Numerical investigation of the effect of operating conditions on the performance parameters of PEM fuel cells
Yıl 2023,
, 491 - 512, 22.09.2023
Kemal Bilen
Batukan Cem Tarhan
Selahattin Çelik
The operating parameters of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) are very effective at generating heat. The study examined and evaluated parameters that can help determine fuel cell (FC) performance. The parameters and structures used in systems have been examined. In this context, performance evaluations have been made by performing electrochemical analyses of PEMFCs. Evaluations about how the study parameters affect the performance was made on MATLAB® and the results were presented. As a result of the study, it was seen that the operating temperature increased the efficiency until it reached certain limits. On the other hand, although the performance-enhancing effects of the working pressure are observed, high pressure appears as an obstacle. Air stoichiometric rate is another variable that affects FC performance. While high stoichiometric rates improve performance, they can adversely affect the membrane. According to the simulation result, it was found that the working temperature, working pressure and air stoichiometry should be optimized together.
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PEM (polymer electrolyte membrane) fuel cell hybrid system in standalone area. Energy 2014; 67: 381-396.
- [21] Mert SO, Dincer I, Ozcelik Z. Performance investigation of a transportation PEM fuel cell system. International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012; 37: 623-633.
- [22] Zafar S, Dincer I. Energy, exergy and exergoeconomic analyses of a combined renewable energy system
for residential applications. Energy Buildings 2014; 71: 68-79.
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- [27] Amphlett JC, Baumert RM, Mann RF, Peppley BA, Roberge PR, Harris TJ. Performance Modeling of the Ballard
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and Approximations, 1995.
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- [29] Barbir F. 3. Fuel Cell Electrochemistry. PEM Fuel Cells 2005; 33-72.
- [30] Laurencelle F, Chahine R, Hamelin J, Agbossou K, Fournier M, Bose TK, Laperrière A. Characterization of a
Ballard MK5-E proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. Fuel Cells 2001; 1: 66-71.
- [31] Tohidi M, Mansouri SH, Amiri H. Effect of primary parameters on the performance of PEM fuel cell.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Pergamon 2010: 9338-9348.
- [32] Yan Q, Toghiani H, Causey H. Steady state and dynamic performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) under various operating conditions and load changes. Journal of Power Sources 2006; 161: 492-502.
- [33] Cellek M, Bilgili M. Stokiyometri oranının iki hücreli PEM yakıt hücresi yığını performansına etkisinin incelenmesi. Gazi University Journal of Science Part C: Design and Technology 2021; 9(1): 134-147.
Yıl 2023,
, 491 - 512, 22.09.2023
Kemal Bilen
Batukan Cem Tarhan
Selahattin Çelik
- [1] Stolten D, Emonts B. Hydrogen Science and Engineering: Materials, Processes, Systems and Technology.
Wiley-VCH, 2016.
- [2] Colpan CO, Nalbant Y, Ercelik M. Fundamentals of fuel cell technologies, in: Comprehensive Energy Systems, Elsevier Incorporation, 2018: 1107-1130.
- [3] Srinivasan S. Fuel cells: From fundamentals to applications. 2006.
- [4] Thomas JM, Edwards PP, Dobson PJ, Owen G. Decarbonising energy: The developing international activity in
hydrogen technologies and fuel cells. Journal of Energy Chemistry 2020; 51: 405-415.
- [5] Sundén B. Chapter 11 - Fuel cell systems and applications, in: B.B.T.-H. Sundén Batteries and Fuel Cells (Ed.),
Academic Press 2019: 203-216.
- [6] Li X, Sabır I, Review of bipolar plates in PEM fuel cells: Flow-field designs. International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy 2005; 30(4): 359-371.
- [7] Ültanır MÖ. 21. yüzyıla girerken Türkiye’nin enerji stratejisinin değerlendirilmesi, TÜSİAD, 1998.
- [8] Yilmaz AE, Ispirli MM. An investigation on the parameters that affect the performance of hydrogen fuel cell.
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 2015; 195: 2363-2369.
- [9] Ye YS, Rick J, Hwang BJ. Water soluble polymers as proton exchange membranes for fuel cells. Polymers 2012; 4(2): 913-963.
- [10] Sankar K, Aguan K, Jana AK. A proton exchange membrane fuel cell with an airflow cooling system:
Dynamics, validation and nonlinear control. Energy Conversion and Management 2019; 183: 230-240.
- [11] Faghri A, Guo Z. Integration of heat pipe into fuel cell technology. Heat Transfer Engineering 2008; 29: 232-
- [12] Choi EJ, Park JY, Kim MS. Two-phase cooling using HFE-7100 for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
application. Applied Thermal Engineering 2019; 148: 868-877.
- [13] Afshari E, Ziaei-Rad M, Dehkordi MM. Numerical investigation on a novel zigzag-shaped flow channel
design for cooling plates of PEM fuel cells. Journal of the Energy Institute 2017; 90: 752-763.
- [14] Han J, Park J, Yu S. Control strategy of cooling system for the optimization of parasitic power of automotive
fuel cell system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2015; 40: 13549-13557.
- [15] Hajmohammadi MR, Toghraei I. Optimal design and thermal performance improvement of a double-
layered microchannel heat sink by introducing Al2O3 nano-particles into the water. Physica A: Statistical
Mechanics and its Applications 2018; 505: 328-344.
- [16] Yu S, Jung D. A study of operation strategy of cooling module with dynamic fuel cell system model for
transportation application. Renewable Energy 2010; 35: 2525-2532.
- [17] Saygili Y, Eroglu I, Kincal S. Model based temperature controller development for water cooled PEM fuel cell
systems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2015; 40: 615-622.
- [18] Fronk MH, Wetter DL, Masten DA, Bosco A. PEM fuel cell system solutions for transportation. SAE Transaction
2000; 109: 212-219.
- [19] Nguyen C, Roy G, Galanis N, Suiro S. Heat transfer enhancement by using Al2O3-water nanofluid in a liquid
cooling system for microprocessors. Proceeding 4th WSEAS International Conference of Heat Transfer Thermal
Engineering Environment Elounda, Greece 2006: 103-108.
- [20] Rahimi S, Meratizaman M, Monadizadeh S, Amidpour M. Techno-economic analysis of wind turbine-
PEM (polymer electrolyte membrane) fuel cell hybrid system in standalone area. Energy 2014; 67: 381-396.
- [21] Mert SO, Dincer I, Ozcelik Z. Performance investigation of a transportation PEM fuel cell system. International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2012; 37: 623-633.
- [22] Zafar S, Dincer I. Energy, exergy and exergoeconomic analyses of a combined renewable energy system
for residential applications. Energy Buildings 2014; 71: 68-79.
- [23]Mann RF, Amphlett JC, Hooper MAI, Jensen HM, Peppley B., Roberge PR. Development and application of a generalized steady-state electrochemical model for a PEM fuel cell. Journal of Power Sources 2000; 86: 173-180.
- [24] Musio F, Tacchi F, Omati L, Stampino PG, Dotelli G, Limonta S, Brivio D, Grassini P. PEMFC system simulation in MATLAB-Simulink® environment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2011; 36: 8045-8052.
- [25] Miansari M, Sedighi K, Amidpour M, Alizadeh E, Miansari M. Experimental and thermodynamic approach on proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance. Journal of Power Sources 2009; 190: 356-361.
- [26] Rowe A, Li X. Mathematical modeling of proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources 2001; 102: 82-96.
- [27] Amphlett JC, Baumert RM, Mann RF, Peppley BA, Roberge PR, Harris TJ. Performance Modeling of the Ballard
Mark IV Solid Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell I. Mechanistic Model Development Physical Properties, Assumptions,
and Approximations, 1995.
- [28] Spiegel C. Chapter 5 - Fuel Cell Mass Transport, in: C. Spiegel (Ed.), PEM Fuel Cell Model. Simulation Using MATLAB®. Academic Press, Burlington 2008; 97-125.
- [29] Barbir F. 3. Fuel Cell Electrochemistry. PEM Fuel Cells 2005; 33-72.
- [30] Laurencelle F, Chahine R, Hamelin J, Agbossou K, Fournier M, Bose TK, Laperrière A. Characterization of a
Ballard MK5-E proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack. Fuel Cells 2001; 1: 66-71.
- [31] Tohidi M, Mansouri SH, Amiri H. Effect of primary parameters on the performance of PEM fuel cell.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Pergamon 2010: 9338-9348.
- [32] Yan Q, Toghiani H, Causey H. Steady state and dynamic performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) under various operating conditions and load changes. Journal of Power Sources 2006; 161: 492-502.
- [33] Cellek M, Bilgili M. Stokiyometri oranının iki hücreli PEM yakıt hücresi yığını performansına etkisinin incelenmesi. Gazi University Journal of Science Part C: Design and Technology 2021; 9(1): 134-147.