Research Article
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The application of GIS in visualization of geotechnical data (SPT-Soil Properties): a case study in Eskisehir-Tepebaşı, Turkey

Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 302 - 313, 15.10.2022


Recently, three-dimensional visualization of soil characteristics has been widely used in geotechnical engineering applications. In this study, the 3-D visualization of Tepebaşı area soils, the province of Eskişehir, is prepared using SPT data, soil classes through Environmental Visualization System-Mining Visualization System (EVS-MVS) programs. Moreover, the local soil conditions were classified according to the Turkish Earthquake Code 2018 and digitized using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and the data observed by the field and laboratory tests. The local soil conditions are observed utilizing the map classified according to the Turkish Earthquake Code 2018. By taking these 3D visuals and maps into consideration, it is determined that soil is alluvial. The ground water level is high, especially in the city center; the local soil type is ZD, ZE and ZF, according to the Turkish Earthquake Code (2018). Examination of the 3D visuals and maps reveal soil’s the changing soil profile with a gradual gradation from fine grain soil (clayey and silty) at the surface; to coarse grain soil (sandy and gravelly). Therefore, the 3D visuals and maps established in the scope of this study may provide preliminary information to the researchers and pragmatists in the area.


  • Akdeniz E, Mutlu S, Pekkan E, Tun M, Avdan U, Guney Y, Tuncan A (2011). Determination of 3D Modelling Method of Soil Classes. International Geoconference SGEM11, Albena, Bulgaria.
  • Altunel E & Barka A (1998). Neotectonic activity of Eskişehir Fault Zone between İnonu and Sultandere. Geo. Bull. Turk. 41: 41–52.
  • Avdan U & Alkış A (2011). Development of an Integrated Spatial Database Model of Natural Disasters. Electr. J. Map. Tech. 3 (1):17-26.
  • Azaronak N (2015). Building 3D models from geotechnical data, Master of Science Thesis in Geoinformatics. School of Architecture and the Built Environment Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Balasubramani D P & Dodagoudar G. R. (2020). Modelling the spatial variability of Standard Penetration Test data for Chennai City using kriging and product-sum model. Geomechanics and Geoengineering,114. doi:10.1080/17486025.2019.1707884
  • Chacon J, Irigaray C, Fernandez T, El Hamdouni R (2006). Engineering geology maps: landslides and geographical information systems. Bull Eng Geol Environ No 65(4), pp.341-411.
  • Civelekler E, Okur D V, Afacan K B (2021). A study of the local site effects on the ground response for the city of Eskişehir Turkey, Bull Eng Geol Env, https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S10064-021-02285-4
  • Cinicioglu S F, Öztoprak S, Keleşoğlu M K (2003). Importance of Microzonation Studies in Settlement Suitability Studies and Standardization Requirement.
  • Güney Y, Ecevitoğlu B, Pekkan E, Avdan U, Tün M, Kaplan O, Mutlu S, Akdeniz E (2013). Evalulation of the Geotechnical, Structural and Geophysical Information Systems of Eskisehir Using GIS Technics, Project No:080240.
  • Hack R, Orlic B, Ozmutlu S, Zhu S, Rengers N (2006). Three and more dimensional modelling in geo-engineering. Bull. Eng. Geol. and the Env. 65 (2):143-153.
  • Kolat C, Doyuran V, Ayday C, & Suzen M L (2006). Preparation of a geotechnical microzonation model using geographical information systems based on multicriteria decision analysis. Eng Geol No 87(34) 2006, 241-255.
  • Marache A, Dubost J, Breysse D, Denis A & Dominique S (2009). Understanding subsurface geological and geotechnical complexity at various scales in urban soils using a 3D model. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, Vol. 3, No. 4, December 2009, doi:10.1080/17499510802711994
  • Mhaske S Y, Choudhury D (2010). GIS-based soil liquefaction susceptibility map of Mumbai city for earthquake events. J. Appl. Geophys. 70 (3):216-225
  • MEER. (2006). Microzonation and hazard vulnerability studies for disaster mitigation: Eskisehir preliminary disaster mitigation plan. ABS Consultancy, Alter International and Ucer Consultancy, Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Project Implementation Unit, Ankara, Turkey
  • Ocakoğlu F, Altunel E, Yalcıner C (2005) Stratigraphical, Sedimentological and Morphological Properties of Eskisehir, Turkey in Neo-tectonic Era: Eskisehir Osmangazi University Scientific Research Report, Eskisehir
  • Ocakoglu F (2007). A re-evaluation of the Eskisehir Fault Zone as a recent extensional structure in NW Turkey, J. Asian Earth Sci., 31(2), 91–103.
  • Orhan A (2005). The geo-engineering properties of foundation soils in southern part of Eskisehir city center and applying of geographic information system (in Turkish with English abstract). Ph.D. Thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir
  • Orhan A, Seyrek E & Tosun H (2007). A probabilistic approach for earthquake hazard assessment of the Province of Eskisehir, Turkey, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 7, 607–614,
  • Orhan A & Tosun H (2010). Visualization of geotechnical data by means of geographic information system: A case study in Eskisehir city (NW Turkey). Environ Earth Sci No 61 2009, pp.455-465.
  • Pereira P E C, Rabelo M N, Ribeiro C C & Diniz-Pinto H S (2017). Geological modeling by an indicator kriging approach applied to a limestone deposit in Indiara city - Goiás. REM - International Engineering Journal, No. 70 Vol. 3, pp.331–337, doi:10.1590/0370-44672016700113
  • Rackwitz R (2000). Reviewing probabilistic soils modelling. Computers and Geotechnics, No 26, pp.199-223.
  • Rockworks (2010). Rockworks Users' Manual
  • Seyitoğlu G, Ecevitoğlu B, Kaypak B, Güney Y, Tün M, Esat, K, Avdan U, Temel A, Çabuk A, Telsiz S, Uyar Aldaş G (2015). Determining the main strand of the Eskişehir strike-slip fault zone using subsidiary structures and seismicity: a hypothesis tested by seismic reflection studies. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 24, 1-20.
  • Sivrikaya O & Toğrol E (2007). Relationships between SPT-N value and Undrained Shear Strength of Fine-grained Soils in Turkey. İMO Technical Journal:4229-4246.
  • Tosun H & Orhan A (2007). Use of Programs of Geographıc Information System in Determination of Geo-Engineering Propertıes of Settlement Area: A Case Study. Eng&ArchFac Eskisehir Osmangazi University XX (No:2):43-64.
  • Turkish Building Earthquake Code (TEC 2018). Ministry of Public Works and Settlement. Specification for Structures to be Built in Disaster Areas, Government of Republic of Turkey
  • Yilmaz I (2007). GIS based susceptibility mapping of karst depression in gypsum: a case study from Sivas basin (Turkey). Eng. Geol. 90(1–2):89–103.
Year 2022, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 302 - 313, 15.10.2022



  • Akdeniz E, Mutlu S, Pekkan E, Tun M, Avdan U, Guney Y, Tuncan A (2011). Determination of 3D Modelling Method of Soil Classes. International Geoconference SGEM11, Albena, Bulgaria.
  • Altunel E & Barka A (1998). Neotectonic activity of Eskişehir Fault Zone between İnonu and Sultandere. Geo. Bull. Turk. 41: 41–52.
  • Avdan U & Alkış A (2011). Development of an Integrated Spatial Database Model of Natural Disasters. Electr. J. Map. Tech. 3 (1):17-26.
  • Azaronak N (2015). Building 3D models from geotechnical data, Master of Science Thesis in Geoinformatics. School of Architecture and the Built Environment Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Balasubramani D P & Dodagoudar G. R. (2020). Modelling the spatial variability of Standard Penetration Test data for Chennai City using kriging and product-sum model. Geomechanics and Geoengineering,114. doi:10.1080/17486025.2019.1707884
  • Chacon J, Irigaray C, Fernandez T, El Hamdouni R (2006). Engineering geology maps: landslides and geographical information systems. Bull Eng Geol Environ No 65(4), pp.341-411.
  • Civelekler E, Okur D V, Afacan K B (2021). A study of the local site effects on the ground response for the city of Eskişehir Turkey, Bull Eng Geol Env, https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S10064-021-02285-4
  • Cinicioglu S F, Öztoprak S, Keleşoğlu M K (2003). Importance of Microzonation Studies in Settlement Suitability Studies and Standardization Requirement.
  • Güney Y, Ecevitoğlu B, Pekkan E, Avdan U, Tün M, Kaplan O, Mutlu S, Akdeniz E (2013). Evalulation of the Geotechnical, Structural and Geophysical Information Systems of Eskisehir Using GIS Technics, Project No:080240.
  • Hack R, Orlic B, Ozmutlu S, Zhu S, Rengers N (2006). Three and more dimensional modelling in geo-engineering. Bull. Eng. Geol. and the Env. 65 (2):143-153.
  • Kolat C, Doyuran V, Ayday C, & Suzen M L (2006). Preparation of a geotechnical microzonation model using geographical information systems based on multicriteria decision analysis. Eng Geol No 87(34) 2006, 241-255.
  • Marache A, Dubost J, Breysse D, Denis A & Dominique S (2009). Understanding subsurface geological and geotechnical complexity at various scales in urban soils using a 3D model. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, Vol. 3, No. 4, December 2009, doi:10.1080/17499510802711994
  • Mhaske S Y, Choudhury D (2010). GIS-based soil liquefaction susceptibility map of Mumbai city for earthquake events. J. Appl. Geophys. 70 (3):216-225
  • MEER. (2006). Microzonation and hazard vulnerability studies for disaster mitigation: Eskisehir preliminary disaster mitigation plan. ABS Consultancy, Alter International and Ucer Consultancy, Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Project Implementation Unit, Ankara, Turkey
  • Ocakoğlu F, Altunel E, Yalcıner C (2005) Stratigraphical, Sedimentological and Morphological Properties of Eskisehir, Turkey in Neo-tectonic Era: Eskisehir Osmangazi University Scientific Research Report, Eskisehir
  • Ocakoglu F (2007). A re-evaluation of the Eskisehir Fault Zone as a recent extensional structure in NW Turkey, J. Asian Earth Sci., 31(2), 91–103.
  • Orhan A (2005). The geo-engineering properties of foundation soils in southern part of Eskisehir city center and applying of geographic information system (in Turkish with English abstract). Ph.D. Thesis, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir
  • Orhan A, Seyrek E & Tosun H (2007). A probabilistic approach for earthquake hazard assessment of the Province of Eskisehir, Turkey, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 7, 607–614,
  • Orhan A & Tosun H (2010). Visualization of geotechnical data by means of geographic information system: A case study in Eskisehir city (NW Turkey). Environ Earth Sci No 61 2009, pp.455-465.
  • Pereira P E C, Rabelo M N, Ribeiro C C & Diniz-Pinto H S (2017). Geological modeling by an indicator kriging approach applied to a limestone deposit in Indiara city - Goiás. REM - International Engineering Journal, No. 70 Vol. 3, pp.331–337, doi:10.1590/0370-44672016700113
  • Rackwitz R (2000). Reviewing probabilistic soils modelling. Computers and Geotechnics, No 26, pp.199-223.
  • Rockworks (2010). Rockworks Users' Manual
  • Seyitoğlu G, Ecevitoğlu B, Kaypak B, Güney Y, Tün M, Esat, K, Avdan U, Temel A, Çabuk A, Telsiz S, Uyar Aldaş G (2015). Determining the main strand of the Eskişehir strike-slip fault zone using subsidiary structures and seismicity: a hypothesis tested by seismic reflection studies. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 24, 1-20.
  • Sivrikaya O & Toğrol E (2007). Relationships between SPT-N value and Undrained Shear Strength of Fine-grained Soils in Turkey. İMO Technical Journal:4229-4246.
  • Tosun H & Orhan A (2007). Use of Programs of Geographıc Information System in Determination of Geo-Engineering Propertıes of Settlement Area: A Case Study. Eng&ArchFac Eskisehir Osmangazi University XX (No:2):43-64.
  • Turkish Building Earthquake Code (TEC 2018). Ministry of Public Works and Settlement. Specification for Structures to be Built in Disaster Areas, Government of Republic of Turkey
  • Yilmaz I (2007). GIS based susceptibility mapping of karst depression in gypsum: a case study from Sivas basin (Turkey). Eng. Geol. 90(1–2):89–103.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ebru Civelekler 0000-0002-5528-3453

Emrah Pekkan 0000-0002-9414-8887

Publication Date October 15, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Civelekler, E., & Pekkan, E. (2022). The application of GIS in visualization of geotechnical data (SPT-Soil Properties): a case study in Eskisehir-Tepebaşı, Turkey. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 7(3), 302-313.
AMA Civelekler E, Pekkan E. The application of GIS in visualization of geotechnical data (SPT-Soil Properties): a case study in Eskisehir-Tepebaşı, Turkey. IJEG. October 2022;7(3):302-313. doi:10.26833/ijeg.980611
Chicago Civelekler, Ebru, and Emrah Pekkan. “The Application of GIS in Visualization of Geotechnical Data (SPT-Soil Properties): A Case Study in Eskisehir-Tepebaşı, Turkey”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 7, no. 3 (October 2022): 302-13.
EndNote Civelekler E, Pekkan E (October 1, 2022) The application of GIS in visualization of geotechnical data (SPT-Soil Properties): a case study in Eskisehir-Tepebaşı, Turkey. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 7 3 302–313.
IEEE E. Civelekler and E. Pekkan, “The application of GIS in visualization of geotechnical data (SPT-Soil Properties): a case study in Eskisehir-Tepebaşı, Turkey”, IJEG, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 302–313, 2022, doi: 10.26833/ijeg.980611.
ISNAD Civelekler, Ebru - Pekkan, Emrah. “The Application of GIS in Visualization of Geotechnical Data (SPT-Soil Properties): A Case Study in Eskisehir-Tepebaşı, Turkey”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 7/3 (October 2022), 302-313.
JAMA Civelekler E, Pekkan E. The application of GIS in visualization of geotechnical data (SPT-Soil Properties): a case study in Eskisehir-Tepebaşı, Turkey. IJEG. 2022;7:302–313.
MLA Civelekler, Ebru and Emrah Pekkan. “The Application of GIS in Visualization of Geotechnical Data (SPT-Soil Properties): A Case Study in Eskisehir-Tepebaşı, Turkey”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, vol. 7, no. 3, 2022, pp. 302-13, doi:10.26833/ijeg.980611.
Vancouver Civelekler E, Pekkan E. The application of GIS in visualization of geotechnical data (SPT-Soil Properties): a case study in Eskisehir-Tepebaşı, Turkey. IJEG. 2022;7(3):302-13.

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