üzerine etkilerini periyodik aralıklarla takip etmektir. Çalışma 2018-19 sezonunda Siirt Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesinde tarla denemesi olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada 4 farklı vermikompost dozu kullanılmış ve 3 farklı dönemde toplanan bitkisel materyaller üzerinde incelemeler yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, kök gelişiminin çıkıştan 40-60 gün sonra önemli ölçüde ivme kazandığı belirlenmiştir. Öyle ki, lateral kök oluşumu 40. günden 60. güne kadar %119 oranında artış göstermiştir. Sonuçlar, hektar başına 10 ton vermikompost dozuna kadar olan miktarların toplam kök biyo-kütlesini ve kuru madde birikimini teşvik ettiğini ancak hektar başına 5 tonu aşan miktarların yan kök oluşumunu ve büyümesini engellediğini gösterdi. Sonuç olarak, mercimek üretim alanlarında, hektar başına 5 tonu aşmayacak şekilde vermikompost kullanımı, kök gelişimini ve yan kök oluşumunu olumlu yönde etkileyen sürdürülebilir ve organik bir uygulama olarak belirlenmiştir.


  • Açıkbaş, S., Özyazıcı, M. A., & Bektaş, H. (2021). The effect of salinity on root architecture in forage pea (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense L.). Legume Research, 44(4), 407-412.
  • Arancon, N. Q., Edwards, C. A., Atiyeh, R. M., & Metzger, J. D. (2004). Effects of vermicomposts produced from food waste on greenhouse peppers. Bioresource Technology, 93, 139-144.
  • Benitez, E., Sainz, H., & Nogales, R. (2005). Hydrolytic enzyme activities of extracted humic substances du-ring the vermicomposting of a lignocellulosic olive waste. Bioresource Technology, 96(7), 785-790.
  • Biçer, B. T. (2014). Some agronomic studies in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris Medik). Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 1(1), 42-51.
  • Blouin, M., Barrere, J., Meyer, N., Lartigue, S., Barot, S., & Mathieu, J. (2019). Vermicompost significantly affects plant growth. A meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 39, 34.
  • Bozoğlu, H., Pekşen, E., & Gülümser, A. (2004). Sıra aralığı ve potasyum humat uygulamasının bezelyenin verim ve bazı özelliklerine etkisi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(1), 53-58.
  • Burridge, J., Jochua, C. N., Bucksch, A., Lynch, J. P. (2016). Legume shovelomics: High-throughput phenotyping of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata subsp, unguiculata) root architecture in the field. Field Crops Research, 192, 21-32.
  • Ceritoglu, M., Ceritoglu, F., Erman, M., & Bektas, H. (2020). Root system variation of pulse crops at early vegetative stage. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 48(4), 2182-2197.
  • Ceritoglu, M., & Erman, M. (2020). Effect of vermicompost application at different sowing dates on some phenological, agronomic and yield traits in lentil. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, 15(3), 158-166.
  • Ceritoglu, M., Erman, M., Ceritoglu, F., & Bektas, H. (2021). The response of grain legumes to vermicompost at germination and seedling stages. Legume Research, 44(8), 936-941.
  • Ceritoglu, M., Şahin, S., & Erman, M. (2018). Effects of vermicompost on plant growth and soil structure. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 32(3), 607-615.
  • Dominguez, J., Aira, M., Kolbe, A. R., Gomez-Brandon, M., & Perez-Losada, M. (2019). Changes in the composition and function of bacterial communities during vermicomposting may explain beneficial properties of vermicompost. Scientific Reports, 9, 9657.
  • Dona, W. H. G., Schoenau, J. J., & King, T. (2020). Effect of starter fertilizer in seed-row on emergence, biomass and nutrient uptake by six pulse crops grown under controlled environment conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 43(6), 879-895.
  • Erman, M., Çığ, F., Ceritoglu, F., & Ceritoglu, M. (2021). Evaluation of early stage traits as an ındicator of genetic variation in winter lentil. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(3), 552-559.
  • Erman, M., Tepe, I., Bukun, B., Yergin-Özkan, R., & Takesen, M. (2008). Critical period of weed control in winter lentil under non-irrigated conditions in Turkey. African journal of agricultural research, 3(8), 523-530.
  • Erskine, W., Sarker, A., & Kumar, S. (2018). Developing improved varieties of lentil. In S. Sivasankar (Ed.), Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Grain Legumes (pp. 19-50). London: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
  • FAO, (2023). Statistical data of FAO. Retrieved from: [Accessed 25 April 2024]
  • GAPUTAEM, (2019). GAP Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi veri tabanı. Retrieved from: [Accessed 23 April 2024]
  • Hohn, C. E., & Bektas, H. (2020). Genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with seminal root angle and number in three populations of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with common parents. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 38, 572–585.
  • Huang, J., Xu, X., Wang, M., Nie, M., Qiu, S., Wang, Q., Quan, Z., Xiao, M., & Li, B. (2016). Responses of soil nitrogen fixation to Spartina alterniflora invasion and nitrogen addition in a Chinese salt marsh. Scientific Reports, 6, 20384 (2016).
  • Jing, D., Wang, M., Zhang, H., & Li, S. (2017). Effects of vermicompost co-applied with urea on root characteristics and humus in rhizosphere soil of cowpea. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 48(1), 212-219.
  • Khan, T. A., Fariduddin, Q., & Yusuf, M. (2017). Low-temperature stress: is phytohormones application a remedy? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 21574-21590.
  • Kraska, P., Andruszczak, S., Kwiecinska-Poppe, E., Staniak, M., Rozylo, K., & Rusecki, H. (2020). Supporting crop and different row spacing as factors influencing weed infestation in lentil crop and seed yield under organic farming conditions. Agronomy, 10(9), 1-13.
  • Li, C., & Ganjyal, G. M. (2017). Chemical composition, pasting, and thermal properties of 22 different varieties of peas and lentils. Cereal Chemistry, 94(3), 392-399.
  • Nayana, S., & Ritu, S. (2017). Effects of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on human health and environment: A review. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology, 10(6), 675-680.
  • Maji, D., Misra, P., Singh, S., & Kalra, A. (2017). Humic acid rich vermicompost promotes plant growth by improving microbial community structure of soil as well as root nodulation and mycorrhizal colonization in the roots of Pisum sativum. Applied Soil Ecology, 110, 97-108.
  • Niu, Y., & Xiang, Y. (2018). An overview of biomembrane functions in plant responses to high-temperature stress. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 915.
  • Qiao, S., Fang, Y., Wu, A., Xu, B., Zhang, S., Deng, X., Djalovic, I., Siddique, K. H. M., & Chen, Y. (2018). Dissecting root trait variability in maize genotypes using the semi-hydroponic phenotyping platform. Plant and Soil, 439, 75-90.
  • Öktem, A. G., Nacar, A. S., & Öktem, A. (2017). Sıvı olarak toprağa uygulanan hümik asit miktarlarının kırmızı mercimek bitkisinde (Lens culinaris Medic.) verim ve bazı verim unsurlarına etkisi. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(Özel Sayı), 119-124.
  • Öktem, H. A., Eyidoğan, F., Demirba, D., Bayraç, A. T., Öz, M. T., Özgür, E., Selçuk, F., & Yücel, M. (2008). Antioxidant responses of lentil to cold and drought stress. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 17(1), 15-21.
  • Özaktan, H., & Erol, O. (2023). Kayseri ekolojik koşullarında yetiştirilen nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) çeşitlerinin bazı fiziksel özelliklerin belirlenmesi. Erciyes Tarım Ve Hayvan Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 67-72.
  • Özaktan, H., Uzun, S., Uzun, O., & Yasar Ciftci, C. (2023). Assessment of agro-morphological traits of common bean genotypes grown under organic farming conditions with multi-variate analyses and applications. Gesunde Pflanzen , 75(3), 515-523.
  • Rupani, P. F., Embrandiri, A., Ibrahim, M. H., Ghole V., Lee, C. T., & Abbaspour, M. (2018). Effects of different vermicompost extracts of palm oil mill effluent and palm-pressed fiber mixture on seed germination of mung bean and its relative toxicity. Environmenral Science and Pollution Research, 25(36), 35805-35810.
  • Saleem, M., Law, A. D., Sahib, M. R., Pervaiz, Z. H., Zhang, Q. (2018). Impact of root system architecture on rhizosphere and root microbiome. Rhizosphere, 6, 47-51.
  • Shapiro, S. S., & Wilk, M. B. (1965). An analysis of variance test for normality. Biometrika, 52(3-4), 591-611.
  • Singh, N., & Singh, G. (2016). Response of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) to phosphorus-A review. Agricultural Reviews, 37(1), 27-34.
  • Sinha, J., Biswas, C. K., Ghosh, A., & Saha, A. (2010). Efficacy of vermicompost against fertilizes on Cicer and Pisum and on population diversity of N2 fixing bacteria. Journal of Environmental Biology, 31(3), 287-292.
  • Tognetti, C., Laos, F., Mazzarino, M. J., & Hernandez, M. T. (2013). Composting vs. vermicomposting: A comparison of end product quality. Compost Science and Utilization, 13(1), 6-13.
  • Trachsel, S., Kaeppler, S. M., Brown, K. M., & Lynch, J. P. (2011). Shovelomics: high throughput phenotyping of maize (Zea mays L.) root architecture in the field. Plant and Soil, 341, 75-87.
  • Yılmaz, E. & Alagöz, Z. (2008). Organik madde toprak suyu ilişkisi. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 1(2), 15-21.
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gübreler ve Uygulaması, Organik Tarım , Tahıllar ve Yemeklik Tane Baklagiller
Bölüm Tarla Bitkileri

Mustafa Ceritoğlu 0000-0002-4138-4579

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 21 Aralık 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Aralık 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 11 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 26 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Ceritoğlu, M. (2024). Vermicompost Treatment Boosts Root System Architecture in Lentil Under Low-Organic Matter Field Conditions. Uluslararası Tarım Ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(3), 431-439.

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